Dragon Talisman

Chapter 480: Netherworm

Of all the great families in the world, the Legalist School deserves to be number one. A small ≥ say W

When Fa Sheng was not awakened, the strength of the Fa family was still not comparable to other families, and once the Fa Sheng was awakened, I am afraid that even the heaven and earth Xuanmen will breathe their breath.

Fa Sheng can get rid of the heavenly calling and restraint, resurrect, and return to the earth. This is a miracle that has never been seen in ancient times. At least since ancient times, no saint who has fallen into the ascetic can return to earth.

At most, it is the sacrifices of the saints 'descendants' family. After gaining enough power, after being consumed, the saints will be able to show something to point to.

The sage of the manifestation has no power, it is just a mysterious mystery.

But now, the ability that the sage can wield can actually resist the attack of the giant spirit **** and the witch ancestor, which is more than thirty-six changes in power.

Of course, Fa Sheng was able to emerge from the **** of the heavens and manifested his body, most likely because of a flaw in the rules of heaven and repression by the emperor Tianfu.

The Emperor Tianfu even distorted the sacrifice to the goddess of heaven. Indirectly, it was equal to helping the Holy Saint. The reason why Guchensha was able to practice the Heavenly Law is probably also the case.

Gu Chensha Unfortunately, there is still no secret that can get the Fa Sheng to resist the call of heaven.

Although he obtained a lot of treasures from the Legalists this time and made a lot of money, he still had some regrets that the most critical things were not obtained.

In addition to the Fa family, the second strongest family should be the Wu family. Ancient dust and sand have traveled to Wuzhou many times to observe the weather of the Wu family, and we know that Wu Sheng was absolutely shocked by the ghosts and gods.

The layout of these saints is far behind.

"Change, Wudangxing!"

Ancient dust and sand itself turned into Wu Dangxing.

The real Wu Dangxing is now being manipulated by Zhuge Ya and turned into a chess piece. He is also standing still, using the identity of the Special Envoy of the World Alliance to inquire about the news and contacting many family disciples. No sand is present.

However, Zhuge Ya did not understand the secret of the giant spirit **** among the jade charms obtained from the ancient bullet sword, and was still trying to crack it.

The giant spirit **** is the most cunning existence among many gods. It must have his strengths. Even the ancient dust and sand feel that this **** must be hidden somewhere, observing the secrets of Jingxian, and even understanding some of the secrets of Jingxian. Where it is, but Jingxian Si now can't catch the clues of this **** at all.

Wen Hong's life's desire is to first kill the giant spirit god, even if he is now established as a god, there is nothing he can do.

Although he is the son of the previous destiny, his qualifications have to be more lawless and immortal. There is no problem in becoming a saint. Judging from the situation of Fa Sheng, this **** is probably breaking some kind of restraint and reaching a whole new realm.

This realm is incomprehensible to ancient dust.

After changing to Wu Dangxing, Gu Chen went directly to the Wu family.

He collected Wu Dangxing's memories and was very familiar with the various situations of the Wu family. This time I went back to the Wu family to see if I could steal the key treasure from the Wu family like the Fa family, again. Increased the cultivation of Jingxiansi's wish for the sphere, and at the same time gave trouble to Doujiu.


He had already flown over Wuzhou and looked at the five big mountains "Yangwu Mountain", "Yuanwu Mountain", "Zhenwu Mountain", "Huawu Mountain" and "Taiwu Mountain".

These five mountains are shrouded in thousands of miles.

The five mountains are like a palm, towering above the earth. The mountains have beautiful peaks, waterfalls like dragons, deep ponds lined up, and picturesque scenery. I don't know how many mysteries it contains.

In the mountains, gorgeous palaces are built, layer by layer, divided according to the mountains. The higher the mountains, the more magnificent the palace is.

Below the mountain is a good field, which stretches away almost endlessly. All are neatly divided, and there are also houses between Tian Hetian, who are specially guarded. The terrain is hidden in formation. When the ancient dust and sand came, the fields were planted with "spiritual rice" specially used by the martial arts. Now Jingxian Division and Tiangongyuan have opened up good fields in the barren land. The array method is used to experimentally plant various kinds of rice, and the quality is much better than that of Lingwu rice. Therefore, the Wu family no longer does these useless work, and all these rice fields are replanted with various elixir and refining elixir.

Gu Chensha watched the change of the Wu family and knew that Jingxian's rolling trend made these millennial families have to make changes.

When he flew to the mountains not far from the five mountains, he felt a tremendous force, and he was prohibited from flying. This was the no-fly zone of the Wu family.

However, what he changed now is the disciples of the Wu family, and Wu Dangxing, who has a very high status. He slightly urged the mystery of the Wu family and interacted with the five big mountains of the palm type. The palace on top of "Yuanwu Mountain" descended.

"Yuanwu Mountain" is the **** of this huge palm.

On the top of the mountain in the middle finger, a huge palace is built, all of which are martial arts gods that have been tempered for thousands of years, which is a magic weapon in itself.

This palace is the meeting hall of the Wu family, worshiping ancestors, holding family meetings, and high-level cultivation.

Only the martial arts disciples who have become Jin Dan can reach here.

As soon as Wu Dangxing, the incarnation of ancient dust, fell into the front of the palace, several people sensed that they came out, and one of the young people was shocked: "Wu Dangxing, you actually built a mana!"

This young man is also a powerful man at the level of Jindan at the Eighteenth Avenue of Change. He is called Wu Dangxian. He looked at Wu Dangxing in horror and felt the mana power of this person.

More than a year ago, Wu Dangxing was also at the level of the "Evening Jindan" of the Eighteenth Transformation, but now he is directly promoted to the "constant and impermanent" mana state of the Twenty Transformation, which is simply terror.

This is the intention of Gu Chensha, which is to attract the attention of the masters of Wu family, and thus enter the Wusheng cave heaven of Wudang, peeping at many secrets.

After passing through the trip of the Legalist School, he swallowed Hongmeng Shengdan, and the mana operation became more and more exquisite. Although there was no improvement in the realm, the art of change was no longer seen by god-level masters and saints.

"Yes, Wu Dangxian, although you named it Dangxian, the so-called first horse, but my cultivation is far beyond you, how about it?" Wu Dangxing, the incarnation of ancient dust, is an extremely proud character, Regarding the heroes of the world as nothing, their tone is often ridiculed, and everything must be competitive. Now Gu Chen's character is just right.

"You ....." Wudang Xian smiled angrily: "I know that you have been very active recently, and have become a special envoy of the League of Nations, and have gained many benefits, but I suspect you have betrayed the family and mixed up with that ancient bullet sword Together, it will definitely hurt the family in the future. "

"Wu Dangxian, you came up to frame me because of jealousy, are you trying to die?" Gu Chensha slammed the palm of his hand and suppressed it directly. He actually gave Wu Dangxian a lesson.

"Don't make trouble!"

At this moment, a palm appeared from the Wu Family Hall, catching the palm of the ancient dust, and then an elder came out: "Wu Dangxing, follow me into the Wusheng cave heaven, and several old ancestors will see you . "

This is the elder Wu family, Wu Gongxu. This person's cultivation has reached the twenty-two states of change.

"Huh! Wu Dangxian, let you go today, if you dare to scream in front of me, you must tear your mouth." Gu Chensha's arrogant attitude, no one doubted his identity.

As long as the five mountains of Wujia are within a thousand-mile radius, the formation method condensed by this mountain can naturally sense whether they are Wujia disciples.

Wu Dangxian hated, but he dared not say anything.

"It seems that Wu Dangxing is used to being domineering in the Wujia. I can use this identity to sow the internal fighting of the Wujia and weaken the strength of the Wujia." Gu Chensha secretly came up with several good strategies.

He followed the elder into the depths of the Wujia Hall, and saw a huge tunnel leading into the void.

This seems to be an ancient wormhole.

It is rumored that in ancient times, there were void worms that could devour turbulence in the depths of space and time, creating wormholes one by one.

"Did the Wu family keep a void bug? Then I have to upgrade the Wu family's evaluation." Although Wu Dangxing is a leader in the family, he was a Jindan strongman before, but he is not qualified to enter Wusheng Cave Heaven. It is not clear what the true secret of the Wu family is.

Along this ancient wormhole tunnel, ancient dust and sand entered into it, and saw the cave days different from all the legal realms.

There are nine powerful breaths in the depths of this Wusheng cave sky.

That is to say, the inside story of the Wu family is that there are nine god-level masters! Although it is not comparable to the thirteen statutes of the Fajia, it is also a force capable of overturning the middle land of Shenzhou and even the eight wastelands.

The oldest ancestor of the Wu family is called King Wu Yu. He used to be the master and sent Wu Dangkong into the palace to become the concubine of the Ming Dynasty ~ www.readwn.com ~ in exchange for a decree of the Emperor Tianfu, extending the life of the millennium .

Entering this Wusheng cave day, the feeling of ancient dust and sand is absolute force, breaking all will, martial arts destroy the sky, martial arts defeat the sky, martial arts cover the sky, martial arts split the sky.

This is the essence of Wu Sheng. Using Wulai to suppress everything, destroy everything, anything, any trouble, any cause and effect, any fetters, can be solved by force.

Among all legal circles is absolute order and legal rules.

This is the difference between the two saints.

Wu Sheng was the strongest in combat in ancient times, but his overall strength is not as good as that of Fa Sheng.

Gu Chensha stepped into this Wusheng cave sky. The nine god-level masters and nine strong breaths have swept away from him, but nothing unusual has appeared.

"Wu Dang Xing Yan see you old ancestors." Gu Chen Sha fell down, his expression made full.

"Wu Dangxing, what adventure did you get, Xiu Wei was actually promoted so fast?" Xiu Wei the strongest King Wu Yu asked.

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