Dragon Talisman

Chapter 498: Law Enforcement Blade

After a long time, Fa Wuxian calmed down his mood, but he was still a little hesitant. He had cultivated to such a state, even if it was collapsed, he could not shake any of his will, but now it is what Fa Sheng said And all kinds of evidence have shown that what Fa Sheng said is likely to be true. ≧ A small ≯ said > W ﹤ W≤W ≦. ≦ 1 ≦ X ﹤ I ≦ A ≦ OSHUO. Com

"What are you talking about?" Fa Sheng laughed. "Do n’t have to be afraid of it. This is actually a good thing for us. In the original past, I still united, and everything was swallowed up by heaven. Just as ordinary people die, the soul melts into the void, and the body becomes dust. And I can only rely on your incense and sacrifice savings to reach the extreme, and pray to heaven to exchange for some opportunities for manifestation. Where is it now, completely recovered. "

"So in this way, although the world has changed a lot, it ’s an opportunity for disciples? Then, how will the disciples go in the future? Where does our Fa school go?" Fa Wuxian asked. He was sincere and knew that the state of Fasheng was better than him. I don't know how many times he is higher, he really can't see the way forward.

"Save your strength, watch for its changes, don't be in the limelight." Fa Shengdao: "When it comes to the most critical, we must vindicate the Tao and give us more. The rule of Tiandao is actually being invaded now, but it is trying to resist, and he Resistance needs our help, and we can seize that key node and gain its favor. This is tantamount to the country's ups and downs and foreign enemies invading, and the officials of Fengjiang can take the opportunity to ask the emperor for money, food, troops, and greater power. "

"The disciples know this, but the disciples do not have the ability to communicate with heaven." Fa Wuxian said: "What to do next, or rely on Master Fasheng to give instructions step by step."

"The sacrifice to heaven offering has appeared. This is the best way to communicate the heavenly Tao. Although it cannot be seized now, you must pay attention to it all the time." If this amulet is finally changed, if you grab it and refine it into your body, you will gain invincible power in one fell swoop. This amulet is as famous as the Honghuang Dragon Gate. "

"That's it!" Fa Wuxian's eyes burst out of Jingmang: "The disciple stared at Wudang Kong all the time, seized the opportunity, and slaughtered the woman."

"No, now there is the existence of Xingqiang's behind Wudang Kong. This fierce dare not even provoke me. His strength is above me." Fa Shengdao: "Go now, cooperate with her, and represent me and her. Join hands, keep an eye on her every move, and always prepare for the change of the sacrifice of heavenly sacrifice. The power of sacrifice of heavenly sacrifice itself is not to be said. In the countless years of inheritance, this amulet has absorbed many of the emperor's seals of ancient heaven Divine magic, if the sky and the earth change, and back out, it is equal to all the skills of the ancient emperor's penance, and can definitely climb to the sky in one step.

"The disciples will go immediately." Fa Wuxian knew that this was a great opportunity.

If you can take the great change of the world and seize the sacrifice of the sacrifice of heaven and let it be one with yourself, is it not invincible and become the first person in the world? However, Fa Sheng didn't know what the abacus was, and Fa Wuxian was also secretly vigilant. With his character, I have exclusive respect and won't believe anyone, even Fa Sheng.

"This is a token of mine." Fa Sheng grabbed it, and the void cracked. I didn't know the depths of time and space. He caught a blue scimitar shaped like a crescent moon, which was full of runes. The powerful force and the void of the yoke of the void were dissipated: "This scimitar is called the blade of law enforcement. After the refining was successful, I was exiled into the depths of the chaos of time and space, allowing it to absorb the power of time and space to grow. Unexpectedly, it still exists. When I was summoned, I did n’t destroy it in the chaos. The power of this blade is not under the Vientiane broken rod, and it is equal. You urge this blade. If you use it properly, you can even treat God. Causes a certain amount of damage. However, you can hardly withstand the counterattack of God-level masters, and you will definitely die. Be careful. "

"Thank you, Master Fa Sheng." Fa Wuxian is overjoyed. He is a person who knows goods. He naturally heard about the legendary name of the law enforcement blade. This knife complements his practiced Falun Dafa mastery, which complements each other, especially in time and space. The office has been sharpened for more than 8000 years, and the power is stronger.

The Blade of Law Enforcement fell into the hands of Fa Sheng, was directly erased, and then handed over to Fa Wuxian.

According to the current practice of Fa Sheng, this knife has no use to him.

Fa Wuxian hurriedly input his mana into it, and after one day and one night he did not complete the sacrifice, he opened his eyes, and it seemed to thicken a layer.

"Master Fasheng, I know that Jingxianji ’s biggest plan now is to obtain the funeral coffin left by the ancient seven-star Lord Jiang Gongwang. Since Master Fasheng now has endless power, it must be counted. That funeral coffin In the depths of time and space, you can get this coffin in one fell swoop and add another magic weapon for our Fajia. "Fa Wuxian suddenly said:" If you let Jingxian Division get this treasure, you are afraid that the future will endlessly, it will affect the lord spirit of the Master Saint. Put together a big plan. "

"Jiang Gongwang ’s cultivation is comparable to me in ancient times. This person has an exquisite layout. Although he has fallen, the funeral of the burial coffin that can be devoted to life is full of murder. I have not recovered my strength now, and I ca n’t obtain it. The burial coffin has no place in space and time, and I don't know what to look for, such as ordinary people looking for a needle in a haystack. "Fa Sheng waved his hand:" If I recover all, I can almost capture the clues, but I want you to cooperate with Wudang Kong, in addition to staring at the sacrifice of heaven, and preparing for the coffin of the funeral. "

"Look forward to the Lord Saint for guidance." Law Wuxian did not understand.

"Nawu Dangkong collected a man called Jiang Qi, this person has the blood of Jiang Gongwang." Fa Sheng just reached the point, he believes Fa Wuxian can understand.

Fa Wuxian nodded, seeing that Fa Sheng had no other orders, he turned into a breeze and left silently.

Fa Sheng looked at the back of Fa Wuxian's departure, sighed, and shook his head: "This son's heart is really too big, he has developed an earth-shattering character, it is simply lawless, and it depends on whether he can rob counts again and again. I am now resurrected with the help of changes in the heavens and the earth, but they are not stable. If the heavens and the earth return, I still have to fall, but since Ancient Taxian left the blood, it is a good thing for me. If I can extract it The blood can be used again, even if the world returns to the right track, it can be immortal. But this matter must be carefully observed. If it attracted the attention of the ancient step immortal, I am afraid that I will be completely annihilated and I will never be able to manifest.

Then, Fa Sheng observed the pattern of the Divine Land, and frowned: "Good means, now the Middle Kingdom of this Divine Land has been laid out into a large array, and even all the legal realms of our Fa family have unconsciously become a formation. Part of it, when the devastating explosion reached its strongest point, countless demon demon heads arrived and arrived here. The Shenzhou array suddenly moved, fearing that all the demon heads would be buried in it. Now that I'm seeing it through, I'm going to look at it, although I'm not against you, it is not easy to use my Fa-law. "

Fa Sheng was between calculations, so his body disappeared between heaven and earth, silent.

The heavens are blurry.

Even if it is the three celestial deities, it is difficult to estimate the movement that reached him.

"The giant spirit god, the witch ancestor, very good, you are actually in danger of being persecuted by me. If this matter is not retrieved, would I not have suffered a great loss? The world has changed a lot, dragons and snakes are up, and everyone is fighting for it. Let ’s see who has the best means and who can get immortality in this opportunity. "

The idea of ​​Fa Sheng also disappeared like the wind.

In the sphere of wish for life, the four giants of Jingxian Division gathered again to hold a meeting.

Gu Chensha, the fourth child, Lou Yueyue, Zhuge Ya.

Gu Chen's avatar remained next to that Qin and Han as an auxiliary, but the real body entered the sphere of the wish of life, and held a meeting with three other people again to discuss the current situation.

"The power of the Buddha image is still above the palace, and the book of the day demon can sit on an equal footing." Zhuge Ya said: "After all, this Buddha image is the body of an ancient Buddhist giant, which is more powerful than any magic weapon. Also Only heavenly law can spur activation. "

"Yeah, for god-level masters and saints, their shell is the most important, and other magic weapons are still second, such as this Vientiane Broken Rod, although it is made by Hercules' painstaking efforts, it can be compared with his own **** body. Said, it is still worse. "Gu Chensha played with a short stick in his hand, this is the shrinking Vientiane broken rod.

"Dust Sand's attention is good ~ www.readwn.com ~ It does not include Qin and Han, but a self-supporting portal. We support behind us, attract firepower, and win time. Besides, the mystery of the ancient Buddhist ancestry is beyond my control. Qin Han joined Jingxian Division, but instead of giving him a seat, it is better to let him stand on his own, so as to give him more exhibition space. "Lou Baiyue looked calm, and it seems that Xiu Wei has improved a lot.

"I got the magical method of Buddhism." Gu Chensha also revealed the scriptures obtained from the Buddha statues, so that those present could absorb the insights. "This magical method has its own uniqueness. The ancient Buddha and the Capricorn contest And won a trick. "

"Dust, although you have cultivated the heavenly law, the changes are endless, but you have to be careful." The fourth old man was a little worried: "You took so many treasures out of the Fa family's brain this time, making a lot of money and making money, that Fasheng is not a fool. I'm afraid I will be aware of it. "

"I know this." Gu Chensha naturally did not dare to take it lightly: "But I have the opportunity and I must also obtain the Secret of the Holy Saint, because every time my heavenly law advances to a realm, the heavenly heaven's call to me grows more and more. Strong, go on like this, I ’m afraid I ’ll practice to reach the twenty-five and become immortal. I ’m going to learn the same saints and be united into extinction. Of course, for me, the greater the inspiration of heaven, the greater the pressure on me. Good thing, I can make more progress between resistance and be on the verge of life and death all the time, which can stimulate my maximum potential! "

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