Dragon Talisman

Chapter 483: complex

"It seems that Emperor Wu has not been able to deal with the nine masters of the Wu family and Wusheng Dongtian. A novel ≯W < W≤W ﹤. <1 < X ﹤ Ⅰ≤A < O ≦ S ≦ H ≦ UO.COM” Ancient Dust Knowing that Emperor Wu's current practice has reached the ability to "open up the world" in the Thirtieth Change of the Realm, he can also be regarded as a god-level master, but it is far worse than the martial arts heritage. He wants to go back to be a homeowner and have great power. It is temporarily impossible.

The old ancestors of the Wu family did not obey their orders obediently because it was the Emperor Wu.

It is even possible to suppress Wu Di directly, and then integrate him into Dongtian to become a magic weapon.

The fight for power within the family is equally brutal.

There is often a family member in the folks who compete for feng shui treasures, all of them killing themselves.

Humans are good at killing each other, of course, the demons are not much better, and killing each other is even more powerful.

Thinking of this, Gu Chensha seems to understand the secret of some kind of genie.

"Master Wu Di ’s disciples all understand that I read my martial arts books since I was a child. It contains the great achievements of Master Wu Di, knowing that Master Wu Di had learned different things, and it became the pinnacle of thirty-six alternation. It is necessary to break through and become the three heaven-level figures, but unfortunately, the number of calamities encountered in the end is just as unfortunate as the current Yong Dynasty. My martial arts family must flourish, and only the Emperor Wudi can lead it. King Wuyu and the gang After all, the ancestors are a lot worse. "Gu Chensha knew how to wear it, wearing it in a thousand ways, and not wearing a horse fart:" I also hope that Lord Wu Di will instruct me to repair. "

"It's easy to say that you are my disciple of the Wu family. I naturally want to cultivate you." Emperor Wu heard it comfortably. "But the secret of the Wu family now, can you tell me to listen?"

"That's nature. The disciples know everything, and they can't stop talking." Gu Chensha immediately told the Emperor Wu Sheng about many things he had obtained from Wusheng Dongtian.

Emperor Wu listened, his face remained unchanged: "Wu Yu ’s cultivation was extremely strong, and the oil had dried up, and it was not a concern. But he actually obtained the imperial edict of Tianfu Emperor, which increased the life span of the millennium, which was difficult to deal with. "

"As long as the Emperor Wudi restores his strength, suppressing them is also between the backhands." Gu Chensha tried his best to bewilder.

"Restoring strength is easier said than done." Wu Di waved his hand.

"The disciple has an idea," Gu Chensha said quickly.


"The disciples are here this time looking for the ancient bullet sword. This person is the spokesperson of the giant spirit **** and the witch ancestor. He has endless magic weapons and elixir. If he cooperates with him, he can seize some opportunities." Gu Chensha "If the Emperor Wudi agreed, could I, as spokesperson, negotiate with the ancient sword?"

"Oh? This is a great thing." Wu Di looked very moved: "Whether it is the giant spirit **** or the witch ancestor, it is the existence of the absolute world, 朕 do not have anything else, if you can use the ancestral witch bone plate, use it Can restore strength. "

"The disciples must restore strength for the Emperor Wudi." Gu Chensha expressed his loyalty.

"Your loyalty knows, you said, what is needed? Come to see your cultivation, do you need magic weapon, or do you need to instruct your cultivation? Or do you teach your skills directly?" Wu Di carried both hands.

"The disciples do not need magic weapons, nor do they need to impart skills." Gu Chensha had long thought about it: "The disciples only hope to obtain the experience of the Emperor Wudi to understand the different numbers. This is what the disciples need to learn."

"Hahahahaha ..." Wu Di laughed out loud: "Well, Wu Dangxing, your ambition is big enough, and you want to learn the realm of strange numbers, but I'm telling you, even if I try to understand strange numbers I have passed on my experience to you, and you ca n’t just follow the gourds to learn about the different numbers. Where is the easy way to learn about the different numbers? I once ruled the whole world and encountered robbery again. However, not long ago, by chance, an unprecedented mutation was observed, and it was only then that I realized. "

Between the words, Emperor Wu's smile converged and his eyes sharpened: "That kid is just a miracle, and he has built up the quality of the heavenly law. If I hadn't observed this mystery, I would have difficulty understanding the strangeness."

After hearing this, Gu Chensha knew that Wudi was talking about himself.

He transformed himself and practiced the Heavenly Method, which Emperor Wu witnessed on the spot.

Unexpectedly, it was this kind of induction that actually made Wu Di realize the real way of strange numbers. However, it is normal to think about it. Emperor Wu has accumulated great power originally, and the way of different numbers is only one step closer to the door. Observation has reached the unprecedented quality of heavenly law.

No matter how the Emperor Wu enlightened, Gu Chensha only knew one thing, that is, the Emperor Wu is now a different number.

Really different numbers except Chang Weiyang.

"I hope the Emperor Wudi will be perfect." Gu Chensha showed an ambitious look.

"Yeah, you are the first one to trust in You. You will have experience with different ways. If you can achieve something, then You really have to look at you." Wu Di suddenly appeared a ball in his hand, This sphere blame 6 away, and then kept changing, it turned out to be a book, there seem to be countless Jinge iron horses in this book, swallowed thousands of miles.

"Master Wudi this is ..." Gu Chensha was surprised.

"This book is called Emperor Wudi, and it is a connotation of the life experience of Xun. Among them, Xun has learned from martial arts in elementary school, and has a better way to govern the country. He has entered the Honghuang Dragon Gate and experienced many things. Despair in the face of robberies and the rebirth of rebirth after the robberies, and the change in the moment when you understand the way of different numbers, even if you obtain some subtle secrets from it, you can also directly understand many realms. " This book fell into the hands of ancient dust.

Gu Chensha picked up the book and flipped it at once, and the book turned into light into his body.

"Master Wudi, you ..." Gu Chensha looked stunned.

"Don't panic, these are just some of the methods of the Emperor. This is the way of the emperor. Even if you come up to the Emperor, you ca n’t trust you completely, so He placed the gods in this book. But The content in the book is true. As long as you become enlightened, you will definitely become your proponent, and you ca n’t help but brainwash you. ”Wudi did not hide his imperial power at all.

"This Emperor Wudi still looks like this, no one believes it, but this is how the emperor has been for a long time. Fortunately, I have been prepared for a long time, and dealing with Emperor Wudi is not the same. The experience in this book is indeed true, but Anyone who reads this book will be brainwashed by Wu Di. "Gu Chensha knew very well, but how could he be like Wu Dangxing? He has long urged his own cultivation and quietly penetrated. When he gained the experience in this book, he resolved the prohibition in it.

Emperor Wu controlled his subordinates habitually, and he had long been taught.

"The Emperor Wudi is wise and wise, and his disciples admire it." Gu Chensha's fake drama is really done, and it seems to be really brainwashed: "The disciples will not be able to accept such a huge memory of experience for a short while."

"Taking your cultivation as an example, it will take at least decades to learn about the experience of Wu." Wu Di didn't care: "Now I will give you the task, and contact the ancient bullet sword." Wu Di lost it once again, a rune He fell into the hands of Guchensha: "This is the symbol of communication with you. Once you encounter danger, after you crush it, you will come."

"Thank you Emperor Wu." Gu Chensha sneered.

Between words, Emperor Wu disappeared completely.

At this time of Gu Chensha, mana was running, the huge memory of Emperor Wudi and the experience of understanding different ways were integrated into his own soul.

After a long time, he opened his eyes: "The Emperor Wu really saved a hand, but the most important point for understanding the strangeness was not there. This emperor's plan was too deep. He didn't believe anyone. Concentric majestic atmosphere, you do not trust the people in the world, how can the people in the world trust you? "

In any case, although the most critical information for understanding different numbers is missing, there is still a lot of valuable things in Emperor Wu's experience.

Gu Chensha took this experience as his own food, and he took a closer look at it and melted it into one furnace.

His savings are too huge, and he has won so many sages that he has overwhelmed the memory of the characters in the world. The mana in his body runs almost everywhere.

It was these experiences and resources that gave him many new insights and changes.

"The situation is intricate and complicated, and all the major forces have emerged. But I just like this situation. The more complicated it is, the more I have room to play. At this time, I represented the Wu family, Emperor Wu, watching and negotiating with ancient bullets. Get some resources? "Gu Chensha spurred his qualities of heavenly law to completely dissolve the prohibition left by the Emperor Wu, and landed directly in the ancient bullet sword enclosure.

The ancient fierce sword's fiefdom has expanded, it seems that many sites have been hit these days.

Throughout the world, Middle-earth China has completely completed its invasion of the barrens. Over the years ~ www.readwn.com ~ the barbarians have been losing ground and cannot organize decent resistance at all.

Many temples of the barbarians were occupied, and many mountains, forests, grasslands and lakes in the barren land were reclaimed and turned into cities of the Dayong Dynasty.

From the fourteenth year of Tianfu, the court began to march towards the barbarians. It has now been eleven years. During this eleventh year, Emperor Tianfu has not appeared for almost half of the time. However, the court is still operating very well, and the territory is also very good. With the continuous expansion, various institutions have shown great vitality and have not lost their vitality.

Gu Chensha suddenly realized a kind of comprehension: "In the days when the Father Emperor disappeared, the court seemed to feel the crisis up and down, fearing that the good situation in front of them would be destroyed because of the robbery. If the father emperor did not disappear, the princes of the imperial court felt that they had relied on it, but they would enjoy themselves with peace of mind. From this point of view, the disappearance of the father emperor also stimulated some fighting spirit. For the National Games, This is a good thing. "

The Emperor Tianfu disappeared for so long. The courts must say that they are not worried that it is false. Therefore, all of them are desperately saving to cope with the turmoil and robberies that will occur at any time. This kind of emotion has spread to the people and everyone in the family Accumulate grain, practice hard, and build high-rise buildings.

In this way, it will stimulate the National Games.

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