Dragon Talisman

Chapter 489: Sun and Moon Division

Ancient Buddhism has long since disappeared, and has not appeared in the world for almost 10,000 years, but Guchensha feels that there will surely be a hidden tradition. Yi Yi Novel W ﹤ W ≦ W ≦. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

As the world changed, they showed clues again. What did they want to do?

Perhaps in a world of great changes, some great benefits can be gained.

In each calamity, when the troubled world comes, there will be heroes born out of nowhere. This is the luck in the calamity. Whoever can catch it can laugh for tens of thousands of years.

This is tantamount to the chaotic times when the people changed the dynasty. If you dare to fight, you can fight a vassal and worship, the family is rich.

Gu Chensha has also been thinking about this problem, what is the reason for the emergence of heroes in troubled times.

Or is it because of disrupting a certain order that human potential is released?

These vicissitudes of life, changes in the world, and careful consideration can increase the thickness of the cultivation and have great benefits for epiphany.

"Xiaotai Gui surname? How many demon heads have been killed this time?" Gu Chensha arched his hands.

"Under the last name of Qin, a single Chinese character." The young scholar said: "This time, ashamed, less than a thousand demons were killed, of which only a few dozen are above the state, and those demons are connected. He is also proficient in arrays and connected, and often does nothing. "

"It can be blown away with hand guns to separate them, and then wipe them out one by one." Gu Chen said.

"Although the artillery shells are powerful, they can be difficult to carry." Qin Han said to Gu Chen: "I think Xiongtai is calm and unhurried. The repair is definitely above me, and I haven't asked the name yet."

"Behind the forest." Gu Chensha coined another name, but this one is also available for identification: "Zhu Zicai also got a few adventures. This time I came to Yinzhou to practice and kill some more demon in exchange for wealth. On the other hand, I also want to see what the general trend is in this world. Scholars in our generation must take a longer-term view than ordinary people to be able to avoid evil and evil. Otherwise, everyone will be caught up in the torrent after a troubled time. "

"It seems that Xiongtai is not optimistic about the court?" Qin and Han came with interest: "Today the court is still politically clear, the territory is constantly expanding, and the civilians have no complaints. All of them live and work in peace, and the population is increasing rapidly every year. I think there are many more years of luck. "

"That's not true, too. The Wu dynasty thousands of years ago was also at its peak. Suddenly the magic disaster broke out, and then it fell apart. In the end, the world was in chaos. After a century of darkness, this spirit slowly recovered." Dust looked at Qin Han: "Xiongtai is also familiar with history books, which is not unclear."

"It's true." Qin Han said in surprise: "It is indeed the heyday today. In the heyday, there must be sorrows. The court lacks cohesion. Although the prince has it, he has no prestige, no appeal, and there is no room for study. In this country, the ministers didn't know who they were listening to, and their hearts were gone. Each of them planned that Jingxian Si tried his best to maintain the situation so that it would not collapse, which is rare. "

"Brother Qin and Han really are similar to what I have seen, but there are finished eggs under the cover of the nest. If the magic disaster explodes and sweeps the world, then where do we go from here?" Gu Chensha asked.

"I can only go far into the mountains and forests and leave Middle-earth China. This is a big country and there are many places to live." Qin Han sighed: "Then you can cultivate successfully and then go out to save the people."

"I don't think this plan is feasible." Gu Chensha waved his hand: "This time, the magnitude of the magic disaster is unprecedented, and from top to bottom, I am afraid that it is in the midst of robberies. As far as a monk from the Nine Demons changes, he can completely catch up. "

"The demons occupy the Middle-earth Divine Land, and based on this, spreading the magic power hundreds of millions of miles away, even if we become Jindan, we can't escape the hunting range." Qin Han thought about it, and it was true.

"Nice, just like our current court, we set up institutions everywhere to encourage folks to kill demon heads and get rewards. If the demons occupy Middle-earth China, it will be the same. The masters of the demons will chase and kill human masters everywhere. At that time, the end of humankind is coming. "Gu Chen said:" At that time, the gods in human beings could not be alone. "

"Good!" At this time, a group of scholars came together: "Today we must not have the idea of ​​avoiding the world, otherwise the demons occupy the general situation, I am afraid that the world is really big, and we have nowhere to hide, just like crossing the street. The mouse, facing the pursuit of the demons, ca n’t live forever. From now on, the people of the world will unite, be brave and advanced, and fight with the demons to kill you.

"Yes, we scholars are the backbone of the world and must be supported." Another scholar said: "The court did not say anything to our scholars today. A few decades ago that wasn't the difference between clouds and mud, and we will serve it. "

"Being kind to our scholars is not the court, but Jingxianji. If Jingxian does not collect taxes from Xiandao and provide continuous financial support, where does the court have such money. The crown prince of the court is useless and has not had any good governance since he took office. The imperial concubine's Ming Concubine Wudang empty, it is a source of harm to the country, there is no accomplishment to the world all day, but instead emptied the court to thicken her Ming Kong Chamber of Commerce! These traitors are not removed, the country There will never be peace. "A scholar slammed violently.

Wudang Air Supervision State has been in existence for several years. In these years, she did not do good governance, nor did she contribute to the court.

Although she and Gu Danjian tried their best to guide the public opinion, there was no way, not to mention the counterattack of the Jingxian Division, to say the fact, whether they have contributed to the world of the imperial court, they were all clear, elixir, money, weapons, These things of armor cannot be made out of words.

Jingxianji is doing real work, and she and Gu Tanjian are basically shouting slogans, reluctant to take out their own resources for the benefit of the people of the world.

People in the world are not blind, especially now that the wisdom of the people is already open. Those who are reading are very savvy. They gather together every day to discuss the trends of the world, travel around, be an adventurer in the wild, and kill the demons in Niezhou. Where is it? .

"It seems that ancient bullet swords and Wudangkong can fool around for a while, but they must not blind the world for a lifetime." Gu Chensha smiled in his heart: "Giving the world benefits is real. In that position, we must bear responsibility. It's the same thinking that I used to, I'm afraid I can't do it. Before the rolling trend, whether it is ancient Xuansha or Wudangkong, it must be changed. "

In this abandoned teahouse, many scholars basically divided the ranks when comparing the forces of Jingxianji and the imperial court Wu Dangkong, Prince Edward ancient Xuansha, Wudang Kong is "treacherous concubine", Prince Edward ancient Xuansha is weak Incompetence, and Jingxian Division is the mainstay of the country.

This effect is what Ancient Dust wants.

In the long run, Wudang Kong will not be able to undo the situation, it will only become increasingly fame.

Of course, it is not impossible for Wudang Kong to pull back, so he took out real gold and silver for the benefit of the people in the world, but in this way, Gu Chensha wanted.

Jingxian Division This is Yang Mou.

Wow, wow ...

As many scholars talked about it, some scholars even wished to reach the new capital outside Guanguan immediately to kill and kill the "traitor concubine" Wudang Kong.

But at this moment, a group of soldiers wearing armor immediately surrounded the teahouse, and the sound of a thunderbolt came out from the sky: "Enclose this teahouse and catch rebellion."

Many scholars did not know what had happened, and rushed out.

Even the ancient dust and sand came out, and saw a team of hundreds of people blocking the teahouse. The armor of these teams was dark gold, and the top of it was fierce. There were countless eyeballs peeping at the people. Anyone looked at it. When you come to this armor, you will feel that you are facing a terrible monster in the world.

"This is ..." Gu Chensha recognized it. "The fierce armor of Divine Land! This was the armor created by Xingqiang's family that was worn by his subordinates and used against the sky. According to the level, Divided into Shenzhou fierce armor, Shenzhou ten fierce armor, Shenzhou one hundred fierce armor, Shenzhou one thousand fierce armor, Shenzhou ten thousand fierce armor, Shenzhou one hundred fierce armor. I did not get the condensing method of this armor from the memory of Xingqiangshi, but I know there is such an armor. "

Divine fierce armor.

This name used to make the immortal Tao cold, the demon Tao daunted, the magic Tao retreated, and the gods hid.

Xingqiongshi forged for his subordinates.

Even if it is the lowest-level Shenzhou fierce armor, when put on, it is equivalent to a fiend that is almost a nine-way change of state. And the ten fierce armors of Divine Land, that is almost the equivalent of the Jindan-level fiend.

Divine Hundred Vicious Armor is almost equal to an undead fiend.

As for the armor of all evils, the armor of all evils is simply comparable to God and saints. The Shenzhou billion fierce armor is Xingqiong's own personal armor, which is just one set.

Thousands of fierce and violent armors are rumored that Xingqiang could not build a few of them that year, and because of building this armor, he lost a lot of himself.

But even the lowest-level Divine Armor is extremely remarkable.

Now these soldiers have a set of fierce armor of the Divine Land, and they are connected. The most wicked evil spirits were poured into this armor by Xing Qinshi.

"Who are you?" A few scholars asked bravely.

"Hey, hey ..." A smirk came from the air ~ www.readwn.com ~ The team was led by a person wearing "Shenzhou Ten Fierce Armor", his body was wrapped in armor, and it floated in midair. Looking coldly at the following scholars: "My official is the newly established commander of the Ninju Division under the Sun and Moon Division, who monitors the world specifically to see who is dissatisfied with the court and dissatisfied with his maiden, that is rebellion, you scholars, Actually gathered here, arguing about the mother-in-law, this is the felony and annihilation of the nine races. First catch them all and detain them in the jail. After they have been found out, they will be slashed and cruised across the states to see who dare to speak bad things.


All the soldiers roared at the same time, and between the stunned shocks, these scholars retreated back and forth.

"Slow!" At this time, Qin Han stood out: "How is the Sun and Moon Division organized? So retrogressive, today's imperial court has spoken broadly and not used words to convict the emperor. The emperor encouraged the people to run newspapers, supervised court officials and ministers, and court officials The Prince and aristocracy can't do well, they must be attacked. This has been written into Dayong's law. Why? You must cover the sky with one hand? "

"Hahaha, where there is so much nonsense, Niangniu is the law, Sun and Moon Division is arresting you who are dissatisfied with Niangniang. Starting today, resisting Niangniang is rebelling against the imperial court. All arrested, who dares to resist? The commander wearing the ten fierce armors of Shenzhou waved his hand fiercely, and he was going to risk the world's inconvenience and slay these scholars.

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