Dragon Talisman

Chapter 454: World Alliance

The World Alliance was formally established. A novel W

The ancient forces of ancient bullet swords, Wudangkong and ancient Xuansha are gathered together. The strength of the composition must not be underestimated. Even the major families must give some face, especially the ancient bullet sword. The power behind it is mysterious and vast. It is the true invincible giant.

There is also a mysterious power behind Wudang Kong.

Gu Chensha knew that the back of this woman was also faintly looming.

But it's a matter of course to think about it, if he is Xing Qiongshi, he must use this woman, after all, this woman has a sacrifice for heaven.

Wudang Kong ’s biggest wish now is to remove the power of the Heavenly Fu Emperor from the sacrifice of heavenly sacrifice. Otherwise, every time he gains something from the sacrifice, he will be divided into half of the ancient dust and sand.

Because of this, Wudang Kong also wanted to join forces with Xing Qiongshi.

"This time the change came to Wudang Xing, and the harvest was huge. At least I caught some clues from the giant spirit god. I also got some entanglements between Wudang Kong and Xingqiangshi. Maybe from the back of Wudang Kong, I can Find out Xingqiangshi. "Gu Chensha got this jade card, which has three masters' covenants:" This time, I will use Wudangxing's identity to do a lot of things. I have a thousand tricks, let these The families fought against each other, but the invasion of the demons and the killing of these families with each other actually weakened their human strength and paid more. "

Gu Chensha played Wudang Kong, Gu Danjian, and Xuansha in this way, already knowing the horror of his heavenly law.

Suddenly, he remembered, why not use this change to deal with the demons?

You have become a high-level member of the Demon Clan, lurking into those underworld iron fortresses, disturbing the wind and rain, you can make the Devil embarrassed, and delay the time of the demon blast.

As long as the magic disaster does not explode, it would be useless for Wudangkong to be upset.

The calamity between heaven and earth was caused by magic and spirituality.

Only when the devil and the spirit burst into conflict and the demons came to earth to suppress the spirituality, Wudang Kong and many mysterious mysterious gates of the world could have a chance.

No magic disaster will explode, and no contradictions will arise.

"Okay, I am now the messenger of the Alliance of the World!" Gu Chensha got this jade card: "Now I go to the Fa Family, and say first that Wuxian has joined our alliance."

Between words, he left here.

As soon as he left, he wrapped the jade card and jade amulet with a bit of mana and sent it to the sphere of the wish of life, and let Zhugeya study it. If the research was not thorough, then he could go to Taishi Wenhong.

And he flew directly into the demon realm of the bottomless sin sea.

The seal rupture under the bottomless inferior sea is getting stronger and stronger. The ancient dust and sand can be suppressed by the touch of ghosts and gods. Now all the underneath are underworld iron fortresses. The ancient dust and sand had entered it before, and it was undoubtedly dead. Even Zhuge's teeth had to be torn to pieces.

But now he can change into a demon, lurk into it, use his means, and get many opportunities.

Demon-level masters can not find him, nor can they be calculated.

Entering the Demon Realm, Guchen Sand felt that at this rupture of the seal, the huge formation method began to be blocked layer by layer, and the magic was billowing, forming millions of seals. It is impossible for the people in Xiandao to continue again.

In other words, this exit is completely blocked by the magic head's magic magic spells. Some immortal masters will not be able to secretly kill them unless they tear the void and directly enter the magic realm, but in this way, the consumption is too large, and the movement is also Too big, the moment when the tearing void reaches another world, it is equivalent to throwing the mountain into the ocean, causing a huge wave.

"Change, magic gas!" Gu Chensha faced the layers of seals, with a slight movement of the body, has changed his characteristics, and is very similar to magic gas, so it penetrated into them, and those seals did not have any sense at all. And now.

"Unfortunately, I have n’t practiced to reach the realm of the twenty-two changes to the heavens and the earth, otherwise I can change to the real magic." The ancient dust sand is now the twenty changes of the state. It's a simulation. Only when the twenty-two changes "FaXianxiangdi" is reached will that be the real change.

Of course, this does not prevent him from hiding the sky and crossing the seal.

He has the blood of Qinglong White Tiger Suzaku Xuanwu Gouchen itself, which is equal to the connotation of the innate five elements, and he successfully cultivated the qualities of the heavenly law, and it is easier to communicate with many dimensions.

Before that, he had received the Great Realm of the Hundred Realms, which in itself was a way to communicate with countless dimensions to absorb energy.

Among the countless dimensions, some are rich in wood, some are golden, fire, water, rustic.

The ancient dust and sand urged the Holocaust God to control it, and it was handy.

Originally, even if he applied it, it would be difficult to control the Holocaust law. After the quality of the heavenly law was cultivated, the law would be integrated and there would be no obstacles.

Because the blood of Emperor Tianfu is also integrated into the mana, so he can practice the Tao of Heaven.

Shuttle directly into the demon realm, the ancient dust sand simulates the mana into the magic air, fluttering. I saw dense dense iron fortresses built on the plains of the Demon Realm. Golems and dragons were walking in the air.

"Magic is brewing, between heaven and earth, countless dimensions, chaotic elemental power is boiling, all because of the prosperity of the Middle-earth Divine National Games, and the spiritual explosion caused by the explosion of heaven and earth. .

He lurked directly into an underworld fortress.

The underworld iron fortress he lurked into was extremely huge. Thousands of magic qi above gathered into a dragon flying and evolved into countless dragon formations.

In this iron fortress, there are vaguely master-level experts sitting in the clinic, many of which are the demons and demons.

Instantly, the ancient dust and sand locked a demon emperor who lived in a room in this stern iron fortress.

This demon emperor is a great demon, but it has been converted into mana, which is suitable for ancient dust and sand instead of change.

This demon emperor can cultivate mana and has a very high status among the demons. He also knows many secrets. He is practicing magic in his own secret room, reading the Capricorn mantra, mobilizing the magic, and the spell is dispersed, mixed with the magic above, to provide strength and stability to these fortress groups.

Gu Chensha did not show up against his body, but in a flash, all the will in the demon emperor's knowledge of the sea was completely killed, and replaced by Gu Chensha to dominate everything.

Then Gu Chensha already knew everything he wanted to know.

The body of the demon emperor shrank in an instant and changed into a rune, and the new demon emperor was born exactly the same as the ancient dust and sand.

Ancient dust sand made this rune of the demon emperor, this rune is only the size of sand.

Ancient dust sand has no appendages, because the appendages become more flawed. It is better to kill the demon emperor directly. It is easier to do all kinds of things by purely changing to this devil emperor.

It was at this instant that the demon emperor in the Underworld fortress died, and the ancient dust and sand became the new demon emperor, neat and clean, leaving no trace.

There are demon-level strongmen sitting in this wrought iron fortress, and they have operated a lot. They are connected with the surrounding wrought iron fortress, even if they are the same god-level masters, they cannot lurk in.

But Guchensha lurked in, and killed the demon emperor without knowing it.

Originally, the first bucket of gold from the ancient dust was the theft of the mesmerizing demon ape temple. And now he is truly a thief and a thief.

He became a thief in the sky.

This demon emperor's memory poured into his knowledge of the sea, and was instantly digested. Suddenly his face was hard to look at, because he showed some conspiracy and targeting of the demons.

"Many demon gods of the Demon Clan have focused on Jingxian Division. This time the first goal is to destroy our Jingxian Division. We are ready to reopen a channel with the barbarians, and the coordinate point of that channel is the Messy Demon Temple!" The dusty face was iron-blue: "The three great apes communicated with the demon-level masters of the barbarians and reached a certain agreement. Now hundreds of millions of monsters here chant the Capricorn mantra, which is recorded in the brewing Capricorn town prison scriptures. The demon heart prison will annihilate mines forever. This mine condenses, and with one strike, it can even destroy the saints, but hundreds of millions of demons gather, brew, and eventually become a one-time attack. The plan of these demon-level masters is to wait for this mines After brewing, the channel was suddenly opened, and the group of demons appeared in the channel of the mixed world demon ape temple, and then the thunderous thunder flew out of the demon realm, breaking the sphere of the wish of life. "

Many Demon-level masters of the Mozu, and even Mosheng, have set their sights on the Jingxian Division and made plans. The first is to destroy the Jingxian Division. This crisis is brewing, and it is extremely dangerous. If you really let the Mozu follow the plan ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am afraid that Jingxianji is basically a dead end.

Although the Jingxian Division was exhaustive, in the face of overwhelming absolute power, any scheme was naive and ridiculous.

Fortunately, the ancient dust sand has been modified into a heavenly law, and it can sneak into it, obtain this secret, and prepare in advance, but this is set by many demon-level masters and deities of the demons, even if it is known, it is difficult to stop, as Masters in the world know that magic disaster is about to explode, but who can stop it?

This is the trend.

"It seems that our Jingxian Division has become the climate, and it has become the first object to be annihilated by the demon **** and the demon saint. Is it honor or good?" Gu Chensha analyzed the situation, and now she can't stop it.

The strategy of this demons is actually very simple. They keep building the Iron Fortress, gather the demon heads, and countless demon heads gather. Under the command of the demon-level master, chant the Capricorn mantra, and the spirit and spirit gather. Get up, brew for a long time, and turn into a killing technique.

In fact, this model is the same as the vows that the colleges and universities wish to recruit apprentices.

The mode is simple, but it is rolling and cannot be cracked.

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