Dragon Talisman

Chapter 467: Salvation 3 more

Chang universe is one of the strongest among the saints. Today's saints, such as Li Wanlong, Emperor Huanglong Emperor, and Heaven and Earth Xuanmen palm religion, are not as good as him. One novel W ≦ W

Even though Chang Weiyang realized the different ways, the combat effectiveness is not as good as the old sage of the universe.

Often the universe had the invincible spirit of the world for the first time, and the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth was nothing but the faction that this person was so powerful that Jane had reached a certain level of tearing the heavens and the earth and upsetting the world.

The Universe Thunder Pool is also the innate spiritual treasure he received.

Now, the ancient dust sand has urged the heavenly method to inject into the universe's thunder pool, and it actually has the taste of pulling the universe from the fusion of heaven and earth.

This is simply the power of the sky.

Of course, this may be a characteristic of the heavenly law, and the universe is still just manifestation. If you want a real resurrection, I am afraid that it is only possible for Guchensha to cultivate to the same level as the three heavenly deities.

However, it's just possible. It doesn't guarantee 100% line, it just gives people hope.

After the universe manifested, he saw that the ancient dust sand had become the quality of heavenly law, and immediately understood what was going on. The ancient dust sand's mana was insufficient, and his realm was too low to allow him more time, so he immediately devoted himself to life. The numerous memories and feelings, countless exercises, were poured into the sea of ​​ancient dust and sand immediately.

Based on the vastness of his memory experience, if he is another master, I am afraid that he will lose his original consciousness in an instant, but the ancient dust does not matter. The quality of his heavenly law does not know how much memory can be accommodated.

After giving Gu Chensha all his memories, the normal universe gradually disappeared, and the universe thunder pool returned to its original appearance.

After this scene appeared, Chang Weiyang and others were surprised.

They looked at each other, and it took a while before they returned to God.

"Unexpectedly, the quality of the heavenly law actually makes the saints who have been united together pull back." Wen Hong had a happy look on his face: "It seems that this boy will be of great value in the future."

"No matter what, my cosmic portal is going to cultivate him with all his strength." Chang Weiyang said categorically: "My father actually taught the boy all the experience of cultivation as a memory. For him, the cosmic portal has been nothing. No secret. "

"It's really amazing, this kid's future achievements will definitely pass us a lot, and see how he changes to cultivate now?" Tian Xuandu is still studying.

Gu Chensha has turned into the purest mana at this time, constantly changing, and the peristalsis seems to digest the experience and memory passed to him by the universe.

Countless messages rolled around in his mana.

His mana gradually showed the color of chaos.

"Does he want to change his mana into chaos? How is this possible? The mana of the quality of the heavenly law can actually simulate chaos?" Wen Hong stared intently, with a secret calculation in his heart.

At the end of the ancient dust and sand, it turns into a sphere similar to chaos, which keeps spinning, and in the sphere, various magic weapons appear, including the celestial sacrifice **** gourd, the universe thunder pool, the wish of life, and the sky. Demon tree and so on.

These changes are getting faster and faster, making people dizzy, and finally returning to chaos.

This non-stop calculation, non-stop change, non-stop squirming, non-stop flickering, here is a full calculation for another month.

At the end, a bang exploded, and Guchensha changed again for himself.

There is no improvement in his realm, or the realm of the twenty-two ways of changing the state of heaven and earth. Familiar with the mana, the call to heaven, the perception of the number of calamities, the use of magic, and the future practice are not a month ago. I can compare myself.

His mana changes have completely crossed the "long river of all things", returning to its origin, and can almost change out of chaos.

Smash everything into chaos.

His current lethality, if changed to cut the sword of the gods, is twice as large as a month ago, and the variety of changes is one step further.

This time, he got the inheritance of the universe from the beginning. As a child, he practiced step by step, realized step by step, finally reached the saint, and even the final process of enlightenment was deeply engraved in his memory. He digested thoroughly.

He had the scattered memories of Jiang Gongwang, the Lord of the Seven Stars, and a small part of the memory of Xingqiang, and scattered memories of many demon sages. Although there is a lot of knowledge, it is not complete, and none of them runs through time. The context of the axis.

But now, the entire memory of Chang Universe is incorporated into his perception, which is equivalent to giving him a backbone, allowing him to connect the fragmented perceptions of all saints together to form the overall context.

At the same time, all the mysteries of the heaven and earth and all the exercises of the universe are under his control.

Often the universe is the high-level in the heaven and earth, and naturally learned all the mysteries, and he also created the methods of the universe. He learned everything in his life, and it is called a chaos, and he has established schools from the most subtle points. There is a systematic theory of cocoon peeling.

Ancient dust and sand are constantly calculated and operated, using this as the backbone, such as wheel axles, to connect Cangsheng to the sky and Cangsheng leather to the sky to make up for each other, and the Holocaust God and the Heavenly God of God are combined more closely.


A fine stalk runs through eternity, killing spring and autumn.

Ancient dust and sand came straight out of the universe thunder pond.

"Thank you for the completion of the Xuanmen of the Universe. I have acquired all the memory and inheritance of the predecessors of the universe. I have learned and learned from such a small and large practice. These opportunities will be well-reported. Stripped from the process of assembling, reborn, and returned to earth. "Gu Chensha sincerely inspected.

"This is also my father's chance."

Chang Weiyang took out a rune with the ancient magic spell flashing on it, "You practiced in this universe thunder pool for a month, and the three of us used the ancient witchcraft according to what you got from the punishment vault. Refined this rune, which can assist your change, let you perfectly simulate the change of Dou 19. When encountering danger, sacrificing this rune can wield great power and tear the enemy, Protect yourself and run away. But this symbol is used against the enemy, then it can only be used once, which is equivalent to the three of us joining forces to give a full blow. "

"I know." Gu Chensha took this rune, feeling the power of it, secretly nodded, and input the mana into it. Suddenly, the rune completely lost the wave and became like the void.

"What do the three people think about the demons of the demons?" Gu Chensha asked again.

In fact, whether it is the Legalists, the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen, the Wudangkong and others, or the Dawei dynasty, it is not a major threat. The calamity in this world is the magic disaster.

Demonstrating chaos and spirituality of order. Confrontation, collision of yin and yang, opposition of darkness and light.

The magic disaster is always the confidant of ancient dust.

If the magic disaster is eliminated, everything can be calm.

"Magic disaster is inevitable." Wen Hong said: "I have also seen the broken part of the seal in the demon realm. The fortresses that many demons and demons of the demons have joined forces to boil the magic, and they are about to succeed. The magic disaster may move at any time. .The three of us can't stop it, even the three celestial deities won't stop it, just like the explosion caused by the yin and yang out of balance, the sudden shock, no one will stop in the middle, because the more delayed, the explosion The power is greater. "

"Just as the flood comes, it is not to stop it, but to release it. If it is blocked, the flood will become more fierce." Tai Xuandu said: "I think you Jingshi Division should avoid it, now it has become The key point of magic boiling is that if the magic disaster explodes, the first one will be thrown at you Jingxian Division, the consequences are unpredictable. "

"I also know this matter, but if we retreat from the Jingxian Division, the people of the world will not suffer. Those families will certainly not rise to the top. They will only hold their own grounds. After the devastation rages, they will come out and clean up the mess. Every time they It ’s all the same, and after the magic disaster explodes, they come out to pick up the bargain. ”Gu Chensha frowned.“ The world is so good, people are living extremely well now, but after the magic disaster explodes, the world sinks and is full of scars. Someone must stand there. On the front line. "

"People standing on the front line are basically falling. For example, in history, for the first time in the civil rebellion, they must have opened the way for the true king and became cannon fodder." Wen Hong shook his head: "Staying in the mountains is not worrying If there is no wood burning, your Jingxian Division is the hope of the world. If it falls in the first wave of magic disasters, I am afraid that it will be cut off. Moreover, your cultivation is not enough, you must avoid its sharp edge, and wait for a comeback. Some of you have become god-level. I'm afraid there is still a lot of hope this time to be able to grow up in the disaster, but it's too weak now. "

A martial art, there is a big difference between having a god-level master and no god-level master.

God-level masters can use the power of the world to wield all kinds of power.

God's Wish Sphere must be a god-level master in order to be fully urged and wield the strongest power.

"Although tens of thousands of people will sacrifice me." Gu Chensha laughed. "The magic disaster will explode. We just want to stand at the head of the tide and do the tide. Only in front of the most intense world disaster can we stir up. Self, showing the true nature of birth and death. "

"In the end is a young man, full of vigor." Chang Weiyang waved the palm of his hand, and the situation of the bottomless sinful sea appeared ~ www.readwn.com ~ Under the seal rupture below, the magic gas had reached the extreme point, darkened. It seems that there are countless demons roaring, and even Chang Weiyang cannot figure out what is in them.

It is a magic array arranged by many demon-level masters and demon gods. In addition, there are the "town prison black" left by the king of all gods, the king of hell, the king of evil gods and the strongest **** Capricorn monument".

This monument has the heaven and earth's creation, the supreme mystery of running the universe.

In terms of true strength, Capricorn should be comparable to any of the three heavenly deities. Yuan Chang Weiyang and Wen Hong Taixuan are both.

According to the level, God-level masters are cultivated under the saints.

But God-level masters are not real gods, they have not been sealed up, they have not been granted the throne.

The **** who got the divine power, let alone a great increase in strength, will also increase his lifespan tenfold.

In addition, after the captive God, there are many opportunities to communicate with heaven, and Capricorn is the strongest of all the captive gods.

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