Dragon Talisman

Chapter 485: Alarmist 3 more

"Different numbers ..... different numbers ....." Gu Tanjian muttered the word, and seemed to be making a certain determination deep down. A small ≧ said W≤W ﹤ W≤. ≤1

"Leader, a rare number is rare. Now in the whole world, in addition to the three heavenly deities, there are some old antiques. The different number is Chang Weiyang and Wu Di. Chang Weiyang has reached the peak of the thirty-sixth transformation. He The state of freedom, more cosmic mysteries, has become the overlord situation, there is nothing at all, only the Emperor Wu, reborn after the calamity, cultivation has not fully recovered, as long as you grasp, truly refining and integration into the world, then I do n’t need to say more about the power of the world in the future. ”Gu Chensha bewildered again and again:“ If the leader does not make up his mind, the longer the time is delayed, it is likely that Emperor Wu recovered his magic power, at that time ... ”

"Yes, you're right, you are seeking for wealth and wealth. It is difficult to find different numbers. If you grasp the strange number of Emperor Wudi and incorporate it into my world, the future is limitless. Since ancient times, all different numbers are extremely powerful and difficult to grasp. Arrest, and Emperor Wu is the weakest time. "Gu Danjian made up his mind.

"The leader is decisive in killing and admiring his subordinates." Gu Chensha quickly complimented: "However, if you want to do something, I am afraid that it is also a bit difficult. Now Emperor Wu's cultivation is to open up the world to the 30th change in the state of affairs. Level, including his understanding of different ways, and some hidden strengths, I am afraid that three or four of the same god-level masters can't help him. "

"What idea do you have?" Gu Tanjian asked again: "I think you must have your own idea since you make this suggestion."

"It's very simple, isn't Emperor Wudi borrowing the bones of ancestral witches? We put poisonous hands in it, and the countless curses of ancient Wudao were invincible, and we arranged means to conceal Emperor Wudi, as long as he temporarily lost any ability, The repair is greatly reduced, and we may have the opportunity. "Guchen Sand Road.

"Borrowing the ancestral and witch bones, that needs to stun the ancestor and the giant spirit god. I don't want to stun the two existences now, so as not to be taken advantage of, what should I do?" Gu Danjian asked again: "With our strength, even if it is Chinese After the cursed Emperor Wudi, I am afraid that it can also kill us in a flick of a finger and kill directly. "

"It's really difficult. Our strength is comparable to that of Wudi. It's about the same as a grasshopper. We just pinch to death. We have to calculate that he is equal to the mosquito sucking the blood of a giant elephant. It's impossible. We can only kill with a knife." Gu Chensha considered it. : "The key is that it is not too late. This is difficult. If you do n’t use the ancestral witch bone as a bait, Emperor Wu will not appear at all. This emperor is extremely cunning. After experiencing not knowing how many storms and conspiracies, his subordinates still hope that the owner With the curse of supreme witchcraft, the ancestral witch bones were evolved, making Wudi weak before he knew it, and then his subordinates would lead Wudi to fight against the nine masters of the Wu family. When Emperor Wu was satisfied, he would curse. Suddenly it bursts, and that's it. "

"That's right. At that time, we can take Wusheng Dongtian as our own, and we can also obtain the strange number of Emperor Wudi." Gu Danjian was very interested in the suggestion of "Wu Dangxing": "A powerful curse, I am casting Nothing comes out, only the ancestors have this magical power. In this case, I will ask the ancestors. As for you want your own world, this thing is too incredible, even if it is my ability, it is difficult to do it. You If you want ten or eight magic weapons, I can give you what you need to raise dragons and make dragons. "

"The problem is that I do n’t have my own world. In many cases, I ca n’t drive it, and I have no guarantee. If there is a world-class magic weapon, no one can do anything when it comes into hiding.” Gu Chensha was determined and wanted Using Wudi and Wujia's old antiques as bait, squeeze good things out of ancient bullet swords.

This is one aspect, and the other aspect is that the ancient dust sand will be laid out this time, and the overall situation will be to surrender the Emperor Wu and the nine masters of the Wu family, and subdue them into the spirit of the world. May the spheres use their world power to urge the spheres to run fast, so that the world can truly wield power.

This thing would have been impossible, such as a caterpillar on the ground, to count a group of golden-winged roc birds in the sky.

But Guchensha doesn't seem to be hopeless, at least depending on his plan, there really is a chance of success.

Emperor Wudi can be seen, it is the pure way of emperor power, and the nature of mind is that I would prefer to lose the world, and leave the world to teach me.

The world is in chaos and he will definitely come out and create his own dynasty.

Although Emperor Wudi and Emperor Tianfu both created dynasties, unified China, opened up territories, and swept the wild, the difference between the two is that Emperor Wudi is for his own benefit and the country. The Emperor Tianfu is really for the people of the world.

Emperor Wu is a rich man who guards his treasure.

Emperor Tianfu is a mentor who guides the world.

"Since you want your own world with all your heart, I can only communicate with the giant spirit **** and tell him this plan. You are a key part of this plan. You ca n’t do without it. But I hope you do n’t What tricks to play. "The ancient Tan Jian must be believed in the" Wudang Xing "in front of him.

"That's natural. I have told this plan to the proprietors now. I just want to be rich and risky. If the proprietor spreads this matter, I can't afford to take it immediately. Of course, the proprietor will lose a skyrocket. Opportunity, we are now based on the bond of interest, the most stable. "Gu Chen said:" Of course, I do not have to own my world, this thing is too difficult for the leader, if the leader can give me something similar to slash The treasure of Thunder Sword gives me the ability to defend myself, and I will be satisfied. "

"The sword that cuts thunder is the sacred sword made by the martial arts. It is very powerful and is also very ancient." Gu Dan Jiandao said: "If you need it, I can give you one, but things like magic weapons are not greedy. Rotten, you have this thunder sword, even if you have other magic weapons, they are not powerful enough to urge them. "

The ancient bullet sword is not a fool, and it will not be so easy to give a treasure of too ancient Qizhen level.

"The ancient bullet sword is now in a pinch?" Gu Chensha thought to himself: "Since this is the case, I will play a big one." He said again: "The leader should give me some benefits, so I have the motivation to host the alliance. No? I think that the nature of the Alliance Lord should be a born sage. If I guess correctly, it is likely that I will gain the spirit of the Holy Dragon in the flood-dead dragon gate. If I can also promote me to this qualification, I will certainly be heartfelt. Sponsors for the Alliance. "

"Huh?" Suddenly, Gu Tanjian burst into murderous body: "Wu Dangxing, it seems that I underestimated you, can you actually see through some of my secrets?"

"The leader of the alliance is angry, and I have also shown to the leader that I have some skills, not waste." Gu Chensha said quickly: "The alliance can only rule people if it has a lot of people. If only a small I can accommodate No, I am afraid that it will be very difficult to find a truly powerful subordinate in the future. The lord looks at the Louxue and Guchensha of Jingxian Division, and the three of them, even Zhugeya. I remember that Jin Suibo was also under the command of the seventh prince and was drawn to the leader of the alliance. However, he still took refuge in Jingxian Division and said that the alliance leader did not like to listen. That may be that the alliance leader does not have room for people. "

After hearing this, the murderous spirit of Gu Danjian slowly faded away: "Very good, very good, Wu Dangxing, you are right, I will not trust anyone in everything, but you want to be a natural saint, this It is almost impossible. The reason why I was able to become it was to spend countless strengths to obtain a ray of holy dragon's breath previously stored by the giant spirit god, and now even the giant spirit **** has no such spirit. If there is any The three great deities have long turned some of his sons into natural saints. "

"I want to say something to the lord, watch out for the giant spirit **** and the witch ancestor, I suspect that these two supreme existences are likely to be something in the plot of the world son." Gu Chen said.

"Oh? I don't have anything for them to plot." Gu Danjian smiled. "I don't understand the two existing chess now. But since it's good, I won't take it for nothing."

"The most precious thing on the leader is the blood of Tianfu Emperor." The key to the problem of the ancient dust sand secretly, "But the blood is hidden deep, it seems to be spiritual, so far, there seems to be no royal disciples to excite. According to As far as I know, the ancient dust of Jingxian Division may be agitated a little, so his strength is scary, and I do n’t know how much. The giant spirit **** and witch ancestor, I think that the cultivation of the leader, step by step, there are It may be to find a way to stimulate the blood on the leader of the alliance and then collect it. "

"Your reminder is not unreasonable!" Gu Tanjian suddenly realized ~ www.readwn.com ~ The eyes are very deep: "I have never remembered this stubble, it can be seen that the authorities are obsessed by the onlookers, yes, that has inspired our ancient family so far. The royal blood may be ancient warsaw and ancient dust sand. Ancient warsaw may be shallower, and ancient dust sand nagging may have learned the key secrets and know how to activate this blood line, so it is actually more important than natural saints. Arrogance is really terrible. If you can have a chance, please tell me about the secret of Yasukuni? If I can stimulate this bloodline, it is likely to be the key to breaking the game. "

"Excuse me," Gu Chensha said alarmingly: "The day when the blood of the Confederate Emperor Fudi is the day of the harvest by the giant spirit **** and the witch ancestor, this is also a chance for survival."

"In your opinion, what should we do?" Gu Tanjian was really shocked by Gu Chen's words.

The current wisdom and experience of Gu Chensha are no longer comparable to those of the ancient bullet sword.

Although ancient bullet swords are deep and wicked, insidious and cunning, but three times and five divided by two, they are still brought into their circles by ancient dust.

Gu Chensha's wisdom and calculation at this moment are no longer under Zhuge Ya, and both have their own strengths.

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