Dragon Talisman

Chapter 460: Visit the Fajia

Dou 19 relied on his ability to transform into a fruit, which disturbed the mysterious gate of Xiandao. Even a god-level master must make a careful calculation before he can detect it. One novel W

The ancient dust and sand has now become the quality of the heavenly law. Going one step further, it has raised the realm from twenty to twenty, to the twenty-two changes to heaven and earth. It has promoted its own changes to the extreme, compared with the transformation of Dou 19 I don't know how many times it is powerful.

The most important thing is that any man who has arrogant mana is sacred or even different.

If he pretends to be Douzan, plus all the memories of Douzan, he will be able to tell the truth.

If he had reached the twenty-fifth year, he would not even recognize the dear, Dousheng Tianzun.

The strongest ability to change is currently the "Senior Ape", which has a naturally changing bloodline, which is even better than the transfiguration fruit. But now the "Senior Ape" has the ability to transform and ancient dust. It's also one underground, one heaven.

After the completion of the twenty-two changes in the "Fangxiangxiangdi", all the savings of the ancient dust and sand have been used up. If you want to impact the twenty-three changes, "see the past", you need to go to the folks to learn more about the changes of time and vicissitudes. Only by accumulating more insights can we break through to this level.

This barrier is also a huge bottleneck. Many immortals have been stuck at this barrier from ancient times to today.

The Twenty-Three Change "Looking at the Past" is based on mana wisdom, understanding the secrets of light, and understanding the rivers of time. If one is not good, the spiritual consciousness will be lost in the long river and completely collapsed.

It is often recorded in the immortal path that the monks in the "Twenty-two Changes to the Law, Heaven and Earth" retreat, wanting to see the twenty-three changes in "Looking at the Past," but during the retreat, the spiritual consciousness was completely lost, and the mana was This dissipated, turned into blue smoke, merged into the sky, and died.

Gu Chensha is also afraid of this.

He cultivated the quality of the heavenly law, although the mana is unprecedentedly powerful, but because the quality of the heavenly law is very close to the heavenly law, he has to control with his own strong spiritual will. If one does not control well, he will be united with the saint and integrate into it. world.

Heaven and earth are very attractive to him. Between each practice, he must be careful to resist the assimilation of heaven and earth with the strongest will.

When cultivation reaches the realm of saints, it is extremely dangerous. Every time the saints run mana, they will be called by the law of heaven in the meditation. For example, the last time Zhugeya was riding the critical moment of the Emperor Xuanhuang Dragon to resist the assimilation of the heavens. Wudang Kong went to Evil Spirit 6 and absorbed the heavenly spirit in the Xuanhuang Tower.

And Gu Chensha's current quality of the heavenly law, with the cultivation of higher and deeper, the power of heavenly assimilation to him has become more and more powerful.

Of course, this is also a great exercise for his mind and will.

It is also very helpful for him to understand the way of the strange number. If one day he understands the way of the strange number, he can cut off the assimilation of the heavenly way to him. At that time, his cultivation was truly unimaginable, and the potential was even After the three celestial beings.

However, it is extremely difficult to understand the Tao of the Different Numbers. Gu Chensha is thinking, even if Jingqiu wants to learn, there is only a 1 in 10 chance. As for Jing Fanxing, that is basically impossible.

Jing Fanxing was created by Douzan and restored some strength, which is actually not a good thing for him.

For such small characters, small characters, Gu Chensha did not even try to deal with him.

"What is Wang Wang planning now?" Zhuge Ya asked.

"The magic disaster is about to explode, the world is turbulent, and even the demons can unite. We humans are still torn apart." Gu Chensha sighed: "Having it for a long time, it seems that what is really thinking about the world is our Jingxian Division, the father and the emperor are not here. Even the Tiangong Institute has slacked off. Now I'm going to take a walk around the major families and force them to express their opinions. To form an alliance against magic, we will be the leader of the Jingxian Division. Take the initiative to attack from the bottomless sin sea. If the major families can unite Together, all the means of urging oneself to press the bottom of the box, in one blow, they can defeat the Hades of the Demons.

"Impossible." Lou Baiyue shook his head: "These families are waiting for the demons to explode, so they can feel the fish in muddy waters, and get enough benefits. How can we make Jingxian Si become the leader, and spend their savings to defeat the demons, they ca n’t wait for the demons Destroy our Jingxianji in one fell swoop, and then come out to divide up our Jingxian treasure. "

Jingxianji has now become a huge piece of fat, not to mention anything else, let's say that the sphere of wish for life and the tree of the demon have been peeped by many forces.

"That's what it says, but after all, it is still a unified court. On the surface, the major families are still subject to the court. We Jingxian can also supervise the major families, and now the magic disaster is brewing, it is about to explode. We regardless of those families The mentality, on the surface, still needs to be informed, forming an alliance. If the major families push three obstacles, we Jingxian Secretary can just spread the world, create public opinion, and make the family become the target of public criticism. "Gu Chensha has his own intention," Moreover, since we established Jing Xianji, I have n’t officially visited the major families. The necessary courtesy is still to go. As for their attitude, it is up to the task. After I visited the major families in the name of Jingxianji, I changed to Wudangxing and walked again. Understand the details of the family. Even if these families do not resist the evil disaster, they must be guarded against their swords in the back. This requires knowing ourselves. "

"It's good to give first and then to soldiers. We have a lot of capacity for Jingxian Division." Zhuge Ya's expression became sharp: "If the major families toast and not eat or punish, then we don't have to be polite with them, really If we want to disrupt the world by the magic disaster and rob it by the fire, we must first settle inside. "

"As long as we work together in the imperial court, we don't need to be afraid of magic disasters. The human heritage is extremely rich. In fact, most of the immortal gates are actually humans who join the martial arts, and they gradually become fairy monks." Lou Baiyue Road : "The biggest hidden danger of every evil disaster is that human beings cannibalize each other, and even the families have reached an agreement with the demons in order to protect themselves. This time, we must not allow such things to happen."

"That's natural, so are the Immortal Xuanmen, but after all, they are not above Middle-earth Shenzhou. Unlike these families, family disciples are directly involved in political affairs, and a large part of them are still local officials, such as Wuzhou. Now at least half of the officials are Wujia disciples. In addition, 30% of the officials have more or less intimate relations with the Wujia. If the world is turbulent, the authority of the court will be slightly weakened. Immediately, these officials would definitely abandon the court, and the entire Wuzhou became a military state. "Zhuge Yadao said:" After all, the emperor has only unified the world for twenty-four years and has not been deeply rooted. He wants to eliminate the influence of the family, unless It is the emperor who has been in power for a hundred years. Unfortunately, the emperor's retreat disappeared in these years, and Wudang was left in the office of the superintendent of the study. As a result, the power of the family has risen again. After all, our Jingxian Division is shallow and difficult to subvert. "

"If Mr. Zhuge has become a god, I and the fourth moon worshiper will be the same. It will not be difficult to suppress the family in the world, but the magic disaster will explode." Gu Chensha asked suddenly: "Yes, the burial coffin, The Promise Book, and the third volume of the Eternal Book, how can we all collect into the sphere. "

At that time, Zhuge Ya and Gu Chensha made plans to first let Jin Suibo capture the Promise Heavenly Book, then obtain the coffin of the burial world, and find the third volume of the Eternal Heavenly Book.

However, these plans have not been completed yet, but they have obtained the Central Wutuhouhoude Banner, and the two congenital spirit treasures of Wan Yaohua Rentu have melted into the Tian Yao tree, and they have been assisted by Tian Yizhu. This huge achievement is not lost in obtaining the third volume of the Promise Book and the Eternal Book of Heaven.

"I have to go through a lot of preparations to get the coffin of the world. It is not a matter of overnight. The Lord has already cultivated the qualities of the Taoist method, so our plan can be advanced. As for the Promise of Heaven, the wave has caught the trajectory, these The days are setting down traps, and this book can be seduced at any time! Once this book appears, it is a good time for us to go all out. "Zhuge Ya said:" I am pushing the plan step by step, the fate of the third volume of the eternal heaven book, I figured it out. "

"That's the case, let's capture and capture the Promise of Heaven. Then, unfortunately, in the sea floor, the jade mountain that sealed the Xingqiang's wing disappeared. I'm afraid I need to improve a few realms. "Gu Chen said.

"Xing Qiong's is really powerful, I still underestimated him." Zhuge Ya's face was solemn: "Wu Dangkong probably reached a certain agreement with him behind his back."

"Then I will visit the Fa family first, and the whole family will visit it first." Gu Chen said: "The things in the Promise of Heaven ~ www.readwn.com ~ I will immediately sense, and then come back and start arrest."

"This matter can only be arranged in this way." Zhuge Ya said: "While the Lord is gone, some of the backbones of the Yuefu County Master and Jingxian Secretary, the most important thing now is to run the school of wish for life."

"The main place of Cangsheng's Wish Academy is another point of magic disaster, which must be kept calm." Lou Baiyue knew the power of it.

She can't kill now, she can only co-ordinate the whole, command the Marshal Cangsheng, cultivate the talents of the university, and move the world.

Gu Chensha arranged everything, and once again flew out of the sphere of life's wish and went to France.

He practiced in the sphere for more than three months. At this time, it was the twenty-fourth spring of Tianfu. There were grassy warblers flying everywhere in the world.

And the climate of the barren land became hot and humid.

Entering the gate of the Great Stone Wall, the world is still a beautiful scenery of spring. When the ancient dust and sand entered the state of France, there were mists and rains, and poetry.

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