Dragon Talisman

Chapter 479: Prosperous 3 more

The gains made by Jingxian Division this time are indeed huge. What's more critical is that it weakened the power of the Legalists. A novel ≥≯W ﹤ W ≦ W ≦. <1YX "All the power and memory of the gnome to give up his deity have been captured by me." Guchensha opened his mouth, and a black rune appeared. This rune contained the power and all memories of the gnome's death.

After this sprite was spit out by the ancient dust, it broke into the tree of wishes.

This is the true dragon method, with ninety-nine percent of the power of the natural sage and memory.

The memory of the gnome's abandoned desert contains all the plans of the demons, as well as some secrets of the gnome's demons. What's more, the gnome's abandoned abandoned mastered the full version of Capricorn Town Prison.

Gu Chensha has long wanted to get the full version of Capricorn Town Prison Scripture. This scripture deeply analyzes magic and expounds spirituality. It also contains insights into many dimensions of the magic realm. It is a supreme magic scripture and a magical scripture.

It is rumored that the Capricorn town prison scripture practice has reached the extreme, which can transform magic into spirituality, spirituality into magic, transform each other, endlessly, thoroughly understand the principle of yin and yang biochemistry, and the alternation of darkness and light.

If this path is obtained by the Jingxian Division, it will be of great benefit to the extermination of magic disaster.

The wish tree absorbs all the power of the gnome to give up. It sways in the wind and the branches are swaying. There are many verses floating on it, like a sea of ​​smoke, and it has evolved into all kinds of situations in the magic domain. That is the text of Capricorn Town Prison.

"Good guy ....." Zhuge Ya immediately began to comprehend: "This Capricorn town prison scripture is rich in content, all-encompassing, geography in the magic domain, origin, race, various magic methods of the ancient times. , The origin of the demon, medicinal materials, alchemy, and the transformation of the demon body, the most central of which is the Capricorn Demon Theory. The mystery of this article has even passed the outline of the book of the demon. "

Zhuge Ya was fortunate, and he gained many worldly powers.

Such as the sun and moon Tonghui in the Tianzifeng divination technique, as well as the Holocaust divine method, the ancient demon Tao recorded in the book of the demon, and now has obtained the Capricorn town prison scripture. There are many magical methods of the Supreme Supreme of Heaven and Earth, as well as the method of raising the dragon and the method of making the dragon. Some memories of Xingqiong's.

These things are a hodgepodge, each of which contains the supreme usefulness. Now they must be melted into one furnace and transformed into a more elaborate martial art suitable for the Jingxian Division.

With these huge martial arts as the foundation, the martial arts of Jingxian Division will gradually improve, rob the road between heaven and earth, and occupy the most precious rules and order.

The blue dragon, white tiger, suzaku, and basalt four elephants and beasts are very happy. All of them have greatly benefited from cultivation.

Guchensha killed the dwarf's dead body, but did not devour its power, because Guchensha's own power has been saturated, and by virtue of its own cultivation, it can completely make up for any consumption.

He urged mana almost endlessly.

Because of this, he was able to wield the Hercules "Vientiane Broken Rod", which is extremely heavy. According to rumors, if this rod is not a god, all mana will be drained instantly, and the enemy is not Killed, instead he died.

And Gu Chensha's current mana urges this stick and enters it, which is really handy.

Because he hit it in one shot, after all the mana was exhausted, he filled it immediately between breaths. After he completed the Holocaust law, he controlled it with the qualities of the heavenly law, and he was more skillful.

Of course, his most powerful killing move is his own use of the change in the realm of the heavens and the earth.

Of course, once the knife is cut, everything is done, but after the ancient dust and sand itself, it will also take a lot of power to suppress the killing intention of the knife, so as not to destroy the degree of completeness of the soul.

Therefore, this knife cannot be easily cast.

At that time, even the three celestial beings spurred the power of this sword to kill Xing Qiongshi, and he was seriously injured and eroded by the intention to kill.

Therefore, the ancient dust sand still needs the magic weapon of “Vientiane Broken Rod” as a weapon. Moreover, as his cultivation improves, if the realm can break through, the heavenly law is more complete, and the power of this stick is even more powerful than Hercules. The fierceness of the hand.

The victory of this stick is simple, there is no extra fancy, there is no change in the stick, it will not become a large array, and there will be no complicated siege. It is simply smashing, sweeping, and smashing.

At the time of urging this stick, it also contained a scripture, which was the unparalleled "superpower Hercules" left by Hercules.

Run this power, the magic power is very strong, do not have some mystery.

Of course, Guchensha only knows a little, and as his own food, he will not really cultivate. Enrich your own life and make up the sky.

The full version of Capricorn Prison was obtained, which was enough for him to enlighten for a long time.

In addition, after taking Hongmeng Shengdan, he has completely consolidated his mana and has a huge savings. The next step is to realize the state of the 23rd change of "seeing the past".

However, it is not possible to understand the practice of retreat in this realm. You must travel to the people and experience the changes of time.

Zhuge Ya's realm is now the twenty-four change "peeping at the future", which is impacting the immortal body. As his cultivation improves, the sphere of the wish of life is more and more delicate.

Lou Baiyue is presiding over the wish of the academy, which is also a kind of practice.

"Let's take a look. The ring left by the dwarf was actually not cut by a knife, but some good things were stored in it." Gu Chen took out the ring: "This is Capricorn. Forged from a bone, it is one of the strongest substances in the world. "

He reached for a touch.

The space inside the ring opens.

He has all the memories of the gnome's abandonment, and has obtained his real mana of ninety-nine. Naturally, he can open the ring.

The space inside the ring is huge.

Rather than space, it is also a small world. The ancient world is almost as large as the land of the state of the Great Yong Dynasty, and the Gauguin is thousands of miles away. There are white clouds floating in the sky. The sun, moon, and stars gathered together with the formation.

The power of the world in the ring is extremely strong. On the vast plain, there are mountains cast by Taigu Mingyu. There are a total of nine mountains, which form the formation method, called the "magic swallow the world" array.

The incarnation of ancient dust and sand entered the world of this ring, and came to a mountain cast by Taigu Mingyu, which was hundreds of miles in length and dozens of miles in length. When it was struck by hand, the Mingyu came out and smashed it. Sound, of which the magic flow is turning, although the quality is not as good as the jade of the seal Xingqiong's, it is much more advanced than the top-quality spirit jade of Baoyu Kingdom.

This is a dwarf who abandoned his collection of many jade ore ore in the magic domain and refined it with mana, which took a lot of effort.

Arranged into a magical swarm of the world, the gnome abandoned himself to cultivate in it.

In addition, in this small world, there are many elixir, materials, heaven and earth treasures in the demon realm, and even Fuyu. Of course, these treasures are not comparable to the ancient dust and sand captured from the Fajia. The six great treasures of Hongmeng Shengdan, Fashu, Vientiane Broken Rod, Xiaoleiyin Ancient Temple, Xiaomuni Stupa, Three Realms.

Thinking of these six treasures, Gu Chensha felt that if he was a legalist, it would take a long time for him to ache. He wished to catch the thief. After Ling Chi's execution, his soul would be tortured forever and never live.

After examining the ring, Gu Chensha felt that instead of keeping it, he might as well digest the newly born wish tree, integrate everything in this small world into the sphere of life's wish, and strengthen the essence of the world.

Everything is aimed at strengthening the sphere.

This is the strategy of Jingxianji. At present, Jingxianji has no energy to train other high-level babies.

As long as the sphere of life's wishes is completely strengthened, everything is easy to handle.

"This ring contains the power of a huge world. It is a great complement to our wishful beings. The dwarf is indeed the most outstanding young generation of the dwarf demons. He has more babies than Fa Wuxian. . It seems that Fa Wuxian is too proud, and has no relationship with the real ancestors of the Fa family, too much elders, and there is no magic weapon in the past, which is far worse than the gnome giving up. "Zhuge Yadao .

"If the Fa school is willing to cultivate Fa Wuxian, take that Hongmeng Shengdan as soon as possible to Fa Wuxian. The achievements of Fa Wuxian may not be worse than the death of the dwarf. This will not be cheaper for me, so we can see The Legalists will not cultivate talents. "Gu Chensha smiled." But if I am also a Legalist, I will definitely not cultivate a disobedient Fawuxian. "

"This is a headache for the Legalists. Fortunately, there is no white-eyed wolf in Jingxian Division." Between the words of Zhugeya, suddenly a light appeared above the sphere of this wish, and in the light, a hall appeared. This hall There are tens of thousands of disciples in the middle, all are practicing at the same time.

Cultivation is actually "the method of raising the dragon".

The tens of thousands of disciples practiced at the same time ~ www.readwn.com ~ The spirit of raising dragons overflowed from the body, reached the top of the hall, and was absorbed by the formation method, and passed into the sphere of the wish of life.

"Yes, the wishfulness school of Cangsheng finally achieved success." Zhuge Ya was very satisfied: "These disciples are hard-working, and the dragon-breathing energy that the body cannot store will be sucked into the sphere, and the sphere itself is also equal to those The disciples have contributed to Jingxian Division, and they haven't been tempted to provide them with elixir to cultivate them. "

"Booming day, but how long can a good day be?" Gu Chen was very disturbed. He felt that Jingxian Si was indeed full of luck recently, but I wonder if it will return to the past? Prosperity will decline?

Is the beginning of the evil disaster the beginning of the decline of Yasushi? Or is the Great Yong Dynasty, or even the decline of humanity beginning?

Anyway, ancient dust is not optimistic.

Among the spheres, Guchen Sand recuperated for another month, digesting all the gains from this lurking into the Fa School, as well as the full version of Capricorn Town Prison that killed and abandoned the gnome, and at the same time tempered mana to make it more After being pure, he traveled again.

The family of the world, he has to run all over, the Fa family is only the first stop.

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