Dragon Talisman

Chapter 450: Wu Dangxing

"Kaiguan, this tea house has no single seat. If you want to drink tea, you can only fight with people. > ≧≧ W

"I just turn around and don't drink tea." Gu Chensha saw that the tea house was full of seats, and even if he was at the table with people, he couldn't find a place.

"That ’s good, call me something." The little sister also knows that the tea house is full every day, and many river and lake hawkers come to join in the fun, to draw an atmosphere, or to inquire about some news. It is not surprising that he ran out Hello to other guests.

Gu Chen went to a pile of eloquent scholars.

"The newly opened wishing school in Jingxian Division has recruited more than 100 students today. I heard that this time we will recruit 3,000 students across Wuzhou." A scholar said loudly: "The words have been released inside. That is, as long as you are selected and enter the wishful college of life, you can first obtain the three sets of human dragon, human dragon armor, and human dragon armor, and you can also learn the highest dragon training method in ancient times. No, you can make a fool a genius. "

"Yeah, that ’s not enough. As long as it is selected, it ’s just one person. The chicken and dog are ascended to heaven. Jingxian said that there is a follow-up policy. Anyone who is recruited as a trainee can receive subsidies for new babies at home. One of them recruits students is calculated based on the population of the family. This is that the more brothers and sisters in the family, the more chances are included. This is to encourage fertility. "Another scholar is discussing national affairs:" I have tried However, because I said that I was not sincere in the oath, I read more of the book of the sages, and realized that I truly took the pledge for the people of the world, but even though I was eliminated, I was given a little star before leaving. Return Dan. "

"The welfare of Jingxian Division is so high?" Many disciples gathered from all sides are discussing: "We can go to participate in the assessment, anyway, at no cost, maybe we can get a gift."

"It is no longer in the queue now, at least for six months, it is not in the queue." A gentleman sighed, "I signed up a day later."

"Jingxiansi ’s wish for life is so good that the people in the world naturally have to break their heads and enter it. Unfortunately, my age is not enough. They recruit young people." A middle-aged scholar shook his fan: "But My son is in line and has been recruited into it. "

"Congratulations, I'll be waiting for you in the evening." Several scholars were very envious: "Brother Gao, you have three sons and four daughters, and Jingxianji likes this family."

"No problem, I naturally want to treat guests. My son entered Jingxiansi's wishful college. Yesterday, he came down a lot of settling expenses. Other brothers and sisters also have rewards." This middle-aged gentleman with a high surname was very happy.

"Brother Gao, it is very dangerous to join Jingxian Division. I heard that in Niezhou, there are some monsters who are about to move. It is very likely that Jingxian Division recruits disciples this time to go to training. It is not a good thing to fight against the demons." There is a monstrous yin and yang saying.

"What are you talking about?" Gao middle-aged scholar angered: "The demons appeared, crippled souls, and I naturally have to fight for it, to cut off demons and remove demons, and to safeguard the lives of the world. Is n’t it a white man? Brother Wu, I know you have joined the National Games Party, and you are now working in the Haw Par League, but the National Games Party is this idea?

"Huh!" Said the gentleman named Wu. "The surname is high, you really don't know people well, and I remind you, but your words are hurting, and the ways are different, so let's say goodbye."

"No!" Scholar Gao Zi sneered again and again, looking at the other side's back: "It's a curse to the country and the people. Don't bother him. Today, we will go to Zuixianlou and get drunk."

"Brother Gao is proud of the spring breeze. His son entered the Jingxian Division and cultivated the ancient gods and cultivating the dragon spirit. He must become a genius in the future. If he can be sharpened and cultivated into the Golden Dan in the Immortal Path, it will have a lifetime of 1,000 years and can support one. Great family. "Many scholars complimented.

Gu Chensha listened for a while, and nodded secretly. He listened again in the Middle East of the tea house. Looking west, most of them were discussing the enrollment of students by Jingxiansi's wish for the sphere.

"My plan this time is to bring up a trend of thought. Of course, cultivating talents is also on the one hand. In these days, a lot of vows of the living beings in the sphere of green wish have gathered a lot." Gu Chensha at this time, using Divine thoughts communicate the wishes of life within the sphere, and I saw that in the sky above the sphere, a mass of light and shadow has gathered. In this light and shadow, there are countless human shapes flashing out, and sounds are transmitted from it, thousands of people. Under oath.

This is the way that Jingxianji recruits students before taking an oath. If they are sincere, they can feel it in the sphere.

Taking this opportunity, the sphere has absorbed the vows of all beings, the spiritual desire, then it is truly worthy of the name, for the sphere of the wish of life, the sphere can add a lot of magic.

After mixing in this tea house for a long time, Gu Chensha has basically heated up this incident.

However, the Wu family did not respond to this, but it was somewhat abnormal. According to the truth, the method of raising dragons appeared, and the Wu family certainly coveted. Although the Emperor Wu obtained the full version of the method of raising dragons, he did not impart it to the Wu family. The people in it, because the Emperor Wu himself was an unfavorable sister-in-law of the Wu family, went out early.

Any family with this method of raising dragons will increase their strength dozens of times. Geniuses in the family are cultivated one after another, and the Wu family will definitely send disciples to participate in the assessment, or directly contact the Jingxian Division.

But these days, it is very strange that none of the disciples of the Wu family came to participate in the examination of Jingxiansi Cangshengyuan Academy.

Gu Chensha just wanted to see the reaction of the family in the world, and the result was so silent, there must be a reason.

He strolled on the streets of Wuzhou City, and in a short time, he reached the street in front of the Wu Family Grand Courtyard. The real mountain gates of Wujia are among the five huge mountains in the center of Wuzhou, namely "Yangwu Mountain", "Yuanwu Mountain", "Zhenwu Mountain", "Huawu Mountain" and "Taiwu Mountain". The five mountains, like palms, are the layout of the Wu Sanctuary.

However, in this Wuzhou city, the Wu family also has a courtyard, which borders the world.

As soon as Gu Chen's body moved, he lurked into it. He had long felt that there was a strong breath in this martial arts compound. He always kept an eye on the movement of Jingxian Division and reported to the mountain gate.

The Wujia Grand Courtyard occupies thousands of acres, and it is also a layered attic, landscaped gardens, matrix formations, and a typical large-scale architecture, worthy of a thousand-year-old family.

Gu Chensha has already reached the place where the strong breath exists without admiring the scenery in it. It is a secret room where five martial arts elders sitting on the side seem to be discussing something.

Of the five martial arts elders, three are at the level of Jindan Avenue, and one is the size of the nineteen changes, so that the twenty changes are impermanent, and they become mana.

The ancient dust sand looked a little, that elder's mana level was just the dust method, very weak.

Of course, this is from his own point of view. In the major families, the Jindan level of the Eighteenth Transformation Avenue is an absolute giant, let alone a true immortal who has become a mana.

"Jingxian Si made such a big movement, we are staring here? Do not take any measures?" At this time, a Jindan-level elder frowned.

"What measures to take?" The elders who had developed mana frown: "Jingxian Si is in a good position, even the apes have suffered a big loss, the three great apes are ashamed and lost, even if it is our old ancestors, I'm afraid It ’s similar to one of the three great apes.

"This Wumang is clear in his heart." Gu Chensha knew the name of the elder. Jingxian Division investigated the Xuanmen of Xiandao, and naturally he would monitor the family of the world. The Wu family was the key monitoring object, and the disciples in it were all recorded. Not to mention that it has become a giant of Jin Dan and Mana.

The elder who has become the quality of the dust method is called Wu Gongmang. He has lived for more than 300 years. For his life span of more than 1,000 years, less than one-third has passed, and he is still very "young".

"The method of raising dragons is originally from our martial arts, and we must get it. This is beyond doubt!" An elder Jin Dan showed a tough attitude. When Gu Chen looked at it, he knew that the elder was called Wu Dangxing. Not big, only thirty years old, and a Wizards of the world, full of spirit. The key cultivated object in the Naiwu family is this kind of practice at this age. It is also extremely rare in Xiandao Xuanmen. This person is also a radical in the Wujia family. He continued to sneer: "Although Wudi returned Family, but after all he is the blood of the Wu family. After his death, all the inheritance must be owned by our Wu family ~ www.readwn.com ~ He brought the dragon heart from the Honghuang Longmen, even the Jingxian Division, Nor can it be owned. "

He and Wudang Kong are one generation.

They are all "dang" characters.

"This son is really arrogant." Gu Chensha sneered when he heard this. His dragon-raising mentality was actually obtained from Dou 19.

"That's a good thing, but I have some doubts." Wu Gongmang said: "Jingxian Si declared that he has a complete version of the dragon mind, and even the dragon mind. Where did the dragon mind come from? At that time, Emperor Wudi did not learn how to make dragons. If Jingxian's method of raising dragons was not derived from Emperor Wudi, then we really have no excuse to get it back. "

"Anyway, the ancient dust and sand has obtained the dragon dragon tower. It turns out that there will be some remnants of the dragon heart method. We just use this as an excuse to get the dragon heart method! Of course, we must unite the world's major families. Family, Lei family, Heng family, Fan family, Hong family, we sage families join forces to persecute the Jingxian Division and surrender these two laws against the sky. "Wu Dangxing's eyes appeared killing:" Elders, you Think about it, if there are a lot of people in the world who have learned these two secrets, and all of them will be geniuses and geniuses, will our family still be confused? I am afraid that thousands of years of foundation and saints ’dignity will be destroyed once."

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