Dragon Talisman

Chapter 497: Infinity Nightmare 3 more

With such a great deal of movement in Yinzhou, the god-level Buddhist giants turned their divine power, communicated the sky, turned into a huge golden pillar, reduced the demon head, and built a temple. This series of changes, most The first thing to be alert is the Legalist. 1 novel ≥WYWW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

At this time, two people were standing on top of the iron mountain of the Fajia.

One of them is truly lawless.

The other is a middle-aged person with a simple and simple appearance and a dusty appearance, but it also contains the vicissitudes of human life, changes in the cycle of the sun and the moon, the mystery of order differentiation, and the principle of the growth of all things.

Only one person can have this temperament.

That is the "Sacred Law" which is the first of all saints and establishes a statute.

Even if he is not inferior to the lawless immortal, in front of this middle-aged man, the Holy Saint, he also bows his ears, dare not have any arrogant attitude, but an attitude of learning with an open mind.

"Wuxian, you are a born sage, the best qualified disciple in our Fa family. What do you think of the Buddha's birth in Niezhou?" Fa Sheng asked Fa Wuxian beside him.

"Master Fasheng, the birth of ancient Buddhism, is likely to threaten to reach our status as a Legalist. However, Master Difa ’s magical powers, I am afraid that he will not lose to that ancient Buddha now. "Wu Wuxian said respectfully.

"My mana has not yet recovered. Compared with that of the Supreme Buddha, there is still a gap." Fasheng seemed to cultivate Wuxian deliberately: "After you lost the hand of Jingqiu, you felt pained, learned about the changes, and finally Breaking through the realm of the Twenty-Three Change and gaining the secret of time, it is hard for you. "

"The disciples were ashamed, but they were defeated by Jingqiu. After the disciples had completed all the changes in the law, they personally went to take off the head of Jingqiu, and of course everyone in the ancient dust, the moon worship, the Jingxian Division, especially the seven stars. Lord Zhuge Ya! And the fighting nineteen! "The spirit of annihilation on Fa Wuxian became more and more intense, as if he was the executioner of law:" This time, returning to the resurrection of the Lord Saint, the giant spirit **** and Wuzu actually came to attack, and that Dou19 actually changed and lurked, relying on the power of the three celestial deities, foxes and tigers, to steal so many treasures of our legal family, Hongmeng Shengdan, Law Tree, Seal of the Three Realms, Vientiane Destruction Great, Xiao Leiyin Ancient Temple, Xiao Muni Stupa. These six elixirs are precious. I feel heartache when I think of them. If these six magical weapons are in the hands of the disciples, the disciples will definitely make our Fajia a higher level. "

Fa Wuxian is a natural saint, but he is too embarrassing. He is not flattering among the Fa and his resources are not inclined to him.

None of the thirteen ancestors of the Fa family liked Fa Wuxian.

Therefore, those precious elixir of the Fa family would rather be thrown away and stored in all the legal realms than used by Fa Wuxian.

When Fa Sheng heard the words of Wu Wuxian, he smiled and knew that Wu Wuxian was suing, but he knew in his heart that the thirteen powerful gods of the Fa were not right to give Wu Wuxian. This kind of character, swallowing Hongmeng Shengdan, and gaining the powerful treasures of Vientiane Broken Rod, will not necessarily cause any serious disaster, and all will be counted on the Fa.

With the increase of Fa Wuxian's strength, he may ride on the heads of those god-level masters.

"Family has a family order, everyone has their own ideas, you should be able to understand." Fa Sheng will not blame the god-level masters in the family because of Fa Wuxian: "Moreover, the six magic weapons that our Fajia lost, It is not necessarily the case of Doujiu. The conspiracy among them is intricate and difficult to understand thoroughly. "

"What? Didn't Dou Jiu do it?" Fa Wuxian was startled: "Master Fasheng, your spell has been operated to fully understand the past, and at the same time understand everything in the future. You can't figure out the day now What happened? It must be the means by which the three celestial deities have cast their blindfolds. "

"It may not be so." Fa Shengdao said: "Even if it is the three heavenly deities that use their deceiving methods, I can calculate clues. Only the mana is far deeper than me, or the realm I cannot understand. Makes my calculations blurry. "

"This world can be far deeper than Master Fa Sheng, I'm afraid I can't find it." Fa Wuxian quickly said.

"No, Hongmengshuyuanling, the will of Divine University 6 itself, the will of Endless Big 6, the will of Honglong Dragon Gate, the powerful ancient creatures in the depths of chaos, and even the unpredictable heavenly will are far above me." "Fasheng": "Of course, there are ancient steppers, if this person appears, I am not his opponent for a thousand."

"Is Gu Taxian so powerful?" Fa Wuxian said almost, "I know this man is extremely arrogant, but in my calculations, he is just the extent of the Xingqiangshi."

Fa Sheng said for a thousand years that he was not Gu Taxian's opponent. What was the concept? If all the strength of Fasheng is restored, he has already surpassed the saint, even if it is one of the three heavenly deities.

Of course, this is counted in its own strength.

The three heavenly masters have accumulated countless years. Among the disciples are countless god-level masters, saints, and countless powerful ancient gods and beasts, and infinite treasures and puppets. If they really want to start, Fa Shengwan is not an opponent.

Fa Sheng suffered a loss. He has been united since ancient times, which is equivalent to death. Now he has a huge loophole in heaven, and he has resurrected it, but at least seven or eight thousand years ago, there was no layout.

And the three great deities have been laid out from ancient times to the present, and the kind of operating forces and savings are definitely not comparable to those of the saints.

For example, two saints in the same realm, one lonely and widowed, have no magic weapon, a large number of disciples and disciples, the magic treasure cave heavenly sacrifice has accumulated countless arrays and magpies, day and night prayer. How can it be compared? I am afraid that in a single move, the sage of the lonely will be defeated.

Although Fa Sheng is not alone, he often manifests himself, and his Majesty's disciples have forged all the legal realms. However, the operation of the three heavenly gods is simply incomparable.

Since ancient times, the three celestial beings have no idea how much advantage they have taken. The world they run is afraid that they have already achieved the world of thousands.

But in any case, the sum of one thousand law saints can definitely kill the three celestial deities to a thousand times.

But now it is not Gu Taxian's opponent?

What is this concept?

"Gutaxian is a person who cannot be counted at all. Even if I look at the past now, there is no such person in the past. The present world is not like this. In other words, the past past has already The river of time has been changed, and the river of time has been distorted. "Fa Shengdu had a shocked look on his face, and he reacted in the same way as Xing Qiongshi." I can't help but want to see this person, but this person has disappeared. "

"In the past, there is no such person?" Fa Wuxian has been cultivated to look into the past, and deeply understands the mystery of time: "Unfortunately, the disciples have not yet been able to estimate the past state of the world. They can only calculate a certain thing. Someone. But the past is the past, and there will be no change. What happened once is irreversible. How can the past of the past, not the past we experience? "

The words of Wu Wuxian seem to be twisting passwords, and only those who understand the secret of time can understand his meaning.

Fa Sheng also understands naturally.

"In the past that I calculated, now it is Wen Hong who is the son of God, who has worked hard, unified China, and also expanded the territory." Fa Sheng's tone made Fa Wuxian creepy. Suddenly, he really waved in his hands, and it really appeared in front of him. A light.

In the bright light, the scenery of the Divine Land appeared, which is completely different from the current one. Among them, Wen Hong unified the Divine Land. As a heavenly son, he sacrificed to the heaven several times. Many gods in the sky are competing with each other. Barbarians and humans fight each other. , Xiandao Xuanmen recruited disciples in the world, and the Demon Demon Clan appeared from time to time on earth.

In this bright light, the time dimension is the same as it is now, and it is also twenty-five years of heavenly charms.

After Wen Hong ascended the throne, the year is also called Tianfu.

"What the **** is going on here, the disciples can't understand. In the bright light of Master Fasheng, for twenty-five years, there are no ancient step immortals, no ancient dust, no Jingxian Division, no ancient family. ... "Fa Wuxian shivered when he saw such a situation.

"We now seem to be in an endless nightmare. You do n’t think so, but in my opinion, that is what I am dreaming ~ www.readwn.com ~ I know that everything is fake now, and I know What's the real situation, but I can't wake up and can only struggle in this nightmare. Not only me, the whole world, Shenzhou University 6, Endless University 6, Infinite Dimensions, Heaven and Earth Chaos, everything is caught in this In the nightmare, what caused all this was the ancient step immortal. Our infinite universe is infinitely chaotic, and the time and space from ancient times to the future, as a whole, this whole is the heaven. If the heaven can be compared to a being, Then the ancient step immortal is a demon who doesn't know where it comes from. Now he has invaded this heavenly path and blessed his ideas and will on the heavenly path. "Fa Shengdao:" The ancient stepxian didn't know where it came from or where it came from. When he left, he was born suddenly, pulling everything into the nightmare, the infinite nightmare. The ancient step fairy you see on the surface is actually just his very Part of a fraction of it. He really real body, there has never been, but invaded Heaven. "

Fa Wuxian originally wanted to fight against the ancient **** of ancient charms of Tianfu. His name also came from this, but when he heard Fa Sheng say so, his personality was scared.

In his subconscious, even the three heavenly deities could not scare him.

But now my heart shrank.

He couldn't believe that he was in an infinite nightmare.

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