Dragon Talisman

Chapter 759: Block directly

Chapter 759 Direct Blockade

Before the Lord of the Sun and the Moon came up, Gu Tiansha didn't start immediately, and his mind was very vicious. E novel WwhanW. Y1XIAOSHUO. Com

He is running the strength of Sun and Moon, condensing violently, covering the whole surface of the sphere of Zanqian's wish of life, penetrating into the crystal wall system, trying to regenerate a Zqian world.

This is simply incredible.

Facing the thousands of worlds in the sphere of the wish of life, even the old antiques such as Fasheng, Wanxianshi, Giant Spirit God, and Immortal Master joined forces, I am afraid that it would not be so simple and crude.

However, Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon, wanted to do this. After becoming a saint, he could use more Sun and Moon powers and have absolute confidence to crush the Jingxian Division.

Kill Jingxian Division in one fell swoop, sweep the world, master the state, surrender the world, suppress the immortal road, and then gather countless living beings into a powerful empire, all used to sacrifice him, so that all sentient beings are gathered on him Makes his practice to break through to reach the apex in an instant, and he can compete with Tiandao.

In his opinion, this Jingxian Division is his biggest footstone. If the Jingxian Division is removed, the future will be smooth.

Jingxianji is not a big cat or two kittens, but a real giant. Not to mention anything else, the King of Clan and Wu Sheng, two celestial masters, can suppress all kinds of time and space, and shuttle through countless planes. You know, there is no one with the rank of Celestial Supreme among the 72 Xuanmen of Taikoo Xiandao.

In addition to this, the thirty-six states of the Tao changed their lives from their peaks, and the **** of fortune, possessed three true gods. In addition, the strength of Lou Baiyue, with the help of the Holocaust God, is enough to compete with the strongest who has become the peak of the thirty-sixth. There are also various masters such as Zhuge Ya, the master of the double seven stars, who come together to form a trend of changing the world.

Of course, the most terrifying of these is ancient dust.

If the ancient dust sand did not encounter robberies, Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, would not even dare to come, because he lost twice in the hands of ancient dust sand.

In the face of unpredictable ghosts and gods, and no trace of destiny, Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, is difficult to figure out and deal with.

Therefore, at this critical moment of the catastrophe in ancient dust and sand, Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, came here. He also had to come. If he didn't, Gu Chensha had successfully passed the robbery and achieved the **** level. It was him who was unlucky at that time.

He knew very well that Guchensha was powerful after he became a god.

In time and space, almost all the giants can see that a mighty, world-like force of the sun and the moon like the Tianhe waterfall converges into one, breaking through the barriers of time and space and completely covering the sphere of the wish of life. Zhong Qian World.

Then, the crystal wall of this sphere is resisting the invasion of Sun and Moon.

It is a pity that even if this sphere is no matter how powerful it is, it is still the Zhongqian World in essence, and the power difference between it and the Daqian World is too great.

The power of the Daqian world, even if it is only a little, can break through the Qianqian and destroy its core.

Therefore, from the perspective of outsiders, Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, is the strongest peerless, forcibly refining the sphere of life's wishes. This is simply a fierce means of no ancients and no comers. This simple and crude behavior, even The giants are jealous.

Deep in space and time.

The two giants, Wanxianshi and Xianzhu are watching the ever-changing Zhongqian World. The mighty sun and moon and the power of a thousand can completely wrap the sphere of the wish of life, and Wanxian's tone is quite helpless. : "This ancient Tiansha is almost unscrupulous. Once he became a saint, and used more power of the sun and the moon, he began to run rampant. Actually, he was directly refining, and even we could not intervene. This time it was the biggest of Jingxian Division. Robbery, if we can get a piece of the cake first, the benefits are very much, but now Gu Tiansha's behavior shows that no one is allowed to intervene. "

"Rest assured, not only you and I remember this piece of fat from Jingxian Division, but even the three deities, as well as the giant spirit god, the combination of Fa Sheng and Wudang Kong also remembered that if this piece of fat was swallowed by ancient heaven Going on, I'm afraid we will all surrender to his obscenity. However, Jingxian Division is not so easy to swallow. First, the ancient dust and sand may also survive the robbery and fight back, and the piece left by Ancient Taxian. The gold medal will also wield mighty power. "Xianzhu said.

"The biggest variable is the gold medal left by Gu Ta Xian, but now Gu Ta Xian and Tian Dao are entangled, and that gold medal is likely to be unable to exert its power at the most critical time." Wan Xian Shi Tao: "I have recently changed because of Tian Dao. There is some progress in Xiuwei's progress. As the Tao weakens, the repressive force for us is getting smaller and smaller. It is very likely that we will break through the realm that has been difficult to break through since ancient times. It is a huge opportunity, just like the replacement of dynasty since ancient times, a last dynasty, when powerful rebels appeared, and when fighting with each other, those princes were the easiest to rise. My projections for the future are likely to be so. It ’s just that Tiandao and Gutaxian are both defeated. In the end, a new character will rise up. This character will be among us, maybe me, or you, or someone else. We are all princes. See who can laugh to the end. "

"I would like to see if Gu Tiansha could have won the Jingxian Division. In my opinion, it is better to lose both and we can take advantage." Xianzhu said: "If Gu Tiansha has some disadvantages, , This son can deprive him of his energy, then our cultivation is absolutely thorough. "

"Look, let's not do it first." Wanxian Shizhen said: "We can bear it, but some giants can't help but want to interfere, but I'm afraid that such interference will help Jing Cents. "

"Who hates Jingxianji more than Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon?" Xianzhu suddenly asked.

"If you really want to compare, Jingxianji has rule in the world, and always keep people alive. Even Jing Fanxing and Fa Wuxian have not completely killed them, but they have been degraded to mortals. There is still a chance to make a comeback when you understand. ”Wanxian said:“ It can be seen that Jingxian Division behaves well, but Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, is the true follower of me and the one who perverts and perishes. Killing people, doing whatever you want, there is no bottom line. But for me, neither of these is a good thing, it is better to die together. "

"Yes, Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, is extremely dangerous. If he gains power, we will all suffer." Xianzhu said, "But now he supports the Prince Gu Xuansha, and cooperates with our Tiangong Institute, and I will Gradually searched for this flaw. "

"Oh?" Wan Xianshi suddenly became interested: "What's the flaw in this son?"

"If you want to know, you need to exchange the baby for it." Of course, it is impossible for the master of the fairy to tell Wanxian the flaw. The cooperation between her and Wanxian is actually inseparable. knife.

"This is easy to say." Wanxian said: "You just want to raise your daughter. In fact, I have a nice baby here, which is just right for your daughter ..."


Just between the two people's discussions and observations, the sphere of the wish of life suddenly burst into a huge sound, and the thunder trembled in it, and the wind was surging.

It is the master of the sun and the moon, Gu Tiansha and Jingxianji.

Among the spheres of the wish of life, Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, completely controlled the situation, and the power of Sun and Moon blocked the surroundings and penetrated into the crystal wall system of the world in the sphere. Even if the world tree is withered with the naked eye and shrunk, the power of the world is compressed into a ball.

"Very well, I've completed the blockade." A smile appeared on Gu Tiansha's face: "You can't run away now, others don't want to come in, wait for me to fully refine the sphere, surrender you, and go When you go out, heaven and earth are completely different. It belongs to my great era, and it will come completely, and my era will continue forever and always exist. When I reach that time, I will be the heaven, the master of everything, even the existence of the heaven . Especially this ancient dust, you and I can let go, but this heavenly law, I can not let go. If he is swallowed by me, I can get rid of some restraint. "

In the meantime, the attack of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, has begun, and a tentacle of tentacles emerged from him, arresting everyone in the sphere.

These tentacles are brilliant, they are the real power of the sun and the moon, and the power of the world is derived. Anyone who is captured by the tentacles has no chance of surviving ~ www.readwn.com ~ directly broke into the Jingxian Division and was under blockade Thousands of worlds, kill the Quartet inside, this is the domineering of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon.

"Everyone is condensed into a formation, don't be afraid, endless treasure!" At this time, Wu Sheng had already prepared. Everyone had been hidden into the world tree. Everyone, everyone, the dense branches of the world tree formed Various protections.

At this time, in the world tree, a bright light appeared, there were thirteen.

That is the light of the endless treasure. The three grandfathers and eight courts of the court are all reincarnation. In addition, there is Wen Hong, and the Fang Lin, which was painstakingly cultivated by Emperor Tianfu, is also endless. Treasure reincarnation.

There are eleven people in total, including three people and eight hous, plus Wen Hong and Fang Lin, exactly thirteen.

Thirteen people, the reincarnation of 13 endless treasures, made up, although less than thirty-six, it is also an extremely powerful force, and at the same time drew the power of heaven to resist the power of the sun and the moon. Already.

Thirteen forces, like the tide, surged violently and immediately resisted the tentacles.

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