Dragon Talisman

Chapter 490: Hook Party

"Wu Dangkong is going the other way.> One novel ≥W ﹤ W≤W≤. ﹤ 1IXIAOSHUO.COM."

Gu Chen's heart was extremely cold.

With the management of Jingxian Division, the world has paid for it, especially the establishment of the Cangsheng Wish Academy, and the appearance of the commander of Cangsheng, the world ’s public opinion has completely fallen to the side of Jingxian Division, civilian scholars, soldiers and civilians, and even some landlords. Liu's giants scolded Wu Dangkong as "evil concubine".

If Wudang Kong wanted to remedy this image, he could only bleed with Jingxian Si and regain the hearts of the people.

But now Wudang Kong doesn't want to do this at all, but has gone to the other extreme, that is, the establishment of the Sun and Moon Division, and began to arrest those who said bad things about her.

This is to make the people dare not speak, to exert high pressure on the people.

To a certain extent, this woman's heart has been dark. She is provoking the contradiction between the people and the court. If the sun, moon and the world are used to arrest everywhere, the people will still transfer this resentment to the court.

"This woman is starting to stir up the world, why isn't it good to do it? What kind of benefit can she get from disturbing the world so much? It seems that Sun and Moon Division is her new establishment, and she is going to fight against Jing Xian Si. This day Yueji should not be underestimated, it is actually the all-powerful Divine Armor! This armor cannot be created by us and it is obtained from ancient times. Obviously, it is the unique secret law of the criminal dome. These armors were also manufactured in the same year. No wonder, the punishment Qiongshi and Wudangkong reached an agreement to support her behind her, so she has the confidence to risk the world, kill the gentleman. "Gu Chensha has already guessed many times in her heart.

"If Wudang Kong didn't have the support of Xingqiangshi, she would never dare to do this, but she did it now, which means that she had already planned for a battle with us Jingxianji! We will never allow her to do this Do. If her hidden killer is suddenly shot, let us make a big loss for Jingxianji, and then sweep the world and arrest the aliens. See the personnel, I'm afraid that it can be reversed immediately. "

Gu Chen is calm.

Wu Dangkong is not a fool and Xingqiang is not a fool. If he dares to do so, he must have thoroughly analyzed the forces in the world, especially the Jingxian Division.

She must have thought about Jingxiansi's counterattack, and she was planning to defeat Jingxiansi in one fell swoop, so as to completely grasp the power, and then she took the opportunity to march and master the national transportation of the world.

By that time, I'm afraid the world is in her grasp.

"Wu Dangkong, since this is the case, I will fight you. I have developed the law of heaven. Xing Qiongshi is not afraid, are you afraid of your little concubine?" Gu Chensha's electric thoughts turned sharply and she was already aiming Qin and Han.

This Qin and Han dynasty carries the secret of the Buddhism, but it is the chess piece of the Buddhism leader. It will certainly not be arrested today and fall here.

Maybe you can use this person to test out what is so powerful about Sun and Moon Division.

Seeing that the soldiers wearing the fierce armor of Shenzhou were surrounded by fierce and evil spirits, Gu Chensha immediately said to Qin Han: "Brother Qin Han, what should we do? These soldiers of the Sun and Moon Division grabbed us and it is likely that we will be sent to prison. Then tortured to death. We must fight hard. "

"The concubine **** it!" Qin Han's eyes widened, and some of the Buddhist records recorded by the Buddhist ancestors said, "Going backwards and backwards will be condemned, but everyone in this Sun and Moon Division is wearing ancient fierce armor, even the most ordinary soldier, After putting on this armor, they are all equivalent to a strong person who is in a state of change. The collar is also a strong person who is equivalent to the Jindan in the Eighteenth National Congress. We are by no means opponents. "

"I see that there are some hidden means in Xiongtai, let's show them and rely on Jingxian Division!" Gu Chensha said these words: "The imperial concubine Wudangkong is crazy, we kill the demon for the country on the front line of Yinzhou. The concubine actually suppresses us! This is simply the behavior of the demons. "

"It can only be so." Qin Hanmeng said: "Brother Taiwan, I have a magic weapon, but unfortunately it takes a huge amount of congenital energy to motivate me. I can't support it myself. I don't know that Brother Taiwan can help me."

"Oh? And the baby," Gu Chen said immediately, "we can try."


Qin Han suddenly opened his mouth, and a small Buddha statue appeared.

This statue of Buddha is made of pure gold, the size of a soybean, but it is wonderful, with thousands of arms, and each arm holds a different seal, which seems to have exhausted the infinite secrets of the world.

"This, this is not a magic weapon, but the body left by the ancient Buddhist giants." Gu Chensha was surprised when he saw this Buddha image.

He obtained two magical treasures, "Xiao Leiyin Ancient Temple" and "Little Muni Pagoda", but the essence and power of these two magical tools did not add up to this small Buddha statue.

However, as soon as this Buddha statue appeared, Qin Han's whole body of congenital qi seemed to be evacuated.

"Huh? This kid still has magic weapon, dare to resist us? Kill! Kill this boy, magic weapon seized." The commander of the Sun and Moon Sinzhou saw this scene, and suddenly sneered: "I knew These scholars who came to Niezhou must have adventures, and I found an errand with such an errand above. When I came to Niezhou, I could just accept the magic and adventures of these scholars and adventurers. "

He slammed.

Suddenly a ferocious gas appeared on his armor.

This fierce air gathered together, and instantly turned into a huge palm, violently oppressed, and the strongest magical power burst out. Qin Han and this small golden statue of a thousand hands should be taken away together.

Gu Chensha knew that the Qin and Han dynasties could not spur the power of this Buddha image, so he moved his mind, and a heavenly law inspired the past.

He knew that his heavenly law could even make the universe manifest temporarily, maybe he could stimulate the ancient strength of this Buddha image.

People in ancient Buddhism are most adept at calculating layout. Perhaps he came here today, maybe it was a certain kind of fate, but he wanted to have some kind of communication with this Buddhism giant. Perhaps he had unexpected results.


His trace of heavenly method was input into this Buddha image.

The Buddha's statue swelled swiftly, with a lot of light, straight into the sky, countless chants of chanting, Long Yin, King Kong, Dharma Guardian, and God will all emerge from the Buddha statue.

Under the mighty power of this Buddha statue, the magical powers of the commander of Niezhou in that day and month were completely cracked. Under the infiltration of golden light and Zen singing, all the fierce armors shrank, and it seemed to encounter some sort of nemesis.

Bang Bang Bang!

Gu Chensha felt that he had a wonderful feeling. It seemed that he had become the little Buddha in his own incarnation. He esteemed the world and lived forever, spanning the long river of the world and time.

From the body of the Buddha, he felt some mystery of the Buddhism.

Or the quality of his heavenly law has stimulated the deep potential of the Buddha statue.

"Receive!" Qin Han didn't know why this happened, but he didn't think too much at this time. He urged the Buddha, his heart moved, and suddenly the thousands of big hands gently scratched the Buddha. All these armors were caught by him. Hands.

There are a total of 360 Shenzhou fierce armors and one Shenzhou ten fierce armor.

All these armors fell into the hands of the Buddha statue, and then a slight movement, the space twisted, and all these armors were put into the belly of the Buddha.

Obviously, inside the Buddha statue is a huge kingdom of God.

After collecting all these armors, the Buddha statue became smaller and entered the depths of Qin and Han's eyebrows. The whole body of Qin and Han flickered with gold, and the huge power of the Buddhist Sect was constantly circulating, transforming his body, and immediately between his body. A stronger golden light bloomed, and all blood and bones changed.

"I actually stimulated the secret of this baby Buddha statue, got the transformation of the Buddha's power, reborn, and the innate qi in the body was not only ten times pure and ten times thicker!" Qin Han was very surprised, his whole body was bathed in it, it seemed It has become some kind of golden.

"The Buddhism is really wonderful." Gu Chensha looked at the scene and nodded secretly: "My Heavenly Taoism activated this Buddha image, but the boy Qin Han has obtained great benefits. At this moment, his strength is at least It ’s more than ten times higher, and the practice is smoother in the future. This Buddha image is definitely no less powerful than the saints, and even stronger. "

With a flash of gold, the armor was taken and everything swept.

In the eyes of outsiders, Qin and Han defeated the 360 ​​soldiers of the Sun and Moon Division in one move, and all of them commanded and seized their armor.

These soldiers and commanders relied on these armors, and once they were stripped, they immediately appeared in their original form.

All the soldiers are only characters in two or three changes in the state of affairs, and the commander of this evil state is the cultivation of six changes.

"How is this happening?" Gu Chensha pretended: "Brother Qin Han, I haven't entered congenital radon, why is this happening?"

"I don't know." Even if Qin Han was so high, it would not be possible to peep into the realm of the heavenly law ~ www.readwn.com ~ even the resurrection of the Buddha in his body could not predict ancient dust: It is possible that this magic weapon automatically guarded me and felt dangerous. "

"What do these people do?" Gu Chensha deliberately said, "Brother Qin Han, although you defeated these people, you also made a big disaster and offended the newly established Sun Moon Division of the adulteress Wu Dangkong. No peace. "

"The concubine **** it!" Qin Han's eyes flashed. He was also extremely intelligent. Why didn't he know that Wudang Kong set up the Sun Moon Division to block the mouth of the world? He was a blow to the Sun Moon Division. It's an early bird. In order to establish prestige, Wu Dangkong will definitely do everything he can to kill himself: "The concubine thought that she could cover the sky with one hand? Let's just do nothing today and endlessly, kill all of them! Go to Jingxian Division! Obituary, condemning the concubine, Qing Jun side! "

"Awesome!" Upon hearing Qin Han's words, Gu Chensha knew immediately that this person was also a powerful character, but this was exactly in his arms.

"Yes, we are here for the country and for the people, killing the demons, on the front line! The concubine has so many armors, not only will not help us kill the demons, but she will arrest us. This is already a chaos. The thief is in collusion with the demons! The concubine must be the demons of the tribe. We killed these traitors of the Sun and Moon Division and called on the gentlemen of the world to clear the side of the monarch! "A few scholars shouted loudly.

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