Dragon Talisman

Chapter 461: Wen Hanlong 3 more

Legalists are absolute first generations. A novel ≯W

The founder of the law sage and even the humanitarian order, among the seven saints in ancient times, mighty power passed the martial arts, creating "all legal realms" for the legalists.

It is rumored that the "ring of unified cutting" is the collection of many innate spiritual treasures on the Hongmeng tree by the saint, integrated and refined.

It is also rumored that Fa Sheng has been pursuing the quality of "Traditional Taoism" throughout his life. It is rumored that his mana quality has passed the ancient emperor, but he is the person closest to the quality of "Tiandao Method" and has reached the quality of "Nine Heavy Dragons".

In ancient times, Fa Sheng divided the quality of the "True Dragon Method" into nine weights.

The ordinary born sage, the ancient emperor, can only practice the "True Dragon Method" to the "five-fold", the so-called Ninth Five-Year Supreme.

Only a few sages and heavenly sons can break through the miracle and reach the "sixfold", "sevenfold", "eightfold", and "ninefold".

Because the quality of the "Five-Strength" True Dragon Method is already the limit, if you practice forcibly again, you will already be competing with Tiandao for the edge. The so-called Ninth Five-Year Plan, with the dragon in the sky, is already standing at the peak and wants to go further. That is, Kang Long has regrets.

For example, Fa Wuxian, his mana qualities can only reach the five-fold true dragon method at most.

The same is true of Wudang Kong.

As for Zhuge Ya, his mana seems to be able to break through the "Five-fold True Dragon Method" and reach a higher level in the future. However, this has its drawbacks. The Lord of the Ancient Seven Stars was only rumored in the rumors. Once the number of robbers is over, it is necessary to return to its origin.

Gu Chen's "Cang Sheng Marshal" now also has "Five True Dragons".

Only himself, in the coincidence of chance, and the blood of the Emperor Tianfu, has obtained countless adventures, cultivated the qualities of the heavenly law that are rare since ancient times, and achieved the achievements of no other ancient people. But because of this, much of the ancient experience is no longer suitable for him, and he must explore independently.

He also knows that in the future practice of the Tao of Heaven, as the realm of the heavens rises, there will be some problems that the holy talents will have. You are true to the Tao, and in the midst of it, the power of being summoned by the Tao of Heaven is getting stronger and stronger. Finally, it was completely integrated.

This is also the purpose of his coming to the Fa.

There is a secret rumor saying that the Dharma is actually different from many saints, and has not really merged into the heavenly path. Instead, it has been left behind, just hiding, and sheltering the Fa in secret.

The ancient seven saints "Sacred texts", "Martial arts", "Bing saints", "Working sacrifices", "Agriculture saints", "French saints" and "Vatican saints". Among them, the saints establish order, operate rules, and have the highest strength among many saints . The news from Guchensha is that Fasheng has been studying the true dragon method and the heavenly method.

At the same time, he has been studying the mysteries of the heavenly law. If Gu Chensha could obtain these things from the Legalists, it would be of great benefit to his spiritual practice.

Although he has developed the qualities of the heavenly law, he also has a certain understanding of this law, but his research may not be profound.

"It is necessary to obtain the research results of Fasheng, obtain his understanding of mana, and analyze it at various levels, so as to improve my mana calculation. Fasheng's research on mana and understanding of the law is far from what I can compare. Gu Chensha thought to himself that he had reached the city of Fazhou.

The French canton is extremely huge, with 108 provinces divided by the ancient Fa Sheng himself.

The land of France is vast and fertile. It has been established since ancient times. Even in the most chaotic dark ages, the world is in chaos. The people who entered the land were still safe and sound because they were sheltered by the Legalists. People lived according to the legalist laws. It's been thousands of years.

From a certain point of view, the law school also has great merits in sheltering people in a state.

At the same time, France is also the most populous and largest state of the Dayong Dynasty.

According to statistics ten years ago, the population of the entire French state has reached hundreds of millions, but now it is probably over one billion. Because of this, the Queen of the Heavenly Fu Emperor is also a French woman.

When Gu Chen entered France, I only felt that order was everywhere. People lived with their own rules. Because of this, they are extremely efficient. Officials also pay attention to laws and regulations. They are meticulous. Watching the luck of France as a whole. It's clear.

France is also the best place for law and order. Even in the past, Jiangyang thieves and river and lake hawkers did not dare to make trouble in France.

The city of France is beautiful, but the pattern is serious and sensational.

Gu Chensha traveled around like this, nodding his head secretly, the Legalists are so strong, there is no reason.

"If it is true that rumors say that Fa Sheng successfully resisted the call of the heavens and did not unite, then it is horrible, but this is really possible. For example, the ancient seven-star Lord Jiang Gongwang did not return to the seven-star after death. Instead, he stored himself in the 'coffin of the burial world.' Gu Chensha turned around in the city of France, and finally came to the residence of the Governor of France.

The Governor of France is called Wen Hanlong.

Not a Legalist.

This is the court's rule. In any state with a thousand years of family, the governor must not be a disciple of the family. Otherwise, the imperial decree will basically be impossible to carry out.

This Wen Hanlong was also an official personally appointed by Emperor Tianfu, a disciple of the family, but descended from Wen Sheng.

Wen Sheng respects rituals, and Fa Sheng respects statutes. The two complement each other, but there is a great conflict. In a word, Wen Sheng pays attention to human feelings, and Fa Sheng pays attention to rules.

The so-called rational law.

Wen Hanlong is a disciple of the Wen family. When he came to France to be the governor, the emperor Tianfu meant to combine the ritual of the Wen family with the law of the Fa family to see if he could create a more perfect order form. The literati came to restrain the law, lest a family be monopolized.

Gu Chensha, the chief of the imperial court and the king of the imperial court, was also a king and had a high weight. When I came to France this time, I met the governor according to the rules of the imperial court, and then the governor went to notify the legalists.

Although Wen Hanlong was a disciple of the Wen family, he was even a court man. Emperor Tianfu frequently called this person ten years ago to train him.

Jingxian Si also studied secretly. Now if the Wenjia conflicts with the court, then this person must maintain the court and be loyal.

Ancient dust and sand came directly to the Governor's Mansion, and the breath of Wen Hanlong appeared.

This talent is in his thirties and looks like a teenager. He is a young hero. At the age of eighteen, he was trained by Emperor Tianfu.

Wen Hanlong was sitting upstairs at the Governor's Mansion at this moment, a cup of tea, a volume of ancient books, and watching the clouds floating in the sky, very quiet and happy.

"Master Hanlong is very comfortable." Gu Chensha appeared on the attic.

Wen Hanlong looked at the ancient dust and sand, and slowly put down the ancient books, and bowed to the ground: "Xiaguan see Wang Ye."

"Oh? Seeing you like this, it seems like I knew I was coming?" Gu Chen was a little surprised.

"Finally, it's time for the Lord to come to France." Wen Hanlong got up and saluted, still in a rage. "The Seal of Invincible Niehai is now broken, the magic is boiling, and the catastrophe recorded in the history books will probably explode again. The number of robbery should have been It will only explode after hundreds of years, but because the world exhibition is too fast, that is, the twenty-four years in this area, the exhibition level has passed for hundreds of years, the humane spirit is full of prosperity, and the magic boiling has been induced. Standing on the front line of the robbery. In addition to the accumulation of strength, Wang Ye must now contact the major families and fight against the magic together, which is also a necessary means of the court. "

"It seems that you have a good grasp of the general situation of the world. It is indeed the talent that the emperor fancy. The French state is the first state of Middle-earth China. You have been the governor here for many years. If you do n’t have the ability, it is impossible. The cultivation is no less than three men and eight generations, and the future is immense. "The ancient dust sand swept a little, and it became clear that the Wen Hanlong's cultivation was extremely appalling, and it had reached the level of twenty. And it is still cultivated as "King Kong Method".

In this realm, among the mysterious gates of Xiandao, he is already an elder, who controls a palace and has a high weight.

In the world today, the figures of the Governor level are generally modified as the fifth change in the state of affairs, the "soul gathers a hundred tricks" or the sixth change, "refining gas to become a maggot," the most correct is the seventh change, "vacation from the ground", the eight change "Sanmai really fire", if the nine-change "glazed jade body" is built, it will be reused.

This is the big bang of the last five or six years ago.

Officials at the level of the Governor of the imperial court have extremely high benefits. In addition to a large amount of money, Lu Lu also has elixir and secret exercises. In recent years, Jingxianji has surrendered thousands of second and third class ancestors of Xiandao. Every year, a large amount of tax revenue is entered, and some of it is allocated to the national treasury, which is used to release officials.

Wen Han Long Xiu is so high ~ www.readwn.com ~ Obviously not because of courtship and treatment, but because of his own deep adventures.

"Wang Yehui's eyes are like a torch." Wen Hanlong said: "Wang Ye's battle in the Demon Realm directly defeated the four masters of Xiandao Xuanmen. The prestige has already deterred the Quartet. Now it seems that Wang Ye's strength has improved compared to the original I don't know how many times, how can I get into Wang Yefa's eyes with this little trick? "

"Hanlong doesn't have to be arrogant, and you can be as good as San Gong Bahou by your cultivation." Gu Chensha waved his hand: "I'm going to meet the Fa school this time. Do you think the Fa school will give me this face? When the second Jingxing star assassinated me, I went to set up Jingjia in Jingzhou, but ate a closed door. Jingjia gave me no face at all. "

"Master Wang, please rest assured that the Jing family has a conspiracy to rebel. Moreover, King Wang is now in the middle of the sky, and the Jingxian Division broke the ape family in one fell swoop, and even caused the three great apes to suffer a great loss. Even if the Legal School is even stronger, we must weigh Weighing, after all, the thousand-changing stone ape, the yin and yang ghost ape, and the diamond fighting ape are god-level masters. "Wen Hanlong seemed to know a lot of information.

"You got these information from the Wenjia side." Gu Chensha asked, "You were an inconspicuous side branch of the Wenjia that was cultivated by the father and emperor. Now Xiu has reached such a state, and the Wenjia also I ca n’t give you a face. How do you have to recognize your status? What do you think of the writers about the situation of the magic disaster? Do you want to join forces with the court? "

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