Dragon Talisman

Chapter 756: Immortal master is not married

Chapter 755 Stormy Sea

Within a few days, many evil gods fell down, and there were also the barbaric saints of the barbarians. E novel WWWZW.ん 1XIAOSHOU. COM has caused an uproar in the hearts of many giants. Numerous masters have developed panic. I don't know who did it.

The ancient Taoism of ancient dust and sand itself has no one to ponder and no one can calculate.

In the real world, Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, made him a little daunted. But in the world of dreams, his cultivation was further refined, and he became a gourd, devouring many kingdoms, and using the power of the kingdom to cut Killing the true **** is as simple as eating and drinking. In this way, the Divine Gourd becomes more and more powerful.

Beijing, deep inside the palace.

Wen Hong looked at the ancient dust of the gourd in his hand and was surprised: "You actually did something like this in just three days. You killed the thunder **** first, and then you killed the **** demon god. The wolf god, the tiger god, and the sacred holy god, many demon emperors and god-level masters, the barbarians are no longer the climate, and there is chaos. You can destroy barbarians alone. "

"No, behind the barbarians, like the demons, the most powerful **** is the Capricorn god. I can't kill this god. As long as there is this god, the barbarians and demons can make a comeback, but the pressure on the border line of the court is less. Some only. "Gu Chensha waved his hand:" Of course, I killed so many true gods with the means of thunder and devoured their true gods and the kingdom of the thousand worlds. This divine gourd already has the middle thousand worlds. The foundation, next, we cooperate to deprive all the small worlds of the major families. This is very easy for me. Once the family is cleared, the state is stabilized, and a series of policies and methods are implemented. Any obstacle. "

The current families in Middle-earth China have no advantage to ancient dust.

In the real world, the resurrection of the saints, the sects are strong, and Wudangkong is united, which can pose a threat to the ancient dust and even Jingxian Division. But here, the saints have not been resurrected. Even the sages are actually masters. Not many, the power of ancient dust and sand can be directly broken.

He was determined to unify the state with the momentum sweeping the world and create a bigger momentum than Tianfu the Great.

The Shenzhou Gourd in his hand, now deep and dark, looks imposing, and it seems to be comparable to the "Chun Xianlu Gourd".

This calabash will be fully completed when the Xingqiang Clan is fully refined.

"You are really unscrupulous." Wen Hong nodded: "Go directly to absorb the small worlds of major families, suppress their god-level masters, and at the same time use the commander of Cangsheng to rectify the world and conduct a major blood exchange, then all the officials in the world are here In his grasp, the officials ruled the Qingming and the world changed. "

"Yes, everything has to be fast and move fast. Now the obstacles in the world are the family and the true god. I kill the true god, break the family, and return to innocence." Gu Chen squinted his eyes: "If you take it slowly, it will take too much time to say nothing. And give those families a chance to respond. "

"Well, I will cooperate with you at the court and immediately call on the ministers to carry out the canal digging." Wen Hong also took the stage.

"You finally made up your mind." Gu Chensha knew that at this time, Wen Hong had completely believed in himself. His Wanxing Feixianshu has thoroughly grasped the essence and understood various truths.

"Start now." Wen Hong nodded.

When Gu Chensha patted this Divine gourd, the Cang Sheng Hou and the Cang Sheng Marshal all appeared. "This is a force to reform the court officials. They have experience in governing."

"Three days, three days, I hope to see all the god-level masters and Xiaoqian world of major families disappear." Wen Hong said: "This will be able to cooperate with my actions."

"A trivial matter." After Gu Chensha discussed with Wen Hong again, his body moved and he had arrived in France.

He saw the iron mountain of the Fa family and all the legal realms hidden in the depths of time and space.

"All these legal realms belong to the Zhongqian world in the real world, and now they are just the Xiaoqian world. The masters are not as good as Thor and the mixed-world magic ape god." Gu Chensha took a closer look and did not start, but Turn around to observe other families.

What he looked at was Qi and resentment, as well as the family's contribution and demand for all sentient beings.

The family is not worthless. Some families are called Hengbayu, and some are respectful and modest. In ancient times, the family's ancestors all contributed greatly to human beings. They deserve to enjoy a high position.

However, some families do not know how to cherish blessings. Instead, they are asking for it. They are angry and grievous. The disciples of the family are vicious and cruel. They think they are the first in the world and they have accumulated a lot of grievances for thousands of years.

The most obvious is the Lei family.

After the ancient dust and sand killed the Thunder God, watching the Lei family again, he saw that the overall Qi of the Lei family was in the deep, reducing a lot, and all the resentment that had been suppressed has now begun to release, contaminating the body of the Lei family. in.

For thousands of years, the Lei family has been arrogant and overbearing. The disciples have been unscrupulous. They do not know how many innocent people have been killed and how many angry and grievous things they have done. This accumulation of generations can be described as wicked sin. The disciples even practiced the demon path, which was crueler than the demon head, but the court did nothing at all. Instead of punishing them in the family, they tried to cover up these things.

These cruel and sinful things are accumulated one by one, and finally the number of disasters and calamities is brewing.

While Thor was still alive, it could be suppressed with the help of true God, but as soon as Thor died, the retribution immediately came up. Gu Chen just used this method to destroy the Lei family.

Of course, there are good families, such as farmers, who have studied farming, cultivation, improving the land, and feeding sentient beings for many generations. They have bred a lot of merits. Now watching the family's overall energy, they are all covered with auspicious clouds and vigor. This is also the popularity that has accumulated over thousands of years.

This popular thing is the evaluation of your heart from generation to generation, and it is also one of the power of the soul.

In this family, the ancient dust and sand will not only be destroyed, but will be supported.

After observing a circle, he probably knew which families were acting backwards, which families had good virtues, which families were secretive, and which families were vicious and treacherous.

He knew.

After observing a circle, the time of Ayaka was over. He flew to the center of Divine Land and saw the bottomless sea of ​​sin.

The bottomless sea of ​​sin at this time is not the same as that of the prairie in the real world, but the waves are rough. Those waves are not real water, but the liquid that the magic gas has condensed to the extreme and formed, and all the creatures near this bottomless sea of ​​sin, All must be demonized.

Countless demon heads are looming in this bottomless sea of ​​sin, and they must crawl out at any time. Some skeletons, zombies, tauren, horned monsters, and blood monsters have reached the shore. They want to enter all parts of Middle-earth China and devour blood. And grow yourself.

"This devil in the bottomless sea of ​​sins penetrates the demon realm. Every time a demon disaster explodes, it starts from here. At that time, the emperor cut Qianshan to fill the sea of ​​sins and completely sealed it, but with the change of the heavens, it was still shaken away. I do n’t seal it now, I just do n’t want to come! Divine gourd! ”

The ancient dust sand threw the Divine Gourd, and the 100-fold mystery of Divine Land was hit. Instantly, the power of Divine Land began to condense into the gourd.

The gourd flew to the bottomless and inferior sea, and only one rotation, the power that swallowed the world emerged from the gourd.

Suddenly, the huge force of time and space shifting, the tide of the universe reached the bottomless sea of ​​sin.

All the magical energy was sucked into the Divine Gourd in an instant.

These magical energies were not absorbed like Haina Baichuan, but disappeared instantly. It seemed that the entire space of Niehai was directly removed by the ancient dusty gourd.

The demon heads that floated in the magic air all fell into the gourd inside the Divine Gourd, and were decomposed to become the nutrients of the Cangsheng Master.

I do not know how many years of accumulated magical energy has been evacuated, and the dark and deep realm of magic has appeared.

"Magic realm, collapse!" Gu Chensha thought about it and started to urge Shenzhou Gourd, and then sucked into the depths of Magic Realm. He took this as the foundation and absorbed all the demon heads into the interior of Divine Gourd. nourishment.

Originally, in the 36th year of the Tianmu in the dream world, there will also be a catastrophe, and the demons still want to invade. Therefore, in the magic domain in the depths of the bottomless sin, there are still a large number of demon heads, and many ethnic armies They are all brewing, but now they are all attacked by Divine Gourd, causing a devastating blow.

The ancient dust sand sucked suddenly. I do n’t know how many devil heads have been absorbed in the Divine Gourd. Among them, there is no shortage of god-level masters, the dust world, and even the origin of the demon realm.

A large number of devil heads absorbed into it, and the Divine Gourd was born with a trace of the power of Zhongqian similar to Zhongqian World. Of course, there is still some distance to fully evolve into Zhongqian World ~ www.readwn.com ~ But if he let him absorb it like this, I am afraid that not only will the magic disasters fail to gather, but the layers of magic domain will be in danger of collapse. true


A dark hand came out of the air, carrying the power of Zhongqian World, to suppress and kill the ancient dust and sand. At the same time, the dark hand caught the Divine Gourd.

"Capricorn finally shot?" Gu Chensha sneered on his face and was about to move. Suddenly, in the demon realm, a white and crystalline palm appeared like a woman. She just flicked her finger and stopped Namo.诃 God's palm.

Capricorn was quickly recovered by this bomb, but he no longer shot.

"Huh? Immortal Lord." Gu Chensha recognized it. The one who stopped Capricorn was not others, but the most mysterious old antique in the realm of magic. The owner of prehistoric civilization is Gu Ta in the real world. Fairy woman, fairy master.

Sure enough, there was a cloud of smoke, and a woman appeared in front of Gu Chensha, who was the master of immortals.

The fairy master in this dream world does not have the man of ancient step fairy, and naturally there is no ancient veil.

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