Dragon Talisman

Chapter 466: Space

The dragon-making mentality is extremely mysterious. The cultivator develops the dragon-making spirit in the body, and finally turns himself into a Wizard of the World. ≧ 1 novel W ﹤ W ≦ W ≦. ≤1 ≦ X ≦ I

The Wizard of the World can cultivate to approach the existence of God.

In fact, even the innate wizards of the world need to build a dragon heart to consolidate the foundation and make their qualifications more stable.

The same is true of genius.

Whether it is a genius or a Wizard of the World, it is divided into three, six, and nine. This is the same as a natural saint. For example, the qualification of Fa Wuxian is far less than that of Zhuge Ya.

Natural geniuses and Wizards of the World are just as powerful as the gods, but if they practice martial arts, it is the icing on the cake.

In fact, geniuses and Wizards of the World need the Dragon Mind Method and the Dragon Heart Mind Method. They practice these two methods to consolidate the foundation, and gain much more benefits than ordinary people.

Even natural sages need to practice these two methods, gather dragon-breathing energy and dragon-breathing energy in the body, and operate and change each other, so as to understand where their qualifications come from, just like the immortal immortal will also go to the world Heart-making is common among the red dust.

What's more, the functions of raising the dragon mind and making the dragon mind are not as simple as upgrading qualifications, but also have extremely powerful defense and lethality.

At that time, the ancient dust sand relied on a small segment of the dragon-heart method to urge the refined dragon gate to absorb all innate radon attacks, thereby transforming the energy of the attack into the dragon-breathing energy. The defeated land is just such a miracle. The method of raising the dragon can become a first-class masterpiece between heaven and earth.

At the same time, the dragon-breathing qi can be transformed into all kinds of congenital qi, simulating change, and the source of all internal skills.

The attacking power of the Yanglong Heart Method is also extremely amazing. After starting to cultivate, the dragon-breathing energy in the body spreads throughout the body.

After practicing the method of raising the dragon, all martial arts can be carried with ease, and the whole body has almost no bad body, and it is 100% non-invasive, and all poisons can be resolved.

If you are a river and lake hawker, even if you have a few tips for raising your dragon, you can immediately become a top player, start a school, and be a generation of ancestors.

The disciples of Xiandao Xuanmen are even more amazing.

Gu Chensha has now given the Dragon Spirit to the Cosmic Xuanmen and Taiyi Xuanmen in order to add strength for himself. These two martial arts have now formed an alliance with themselves, and maybe they will fight the three heavenly deities in the future.

As for Wen Hong, Gu Chensha also passed on the dragon-building method to him.

After all, Wen Hong is a relative of her mother's side, and she can still be trusted.

"Boy, we have gotten great benefits this time," Chang Weiyang said, "just tell me what plans you have for the saint."

Since dealing with Gu Chensha, even Chang Weiyang has gained a lot of benefits. She already knows that Gu Chen and Jingxian Si have great luck.

"Legalists must not break through, they need to be intelligent." Gu Chen said: "I am now good at change and decided to change to Dou 19, and then try to enter the Legalists, but the legalists have many restrictions. It will take great risks. I also ask the three to work together to make a rune for me. This rune is the ancient witch rune recorded in the secret law of the tomb. "

With Chang Weiyang, Tai Xuandu, and Wen Hong, the three strong men worked together to make a rune, so powerful that it was unimaginable.

Ancient Dust needs this rune to protect itself at a critical time.

"My current technique of change is very subtle, but there is a flaw, that is, the existence of change is higher than my own level." Gu Chen said: "So three people need to refine this amulet. The above ancient witchcraft will help me. When I change, I can perfectly imitate the practice of the undead body. "

"It turned out that you had this series of plans." Wen Hongxian promised: "Taking your current changes, the twenty-two changes to the heaven and earth, the changes and your existence at the same level are indeed difficult for sages to show up, but if Change to a higher level than your realm, then there will be a lot of flaws. There are runes made by ancient witchcraft, which can make up for this problem, but you should also pay attention to it. Of course, the runes we make can make up for you. This shortcoming, but if you meet people who have cultivated us, I am afraid they can also see through. They are seeing through our amulets, not through your heavenly law. Fa-sheng is most likely in the Fa family, then you are extremely Danger."

"If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won the tiger." Gu Chensha said to Chang Weiyang at the same time: "I will also use this universe Thunderchi to practice my own mana."

"Anyway, I'm just going to see how much your cultivation has reached and what mystery of the quality of the quality of the heavenly law." Chang Weiyang also wanted to take the opportunity to observe the ancient dust.

"That being the case, an agreement has been reached. If I obtain the secrets from Fasheng and Fajia that can resist the call of heaven, I will definitely share them with you all." Gu Chensha has completed his alliance plan.

"Universe Thunderpool!"

A little too often, the space of the universe's thunder pool suddenly opened, and the endless innate thunder water, the magical effects of all things biochemical appeared in front of us.

The ancient dust and sand suddenly changed into a whole body, and immediately fell into the space of the universe's thunder pool.

He wanted to use the power of the universe's thunder pool to change himself one step further, and to extrapolate a change that was more powerful than all things.

The quality of the true dragon law has reached the fifth level, which is the so-called number of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. It can evolve into a long river of all things, which is the ultimate in the ancient records of France.

But the ancient dust and sand has now been cultivated into the quality of the heavenly law, so the change of mana will certainly not change in all things.

"This kid is really powerful. I am afraid that the world is invincible." Taixuandu is also carefully observing the cultivation of ancient dust and sand in the universe thunder pool. The operation of the heavenly law is unheard of for him. Even though Gu Chen's power is weak compared to him, it is not worth mentioning, but he is much stronger than him.

"I haven't seen the changes in the heavenly law, and I can gain a lot of experience this time." Chang Weiyang was also impressed.

The ancient dust and sand turned into a river of all things and entered the universe's thunder pool, and began to use the power of the thunder pool to promote its richer changes.

"Sky demon tree!"


The long river of all things changes again, the ancient dust is transformed into a sky demon tree, but this day the demon tree itself is extremely unstable and will collapse at any time, and it is far from the magic of the original demon tree that day.

"When the demon tree was born, it was almost a god, and there were many characteristics that God couldn't figure out. He still had a hard time trying to change." Wen Hong shook his head.

"Look, he is actually changing to become the **** of cutting fairy." Tai Xuandu pointed.

The ancient demon tree changed by the ancient dust and sand collapsed, but after its mana spread, it condensed again and turned into a gourd. A flying knife emerged from this gourd. This flying knife has wings and eyes, as long as you stare Even people who escape to the ends of the earth will not help.

"I was killed by the real sword-slayer, but the blood of Father Emperor was wrapped up in an instant, and I was resurrected. Now I urge the change of the heavens and the earth to change this gourd, Handy. Probably the strongest attack method. "Gu Chensha urged change, and cut it out with a stab, and the thunder pool of the universe came out with a rumbling sound.

"With these powers, he can make the monks who have changed the twenty-six states to one and kill all in one hit." Taixuandu was also surprised by these powers.

"People who have developed the true dragon method may not die immediately, but those who have not completed the true dragon method will completely disappear in one hit, and the essence of the whole body will be taken away by this sword." Chang Weiyang saw clearly.

At this time, the ancient dust and sand changed again.

His change is actually the Universe Thunderpool.

That's right, he practiced in the Universe Thunderchief, the quality of the heavenly method penetrated into the Thunderchief, and he learned many secrets, and began to change out a small universe Thunderchief himself.


His body turned into a small cosmic thunder pool, and it instantly resonated with the real cosmic thunder pool. Countless explosions passed from the universe's thunder pool.

The Universe Thunder Pool actually produced an unprecedented shock.

"Huh?" Chang Weiyang stood up. It seemed that she hadn't expected such changes herself.

Gu Chen is using the power of his heavenly method to push the universe thunder pool. Instead, he is tempering the universe thunder pool, not the universe thunder pool.

Hum ...

The universe's thunder pool seems to be activated by the heavenly law, and begins to change. The shape is no longer a cube, but it is gradually becoming a person.

This person is vague, the breath is like the strongest Holy Spirit, the incarnation of the universe, the big sleeves are fluttering, although the face is vague, but Chang Weiyang recognizes it at once. This is her father, Chang Universe, who has been fit. But now it seems to be resurrected.


Chang Weiyang's tone was a little excited.

A true saint who is in harmony with the Tao, because the heavens and the earth have changed, or the family has been sacrificed for a long time, it is possible to gather some strength to show some spirituality, but it is impossible to fully resurrect it ~ www.readwn.com ~ 武 家 Once There is a secret method, the family sacrifices Wusheng has accumulated thousands of years of incense willingness, if consumed, can allow Wusheng to gather again, wielding all the power for a few hours.

This is the way the Wu family pressed the bottom of the box.

All saints ’families are highly sacrificed, because if there are more sacrifices, the accumulated power is sufficient to exchange saints for the gods.

The Xuanmen of the universe also performed sacrifice and accumulated a lot of huge power, but Chang Weiyang did not use these powers this time, but the universe is almost going to manifest. What is going on?

"Weiyang, unexpectedly, you can associate with the existence of the quality of the heavenly law. If the quality of the heavenly law can be utterly extreme, it can strip me from the law of heavenly law and let me reappear! This person's level is too low ..... In this case, I will pass on all experience to this person ... "

A powerful memory was directly injected into the mana of ancient dust.

This is the stranger who created the universe Xuanmen from the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen and all the practice experience of the universe.

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