Dragon Talisman

Chapter 441: Drive away the wolf

Thirty changes in the state of affairs, called "opening up the sky", also known as "creating the world", is basically to create a stable world in the chaos of time and space. ≧ A small ≯ said > W ﹤ W≤W ≦. ≦ 1 ≦ X ﹤ I ≦ A ≦ OSHUO. Com

Attention is the world, not the space.

Space has no vitality, nor the ability to reverse time, and lacks the vitality of creation.

Only the world can be derived from everything and give spiritual independence to space and time.

Only by opening up the world can we be called the true God.

However, God must obtain the throne before he can extend his life tenfold. This is tantamount to a scholar's painstaking efforts to acquire knowledge and various knowledge. However, he must pass the test of the court to obtain the titles of talents, talents, and scholars, and thus obtain a lofty social status.

The emperor seals God, in a certain theory, in fact, the court used the Emperor's Qi to obtain the **** position for the god-level master.

Heavenly energy is a force of order and sentient beings.

This force is extremely powerful, and since ancient times, few monks can understand it.

And Gu Chensha has now explored some laws, and his life to make up the sky is close to this principle.

Wudi thousands of years ago was the realm of "mutualization" in the thirty-sixth year. This realm was far away from the **** level and stood on top of the saints. In the midst of it, he would break through, but at that time , He encountered the number of robberies, and now comes back, stuck at this level of God level, obviously there is some kind of help before he can get back his cultivation.

"Compared with the last time, your combat effectiveness and cultivation, as well as your physical dominance, and even your qualifications, have improved dozens of times! You have actually become a natural saint's qualification! But your realm has not improved , Deadly stuck in the quality of the nineteen changes of the state, you are ambitious and want to practice the heavenly law as never before? It is rumored that once the practice of heavenly law can permanently change a certain material structure, it has all kinds of incredible magical effects. . I don't believe it, you can repair it. "Wu Di glanced at the ancient dust and saw a lot of clues.

The ancient dust and sand are also clear. The quality of the heavenly law is fundamentally different from the previous dust method, rock method, diamond method, and true dragon method.

After you have cultivated mana, you can change the physical structure of the stone.

For example, a person in a twentieth state of change now holds a stone in his hand and injects mana, then the stone will turn into gold, but as time passes, the mana will gradually dissipate, and the stone will still become gold.

The difference between the fine dust method, the rock method, the diamond method, and the true dragon method is the length of time.

For example, the dust method can only inject stones into the stone for half an hour, the rock method is three or four hours, the diamond method is one or two days, the true dragon method is stronger, it is one or two months, or even longer.

The heavenly law is different. It is a permanent change.

In other words, after the ancient dust sand has been modified into the quality of the heavenly law, "the stone turns into gold", and the stone becomes real gold, and it never changes.

Because of this, since ancient times, even if there are three great deities, there are still many great existences that have disappeared into the long river of history, and no one can cultivate the qualities of the heavenly law.

Mana transforms and never retreats. This is the power of heaven.

Wudi already understood why Gu Chensha was stuck at this juncture, and he couldn't help feeling the shock of Gu Chen's ambition.

"Emperor Wu, today you sense that my blood is coming. You will not come to deal with me, and you want me to be your courtier." Gu Chensha did not answer the question of Emperor Wu on the quality of heavenly law, but asked.

"You have a secret method to cover the breath and blood on your body. Now you let go of it, and you can feel it. You deliberately seduced him. What is your plan?" These days, I have traveled to the world and Xuandao Xuanmen, and even went to the Demon Realm. I also saw the wild conditions. I already know a lot of news, the world is in full swing, and I know it well. Your Jingxian Division has been a bit powerful recently. The apes and Vagabonds were conceived once. All the patriarchs and the top ten war kings were killed and absorbed by your demon tree. The pictures of the demonized man who also wanted to conquer that year also fell into your hands. See Even if you ’re here, why are you so bad? "

"Where is it." Gu Chensha smiled: "If the Emperor Wudi restored all his strengths, we Jingxian Division will not be an opponent. Say I feel you this time, but there are some opportunities for cooperation."

"Say." Emperor Wu restored his majesty.

"Dou Sheng Tian Zun has a son, called Dou 19, right in the Governor's mansion. His strength is the immortality of the twenty-fifth state. The mana quality is between the Vajrayana and the true dragon law. I think Lord Wu Di can easily deal with him. "Gu Chen said.

"What's the benefit? The Three Heavenly Masters offend so well?" Wu Di sneered: "If their son is easy to kill, many people would have been killed to take away the secret."

"It used to be impossible, but now is an extraordinary period." Gu Chensha said that the three heavenly monks captured Hongmengshu.

"Capturing the Hongmeng tree?" Wu Di smiled. "It's amazing. Hongmeng tree is much more powerful than Honghuang Dragon Gate and the sacrifice of heavenly sacrifice. They have created worlds, countless innate spiritual treasures, and the three great heavens. The Honghuang Dragon Gate and the Sacrifice of the Heavenly Sacrifice could not be controlled, so trying to capture the Hongmeng Tree was simply a delusion, bragging about not drafting it. Of course, they may be picking up some things from the Hongmeng Tree. Some of the condensed from the Hongmeng Tree Things, their own strength is not under the three heavenly respects. If the three heavenly respects can be obtained, it is equivalent to becoming the four heavenly respects. This is terrifying. Every time you locate the Hongmeng tree and get a baby from this tree, it is extremely Dangerous things. Of course, the three celestial deities must use their full strength to extract no energy, but after they succeed, their strength increases. It is dangerous. If I guess correctly, the life of the three celestial deities is not endless. From They existed in ancient times until now, but they should have fallen. It may be looking for something to increase lifespan again this time. "

"In a word, now is the best time to kill Doujiu." Gu Chen said: "But on his body, he has the dragon mind, the dragon mind, and many treasures. After he captured him, Memory can be refined. Although this son has many incarnations outside, my Jingxian Division has the ancient Witch Curse killing technique of the ancient tomb, and he can directly curse the body through his avatar. "

"The dragon-mind mentality, the dragon-mind mentality!" Emperor Wu's eyes flashed: "I have a complete version of the dragon-mind mentality. When I entered the Honghuang Dragon Gate, I reached the first level and learned the dragon-mind mentality. He did n’t enter the second floor to obtain the Dragon Heart Method. If He masters the Dragon Heart Method, I am afraid that the world is not like this now. His subordinates will not fall into the country of Lu.

At that time, His Majesty Wudi was a master with loyalty and loyalty, but he could not withstand the devastating explosion, the invasion of the barbarians, the rampage of the demons, coupled with the secret strangulation of the immortal road, the great empire was destroyed.

"Anyway, if you kill Doujuku, I will kill the whole world for Jingxian Si. I can also get the full version of the dragon-cultivating method and the dragon-making method. The same is true of your Emperor Wu, and you can avenge the enemies of the three heavenly enemies. Wu Di, your strength in that year, except for the masters who can cause damage to you, is very difficult. "Gu Chen sand once again tempted.

"Junior, you have a good calculation." Wu Di sneered again and again: "I always want to unify the world and get back the lost rivers and mountains, and you Jingxian are always your enemies. Now I can capture this boy alone, why not Should I give you some money? "

"It doesn't matter, Emperor Wu can go." Gu Chensha didn't care: "My original intention is to let you and Dou 19 lose both. I'll pick the bargain, it's better to suppress it with you, then it's perfect."

"Junior, you are very honest." Wu Di snacks startled: "Do n’t you really see your careful thinking?"

"What about seeing through?" Gu Chensha didn't care at all: "This is Yangmou. I know that all of your practice in Wudi are based on the method of raising dragons, and the same is true of the dragon tower you once created. Honghuang Dragon Gate, see the mystery of this supreme treasure, unfortunately imperfect, and now want to restore strength, and one step further, then you must get the dragon heart method, this dragon heart method for you, It is a bowl of water in front of thirsty people, and a bowl of rice in front of hungry people. "

"You're right. In front of You, all conspiracy and scheming are useless. Only Yang You can make You have to be fooled." Wu Di said with admiration: "I unified the world and dealt with all kinds of enemies. I have n’t seen any intrigues or tricks. But look at you, you have a faint royal style, and it ’s a role to govern the world. Your father actually set up that ancient Xuansha as a prince instead of you. I do n’t understand and regret it. "

"If you can understand ~ www.readwn.com ~, you won't be persecuted to this extent by the Three Great Celestial Masters." Gu Chensha will not let the Emperor's words at all.

"Junior, your courage is big enough. Sooner or later, you will surrender you and make you a courtier, honestly beat the world. This beautiful scenery, Shenzhou University 6, is always rampant." Emperor Wu's eyes were as eagles Strike the sky, "Let ’s go, kill the nineteen with Dou 19, you want to stay out of it, it ’s not possible to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. There are many methods on Dou nine, and Tianzun ’s son is dying to fight back. I can't stand it, but I still need to resist you. "

"As you wish." Gu Chensha chuckled again and again: "Emperor Wu, the bucket of nineteen in front of me is a prey, and our two wolves first seized this prey and said."

"This is true." As soon as the Emperor Wu threw his sleeve, a force shrouded the entire Governor's mansion, preventing the nineteen from fleeing, and then directly entering it.

Gu Chen also entered with him.

The moment they entered, they felt Doujiu.

At this time, Dou Jiu was in the Governor's Mansion, and she and the Governor's daughter were actually playing together.

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