Dragon Talisman

Chapter 453: Show off

"Then what do you think of my plan?" Wudangxing's seniority is the same as that of Wudangkong, and among Wu family, Wudangxing's status is not much lower than that of Wudangkong, and Wudangxing has a proud personality and does not say anything respectable to Wudangkong. A novel W ﹤ W ≦ W ﹤. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

This is Wu Dangxing's character. The ancient dust and sand are simulated, naturally.

Wu Dangkong didn't think it was embarrassing, it seemed to get used to it.

"Your plan is not bad. As a liaison, you will be attacked by Yasuji, you can think of it."

"Huh! Jingxian Si dares to be the enemy of the world, that is his doomsday." Wu Dangxing, the incarnation of ancient dust and sand, appeared to have a killing intention. "The dragon mentality, the dragon mentality, the general situation of the world, the vow of life. These one Announce it, if we are not alert yet, I am afraid that in a few years time, the trend of Jingxian Division will become unstoppable. At this time, someone must stand up and do all kinds of things. As a tortoise, I don't want to have a bunch of mud-legged poles to be on an equal footing with our family disciples. "

"This is a good thing." In the past few years, Wudang Kongzheng has broadened his horizons, and his temperament has gradually changed. Things in the court have sharpened her greatly: "The move of Jingxian Division is really fierce. Domineering and domineering. Eli is tempted to seduce, only the full version of the dragon mentality, people in the world will follow it, let alone a higher level of dragon mentality. In addition, Jingxian Si Tian Yao The tree has become a climate, and it can continuously produce various magic botanical medicines. It is a hundred times more powerful than the previous weekly palace manufacturing capacity. It can soon occupy the market and squeeze out our open air chamber of commerce. They will be squeezed by them in the future. "

"So you must contact the force now to strike the thunder of Jingxian Si." Gu Chensha said deliberately: "Although I have ambitions, I am afraid those families think that I have low qualifications and do not listen to me, so this time I come to you with you discuss."

Wu Dangkong ’s cultivation is increasing with each passing day, and her status in the martial arts is getting higher and higher, and now the real core of the martial arts already knows that she may have a sacrifice to heaven, and she is ordered by heaven.

"Of course, your cultivation is now Jin Dan. I want to persuade major families, but it is still a lot shallower. With Jingqiu's cultivation, I have contacted many powerful beings, but I still fail." Wudang said: "But you It's great to be a pioneer. Jingqiu has already opened the way for us. After he failed, we can learn a lot of lessons. Today you came, I happened to discuss with the prince and the ancient bullet sword. "

"Hahaha, when Xing Xiong is really radical." At this moment, a voice appeared, mana came, and a person appeared in front of him, Prince Xuansha: "The Wu Family has this disciple, and the revitalization is hopeful."

"Brother Wu can be our pioneer in the future." Ancient Tan Jian also appeared.

They complimented Wu Dangxing very much, naturally they saw that this man could charge forward.

Gu Chensha archer: "Brother Xuansha, Brother Jianjian, both of you are giants now. Let's discuss how to deal with Jingxian Division. If the two can fully support me, I am willing to be the pioneer of the road and impact Jingxian Division. "

"This is inevitable. We also lack a warrior who dares to be the first in the world." Wu Dangxing, an ancient bullet sword staring at the change of ancient dust and sand, looked for a while: "Jingqiu had hoped to break through the Jingxian Division, but failed. But Jingxianji has done too much recently and has to sweep the world. This is too much. "

"I also think that although the Jingxian Division is a part of the court, it has also disrupted the current structure of the court. If the old times go on, the whole people only know the Jingxian Division, they do not know the court, and they do not know that I am a prince." Gu Xuansha actually has some Aggrieved, even though he became a prince, in the upper study, there was a concubine of the imperial concubine, the Tiangong Yuan and the Jingxian Division were not restrained, and the ministers in the upper study each had their own ideas. Hou did not make it clear that his horses and horses supported him, and some of his brothers were also pregnant with each other. At present, they actually support the ancient sword.

Looking around, in addition to being a prince, he is really a lonely man.

Fortunately, he planned for the fortune and established a lucky fortune in the people. It was more or less helpful. In addition, he was good at uniting himself and pulled Wudang empty, but he could slowly accumulate strength.

But as the Jingxian Division grew day and night, it actually made him feel hopeless.

After Jingxian Division defeated the Ape clan, he felt that things were not right, and if he did not restrict it, his status as a prince would probably not be maintained.

Before he could come up with specific countermeasures, Jingxian claimed that he had obtained the method of raising dragons, constructing the dragon, and opened the school for the wish of the academy, and sent out 360 masters of the awful life to shock the world.

Gu Xuansha has seen those wild handsome men, even more desperate.

Because he is not even a handsome man himself.

His practice is also the twenty-two changes to the heavens and the earth, but the quality of the mana is still the Vajrayana, which is far from the true dragon. Although he has the blood of a white tiger, the blood of a holy beast is not the same as a real holy beast. The qualities of the true dragon law must be cultivated by natural sages.

Although the qualifications of the Wizards and Born Saints are one level, they are one heaven and one underground.

At any rate, the mana quality reaches the Vajrayana at most, and he really can't figure out why the Marshal Cangsheng can practice the true dragon law.

His own strength is also hard training, I do not know how many adventures have been obtained, but in the end it is not as good as a head, especially this foot is full of 360 heads.

No one feels despair.

Wudang Kong was also desperate, and she also estimated that if she did not use Baobao, she could rely on her true cultivation, and the ten-headed martial arts union could suppress herself.

She got the sacrifice to heaven, many adventures, and performed the sacrifice of Dongtian, the King of the King and other sacrifice. She also got the guidance of Xingqiang and practiced hard. Finally, she could reach the limit that the twenty-two changes to the heaven and earth can change. "All things flow."

This change can be described as the limit of mana operation.

But every head of Cang Sheng can be changed into a "long river of all things".

She really couldn't think of how Jingxian Si was refined.

"Since we have reached this agreement, it's easy to handle." Wu Dangxing, who changed the ancient dust, said: "Brother Jianjian, I heard that there is a strong presence behind you. I don't know that I can be a vanguard against Jingxian Division. Can you give me some pointers? Let me get some benefits so that I can have better strength to charge. "

Ancient Dust is trying to get the secret of giant spirit **** from ancient bullet sword.

From Taishi Wenhong's mouth, Gu Chensha learned that the giant spirit **** is the most devious **** since ancient times. Although the background is majestic and the mana is not as powerful as Capricorn, he can abandon his position and escape from the seal of the Emperor of Heavenly Charms, while all other gods are sealed. This shows that this **** has immeasurable power Can and calculate.

"I can give you a charm." Between the fingers of the ancient bullet sword, a jade charm fell into the hands of ancient dust and sand: "This amulet is made by the giant spirit god. After it can burn, it instantly summons ten. Wan Ju Ling Tian Bian will arrange the incense time to form a net of heaven and earth, siege the enemy, but this symbol can only be used once. "

"Julingtianbing, the ancient giant spirit **** was refined for the ancient emperor. Each head is almost a strong man out of the fourteen elements, and the giant spirit will follow the eighteenth avenue Jindan. Gu Chensha pretended to be amazed: "Although it is a ghost image, 100,000 soldiers will die for a long time, and it is enough to tear up many existences."

"You're still rich in the sword sword brother." Gu Xuansha said: "I'm poor and white. This prince deserves no taste. There is no magic weapon to assist Dang Xing brother, but I can give an order to let the civil fortune society fully assist Dang Xing brother Do this great thing. "

Gu Xuansha was obviously an iron rooster, and he was bare.

Gu Chensha chuckled in his heart: "This ancient bullet sword is uneasy. There must be something wrong with this giant spirit heavenly warrior, but I can get the secret of the giant spirit **** from it, and finally I caught the clue of the giant spirit god, etc. Find a time to see Wen Hong, and with his means, you can get a lot of information. I gave him a lot of memories from Xing Qiong and Jiang Gongwang. His cultivation is afraid that it will increase with each passing day. "

"Our trilateral forces have formed an alliance." Wudang Kong officially said: "Don't fight with each other and join forces to deal with the Jingxian Division. If we calculate separately, we are afraid that a disaster will come in a few years."

"Okay, this is inevitable. If the points are scattered, then the parties will gather." Gu Tanjian clapped his hands. "After the brother Xing Xing will be the ambassador of our alliance. Today, we signed an agreement. , Called the League of Nations. How? "

"I can see that the Alliance of the World started from our three forces, Dang Xing as a messenger, lobbying the Quartet." Wudang Kong took out a jade card, injected his own breath, and then handed it to the ancient bullet sword and ancient Xuansha: " The two of you also injected your own breath, and used it as a token of our world alliance, let Dangxing take it. It is also a voucher ~ www.readwn.com ~ That is nature. "Ancient bullet sword, ancient Xuansha also injected breath .

When the ancient bullet sword was injected, he held this jade card: "This kind of jade is rare in the heavens and the earth, so strong that it can't be broken even if it is sacred. Only the jade symbol of the magic seal of heaven can be opened. In the middle, there is the supreme fierceness ..... "

As soon as Gu Chensha moved, Wudang Kong took out the jade, and he already saw it. This jade was the jade mountain that sealed the Xingqiong family.

Is it true that Wu Dangkong was released by Xingqiang Clan?

This is a huge doubt. The ancient dust sand went to the last time, and even Yushan was gone. The huge Yushan is definitely not able to be resolved by Wudang Kong. Even if the ancient dust sand is now practiced as a heavenly law, I want to dissolve that one. Yushan will not succeed overnight.

Or Xing Qiongshi got out of trouble by himself and reached some agreement with Wudang Kong.

The three masters succeeded in refining this jade brand within a short while. The words above the world are the words, and then they are Mingkong, Fortune, and National Games. It is the signature of Wudang Kong, Ancient Bullet Sword, and Ancient Xuansha.

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