Dragon Talisman

Chapter 449: Another visit to Wuzhou 3

Tiangongyuan started from the founding of the country. Over the past two decades, I don't know how many miracles have been created. One novel≥≥W

The two masters of the Tiangong Academy, the two masters of the magic axe and the magician, relied on the Emperor Tianfu to continue their life, so they have been loyal and have made no mistakes. Since the disappearance of the Emperor Tianfu, the attitude of the Tiangong Academy has become ambiguous. There is nothing wrong with it. I can't see the situation in the future, so I can only cause as little cause and effect as possible.

If the critical time is reached, the Tiangong Institute may be unreliable.

And now Tiangongyuan has almost mastered the lifeblood of the world, such as grain seeds, iron and steel making, oil production, various machinery, rubber, stone mud, illuminated moonstone, heating flint, fire rungun, ammunition, fighting French liquor and even money shops have many major issues related to people's livelihood.

If something goes wrong with the Tiangong Institute now, some supplies will stop production, and the world will immediately cut off the supply. I am afraid there will be a big problem.

These things related to lifelines, Gu Chensha always felt that they should be in the hands of Jingxian Division.

However, over the years, Jingxian Si has no time to show those. They are determined to improve their strength first. Only with the improvement of strength, from the top to the bottom, the construction of the high-rise building will be much smoother. Before the lack of strength, any innovation was an empty talk.

Now that ancient dust and sand have been modified into heavenly law, strength can be regarded as climate, and it is time to implement your own plan.

"Flying boat!"

After thinking for a while, Guchensha suddenly pointed at a nearby stone mountain, the mana shrouded, and instantly penetrated into it, a stone mountain flashed out the hardware light in an instant, and finally all changed to the essence of hardware.

There is nothing wrong with the essence of hardware.

The essence of hardware is the most commonly used refining material for monks. It is said that it is actually hardware, which is repeatedly quenched in a Dan furnace with a variety of metals, extracted, and finally refined to the essence, which is of extraordinary value, even if it is a large fist, it is of value. extraordinary.

After the essence of the hardware is extracted, it is soaked in the best soft water, and then absorbs the aura for many years. The fine jade powder mixed with it is tanned again, which is a good material for refining Feijian armor.

The essence of a piece of hardware capable of refining Feijian must pass through the monks of the Seventh Change of the Realm, and be repeatedly tempered for decades before it can be completed successfully.

Therefore, in the Xuandao Xuanmen, the essence of hardware can sometimes be used as a hard currency.

Gu Chensha actually turned a mountain into the essence of hardware, which made the saints dumbfounded when they saw it. If so, then the Xuandao Xuanmen would not have to mine iron.

Even if it is God, it is possible to turn the stone into gold, but it can never be reversed. After hundreds of years and thousands of years, God's mana will slowly disappear, and gold will return to stone.

Of course, God can extract gold from chaotic elemental power, which is another matter, because chaotic elementary power itself contains endless substances, and God is just refining, not change.

Gu Chensha is now fighting against God, and it will undoubtedly be lost. But he now has some abilities that God does not have.

Under the mana of ancient dust and sand, this mountain of fine hardware subsequently collapsed, turning into dozens of huge floating boats.

Each floating boat is four or five miles long and one mile wide. It is a giant boat. Countless stars and auras gather in the floating boat to form a rune and absorb it crazy.

And in this hull, there is a furnace. In the furnace, the power of the stars absorbed is transformed into the real fire of stars, which drives the warship to fly.

Many runes were engraved on the battleship, showing a powerful defense.

The mountain of this hardware melted, and 36 floating boats were refined. This boat, like an ancient whale, was suspended in the sky, and was constantly absorbing the power of aura and stars.

This ancient dust sand is made by imitating the "Xuanhao Dragon Boat". As a means of transportation for the university, people will be sent to master these 36 huge floating boats to reach students across the country, which can cause a huge sensation.

"Xuanhao Dragon Boat" is an ancient treasure. It can be large or small, with built-in space and extinction. It can even urge the ship to launch various attacks, but it is a treasure of offense and defense.

The floating airship made by Guchensha naturally cannot be large or small, and there is no huge space in it, and there is no attacking formation. It is just a means of transportation.

This was made temporarily by him, and was not intended to be refined into a magic weapon.

Refined into a real magic weapon, with powerful defense and attack power, even if he is costly. Even now, he has turned a mountain into the essence of hardware, which consumes a lot and needs to be carefully restored.

"Mrs. Cang Sheng! You spread out and reach the chamber of commerce of the Jingxian Division across the country to promote Cang Sheng's wish school, recruit disciples, and conduct a series of publicity. You should understand all kinds of things." Gu Chensha made Cang Sheng Call out and convey your meaning.


The three hundred and thirty heads of the Cangsheng commanded the thirty-six floating airships and flew directly towards the most prosperous state in Middle-earth China.

The change in the pattern of the world has begun.

There were three men and eight princes in the court, which were the mainstays, but the strength of the eight major princes actually changed from twenty to twenty-two. Among them, Stone Hou may be higher.

At least the Iron Blood Hou, although it is the reincarnation of the Iron Blood God of War, but if one-on-one, it is not an opponent of a wild man.

This Cangsheng Marshal has undergone many transformations, contaminated with the ancient dust and sand Tao quality and the transformation of the emperor's blood. It is already the true dragon quality, but it can evolve into a long river of all things, and it has profound wisdom. There is no Xuanmen.

In general, even if it is a wizard of the world, after many countless penances, the quality of mana cultivated is just the Vajrayana.

For example, the ape tribe's long ape shortage, even if it is Jingqiu, who has ambitious ambitions and wants to create his own civilization, his mana quality is just between the Vajrayana and the true dragon law.

Only with the natural sage's qualifications and the mana cultivated can the quality be the true dragon law, such as law without immortality, such as Zhugeya.

Now, the mana quality of each head of the Cang Sheng is true dragon method, which shows how powerful the Cang Sheng is.

Even if there is such a handsome man, he will completely manage a huge empire in an orderly manner, and there will be no loopholes, not to mention that there are now 360 handsome men in ancient dust!

In addition, these so-so general commanders can go to the folk experience and learn the realm themselves. It is not uncommon to be promoted to the Twenty-three Change "Looking at the Past". In a certain theory, these so-called general commanders have gradually become unlucky.

The Marshal Cangsheng and Gu Chensha are one, thinking and communicating. Their experience is also equivalent to Gu Chensha's experience, because for some things, they must be ordered by Gu Chensha, they can do it, absolutely loyal, without selfishness, but Wisdom is deep, and everything is calculated.

As Jingqiu said, these are almost perfect officials and governors.

After dispersing these common men, Gu Chensha first operated mana here for three days and three nights, replenishing the mana he had just consumed, and learned about the secret that will never be reversed. When he recovered completely, he became more conscious. Only then did he leave the academy he founded and travel to the people to see what wave he set off.

He first came to Wuzhou.

Wuzhou is the place where he last got the book of the demon and the place where the family of Wu Sheng lived for thousands of years. It is also the place where Wudi and Wudang Kong were born. This place is the most prevalent area of ​​martial arts among the gods. Everyone has practiced martial arts. Every town has boxing halls and martial arts halls. Most are rivers and lakes hawkers, landlords and giants all over the country. Basically, they all come to Wuzhou to hire a bodyguard in a nursing home.

Gu Chensha still remembers that in the city of Wuzhou, there was the "Haw Par League", which was a river and lake martial art that was attracted by the ancient bullet sword. Among them, the main leader of the Haw Par League was a strong stateman.

This ancient dust sand tour of the world, we must first look at the state where the major sage families are located, what is their reaction to the opening of their own wishful colleges.

Now, domestically, the biggest factor that is not quiet is the family of these saints, the family of gods, and the descendants of the gods.

The biggest family in the past and even the Fa family, but Guchensha first came to Wuzhou, because Wudang Kong was the Wu family and Wudi was also the Wu family.

As long as the Emperor Wu recovers, to create a great cause, the first time must be to seize the foundation of the Wu family. With the Wu family as the foundation, it is much easier to do all kinds of things, and the Emperor Wu already knows that the sacrifice to heaven is in the hands of Wudang Kong, and it must be Seize.

Gu Chensha still changed into a gentleman, entered the city of Wuzhou, and went directly to the largest tea house.

Originally, he wanted to grasp the information, just above the sky, covering the whole city in an instant, and he could immediately obtain the memory of many people, and he was silent, even if he was not in the same realm with him. Ability to withstand opposition.

However, such a large-scale procuring mana to peek into the memory of the people in the city can still attract the attention of peerless masters, which is not what Gu Chensha hoped.

He still wants to hide ~ www.readwn.com ~ Tian Dao Fa is wonderful, but he hasn't been able to operate completely and reach the point of being in full swing. Can be caught by clues from the gods.

Of course, if he doesn't urge mana and change a normal person and hides it, let alone God-level masters, saints, strange numbers, even the three heavenly lords will not find his traces.

Besides, he wants to understand the life of ordinary people.

After practicing the Tao of Heaven, he finally had some peace of mind. At least no matter how the world changed, he had the ability to hide and protect himself. As long as he didn't die, everything had the ability to make a comeback.

There are many tea houses in the city of Wuzhou. Now that the world is prosperous, people are free from the pressure of life, and naturally they start to relax and relax. The tea house restaurant has been the best place to meet, relax, party and inquire about news since ancient times.

Guchensha entered the largest tea house in the city of Wuzhou. This tea house is a Wujia industry, but it is not very high-end, and some civilians, with 13 floors, covering hundreds of acres. People come and go. Extraordinary, among them are singers, storytellers, and scholars who sell newspapers and analyze the situation in the world.

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