Dragon Talisman

Chapter 755: Sweep invincible

Gu Chensha was naturally prepared to come to the dream world. He has a huge advantage because many changes have not come. He can find many treasures and use many forces in the real world. E novel WwhanW. Y1XIAOSHUO. Com

For example, Buddhism.

He has all the secrets of the Buddhism.

The Golden Mountain on the other side of the Buddhism is still hidden deep in the chaos of time and space, but after the ancient dust and sand have been converted into a holy gourd, with the help of the Buddhism secrets obtained by him, he can directly use his will to cross the distant space and time and motivate the middle Power of a Thousand Worlds.

And now he is even more motivated than the real world.

In the real world, he did not train Xingqiang's head into a Divine Gourd.

Now, after he refines Xingqiang's head, the Divine Gourd is combined with himself, and the Divine Land urged by him has completely exceeded his strength in the real world.

In other words, his own strength in the real world, that is, he can be comparable to the thirty-five changes in the state, and the masters of the thirty-six changes can be comparable. But now, he urges Divine Land and can even cause damage to Tianzun. In addition, if all the power of the Divine Gourd is exerted, and the power of Divine Power is motivated, it is almost equivalent to Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, to motivate the Sun and the Moon.

Each time the Divine Gourd **** one more true god, the ancient dust and sand can use the power of Divine Land for one more.

Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, can use the power of the Sun and the Moon, which are two great worlds, but the power of the Middle Kingdom of China is more horrible than the power of the Sun and the Moon. Now the ancient dust and sand will only trigger a little, if all , God can block God, Buddha block Buddha, Tianzun block Tianzun, Tianshou block Tianshou, Tianyuan block Tianyuan.

Middle-earth China is the endless world, and even the center of all realms. This world contains endless infinite secrets. The deeper the ancient dust and sand practice the Divine Land, the more I feel the mystery of Divine Power.

At this moment, he drew the power of Jinshan on the other side, and kept pouring into the gourd of Divine Land. At once, the power of Divine Land was even more accelerated. In an instant, the entire kingdom of the mixed ape demon **** was driven by the gourd. For a moment, all the power passed away almost instantaneously, and it exploded almost like a gunpowder barrel was exploded. The huge force of a thousand violently ran away, condensed into a ball, and then entered the Divine Gourd.

Just one breath.

Just a breath, this Divine Gourd has absorbed all the **** kingdom of the mixed world demon ape.

A small thousand world, between breathing, between fingers, smoke disappears?

Who can believe this?

At that time, in the real world, Xingqiang's spurred Shenzhou, and one punch almost detonated the Wusheng cave sky of Xiaoqian World. Now the ancient dusty Shenzhou is much larger than Xingqiang's display at that time. Between breathing, The small thousand world of the true God Kingdom was directly swallowed up as food.


The power in the Xiaoqian World was absorbed by the Divine Gourd. This is the second kingdom of God. The mysterious things inside the Divine Gourd are leavening, shaking, spreading, violently roaring, and suddenly, they are even more motivated. A Divine Power.


Deep in the ancient dusty gourd, the melee demon **** has been locked.

At this time, the Shenzhou Gourd was originally made from the skull of the first murderer of Xingqiang, and the heavenly law of ancient dust and sand was poured into it at all times, and it has absorbed Thor's true **** kingdom, the throne, and also There is a body, with the continuous change and infusion of the sacrifice of the heavenly sacrifice by Wen Hong, and finally the form is achieved. Now it absorbs the **** kingdom of the mixed world demon ape god, and the power is even more increased. To destroy the body of the mesmerizing demon god.

Suddenly, countless forces swept through.

Between heaven and earth, the strongest notes are everywhere.


Gu Chensha's body has been combined with the Divine Gourd, and he has absorbed the avatars of the mixed ape demon **** and giant spirit god.

"The power of Divine Land? You can actually spur the power of Divine Land. Your Divine Land is far more subtle than the Xingqiang." Suddenly, this avatar of the giant spirit **** changed violently into a sharp sword, splitting one. The river, in an instant, destroyed the force field caused by this Divine gourd, and then blasted away.

"The giant spirit **** really is a bit powerful." Gu Chensha really peeked out the secret of the giant spirit god. He knew that it would not be realistic to completely kill the giant **** of the dream world with his current strength. But the giant spirit **** can't stop himself from beheading one by one.

The mixed ape demon **** was absorbed into the gourd of the state in this way. Once this clone of the giant spirit **** left, he did not have any resistance ability.

"Gu Chensha, are you trying to destroy our ape race?" Although it was absorbed into the gourd of Divine Land, and it will encounter the disaster of extinction, the ascendant ape **** seems to be surprised, not afraid, but in Consider for your own apes.

"Not necessarily. As long as you can accept my ideas and do things for me, your apes also practice and worship as I have ordered, and even help me to spread the thoughts in Middle-earth China. I will definitely let you go. . However, what you are saying now, I will not believe that I will still make you into a life of life first, and your spirituality will be preserved, that is, you will not die, but you will be transformed. "Gu Chen Sha's time is very precious, and he doesn't have time to talk about the conditions with the mixed world demon god.

He knew that if the world stayed in the dream for a moment, the real world would be dangerous.

The real world is his roots. If he is lurking in by some old antiques and coupled with Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon, he will probably face a huge number of calamities.

Therefore, he must quickly break away from this dream world and defeat the will of heaven.

Under such a major premise, even if there are so many mysteries in the mixed ape demon god, he will not be taken to his heart.

"The heavens change, the dragon of the gods ..." The ancient dust sand was refined again, and immediately, the mixed ape demon **** was transformed, and at the same time, he obtained some exquisite memories from his knowledge of the sea. .

"This is the case, this is the case." A clear look appeared on Gu Chensha's face: "This mesmerizing demon ape actually understood the true colors and secrets of humanity and demon, and this **** really is outstanding among the demons. Peerless person, I did n’t even realize that I had reached this level, this time I got how he refined the demon and changed it into a human secret, but it can make my 'Da Cang Cang Sheng Pu Du Hua Ren Jing' go one step further, The fundamental secret of reaching the real spirit of all things. "

Gu Chensha was overjoyed in her heart, but she never expected that she would be able to get such benefits from the body of the demon god.

Dasang Cangsheng's Purdurization of the Human Classics is the supreme method of ancient dust and sand used to save everything and spread his ideas, but there are some things that are not perfect and do not break through the core point.

That is, it is impossible for human beings to be completely transformed into human beings, and human forms are better, but human nature is difficult to change. Why humans are the spirit of all things is because human nature has a special place.

If Gu Chensha is fully aware of the changes in human nature, it means that his cultivation can truly break the obstacles and enter an unpredictable realm, which is almost within his reach for his **** level.

The **** demon **** realized that he had reached this point.

Gu Chensha relied on his enlightenment and the constant change of the body and heaven's Taoism actually had a faint taste of the power of the world.

"Da Cang Cang Sheng Pu Du Hua Ren Jing!" Gu Chensha merged this insight into his original scriptures. Immediately, the same scripture appeared in the Divine Gourd, and there seemed to be hundreds of millions. The mosquito-sized Buddha, the true god, the saint, and even the celestial chanting ceaselessly.


Divine gourd burst.

This gourd finally appeared a great feeling to control the state, to save sentient beings, and to save the common people.

"This practice is finally complete." Gu Chensha sighed, holding the Divine Gourd, and landed at the gathering place of the Ape, the peak of the Xiaosu Mi Mountain, which is the nest of the Ape.

Gu Chensha came once, and that was a thief in the real world. It was a bit thrilling, but now it is different. He directly suppressed the mixed ape demon god. Next, there are no masters in the ape family who can resist him. As for the three gods, what are the ever-changing stone apes, yin and yang ghost apes, and diamond fighting apes, all of which can be killed with a snap of a finger.


The ancient dust and sand sacrificed the holy gourd.

Immediately, huge power shrouded a large area of ​​time and space and the mountains, rivers and mountains of the earth, and the entire gathering place of the apes was attracted by this gourd.


All the apes do not know what happened, they just feel that the sky is dark, the sun and the moon are dark, the time and space are changing, and the world is chaotic.

Even the three great apes felt that something was wrong. They roared and tried to break through, but to no avail.

That is to say, between the breaths, the masters of the ape race on Mount Xiaosumi were all absorbed by Divine Gourd.

"The power of this gourd has increased again ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am not ready to kill these ape-like masters, but they are transformed into real people, spreading my ideas." Gu Chen's strength and scriptures are counter-intuitive. Repeatedly scrub deep inside the gourd.

Those absorbed apes have turned into commanders.

All the treasures of the apes are also integrated into the gourd.

"Yes, this treasure already has enough power, but it is still a long way to go to transform into the Zhongqian world. However, I can now cut a few more true gods again, incorporate the gods into it, and wait to strengthen some , All the bodies of Xingqiang were collected, so that there would be no hindrance to the transformation into a thousand worlds. "Gu Chen Sha Lei is very popular.

He began to mop.

One day later, the true God Kingdom of the Tiger God suddenly disappeared. After an hour of the disappearance of the Tiger God, the Wolf God suddenly disappeared, disappeared silently, and showed no signs of fighting.

Two days later, the savage "薨" also suddenly disappeared, along with his small world of the sacred palace, plus more than a dozen savage emperor disciples, were also missing.

This situation almost caused a devastating blow among the barbarians.

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