Dragon Talisman

Chapter 445: Cang Sheng

The ancient dust sand is based on the quality and cultivation of the heavenly law. Now it can absolutely kill the undead strong. In the past, if Doujian did not use any magic weapon, the ancient dust sand would not want him, I'm afraid it will still lose. Now the ancient dust and sand have also become mana, Doujiu is far from being an opponent. One novel W≤W≤W ﹤. ≤1≤XYIYA

At this time, the cultivation of ancient dust and sand was afraid that they could challenge the strongman of the twenty-six changes in the state.

Ben came to the Twenty Levels of the Realm, and crossed six levels of challenges. It is almost impossible without relying on the magical amulets, but the heavenly law is the heavenly law. Unpredictable.

Now that Guchensha has just been trained, I am not very familiar with the strengths of this method. Once I am thoroughly familiar with it, the combat effectiveness will be further improved.


The powerful mana rushed into Doujin, and immediately forced all his memories into a picture, which rushed directly into the sky demon tree, and then gathered into a variety of knowledge into the ancient dust and sand. Among the mana, Zhuge Ya and Lou Baiyue, as well as Suzaku Xuanwu, all got this memory.

The mentality of raising dragons, the mentality of making dragons, as well as many unparalleled learnings and secrets of the three heavenly respects, as well as the experience of spiritual cultivation, the secrets of the universe.

How do the three heavenly respects see the secrets of the universe, even Hongmengshu, the general trend of the world, and even destiny, time, space, the world, stars, life, and everything?

This information is extremely large and vast, but ancient dust and sand were fully accepted in an instant.

The quality of the heavenly law seems to hold all information, endless.

Now his mental strength has been used for five million! This mental power is completely comparable to Zhuge Ya.

"Very good, very good, the dragon-building mentality is finally here." Gu Chensha smiled: "This method is really mysterious. Even the most stupid people, as long as they practice this method tirelessly, they can slowly become the Wizard of the World. If it spreads all over the world, I do n’t know the extent of the national strength of the Dayong Dynasty? "

"This method is extremely against the sky. Although it can improve your qualifications, it is actually intolerable in the heavens and the earth. On the contrary, those who practice this method will encounter robberies. And those who spread this method throughout the world will be overwhelmed. You Just look at Emperor Wu. "Zhuge Ya said:" Every peck and drink, there are certain numbers, we must not take it lightly. "

"That is nature. This method is against the sky, and it breaks the balance. Even if it is the method of raising the dragon heart, it points to the road of genius. Is it a child's play? The so-called genius, the natural genius, cannot be reversed by human power." Gu Chensha When it ’s completed, it naturally understands the principles of multiplication and division of creation, the birth and death of all things, the cycle of robbing numbers, the balance of yin and yang, and the ebb and flow of time. Saints, everyone is a true dragon, maybe heaven and earth are not the same as before, and they will enter a whole new realm. All the calamities, all karma, all sins and punishments quoted in it will be borne by me alone. . "

"Master Wang has such a great wish, it is the blessing of the world, the blessing of mankind. When I exist in the world, I just want to play him vigorously, otherwise what is the meaning of immortality?" Zhuge Ya clapped and applauded: " However, the dragon-cultivating mentality and dragon-building mentality cannot all be published. It is best to publish it in sections. One part of the dragon-cultivating mentality can be announced first. After people practice, they all become medium. How about qualifications, or superior qualifications? "

"This is the old-fashioned word for the country." Where does Gu Chensha not understand this truth? If the mind of the dragon and the method of making the dragon are publicized, it will instead be obtained by many ambitionists and cause turbulence in the world. This is the weapon of the country. , I ca n’t easily teach: "My idea is to first announce to the public that our Jingxian Division possesses a dragon-cultivating mind and a dragon-creating mind, and then build a wishful institution of learning and recruit disciples. If it is for the country and the people, it will be a sincere one that meets us After passing the test, the concept of Jingxianji was able to teach some dragon minds, and then carry out various tasks. After finishing, I will teach some more. I will never let this dragon mind and dragon mind be After the treacherous and cunning people were obtained, they were opposed to our Jingxian Division. "

"Miaoyue." Lou Baiyue's eyes brightened: "Establish a school as a temptation. Without accepting talents, you can expand your influence and cultivate your own relationship."

"In addition, every disciple who comes to study must first make a big wish for the sphere of Cangsheng's wishes, be willing to seek benefits for the country and the people, and for the benefit of mankind and Cangsheng, to keep the original source, support the Jingxian Division, and establish order." Dust smiled: "There are more and more disciples studying, everyone swears, that willingness can form a trend of thought, and I think it must be very helpful to the sphere of life's wishes."

"That's nature." Zhuge Ya deeply agreed with Gu Chen's thoughts: "After obtaining the dragon-mind-making and dragon-building minds, after we have enlightened ourselves, we can only serve as food, and for the people in the world This is simply a way of promotion. It is more attractive than the imperial examination. If you can make good use of it, this sphere of wish for life will truly become wish for life. "

"Drives a trend of thought." Lou Baiyue said: "This is the way of saints. The ball of life's wish is reflected in the veritable name. If the aspirations of all living beings are gathered, it will cause incredible changes."

"This sphere is the foundation of our Jingxian Division. Only by continuously strengthening the power of this sphere can we protect our lives and careers." Gu Chensha looked at this sphere, gradually restored his vitality, and the Tian Yao tree fluttered and swayed. , Tai Yizhu refined the chaotic element, forming a perfect cycle.

Of course, among the spheres, the most dazzling is a gold medal with the four characters "Rugao in person" on it, which is the heavenly monarch's reward to Loubai to order the world, to restrain the princes, and to capture the supreme authority of Fengjiang officials. .

This symbol contains extremely powerful mysterious power, which is definitely not a simple court authority.

In fact, the reason why many old-fashioned antiques did not start with Jingxian Division, this token's scruples also accounted for part of it. Jingxian Division had never been able to comprehend the mystery of this token, but now, it seems that Lou Geyue Zhuge Ya has already realized Some secrets.

"This Doubi 19 is a son of a sister-in-law. Among the three heavenly masters, he wins a lot of magic cards. I and he fought with wisdom and weakened their powers by various means, and finally won." Sha Xin thought: "The father emperor is stronger than the three celestial beings. They left us something like this gold medal, death-proof symbol, the word that man is destined to win, and his own blood. Much stronger. "

"Master Wang, I think that the establishment of a university is our main task for Jingxian Division. You must have a series of plans." Zhuge Yadao said.

"We have seized all the hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains that live in the Apes, and are now opening. I think I will choose a place among them to build a school and increase the popularity here. I think the Apes will definitely seize it in the future. Back, it ’s going to be used to hone those solicited disciples. In addition, if this land is not open, it will be preempted by others, we will not be able to drive it out. ”Gu Chensha had long thought about it. "I have just cultivated the qualities of the Heavenly Method. I still need to refine it, and I have obtained some of his cultivation theories from Jingqiu. If I think about it, I can experiment."

"The Lord wants to use the opportunity of establishing a college to hone his luck and order. This is the correct way to practice. No practice is better than managing the life of the world. The law of heaven is to regulate Yin and Yang and build for all beings. A completely new order. "Zhuge Yadao said:" Master Wang is well acquainted with the ways of heaven, and it is the right way. "

"Exactly, because of my own metamorphosis, my handsome man was finally condensed successfully." Gu Chensha opened his mouth, and a small dot that was invisible expanded rapidly, and changed into a small gourd. Three hundred and sixty groups of lightning bolts came out of the rush, countless rune galaxies, the emperor will look, and the traffickers walked along the river.

Then, the three hundred and sixty heads of the river turned into three hundred and sixty heads of life.

Holding a three-pointed, two-edged sword, three sides of one body, one side represents benevolence, one side represents criminal law, and one side represents absolute justice.

This is the meaning of Marshal Cangsheng.

"Long rivers of all things! All of your puppets have been practiced as long rivers of all things? And it is the quality of the true dragon method." Zhuge Ya's face beamed: "It seems that our Jingxian Division no longer lacks the middle power, With these three hundred and thirty patriarchs, all kinds of management, planting, reclamation, and education will not be a problem. "

"The moment I practiced the Tao of Heaven, because I encountered the sword-like spirit of the sacred **** that cut off the flying sword and cut off all my original gods and cause and effect, all the previous good and evil, sin and punishment, and reward and grace were all destroyed. . I was dead once, and this emperor gourd and Cangsheng Marshal followed me once, but this is a great thing for me. "Gu Chen sand stroked the emperor gourd:" Any magic weapon must be encountered The number of calamities can only grow up at www.readwn.com ~, and without such calamities, it is impossible for the handsome man to be transformed into the quality of the true dragon law, and to become a river of all things. "

Twenty-two ways of changing the state of heaven and earth, the ultimate change is the river of all things.

On that day, Wudang Kong practiced for a long time and did not reach this state, and then got the guidance of Xing Qiongshi, and finally reached this state.

With Wu Dangkong's qualifications, coupled with her adventures, all kinds of changes, until the end, can be changed into a long river of all things, which shows how difficult this long river is.

The river of all things can be described as the end of the twenty-two transformations of the "French Landscape."

Now the three hundred and thirty heads of the world are handsome, each of them has been built into a "long river of all things", not only that, but also the body with the real breath of the sword of the gods.

This breath is self-evident to the lethality of any master.

What's more important is that this cutting fairy goddess flying sword also cut off the original Marshal Marshal, making the new Marshal Marshal born. This new Marshal Marshal has extraordinary wisdom and can do many things for Jingxian Division.

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