Dragon Talisman

Chapter 754: Purdue 1 cut

After the Guchen Sand had the Divine Gourd, every breath of its strength was advancing rapidly, and the head of Xingqiang's head was a magic weapon for refining. Only his heavenly law and Shenzhou, which was deeper than that, could be realized. ΩE 』" novel Ww ㄟ W. 』1XIAOSHUO. Com

In addition, even if the three heavenly deities and the ancient emperor join forces, it is impossible to suppress the will of Xing Qiongshi.

If the realm of the Qiangong's Shenzhou is 100, if the jade is burned, the Shenzhou 6 will sink, destroying Zhongqian, and the three celestial beings will also be seriously injured or even die one or two.

But in front of Guchensha, Xingqiangshi couldn't evoke Divine Land, because Guchensha's Divine Land is much more profound than him, and he will dispel his Divine thoughts a little bit, making him unable to use the power to reach Divine Land, so Restraint.

The thunder **** has been made into a mortal life, and the **** kingdom of thunder **** has been absorbed. After gaining the throne of thunder god, then use the sacrifice of heavenly sacrifice and the power of heaven to condense each other. The power of this divine gourd is almost integrated with him. In the end, people are treasures, and treasures are people, and then you can further gain the power of Divine Land.

The ancient dust and sand should be made into the first treasure of Shenzhou gourd.

He casually entered the kingdom of assassins.

The **** kingdom of the mixed world demon ape is stronger and stronger than the thunder **** kingdom, but it is still a small thousand world, and it cannot resist the penetration of ancient dust and sand at all.

At this time, the ancient dust and sand, carrying the power of Divine Gourd, can be penetrated by Zhongqian World.

His own strength is stronger than in the real world.

"Is this the kingdom of the demon ape?" Gu Chen entered the kingdom of gods, and now the birds and flowers are in the kingdom of gods. In addition, the most are books.

In many places in the kingdom of God, a book floated in the air, exuding the fragrance of books.

The **** kingdom of the ascendant demon ape is shrouded in the fragrance of the book fragrance, and there is no trace of demon. At the very center of the kingdom of God is an altar. Above the altar, a middle-aged Confucian man sits on his knees. He wears a large and simple Confucian uniform and holds a book. In front of him is a chess board. He is practicing a chess game. .

The temperament of this middle-aged Confucian is like the ultimate of the ancient saints. It seems that this is not the kingdom of the acolyte demon god, but the kingdom of Wensheng.

"It's fun to have friends coming from afar ..." At this time, the middle-aged Confucian man put down his scroll and looked at the place where Gu Chen sand existed.

"Oh? It turned out that I am a mysterious demon god. It seems to have completely refined the demon spirit and converted to adulthood. This is unbelievable." Gu Chensha knew that it was easy to transform the demon into a human form. , But to completely refine your demonism and become human nature, that is almost impossible.

People are people, demons are demons, and the difference between human nature and demons is clear and distinct.

This can be seen from the sacrifice. The sacrifice of the demon tribe is cold and weird, with the spirit of demons, while the sacrifice of humans, mellow and neutral, is full of spirituality, wisdom, and endless possibilities. This is what humans are. The source of all primates.

Therefore, many gods want human sacrifices. If it doesn't work, they will go back and get the sacrifice of demons and other creatures.

The most profound theoretical study of the ancient Dasha Cangsheng's Purdurization of Human Classics is how to turn demonism into humanity, but now there is no successful research.

But the melancholic ape **** in front of him actually reached this point.

"It seems that I underestimated this mixed-world demon ape god? But he still can't change his ending." Gu Chensha showed his shape.

He held the Divine Gourd in his hand and a smile appeared on his face: "Mixed World Demon God, do you know who I am?"

"Strange man." This man, like a Confucian, is actually a mixed-world demon ape god, his eyes opened and closed, looking at the ancient dust and sand: "The twenty-ninth state of the Tao changed, and the realm of chaos was not even god-level. , Actually so powerful, I felt the disappearance of the thunder god, it should be that you broke his **** kingdom and refined him. In this way, silently killing and refining a god, it is really horrible. You appear to me today Here, you want me to be like Thor? "

"Really clever." Gu Chensha clapped his hands: "Mixed World Demon Ape God, you have cultivated such a temperament, can know the fate of the destiny, and check the fate of blessings, seems to have been prepared? The death of the thunder **** a few hours ago, making Are you alert? "

"Tian Dao Fa!" Looking at the ancient dust and sand of Qi Dingxian's leisure, his face gradually slumped: "Somebody can actually practice the Dao Dao? In addition, your gourd contains the vault of punishment. Will of you, you released Xing Qiongshi, and then refined him into a magic weapon. "

"Then how are you going to cope with my arrival?" Gu Chensha didn't start immediately.

"You should not be a person in this world, because even if it is the supreme existence, some old antiques in the realm of life, there is absolutely no wanton of you, no one dare to break some kind of balance, put yourself into the center of the robbery, you kill now The thunder **** has caused the beginning of some kind of calamity. In this calamity, you will be helpless. "

"This is just a trivial matter. It ’s all kidding in front of me. It ’s a trivial thing. But there is no way to believe it, the mixed ape, if you help me to do big things, I can let it go. You, don't let you end up like Thor. "Gu Chensha no matter what the monkey's preparations are, he is trying his best.

"I'm afraid it won't be this simple. You really think that we gods are blind? Although the death of the thunder **** is not a big deal, it is even more terrible that it disappears silently. There is one less kingdom in the heavens. This is not a child's play. "The mixed-world demon **** is still slow." Master Giant Spirit God, what do you say? "

As soon as the words came to an end, a horrible breath turned away, and a human figure condensed on the altar again. This human figure was very vague and could not condense the formed body. It seemed that the smoke cloud gathered, but the change was unpredictable. Far beyond the gods and saints.

Tianzun, and even the breath of Tianshou, appeared in the figure's body.

This is the giant spirit god.

Gu Chensha originally wanted to see what the shape of the giant spirit **** looks like, but this **** is still like Wanxianshi and does not appear.

"No wonder you are so calm, you have the help of the giant spirit god." Gu Chensha looked at the mixed world demon god.

"Master Giant Spirit God, what do you think of this matter? What is the origin of this person? Does it really belong to our world, as you said, is the most violent and most vicious, and it will destroy the sky? The number of annihilation of the earth, even the enemy of the heavens? "

"Ancient dust and sand, a long absence." At this time, a giant spirit **** with a cloud of smoke changed slightly to the ancient dust and sand.

"Giant spirit god, your way really is deep." Gu Chen's eyes glared, the giant spirit **** in the real world is terrible, the giant spirit **** in this dream world is equally terrible, this giant spirit **** in front of him seems to see through Of his origins.

"It was originally thought that the 36th year of Tianfu would start to explode. I don't think that now 33 years of Tianfu, the number of robbers has been brewed." Giant Spirit Shinto: "You were born in the sky, you found the emperor first. Wen Hong, to deceive him by various means, so that he actually believed in your deception. Throughout the dynasties, the demon has deceived the emperor. There are not a few things that can deceive the emperor. You are still the first one. Sage, cultivate high, suppress everything, no demon or ghost can come close. You can see that you are the horror of annihilation in the rumor. Otherwise you will not practice the law of heaven. "

"Giant spirit god, you guessed something, but the truth of the matter, you can never guess the essence. Today you are here to stop me from refining the mixed world demon god? You do n’t forget, you are the right god, The mixed world demon ape is an evil god, and you are mixed together, for fear that there will be great disadvantages. "Gu Chen said.

"Wen Hong was bewitched by you. He can no longer sit in the rank of emperor. Without moral virtue, he will gradually lose the favor of heaven." The smoke of the giant spirit **** seems to be culled at any time. "Also, if you let The true God of your family will continue to be beheaded, and by then no one can stop you. "

"Really?" Gu Chen said, "You don't seem to be able to stop me today. Because I can see that your current body is nothing more than an incarnation. The real body. Are you planning a major event, or are you Prepare to devour and refine the Wuzu. "

Between the words, Gu Chen's body moved, and the power poured into the inside of Divine Gourd.


This Divine Gourd began to expand, and it transmitted an extremely forceful force of attraction, which instantly pulled the mixed world magic ape god's small thousand world **** kingdom ~ www.readwn.com ~ a large block of world power poured into it.

"It really kills me, don't you really want the true gods of the family to sweep down like this? It won't be possible to destroy all the true gods in the world?" Suddenly the magical ape **** suddenly lost a book in his hand. Suddenly, countless splendid articles appeared in this book, and immediately stabilized the kingdom of the thousand world gods.

At this time, the changes of the giant spirit god's smoke cloud had permeated, and there was no shadow or shape, and it was elusive.

"Jinshan on the other side! All Buddhas are the only one. Divine unity, heaven and earth **** offering!"

Suddenly, the ancient dust and sand did not know what secret method was motivated. A large area of ​​golden light suddenly emerged from the Divine Gourd. In this light, an endless Buddha light appeared, which is the power of Jinshan on the other side.

This is the Zhongqian World.

In addition, the supreme Juli in the Jinshan on the other side carries hundreds of millions of Buddhas. It seems that the entire Buddhist sect has all turned to ancient dust and sand, making ancient dust and sand eventually the master of the Buddhas.

With all the power in hand, he came to this kingdom of God.

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