Dragon Talisman

Chapter 443: Flying Blade 3

"Hualong Tower!"

Just at the moment when the skyless umbrella phantom appeared cracks, Wudi sacrifice came out of a pagoda. This pagoda seemed to have Wanlong Changyin, and countless Honda phantoms emerged from it. A small ≥ say W

This is a real magic weapon.

The Hualong Pagoda refined by the Emperor Wu.

Although the Hualong Pagoda was scattered everywhere in that year, the ancient dust and sand all got a small part from the mixed world demon ape temple, and it was made into a dragon gate. With this treasure, all the heroes were defeated.

In these days, Emperor Wudi must have collected dark chess left over by himself and restored the dragon tower.

Although the Hualong Pagoda is not restored to the level of thousands of years ago, it also has a little power. Seeing this tower, Guchensha knew why the Emperor Wu wanted to get the dragon heart.

The foundation of this tower is the dragon-mind-mind method. A higher level of dragon-mind-mind method is required to achieve the Supreme Shinto.

The ancient dust and sand obtained the dragon heart method, but it is only a reference, and the Emperor Wudi obtained the dragon heart method, that was to reborn and become a Buddha immediately.

Even if there is no provocation of ancient dust and sand, Emperor Wu will at all costs seize this bucket of nineteen and force the Dragon Heart.

However, of course, Emperor Wudi did not let Gu Chensha also stop, and he directly applied changes to involve him in the battle.

If there is a slight chance, Wu Di will not hesitate to kill Gu Chensha and capture it.

But now, Emperor Wudi hasn't found out the flaws of ancient dust and sand, and Emperor Wuji even cares about the Zhuge teeth behind ancient dust and sand.


As soon as the Hualong Pagoda descended from the town, it sucked Dou nineteen into the tower and suppressed it.

"Five emperors, you are so bold, you dare to shoot at me. Now you kneel down and you still have a chance to live, otherwise the gods will die and there will be no place for burial!" Although inhaled into the dragon tower, you can fight ten Nine was not harmed, and a mass of light popped up again on his body, and the shadow of a deity appeared on it. This deity supported the Hualong Pagoda, did not shrink it, and destroyed himself.

"This kid has a lot of means." Gu Chen sand flashed, and actually flew directly into the Hualong Tower, attacking Dou 19.

"Huh?" Wu Emperor came out surprised. Gu Chen's behavior was to put himself in a dangerous situation. Even if he wanted to help himself, he couldn't break into the dragon tower. Was he left to refine?

The ancient dust sand broke into the moment of the Hualong Pagoda, and only felt that he had entered a brand new world. This tower was very familiar with the secrets of operation, and he felt the surging spirit of raising dragons instantly.

"Bloodline, peep!"


Between the ancient dust and sand breathing, it actually interacted with this Hualong tower.

This tower has his blood.

The resurrection of Emperor Wudi was based on one-third of his blood, which contained the blood of the sun and the moon, and the blue dragon and white tiger Suzaku Xuanwu Gou Chen. These powerful bloodlines were the supreme tonic for Wudi to restore his strength.

But because of this, Emperor Wu had many connections with him.

This is cause and effect.

As soon as Guchensha entered the Hualong Pagoda, he urged the blood and sensed the tower, but the tower did not hurt him, but gained many secrets from the blood vein induction.

It is the secret of Yanglong's mentality.

The full version of the dragon mind.

The Emperor Wudi ’s full version of the dragon-cultivating mentality, now the ancient dust and sand has entered the Hualong Pagoda, and has obtained this mystery, huge exercises, meditation, induction, core, meditation, existence, qi, dimension, shock, Feng Shui, Direction, heaven and earth, dragon secret ...

The secrets of these practices are as vast as smoke, all of which are passed into the ancient sea of ​​consciousness, making him have an epiphany in an instant.

At the same time, Emperor Wu came from Longmen's memory and entered his sea of ​​knowledge.

Emperor Wudi had seen Honghuang Longmen with his own eyes, and had entered it. Although it was only the first floor, he also obtained the Supreme Mystery.

The huge flood-dead dragon gate stands between heaven and earth, and emits endless power, but it is the ultimate evolutionary goal of all beings.

Dragon Gate is jumping in space and time, and its appearance is based on some huge opportunity.

In the ancient sea of ​​ancient dust and sand, there are many memories of the flood-stricken dragon gate. This memory has a lot of mysteries, which he still can't fully understand. The full version of the dragon mind method can be cultivated, which will make him cultivate his own. For a new grasp.

"Junior, you actually took the opportunity to steal your uncle's dragon-raising mind, and you are looking for death!" Wu Di suddenly knew that Guchensha broke into his own dragon tower, and could not help but be furious. Suddenly, the whole body turned into a ripple, and The dragon tower is integrated into one body, and the ancient dust and sand and the nineteen are to be wiped out.

"Wu Di, I perfected the Dragon Tower for you. You absorbed my blood and ended up condensing successfully. But this blood was not enough. I will add some blood for you to make your Dragon Tower complete." Between ancient dust and sand, blood really poured out of his body and poured into this dragon tower.

Suddenly, the entire Hualong Pagoda seemed to sense the flood-dead dragon gate that did not know the depth of space and time.

With a little movement, an ancient artistic conception from Honghuang Longmen seems to be combined with Hualong Pagoda.

The strength of the Hualong Pagoda has increased greatly. Clicking on it, the day when Doujiu poured out on him, he wanted to completely destroy Doujian.

"Good sinister boy, actually wanted to capture my magic weapon dragon tower, where is it so easy, you think I didn't calculate this trick?" Wu Di himself also integrated into the dragon dragon tower, suddenly, the whole tower body The space oscillated, and then a bead appeared in the tower.

As soon as this bead appeared, the Dragon Tower seemed to be melting.

Countless rays of light appeared in the entire tower, and the power of the world rippled for a while, but it was a sign of promotion. To be promoted to become a world-class cave magic weapon.

"This is the great emperor's relic? Your other magic weapon?" Gu Chen appeared suddenly, everything was in Wudi's calculations.

Emperor Wu is worthy of being a peerless puppet emperor, knowing that he needs to obtain the full version of the dragon-cultivating mind, and also to capture this real dragon tower, so he counts his plans and allows himself to incorporate more blood into the dragon tower, and then sacrifice it out. Killer, that is a more powerful magic weapon that year, the great emperor relic.

It is rumored that this relic was caused by his own death and death. The essence of the whole body condensed and turned into a relic. After death, this relic entered the depths of space and time, disappeared, and countless people were looking for it. turn up.

And now, this great emperor relic has returned.

And also combined with Hualong Tower.

In an instant, everything was suppressed, Gu Dust felt the danger of falling, and his induction with the sphere of wish of the earth was cut off instantly.

"You do n’t go if there is a way in heaven, you break in when there is no way in hell." Emperor Wu came out with a majestic voice: "If you do n’t enter the Hualong Pagoda and capture my dragon-raising mind and tower body, I do n’t want you to, After all, you have that sphere behind you. But you broke in automatically, which is no wonder to me. "

Gu Chen didn't speak at this time, her body shrank violently.

"The great emperor relic, finally appeared, Emperor Wu, you still fall!" At this time, Doujiu suddenly burst out of the killer, and on his head, a figure appeared, this figure is a middle-aged person, the body has endless Power, and then there was a gourd on his hand. This gourd was released to cut down the gods, kill everything, and kill everything.

"This is the fight against the will of Tianzun, and the sword spirit of the sacred **** cutting the flying sword!" Wu Di was startled.

"Make Dragon Warriors! Adhering to the dragon! You, the dragon tower, is based on the method of raising the dragon, and you were born to be restrained by my method of making the dragon. You dare to show it! My father had expected that I would Encountering the greatest danger, he wrapped his own volition of enchantment with the sword of the celestial sword, as the final killer, and when this sword came out, nothing was cut in the heavens! Die! "

Dou 19 spurred this will and gourd.

Hum ...

A swarm of feet can destroy the heavens and the earth, chop and kill all things, and pass down the breath of the gods of the nine heavens and ten places, and suddenly the ancient dust and sand seem to feel that time and space are frozen and everything is withered.

This is the true original version of the cutting sword of the immortal god. This flying knife contains the supreme killing path in the heavens and the earth and destroys everything. Of course, this is not the essence. It is a stream of knife gas extracted from it and suppressed by the will of heaven. . Now released, even Emperor Wudi felt great danger.

He then knew that the sons of the three celestial deities seemed to be weak, but in fact they had many means, and it turned out to be an extremely difficult bone.

"Everything is motivated, until the end is known, Honghuang Longmen, Di Laotianhuang!" At this time, he suddenly shrunk himself, combining the dragon tower and the relic of the great emperor, and his body turned into an existence similar to the flood gate, which only The size of the palm sheds endless power.

"Junior, you can block the sword for the uncle!" For an instant, the Emperor Wu did not know what method was used to move the ancient dust and sand to the gate of his own changing flood-dead little dragon, and let him bear the sharp edge of the knife first.

Suddenly, Dao Mang looted past.

Kill everything.

After Gu Chensha was chopped by this sword, it was so silent and annihilated ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even the soul, body, everything, all disappeared.

However, after Dao Mang killed him, it seemed to have weakened a lot. After entering the Honghuang Xiaolongmen, he did not be able to slay the Emperor Wudi, but only made the Emperor Wuwei cry out in pain.

Even if it was the majesty of Emperor Wudi, he couldn't help the beheading and severe injuries.

"Actually, he did not die!" Doujiu looked dignified. This was his strongest means of attack and the biggest hole card. He did not kill Wu Emperor.

Of course, killing Guchensha is also a victory.

But the biggest threat now is Emperor Wu.

"I must kill you!" In the blink of an eye, Emperor Wu transformed into a body again, and the whole person seemed to have regressed. Be chopped down.

But his power is overwhelming!

"You're right, you have a means of killing. Fortunately, this boy wanted to count me, but was used by me to successfully resist this knife for me. Now he has completely died, eliminating a scourge, and then you are. "

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