Dragon Talisman

Chapter 484: Ask for benefits

In fact, the slightly wise people in the court now know that the court is an unprecedented prosperity on the surface, but because of the lack of the repression of Emperor Tianfu, once it collapses, it will bring disaster to the world and create an unprecedented chaos. 1 novel ≥WYWW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Under such pressure, everyone is loose and tight.

Gu Chensha understands this, but also admires the foresight of Emperor Tianfu.

At least he was almost doing everything he could to show his greatest potential. He tried hard to practice, to show off, to defer the explosion of magic disaster, and to strengthen his strength, even if he was in danger.

If Emperor Tianfu is still there, Gu Chensha will never fight like this. He is a calm person. When encountering things, he will first consider his own safety issues. He is not ten percent sure, and will never fight. There was a half chance, and I immediately bet on it.

This is the spirit of adventure.

Perhaps this spirit of adventure is not a good thing for monks, but for the entire country, it is the spirit of adventurer who is always enterprising and self-improving.

Many folks, even scholars, have traveled the world with swords and came to the barren wilderness. As adventurers, they have killed the barbarians and obtained military merits and wealth.

In the eyes of the cultivator, the people of these scholars are still as weak as ants, but sooner or later, a great spirit will be brewed in this subtle power.

Any monk of Xiandao has grown up step by step from the weak.

Gu Chensha thought about it and fell into the mansion of Gu Danjian.

"Hahahaha, when Xing Xiong, you finally appeared." A voice came out, it is the ancient bullet sword, the big sleeves fluttered, and there was a faint power in the air to expand the world.

"The qualifications of this ancient bullet sword ..." Gu Chensha beating heartily, because he has seen that the cultivation of this ancient bullet sword is already a twenty-two change in the state, the law, the heavens and the earth, and a realm of himself , But his qualification is no longer a Wizard of the World, and he has become a natural saint!

However, on the surface, the ancient bullet sword is still a genius of the world. Only the ancient dust sand's perception of heavenly law can tell the essence of the ancient bullet sword.

"The qualification of the born saint is definitely the cultivation of the witch ancestor and the giant spirit god. If I guess well, it should be the use of the spirit of the holy dragon in the depths of the Honghuang Dragon Gate, so that the ancient bullet sword directly upgraded the qualification." Gu Chen A lot of information came out immediately.

"Subordinates see the lord." Gu Chensha made the etiquette full.

"Dangxing brother, what are you doing?" Gu Tanjian was a little stunned.

"I am the special envoy of the Alliance of the World, and naturally want to meet the Alliance Leader." Gu Chensha laughed: "This time I came to the Alliance Leader to represent the Wu family and come to the Alliance Leader specifically."

"How do you say this?" Gu Tanjian let the "Wu Dangxing" in front of him enter the garden of his mansion and sit down: "Can you represent the Wu family?"

"I have been authorized by the nine ancestors of the Wu Family's God-level ancestors." Gu Chensha took out Fuyu.

This falcon has the authorization of nine god-level masters without any fraud.

"Dang Xing Brother really turned his hands for the clouds and his hands for the rain." Gu Dan's eyes blinked: "It seems that you have such a high status in the family? What happened?"

"It's very simple. The Fajia Fasheng returned, the giant spirit **** and the witch ancestor reached a certain agreement with Fasheng, and many of the old ancestors of the martial arts felt great danger." Of course, the ancient dust sand made many mysteries and let the ancient bombs Sword also couldn't figure it out: "I advised many ancestors of the Wu family, and cooperated with the leader, hoping to benefit from the leader. We are willing to rely on the leader."

"You really are a personal thing, you even know this secret news?" Gu Tanjian looked at "Wu Dangxing" for a while: "But the nine masters of Wujia God trust me, I have nothing worth using. You want The thing must be very harsh, I am afraid it will be very difficult. "

"It's not us." Gu Chensha smiled: "I'm me, the old ancestor of the Wu family is the old ancestor of the Wu family, I'm just a errand, just to get my own benefits."

"Oh ..." Gu Danjian smiled slowly, "You actually have the intention to betray the martial arts, I like it, I like you for the purpose, uncompromising, but there are also people behind you Who is the strong presence support? Tell me? "

Gu Chensha did not speak, but took out a rune.

When the ancient bullet sword saw this rune, his look changed: "Different numbers!"

He has felt the strange breath in this rune: "Chang Weiyang? No, this is not Chang Weiyang, but ..."

"Emperor Wu." Gu Chensha said the facts: "Emperor Wu was resurrected, found me, and gave me some benefits. I wanted to be his subordinate, want to gain the power of the Wu family, and then swept the world to restore the Wu dynasty again. "

"This is the case." Although the ancient bullet sword was extremely deep, it was still a bit shocking to hear the news: "The Emperor Wu was the highest state in which the state of the kingdom changed and became comfortable. He ruled the world, and even the gods could n’t help it. If the foundation is created, it is a pity that in the end it was a shortfall. Now that it is making a comeback, it is possible to break through the realm of the thirty-sixth change and compete with the three heavenly respects! The situation is once again complex and difficult to predict. "

"Anyway, with the wisdom of the Confederate, you will be able to deal with it and do the small things." Gu Chen said: "In fact, whether it is the old ancestors of the Wu family or the Emperor Wu, they all regard me as A pawn. In fact, the alliance leader should be similar, and it is also the **** of the giant spirit **** and the witch ancestor. Only when we are united can we create a backlash and get a huge opportunity. In the future, we must not take lightly. "

"Unexpectedly, you are such a talent." Gu Tanjian sighed: "I really looked down upon you before, so according to your opinion, what should I do?"

"Naturally, we use the power of the giant spirit **** and the witch ancestors to establish our own solid foundation." Gu Chen said: "But the alliance masters are really unreliable people. If they develop some white-eyed wolves, they will also waste resources."

"That's the way it is." Gu Tanjian deeply agreed, "In fact, I really admire the Jingxian Division. The group of people are enemies, but they are extremely united. They rarely tussle with each other. In this way, they can suppress it step by step. We are all out of breath. "

"Jingxian Si is not a concern." Gu Chensha snorted coldly: "They don't have god-level masters sitting in the town, and they are pregnant with many treasures. In the eyes of many big brothers, this is a piece of fat, everyone wants to swallow it, I'm willing to saddle the horse and do great things for him. As long as the owner gives me some good. "

"What good do you want?" Gu Tanjian smiled and smiled. "You are a little bit powerful. You actually said that you moved the nine masters of the Wu family. You also said that you moved the Emperor Wu. These days are doing well. Now come to me to ask for more. The benefits are right and wrong. "

"When dealing with those god-like figures, where can I deal with the leader easily?" Gu Chensha tried his best to fetch something out of the ancient bullet sword. "Moreover, the leader may have the opportunity to gain the power of these god-level masters. Especially the strange number of Emperor Wudi. You must know that Emperor Wudi is far from recovering. If he took this opportunity to capture him and refine it, he would be included in the magic weapon of the cave heaven .......... "

"Oh? Your ambition is really not small." Gu Dan's eyes stared intently: "You know I'm making a cave-level magic weapon?"

"Guess what you can guess. The Alliance mainly does big things. If there is no magic weapon of the Heavenly Level and has its own small world, how can it settle down in the future? Can it compete with the major families of Jingxian Division?" Gu Chen said: "But the Alliance Leader must Like Jingxianji, he used a certain hole-level magic weapon to transform it, slowly cultivate it, and become his own. "

"Great." The ancient bullet sword hahaha laughed: "It seems that your wisdom is not under that Wudang Kong. In this world, the real high-end power is God level, and God level has its own small world in the sky. Less than God-level, want to unite their cave days, unless it is to obtain the original cave-level magic weapon. "

"Dongtian is the world in the cave." Guchen said: "But the magical power of the cave heaven is also divided into levels. The first condensed is the microdust world, then the small thousand world, the medium thousand world, and the large thousand world. , Endless world. The world of ordinary god-level masters is the dust world, and those families that have been condensed for thousands of years are the small thousand worlds. Recently, the Legalists seem to want to be promoted from the world, that is, from the small thousand worlds to the middle thousand worlds. ~ www.readwn.com ~ Once the promotion is successful, it can completely crush the world of all the families. I don't know what level of magic weapon the alliance owner has? "

"This is not what you can know." Of course, Gu Tanjian would not tell this secret, but Gu Zuoyanyou: "What kind of wishful sphere of Jingxian Division, the book of Tian Yao itself, is a The small thousand worlds, but the group of Jingxian Division actually merged all kinds of babies into it, and transformed into this sphere, but there were loopholes. Although the power is great, it has become a dusty world, because the world is chaotic and does not Reunification. There is no god-level master to reconcile Jingxian Division. This is like a big country. The national strength is strong, but the people inside are fighting with each other and pulling their own hind legs. Therefore, it is not as good as a small country. "

"That's right." Gu Chen's eyes flickered: "I also want to have my own world, I don't know if the leader can complete me?"

"You want your own world too?" Gu Tanjian stood up fiercely: "Wu Dangxing, you have a big breath. If you want a baby, I can give it to you, but you want your own world. Your appetite is equal to that. Devour! "

"Only in this way, can I help the leader to seize the Emperor Wu, use various methods, refine the Emperor Wu, suppress the world of the leader, make the leader world have a different number." Gu Chen sand tempted with words: "The leader , This is the best opportunity. "

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