Dragon Talisman

Chapter 758: Dark cloud cover

Chapter 758 Dark Cloud Covered

All the people of Jingxianji stared at the ancient dust and sand sitting under the world tree. Δ┡E "novel Ww" W. Y1XIAOSHUO. Com

Although Gu Chensha doesn't have any facial expressions, it seems to be sitting. But the number of qi on his head became more and more intense, even the naked eye could see it, such as splendid and splendid, the clouds were burning, and then the changes appeared, and the sound of dragon yelling and howling was revealed.


Wu Sheng first said: "The dust number indicates that he and the heaven will will gradually gain the upper hand. The gain is very great. This number is called horror, which means that the dust will almost immediately wake up. You can use this number to break through countless barriers and become a god. "

"Good strength." Zhuge Ya also admired: "If the Lord wakes up and become a god, I am afraid that, like the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, he can directly resurrect the fallen saint."

"That is nature." Fushou Shinto: "I have been deeply taught by the Lord ’s heavenly law. That day, the Taoism was condensed again and transformed into a world. I am afraid that it can be comparable to a certain characteristic of heaven. The prince of himself is a little heaven, even if it is the strongest Infinite Sword among Infinite Thirty-Six Treasures, and it is not his opponent. The lord must have hope of surrendering the Infinite Thirty-Six Treasures. "

"Now there are no major events in the world, and the demons are beginning to die. After being promoted to the rank of **** by the commander of Cangsheng, it is more than sufficient to suppress the population of two or three billion people in Shenzhou. Many disciples of the Jingxian Division ’s wish for life in the school can also work on their own. They operate very well at the grassroots level in various provinces, prefectures, counties, towns, and villages. They spread ideas, govern people, and monitor demons. "Long Yuyun's current Xiu Wei has arrived at the twenty-fifth transformation of the state of "immortal body."

She also has a lot of imagination. In the era of the blowout in the middle-earth China Shenzhou, she also won a lot of adventures. She also practiced the method of raising the dragon, the method of making the dragon, and part of the method of the holy dragon. After learning countless experiences, brewing on my own, melting all the secrets in one furnace, and getting the guidance of Wu Sheng, the combat effectiveness has been improved, which can completely suppress the overseas Longjian Island.

Her younger brother, Dragon, was even more tyrannical. She was early promoted by the ancient dust and sand to use her ancient calabash holy dragon as a natural saint realm. She later practiced hard, and now it ’s twenty-nine changes in the state. The pinnacle of "" must also enter the **** level.

Dragon's flying is more vigorous and strong, and he has now received orders to wait in the sphere of the wish of life.

"Sister, the spirits of the people of the world converged and turned into national transport, and then they all reached the body of our blessed wish, were absorbed by the world tree, and then condensed into the fruit of the community on top of the world tree. It's getting bigger and bigger, but it hasn't reached the point of condensing into substance. Between rumors, the world is flourishing and the National Games is prosperous. Even the emperor without the power of a chicken can speak the law, follow the gods, and gather the hearts of all beings In one body, his meritorious deeds and prestige far surpassed the saints and became the ultimate person. This is also the highest realm pursued by the ancient emperor, breaking away from the sacrifice of heaven offerings, and being able to carry the hearts of the people of the four seas and the state of the sea, rolling the trend and suppressing everything. , Emperor, did not reach this realm, but we Jingxi Division seems to have this trend. "Long Zaifei concentrated, very vigilant, always pay attention to movement.

"Now the world has not reached this ideal state, but it is fast." Wen Hong said: "After I surrendered to the Dawei dynasty, I combined the 50 billion people of this dynasty and the two or three billion people of Divine Land to achieve one. A huge empire with a unified mind, and a period of time, a population of over 100 billion, and orderly, human behavior in line with the law. At that time, rolling the national blessing on a person's body, indeed, can change the world, without the need for their own With any strength, people are the National Games, and National Games are the people. This is also a method of cultivation. I have gradually figured out the truth. "

"Yes, our ancient saints assisted the emperor and pursued this." Wu Sheng, as the state of heaven, knows so much about nature. The deeper the cultivation, the more difficult it is to break through. At that time, we must start with sentient beings. .

It is the most critical point to manage all beings and gather the Grand Canal.

"Unfortunately, I have not been able to completely surrender the Dawei dynasty. The Xuanhuang Dragon Emperor is actually supported by the Xuanhuang Tianzun of the Xuanhuang Great World, carrying the power of a thousand worlds. I want to overturn the details of a thousand worlds. It will waste a lot of time and effort, and it will be difficult to continue for the time being. Otherwise, I can now carry the national transport of 50 billion people, but I can withstand countless calamities. "Wen Hong sighed.

"When the dust and sand have passed through this calamity, and the surrender of the Dawei dynasty is just around the corner. At that time, the real establishment of a huge human kingdom that covers the entire celestial realm and countless time and space will truly establish an unprecedented prosperity. It is not the heavenly way of our human beings, but the heavenly way of all things. The heavenly way is not for our humanity. "Wu Shengdao:" So, we must overthrow the original heavenly way and establish the heavenly way that our real human beings master. The heavenly way actually comes from some theory. Say, for us humans, it is just the King of Cangsheng who is billions of times stronger. The King of Cangsheng is to serve mankind completely, and in the future, we will create the heavens of Cangsheng. "

"This is what prehistoric civilization wanted to do but did not do." Lou Baiyue said: "In the rumors, prehistoric civilization created its own huge intelligent system, called the God system. This system is to operate instead of heaven. Take control of countless worlds of life and death, and even chaos. But because this matter is too stigmatized, prehistoric civilization was completely wiped out and encountered unprecedented numbers of calamities. "

"What we can't do in prehistoric civilization, we may not be able to do it. In fact, Xianzhu inherited prehistoric civilization, and what she wants to do is this. She created a system similar to heaven. Yes, it is the word system. Wu Shengdao: "If this system is used instead of heaven, then all the rules will be established by yourself, and all the rules will be determined by yourself. This is the real masterpiece. Now Emperor Tianfu is doing this and it is very May succeed. "

Everyone was talking and discussing the future direction of the exhibition. Suddenly, the number of qi above Gu Chen's head changed.

Originally, the splendid Qi number didn't know how to give birth to a black spot from the middle. This black point expanded instantly. In the end, the Qi number on the ancient dust head turned into a black mass, and the cloud covered it, even passed it out. With the sound of ghosts crying, this situation can be seen even by people who can't observe Qi, and things have worsened.

"Oops!" Wu Sheng's first situation was wrong: "The game of dust and heaven's will has reversed."

"It's a big robbery." Wen Hong's heart also mentioned: "What happened in the end, we don't know what happened in this conflict of will."

"The number of robberies is coming, and our number of robberies may also be coming. I don't worry about dust and sand defeating the will of heaven, but I worry about whether we can survive the number of robberies." Wu Sheng looked at the crystal wall of Zhongqian World It seems that some kind of dangerous attack is coming.

Sure enough, a dazzling dazzling brilliance penetrated the crystal wall system of the wishful sphere of silence. Then, under the eyes of everyone, they formed into a body.

The Lord of the Sun and the Moon, Gu Tiansha, appeared before the crowd.

At this time, Gu Tiansha had a deep breath, and it was almost impossible to see through what he had reached. But Wu Sheng seemed to be alert to the limit throughout his body: "Master of the Sun and the Moon, you have cultivated to the realm of the saints so quickly, so you can wear a blockade through our layers and directly reach us?"

"If you don't enter the tiger's hole, you will win a tiger." Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, looked at the ancient dust that was sitting, and the air on his head rolled like a dark cloud of ink, and a smile appeared on his face: "This is a big number, and it ’s heavenly. The conflict of wills is not so fun. Even I now have great fears about the will of heaven, not to mention him? Wu Sheng, let you be rescued by this kid last time. Today I see where you are going, even if you repair With Tianzun, in my eyes, it is actually a piece of fat. The last time you were a saint, you are still thinner. These days, you are fattened by Jingxian Division. You can squeeze out the oil and water, which is not bad. "

"Gu Tiansha, your tone is really too great." Lou Baiyue sneered: "We Jingxian Division has suppressed Xiandao Modao Demon Taoism and Shinto for so many years, but you alone can dare to make false statements?"

"Lou Baiyue, your God of the Holocaust upholds the will of the ancient stepping immortal. It's a bit deserving, but unfortunately the realm is too low. If you become a Celestial Master, then I would be afraid of three points, but that's all." Gu Tiansha looked around: "In this thousand worlds, the sphere of the wish of life is nothing but ordinary. I can go in and out freely, and it is no different from a kennel. Well, not much to say Say, I came here to devour the ancient dust and swallow him. I obtained his heavenly law and combined with each other to become the first person. If you stop me, you will all die. Of course, if you know the current affairs ~ www.readwn.com ~ Submit me directly, then I can give you the opportunity to not die, but also to enjoy wealth and even glory. It depends on your choice. "

"Gu Tiansha, you are also talking nonsense." Lou Baiyue stood up: "You are here to procrastinate and confuse us. In fact, when you are talking, you are gathering more strength of the sun and the moon, trying to pull from the outside in one fell swoop. Our Zhong Qian World is under complete control and becomes your Zhong Qian World. This power takes a lot of time. "


{Today ’s business trip, this chapter was updated at 8 am. Please forgive me, because of the company's recent opening, there are many things and it is really tiring. When it stabilizes, I will burst. Also, I recently shot a lot of Kung Fu videos. If you want to watch my own Kung Fu fight, you can watch my Sina Weibo and follow my WeChat public account. In addition, everyone who is interested in books can join the QQ group of God Machine Camp, Changsheng Hall 2o26418o6. There is also the God Machine Camp-Bai Yujing: 327727152. After you join these two groups at will, you can contact the group management to participate in our shooting. Maybe in the future, you can also leave the country in the Dragon and Snake drama? In addition, the group often engages in activities, red envelopes, sending me autograph books, as well as customized Tang costumes and gold coins. It depends on how active everyone is. Some book fans who have joined the group have already got pure gold coins, as well as iphone7 mobile phones. }

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