Dragon Talisman

Chapter 762: Show great power

Chapter 762 Revealing His Power

Gu Chensha once thought that the sphere of life and the world tree were too big, which led to the target of the enemy's attack, so he came up with the idea to condense the world tree into a small sapling and let many worlds hang on it. , Become a fruit, after shrinking, you can take it with you.

In this way, the power will increase many times, let alone the enemies have no way to start. Think about it, a Zhongqian world is compressed into a fruit of the size of a fist. The crystal wall system is almost infinite defense, it is impossible to be People lurked into it.

Unfortunately, at that time, Jingxian Division did not have a real master, and it was impossible to realize the idea of ​​ancient dust and sand, but now it is different. Ancient dust and sand have been upgraded to **** level, and the use of the power of the world is even comparable to the realm of life. No, let alone a master in the realm of heaven.

With a little movement, the reckless power of the state gathered on his body to transform the world, which is equivalent to the power of the Lord of the Moon and the Moon.

Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, used the power of the Sun and the Moon. He used the power of the Divine Power, the power of the Divine Power, passed the sun and the moon. In terms of quality, the power of Sun and Moon is not as good as the power of Divine Land.

However, the ancient dust sand has not yet been fully developed into the state of Shenzhou 100, the state of unity of the state. If it is practiced, he is Shenzhou, and he is Shenzhou, then it will be possible to cross the flood gate, sacrifice the heavenly amulet, and even the Hongmeng tree to reach another state.

The ancient dust sand can only borrow a part of the power of Divine Land.

If he is to be completely united, he may only be able to practice to reach the level of heaven.

However, even if it is now promoted to God-level cultivation, Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, is about to be killed. Now the ancient dust and sand can use more than its own power. The world tree is made into a small Hongmeng tree. The medium thousand worlds that hang all kinds of small thousand worlds are among them. Under the brush, they contain so many world powers. , Finally mixed together and turned into "little Hongmengqi", the lethality of this vitality is not a little bit.


Seems to hit the sun and the moon.

In the depths of time and space, huge forces of the sun and moon ran away, and countless sun and moon spirits collapsed everywhere. This is a strange scenery caused by a sapling of ancient dust and sand in front of Gu Tiansha, the master of the sun and the moon.

The body of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon, seems to be all composed of the power of the Sun and the Moon. In essence, he is already a "big body."

This body is indestructible and unbreakable.

Who can overcome the glory of the sun and the moon?

But the ancient dust and sand at this moment just broke him, found his essence, and absorbed it.

Sun and Moon's outer shell was broken, and Gu Tiansha's true body actually appeared inside. His real body is very strange. It is not a flesh and blood body, but a twisted stream of two long streams of air. One air stream seems to run through the past and the future, and there is a faint and mighty divine power. The other air flow, suppressing destiny and breaking everything, is not within the jurisdiction of Tiandao.

"The breath of heaven and the breath of the father and emperor." Gu Chensha saw at a glance that he understood exactly what these two airflows are. One is from the will of the origin of heaven, and the other is from Emperor Tianfu. The origin of ancient step immortals.

In other words, Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, did not lie. He said that he was the entanglement between the Emperor Tianfu and the Heaven, and that this was a freak, which was true.

This freak is out of the control of Emperor Tianfu and not under the control of Tiandao. It is terrible.

"It was a freak and a horror. Fortunately, he did not grow up fully, did not fully understand the origin of Father Emperor and the origin of heaven, and did not fully integrate, otherwise, I am afraid he is not his opponent. Fortunately, the origin of his body. The two strands restrict each other, causing him to be flawed and unable to use it, but as long as he swallows me, with the origin of my heavenly law, he can make this power in his body out of balance, and finally merge, because my The heavenly law is also changed by the blood of the father and emperor. However, as long as I have the source of his body, these two airflows, my cultivation can also fly into the sky, which is simply a supreme treasure house. "

Gu Chensha finally understood what Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon, was.

Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, is simply the best supplement to him. Nothing can be compared to it. Even if it is a flood-stricken dragon gate and Hongmengshu is placed in front of him, it is better to absorb the sun and the moon. The benefit of Gu Tiansha, the Lord, is great.

"Absorb!" Gu Chensha is mainly anti-visitor. "Xiao Hongmeng Tree" perfused his supreme will and landed, and he actually brushed down a group of people's head from the sun and the moon.


At this time, Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, had just woke up.

He was also absorbed into the heavenly world of dreams just now, instead of the ancient dust, but it was just a breathing time, he got rid of the will of heavenly world and woke up. His strength, after all, is much stronger than the ancient dust that has not yet been promoted to the **** level. So he can get rid of restraint very quickly.

But it's late.

The ancient dust and sand has gained the upper hand, and it has been cultivated as a **** first, and the world tree has been thoroughly trained into a "Little Hongmeng Tree". Both the momentum and cultivation have reached a zenith.

In addition, the ancient dust and sand blasted the shell condensed by the strength of his sun and moon, and when brushed again, a mass of origin on his body was brushed down.

The size of the human head is a source, and still two air currents surround each other.

The origin of this group is very precious. As soon as the ancient dust and sand moved quickly, the mighty power of Divine Land emerged from the body. The original source was wrapped into the small Hongmeng tree and waited for refining later.

"This Gu Tiansha is so tenacious. I tried my best to brush down the source of this ball from his body, about one tenth." Gu Chensha moved again and performed a third brush. He wanted Brush up a few more roots, you know, even if it is just a head-sized bunch of roots, if he refines after swallowing, I am afraid that Xiuwei will once again ascend to a truly terrible realm, and the essence of the body will not be affected by the Tao and Tianfu. Any influence of the battle results of the emperor even has some immortal taste.

If he can get more of the origin of Gu Tiansha, then he will have no problem cultivating directly to Tianzun.

Gu Tiansha, the lord of the sun and the moon, has not seen such a terrible thing since ancient times. After breaking his shell, Gu Chensha knew his fear.

However, just before his third brush, Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, had returned to God, and it took almost no time. The strength of the Sun and Moon was once again condensed on him. He turned into a splendid spirit, and disappeared here.

When he left, his body shrank a bit, which was obviously caused by the loss of one tenth of the origin. This time he came to devour the ancient dust and sand, but was taken away by the ancient dust and sand. The source can be described as a big loss and a big loss.

In the face of Gu Tiansha's departure, Gu Chensha did not immediately pursue it. He knew that even if he pursued it, he could not catch up. He was a god-level and could not kill the existence of this level, and he had already brushed it down. One-tenth of the source must be quickly refined, devoured, and strengthened. If it is pursued again, this one-tenth of the source is still in the fight, and it may still be unable to suppress it and can escape.

Once he refines, his cultivation will increase again. The next time he faces Gu Tiansha, the advantage will be huge. If he disappears, the other party will completely fall into the wind.

At the moment, when his body moved, he sacrificed the "Little Hongmeng Tree" on top of his head, kept spinning, and sprinkled a stream of Hongmengqi, wrapping himself, and then he ingested it from the origin of the size of the human head The eggs were a ball in size and began to blend into their bodies.


At the moment when the origin of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, merged into his body, a huge chain reaction erupted in his body. A large amount of breath in the body, like Haina and Baichuan, entangled with the origin, and immediately destroyed the origin of the mass. The balance strengthens the power of Emperor Tianfu.

"Comfortable ....."

Gu Chensha only felt extremely comfortable. His realm of ascension rose almost instantaneously, and it struck the realm of the 31st transformation of the state of the void.

After reaching the **** level, Gu Chen's realm of ascension rises more slowly, and he may not even be able to ascend the realm at all, because each ascension of his realm is a war with heaven, and his will will encounter unimaginable calamities.

In this way, even if it is another 100 years, he will not be able to practice to become the "Void Creation" at the 31st, but now, having swallowed the original size of the egg, he directly broke through the barrier, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. How strong is Gu Tiansha's original body?

"Engulf it all." At this time, Guchensha had understood the characteristics and power of Gutiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. After thinking about it for a while, he absorbed all the remaining sources into the body and began refining. ~ www.readwn.com ~ Immediately, the breath on his body is getting stronger and stronger, and the turbulence of time and space is trembling. Where does his breath pass, where the turbulence of time and space begins to shrink and become In addition to a vacuum country, even the overwhelming cosmic tides seem to be afraid of him, afraid to get his breath, avoiding him and surging.

"What do we do now?" Master Wanxian's tone was a little trembling: "I didn't expect this son to have gone through the robbery in the blink of an eye, but instead he became stronger and became a god. This is not enough. Tiansha also obtained the source from him. Now that he is refining the source, I am afraid we can't suppress him by joining forces. How can this be good? "

"If he is only a god, he is not so terrible, but he has captured the origin of the Sun and Moon Lord Gu Tiansha, and now it is truly terrifying when he refines into the body. We ca n’t do anything now, we just have to watch it. Change, completely converged. "Xianzhu also seemed helpless.


{Business trip on the road again today, only this chapter, it is really exhausting recently, wait for stabilization, and then resume the update, everyone forgive me. }

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