Dragon Talisman

Chapter 496: Guardian King Kong

Gu Chensha used the power of his heavenly law to activate the power of Buddha statues. > A ≧ fiction W

The Buddha statue, like a god-level strong man, urged the secret method of the Buddha, covering the entire Niezhou, and reducing all the demon heads that now appear in Niezhou.

Niezhou is the center of Shenzhou, connecting the bottomless Niehai. Since ancient times, it has been the first place where the evil disaster explodes. Although the evil disaster is not explosive at the moment, there are also radical demons who climbed out from the land of the evil sea and expanded around in an attempt to kill the people. , Get soul and blood food, or refining magic weapon, or used to sacrifice the devil and devil among the demons and gain strength.

If it is the original, the people on the land of Divine Land are almost vulnerable, even if a group of ordinary demons come, they will see the village destroy the village and the army destroy the army.

Even ordinary minotaurs have great power, full-scale scales, impenetrable muscles, knotted muscles, and a weight of three kilograms, and they run like flying, holding the iron weapons to make weapons, and can meet heavy knights in one move. Split in half.

Devil disasters since ancient times, so many dozen minotaurs can disperse the army.

I just thought Guchensha just debuted. It was only fourteen years of Tianfu at that time. He arrived in Banan, Xianzhou, where the barbarians attacked. The governor of Banan recruited two masters of martial arts masters. The attack of the ageing devil's black bat was helpless.

Eleven years have passed, and it is now twenty-five years in the sky. The world is full of masters. The state of the past was a rarity. Now the streets are everywhere, and the masters of martial arts in all realms can't get on the table, even more. Armor, flying sword, fire rune gun, and even handguns run rampant, the demons have no advantage at all.

Even after the horned armor is put on, you can tear the minotaur with your bare hands, let alone the dragon armor, as well as the former Star Death Sword, Star Death Armor. And now the dragon armor is invincible.

The people of the world are now hiding dragons and crouching tigers. Gone are the days when some miscellaneous soldiers and crabs of the demons could run the cannon fodder.


There are seven or eight hundred thousand miles in the entire city of Yinzhou, and the vastness is incomparable. Many demon heads are entangled in it. Now these devil heads are contaminated by Jin Guang, and they have all changed their faces. They are covered with a layer of gold, their hands are crossed, all facing the sin. Came outside the state city.

These demon heads gathered outside the city of Yinzhou sat on the ground cross-legged, muttering the scriptures as if they were completely converted, than purely moving the Capricorn mantra in the iron iron fortress of the demon domain. Many, forgot to die.

These visions suddenly attracted many masters to go to Niezhou to watch.

However, even a master, dare not easily shake the power of the golden Tianzhu.

Driven by the ancient ways of ancient dust and sand, the power of this Buddha statue is now an authentic god-level master, unfathomable. A god-level master still has the power to suppress the ten ways. Even the god-level master of the same level does not want to mess with it. Moreover, the power of this Buddha statue shows that it is the most mysterious Buddhist sect. If the behemoth of this ancient age is born, The whole world will change, even if it is the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen of the Seventy-two Immortal Xuanmen, I am afraid to retreat.

Before mastering the situation, no master dares to come at will.

"It really consumes mana." Before Guchensha urged him for half an hour, he felt that his mana was being consumed urgently, even if it was supplemented, he could not supplement it. Originally, he had developed the God of Holocaust. Anything consumed in the mind can be extracted. Infinite dimension of power to fill up, the mana is almost endless, there will be no consumption, but this time to urge the god-level Buddha statue, it is too difficult.

He is now only the twenty-two changes in the state of the law, "the law of heaven and earth," and compared with the god-level masters, there are eight major realms. The gap between these eight major realms is larger than the previous twenty-two realms.

His ability to support almost half an hour has been a miracle.


At the last juncture, he urged the Buddha statue to rise directly outside the city of Niezhou, and built a temple covering an area of ​​tens of miles, with the same structure as that of the ancient Leiyin Temple.

God-level masters need to build. Between the fingers, mountains and rivers can change the veins, let alone build a temple?

After the temple was built, it was brilliant, constantly absorbing the aura, and the power of various dimensions, and the power of the stars fell down, layer by block method, I am afraid that even the masters of the undead can hardly break into it.

Around the temple, there are all golden ponds. The pond is full of lotus flowers. The lotus flowers are colorful, and many lotus seeds have condensed out.

This is the Buddhism's food. Seven-colored lotus seeds can eat and drink for one month, and they are full of energy, cutting hair and washing bones, and strengthening bones.

God-level masters have the ability to create things in the void. Ancient dust and sand spur the divine power of the Buddha to create temples and ponds, which can form a stable base.

Hum ...

After the temple pond was created, the ancient dust and sand only stopped the transportation because it felt that the mana cost was huge.

The light of that Buddha image dimmed immediately.

And the ancient dust and sand recovered secretly.

The whole body of Qin Han was again affected by the divine power of the Buddha image. He was infused with a large amount of Buddha power in his body. The Buddha power is very gentle, without any hegemony, and it is more suitable for nourishing the body and mind than the power of the immortal.

In these half-hours, his cultivation was actually a breakthrough, from the seventh change to the eighth change, from the eight change to the ninth change, and finally stabilized, and also repaired the nine change glass jade body.

After a long time, he woke up and looked at Gu Chensha fiercely: "Brother Fang Lin, this Buddha image has just been excited again. What do you have now?"

"I was also wrapped in it, and I was taught a lot of exercises." Gu Chensha said quickly: "Look outside the city, the Buddha statue has built a temple for us, and our dragon club will have a foundation in the future, and this time The Buddha ’s statues have saved all the evil heads of Niezhou, and now all of them will continue to gather around the temple 66, read the blessings of the scriptures, and urge the temple ’s power. Later these demon heads became guardian diamonds. It can be described as the great wealth of our Dragon Club. "

"Very good." Qin Han also felt it all: "It seems that our dragons will temporarily pass the dangerous period, and with the protection of this Buddha statue, the spouse is helpless. Brother Fang Lin, I will rely on you to help me in the future. To keep the dragon team going, the glory is growing. "

"That's natural, there is no one to blame." Gu Chen said: "Next, we have a lot of things to do. First, we must have wealth before we can attract other members to join. Otherwise, we will rely solely on the subsidy of Jingxian Division. Ability, they can only sit and eat. "

"Yes, yes ..." Qin Han nodded hurriedly. They were all scholars. Naturally, he knew the importance of production. He said: "An organization, a family, the most important thing is three points: production, talent, cohesion. After these three points, you can slowly grow stronger. The biggest strength of Jingxian Division is that it can produce countless elixir, magic weapon, armor, and flying sword. Affecting the general trend of the world, our dragon team will be established initially. Talents, there is no production, and cohesion is only killing the concubine. The slogan on the side of Qing Jun is basically a piece of loose sand, which is difficult to handle. "

"This man was sober-minded and immediately grasped the foundation." Gu Chensha knew very well.

Production, talent, cohesion. These are indeed the three core points.

Even the Xuanmen of Xiandao cannot do without this, the same is true of the three great deities. Production represents wealth, talent represents combat effectiveness and strength, and cohesion represents unity.

"The chairman need not worry. Now the Buddha statues have saved all the evil heads in this evil state and turned them all into guardian diamonds. When these demon heads are chanted, they can also be cultivated and cultivated. There are many ways for the Buddha to refine magic weapons These devil can also do it, such as opening a pond and planting seven-colored lotus. "Guchen said:" Although seven-colored lotus seeds are not as good as human dragons, they can also have great benefits to the people of the world, and they are easier to produce. That price is much cheaper than Renlongdan. "

"I'm thinking about this, and I need to make a series of plans." Qin Han said: "My Buddha image is one after another. The members of the Renlong Society also see the magic. They will not change their hearts for the time being. Concubine pressure is still there. Everyone is still united. "

At the moment, Gu Chensha assisted Qin and Han dynasties to grow and grow this little human dragon.

This is also the best practice for him.

In the construction of the Jingxian Division, his role was to seek for the West, to deal with a strong existence, and to give it to his subordinates in terms of management. Now in Yinzhou, he will grow the dragon and the dragon. A huge test.

This kind of worldly dealings can allow him to see the twenty-three changes in the state of "seeing the past".

In addition, Yinzhou is the front line of resisting magic. If it is well laid out, it can successfully weaken the power of magic disaster, and it can earn enough capital in magic disaster.

Of course ~ www.readwn.com ~ Gu Chensha will not put all his energy on the operator's dragon club, so he stays with a small incarnation, and the real body escapes.

He still has a lot of things to do. At least the human dragon will be established, the Buddha-class god-level giants will appear, and many demon heads in the demon realm will not disappear. The family giants in various places in Shenzhou will certainly react.

All this requires him to analyze the changes and obtain sufficient benefits from the complicated situation.

Jingxian Division was originally on the cusp of the storm. The establishment of the Renlong Club and the emergence of the Buddhism giant attracted the attention of major forces, allowing Jingxian Division to alleviate some pressure and gain opportunities for exhibitions.

Not to mention anything else, many demon heads in the demon domain knew of the emergence of the Buddhism, and they must readjust their plans to delay the explosion of the demon catastrophe, which won them a respite.

The Buddhism and the demon domain were also deadly rivals at that time, the Capricorn God and the Supreme Buddha confronted.

The Supreme Buddha wanted to save all the demon heads in the demon domain three times.

Once the Supreme Buddha also vowed not to save all the demon heads, and they would not be destroyed.

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