Dragon Talisman

Chapter 452: Good at change 3 more

The real Wu Dangxing was sent to the sphere of the wish of life, and he saw Zhuge Ya, and Dou Jiu. ≧ 一 ≯ 小说 ≧ W ≦ W ≦ W ≦. ≦ 1 ≦ XIAOSHUO. Com

"Hello, the young generation of Wu family's talents, radicals, Wu Dangxing." Zhuge Ya said hello to Wu Dangxing.

"Your Jingxian Si is so courageous that he is absolutely lawless and imprisoned me! You really want to be the enemy of the world." Wu Dangxing growled: "This consequence is not something you Jingxian can bear."

"It's an idiot." It wasn't Zhuge Ya who spoke, but Doujiu.

"Who are you, dare to speak to me like this!" Although Wu Dangxing was captured, his murderous power and momentum were not diminished. "I will see if Jingxian Si can hold me for a long time."

"The talking man is Dou Shengtianzun's son. Doujiu was also captured by our Jingxian Division, but now he has cooperated with our Jingxian Division and has become a noble guest." Zhuge Ya introduced Doujinzu ’s identity, and immediately , Wudangxing's roar came to an abrupt halt.

He is the prince of heaven, the wizard of the sage family, and even passed Jing Fanxing.

The birth of Jing Fanxing was just a little Jing family. He entered the heaven and earth Xuanmen and became a disciple. Where can he be compared by the Wu family?

But his identity, compared with Doujiu, is that the civilians in the countryside saw the aristocratic master again and became cheap.

No matter how fierce the martial arts are, it is impossible to compare with the three heavenly gods.

"Things like ants are daring to scream in front of me." Douzan looked down on Wu Dangxing at all.

Wu Dang's fierce mouth moved, trying to say something ruthless, but he couldn't say it. In front of the son of the three heavenly respects, his ruthless words even felt naive and ridiculous.

Even if Doujiu killed him, the Wu family would never dare to go to the trouble of the three heavenly gods. Can only endure this breath.

In the hearts of countless immortal mysteries, family disciples, and even demons, the three celestial beings are invincible.

Although the Emperor Tianfu is dominating the world, after all, the time is still shallow, and the three deities have established authority since the ancient times. In history, one strong existence after another has fallen under the calculations of the three deities. In the eyes of many peerless masters, Emperor Tianfu is just another Xingqiang clan. Now it is very popular, but it is definitely a flash in the pan.

Wudang's arrogance is arrogance, but he never dares to be arrogant in front of the sons of the three heavenly gods.

"Wu Dangxing, you are stubborn, and you still regret it here, I won't kill you." Zhuge Ya pointed at it, and countless vows suddenly landed, and wrapped Wu Dangxing in them: "These vows It came from many people in the folk, and it was injected into our sphere. You disciples of this family, listen to the wishes of the people. "

Jingxianji founded the Clan wish school, and now when students are being recruited in major states, the disciples are required to make vows, and the power of these vows will gather into the sphere of Clan wish and become a torrent.

From then on, the sphere of wish for life was truly worthy of the name.

However, the power of these vows is still very small, and the nourishment of the sphere is only a trickle. With the expansion of the school, the number of apprentices will increase, and there will be hundreds of thousands, millions, even millions, billions. Apprentices, make vows every day in practice. The power of vows and wishes is invincible. It can make the sphere of the wish of life become a treasure of the level of heaven and earth, and then be promoted again and again.

This wish is not a belief in worshipping God, but a trend of thought.

Because the people who entered the school swore an oath to fight for the prosperity of the world and the prosperity of the human race. The true meaning of this vow came from Cangsheng and was used for Cangsheng, not for a certain saint or a god.

This vow wishes converged into an ideological trend, brought up by Jingxian Division, that is extremely horrible.

The means of Jingxian Division is to seduce righteousness.

Whoever values ​​Li Heyi is important, countless sage scholars have studied it countless times since ancient times, and Jingxianji naturally has its own reason.

Still adhering to the concept of emphasizing profit first, then emphasizing righteousness, Cangjie is solid and knows etiquette.

Only when you have enough food and clothing and everyone is rich, will you pay attention to order and etiquette, and pursue higher spiritual things. If everyone is struggling with hunger and cold, then anything vicious can be done.

Therefore, the Jingxian Division first lured with huge profits, making the people in the world scramble to rush behind.

"Come on, get away, you dalits, you will always be dalits, and you also thought about our family, that is to seek death, and you can only be enslaved forever." Wrapped by those common vows, Wu Dangxing seems crazy, big Yell.

Zhuge Ya ignored him and let him shout.

Instead, Dou 19 fought a cold war: "This mana is shallow, and soon I will be brainwashed by this willingness. This willingness is so powerful that I may not be able to resist it for a long time."

This willingness has become a trend of thought, a trend and atmosphere.

For example, many people shouting slogans together will motivate people who are irrelevant, and they will also shout together. This atmosphere, driven by snowballs, is getting bigger and bigger.

"Dou 19, what do you think about the promotion of our sphere of life?" Zhuge Ya asked.

"Cang's willingness is extremely terrible." Doujiu looked dignified: "I organized the Eternal Alliance to prepare to destroy your court. Now it seems that it is miscalculated."

"The general situation in the world is in full swing. The future trend has reached a most critical point. If it is not well grasped, solid and conservative, before the superstition, I am afraid that you will be robbed. You must think clearly about the fight." Zhuge Ya is still doing it. Caution, he now wants to pull Doujiu into the Jingxian Division, so that he can lay down chess pieces under the three great deities.

"This Wu Dangxing has been captured. The Wu family is afraid that they do n’t know it now, but sooner or later, how will the Jingxian Division cope? Is it really necessary to fight against the world family? The absence of a Jindan-level giant is tantamount to cutting off the Wu family. There is a piece of meat on my body. "Doujian has chatted with Zhuge Ya these days, but he has solved a lot of temptations for his own practice. The Lord of the Seven Stars is the Lord of the Seven Stars. His insight and understanding of the practice have even passed God-level masters.

"Anyway, the martial arts have always been plotting wrongdoing." Zhuge Ya smiled: "You are also a party and you should know that the quality of the Heavenly Master ’s Law has been cultivated by this Lord. This method can not only simulate human figures, but even the destiny of people. If you kill you, the lord will change into your appearance, even the three celestial deities will not show up, because that's not a fake, it's you. "


Dou 19's face changed, pale and colorless. After a while, he reluctantly said, "I'm afraid it's not that easy. My practice is that the twenty-fifth state becomes immortal. The quality of the heavenly law is that it has no fate. It can simulate the body, breath, temperament, and even the fate of others, and it can be modified to be real, I'm afraid it can't be simulated. "

"This is good." Zhuge Ya nodded: "Cultivation for the realm can't be simulated, but does it mean that it is difficult for the Lord to cultivate to the same realm as you? His current qualifications are born saints, and he has become a Taoist Quality, and countless resources to support, I think if you want to practice, it will not be strange to reach the twenty-fifth state. Then, when you replace your identity to do things, do you still know it? "

"You ....." Doujiu naturally knows that after the ancient dust and sand practice, there will be no problem in the realm of practice. The qualifications of the born sage can point directly to the peak of the thirty-sixth transformation.

Dou Jiu ’s own qualifications are now the pinnacle of the Wizards of the World. It is impossible to reach the natural sage. He painstakingly builds the Dragon Heart. The Wizards of the World are still easy to reach. However, there is no Dragon Dragon Heart or the Dragon in the Flood Dragon Gate. Gas.

"You can rest assured, in fact, the three heavenly respects are unfathomable. Even if we can hide it, we won't let the king take this risk." Zhuge Ya said: "What happened to your white tiger egg and blue dragon egg?"

"The white tiger egg is easier, the blue dragon egg has to negotiate with the heaven and earth mysterious gate." Douban said: "But there should be no major problems. Within three months, I will definitely get it done."

"Then I'll wait for the good news." Zhuge Ya said nothing, and also made Doujiu unable to figure out what he was thinking about.

In the past few days talking to Zhuge Ya, Dou Jiu couldn't see through this person, it was very unpredictable.

In addition, all his memories were known to Zhuge Ya, and he really dared not play any tricks in front of him.

At this time, Gu Chensha had changed into Wu Dangxing's appearance, and his body had simulated his breath. The cultivation was basically the same person, plus he got all the memories of Wu Dangxing, there was no loophole in the change.

Wu Dangxing is the golden avenue of the eighteenth transformation of the state of affairs ~ www.readwn.com ~ he is the twenty transformation, so it is better to simulate the change.

The quality of the Taoism in this day has become basically less flawed than his lower-level being. If it changes to a higher level than the realm of the ontology, it will be powerless.

After all, the realm is dead and cannot simulate change.

When he arrived in the capital outside Guanguan, Wu Dangxing, who was transformed into the ancient dust, lived in the hall built by the Wu family in the capital. Wu Dangxing had a very high status among the family and was naturally treated very well.

He used the unique skills of the Wu family to free Fudang for Wudang.

Sure enough, at night, a mana incarnation of Wudangkong appeared in the hall.

"Dangxing, your plan, the elders have told me." Wu Dangkong looked at Wu Dangxing, the incarnation of ancient dust and sand, and she did not recognize the true and false. Her pair of sun and moon longan could have penetrated all changes, but still right This change in ancient dust is useless.

Because after the change of ancient dust and sand, it is now Wu Dangxing. Just as he used the method of turning a point stone into gold, that stone is not changed temporarily, but it is truly turned into gold and never regresses.

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