Dragon Talisman

Chapter 444: Faithfulness

"Everything is still in my estimation, it will be dead ..."

At this time, Gu Chensha naturally did not die. This was his plan. He had realized for a long time, accumulated countless knowledge, or did not understand the heavenly law, so he wanted to put himself in the dead and seek to live. A small ≥ say W

He knew that the key to practicing the Tao of Heaven was the blood of the Emperor Tianfu in his body.

The Emperor Tianfu was able to distort the sacrifice of the Heavenly Amulet, that is, he had the ability to suppress the heavenly Tao.

Relying on this bloodline, you can also cultivate the quality of the heavenly law as never before and be a thief.

There are five thieves in the sky.

At this time, Tianzun's Will-Filled Sword of the God of Swords is the key point.

It came down.

Gu Chensha only felt that all the wills, many methods of enlightenment, and the body of which he was proud were all vanished. In the face of this sword, it is not worth mentioning.

But it is precisely because of this, this knife killed his old past and made him realize the new life.

At the moment of death, his will was as strong as ever, and he realized what had not been realized before. At this time, he also summoned the blood of Emperor Tianfu at the cost of death. This bloodstream swarmed and devoured most of the power of the will and swordman of that day, and then broke his physical body.

Ancient dust and sand are in an extremely wonderful state.

In the eyes of outsiders, he has completely disappeared, and even his fate is gone, that is death. But in fact, he did not die.

This state is somewhat similar to the taste of the unity after the saint's death.

But there are fundamental differences.

He can maintain his consciousness.

He began to squirm and metamorphose, just like a thief who actually began to achieve the qualities of the heavenly law.

That is to say, at this moment, he survived in the dead, with the help of the real cutting sword of the gods, cut off his own destiny line, evaded the rules of heaven, began to steal the magic of heaven, integrated into himself, and practiced heaven The quality of the law has been practiced into an unprecedented state of supremacy.

All this is also in his estimation.

However, this trick is also extremely dangerous. If it is unsuccessful, the fly ash will be destroyed, but Gu Chen has great courage to dare to gamble.

A mass of intangible mana is running, Gu Chensha has no body, and all the vitality in his body is transformed into the qualities of the heavenly law.

Between the running of this method, the heart and soul can be filled with bigness, and the universe can be filled with chaos, and small can be hidden between the micro-invisible.

"Wonderful!" Gu Chen's consciousness and mana are running, silent, silent, invisible, no one can calculate, no one can capture, and no one can show up.

At this moment, in the depths of the sphere of life, the whole body of Zhugeya turned into a bright light, and the movement of ancient dust and sand appeared.

However, the ancient dust and sand suddenly disappeared in the mirror, and it was impossible to calculate how to calculate it. It seems that this is a person who only exists in imagination, not reality.

"The line of fate has been cut off. From then on, Wang Ye will not be controlled by fate and will not be calculated by sacredness. He finally succeeded in taking this step. Wang Ye has established the qualities of the heavenly law that no one has cultivated in ancient times." Zhuge Ya overjoyed Road.

The group of Mingguang changed back to himself again: "Since then, the position of our No. 1 master in Jingxian Division is Wang Ye, and I retire to the second line."

Zhuge Ya was originally the absolute first.

His realm and combat effectiveness, as well as a variety of means, even Jingqiu suffered a great loss.

But if now they do not use any magic weapon to fight the ancient dust sand, and the two of them are working together, the Lord of the Seven Stars is not an opponent of ancient dust sand.

The mana quality of the Lord of the Seven Stars is also the pinnacle of the true dragon law, which is the same as the mana quality of the ancient emperor. But compared with the heavenly law, there are still essential differences.

This seems to be the difference between the emperor and the prince.

The Prince was just a little worse, still a minister, not a prince.

One step away, as big as the sky.

Zhuge Ya can no longer estimate the ancient dust and sand, not to mention him, even the god-level masters and saints, and even the three heavenly deities, it is difficult to estimate the existence of ancient dust and sand.

At the moment when he cultivated the qualities of the heavenly law, he had broken the line of destiny, jumped out of the river of destiny, and walked into an unknown territory. Of course, this unknown path may be very dangerous.

A mana of ancient dust and sand floated on the sea in this way, but was not revealed by Emperor Wu and Doujiu.

They can't see the ancient dust and sand, can't sense the breath of ancient dust and sand, and can't calculate the ancient dust and sand. The hiding method of the heavenly law is very exquisite. Even the Emperor Wudi will not notice it at this moment. Really become a master of lurking.

At this time, Emperor Wu and Doujiu were still fighting.

"Honghuang Longmen changed!"

Emperor Wu was seriously injured, and he must quickly fight and fight Dou Nineteen. From his body, he obtained the dragon-making heart and many secrets of the three heavenly deities.

Although Ke Dou Jiu used up almost all of his hole cards these days, he was still able to resist, and a rune appeared again on his body.

This rune is a bright light. Among them are Dapeng, Green Lion, White Elephant, Hydra, Giant Whale, and White Crane. They are six kinds of achievements, courage, compassion, blessing, surrendering magic, virtue and freedom.

This is the Bodhisattva of Bodhisattva.

But this amulet was not made by Bodhidharma, but a disciple of His Majesty, crafted by god-level masters. The power cannot be invincible, but it can definitely withstand most attacks.

Emperor Wu wanted to scold his mother at this time.

From beginning to end, this bucket of nineteen seems to be a magic storehouse. Various treasures are emerging endlessly. Although it is a state of twenty-five that has become immortal, even a true god-level master and him may not have the upper hand. Even more dangerous.

This is the king among the sons of the sisters. In comparison, even the son of the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth is not worth mentioning.

"I don't know how many cards he has on the boy. But compared to the uncle, this boy is still a little tender, kill!"


Emperor Wu urged a certain taboo technique, and a thunderous sound resounded in the flood-stricken dragon gate of his own change.


The billions of dragon-shaped rays are mixed with the power of the smashing space to form a huge thunderbolt, which suddenly emerges from it, and the flash of light directly smashes the Bodhisattva round light.

Finally, Doujiu couldn't support it and wanted to escape.

"Where is it so easy!" Honghuang Xiaolong, who was the emperor of Wudi, sucked a lot, and the body of Doujiu was about to be sucked into it.

"Wu Di, you're looking for death, even if you get my true body, it's no use. I still have many incarnations outside. I won't die at all, as long as I take the opportunity to make a comeback, You have to die. "Doujiu cursed fiercely, he was not afraid.

This is of course his true body. It can be so difficult for him to kill him completely.

Even ancient dust and sand have life-saving secrets. If they themselves are killed, they can condense on the demon tree and regenerate.

Of course, if he is reborn, he still needs to practice again. He will lose all his cultivation practices, but after all, he saved his life without dying.

Over the centuries of fighting, there have been many ups and downs. I don't know how many enemies have caused him to die. His life-saving means are thousands of times more than ancient dust.

Therefore, he is fearless, but this true body is destroyed and the loss is huge, at least it will make his cultivation only one tenth of two left.

But as long as he doesn't die, Emperor Wudi will die in the future, and he has absolute confidence in this.

"If you want to get my memory, that's impossible. I can also urge the elemental method of destruction and destruction!" The body of Douban 19 bloomed with unprecedented ripples.

"Suppression!" At this time, many runes blasted out from the Honghuang Xiaolongmen, suppressing Dou 19 deadly: "Dou 19, do you think it would work to explode? How can I let you die so soon? I must get the dragon-making heart in your memory! "


At this moment, the mutation suddenly emerged.

A group of mana appeared out of thin air. When the air flashed, like the light of the sun and the moon, and the mightyness, it directly seized Dou 19, and then the space broke apart. This mana disappeared without a trace, and the will was transmitted: "Thank you, Emperor Wu, although I used to block your sword for you, I just took the opportunity to complete my robbery, survived from the dead, cut off the line of destiny, and achieved the qualities of the heavenly law. There must be a good report, and I will let you block my sword once. "

This is the sound of ancient dust.

Ancient dust and sand appeared directly, seized the opportunity to seize the true body of Doujiu 19, and then used the power of the sphere of life to smash away.

Even now, even if he cultivates the "Twenty Changes" of the state of affairs, he has also developed the qualities of the Tao of Heaven, and he is not an opponent of Wu Di. After all, the realm of difference is too great.

After the quality of the heavenly law has been practiced, there are still many subtleties for him to enlighten, to enlighten, and to fight now, which is a great loss of vitality, which is not good for future cultivation.

This barrier is the most difficult. Once it breaks through, the next two transformations "incarnation of the five elements" and "law of heaven and earth" are really easy, there is no obstacle, it is just a matter of time.

This level ~ www.readwn.com ~ He has been lingering for a long time, and has accumulated a lot of food that he doesn't know, and finally he has made a big wish today.

Since then, he has also stepped into the real fairy position.

Although Jindan, the eighteenth avenue of change in the state of affairs, can also be called an immortal, in fact, only the life has reached the standard of the immortal. Only by possessing the mana is the real immortal.

At this time, even the wisdom of Emperor Wudi, it is difficult to predict the sudden means of ancient dust and sand, because the quality of the heavenly law is a **** he has never seen.

"Damn! Damn! I won't let you go." Wu Di was furious and the emperor's dignity was profaned. In this final calculation, he was still low, and all the benefits were taken away by Gu Chensha. He himself was chopped in by the residual sword, and fell into the realm without saying, and did not know when he would be able to recover.

At this time, Guchensha didn't care what the Emperor Wu was doing, his people were already in the sphere of the wish of life, and at the same time there was the wrapped Doujiu.

"Suppression of mana, demention, memory retrieval!" With the power of the sky demon tree, Gu Chensha did not talk nonsense with Dou 19 or more, and directly retrieved the memory to get the dragon heart.

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