Dragon Talisman

Chapter 763: The situation is done

Immortal Master and Wanxian Master are ready to take action at any time. They must ride between Gushensha and Sun Moon Lord Gu Tiansha. EΩ small "Say Ww" W. Y1XIAOSHUO. Com

However, they did not expect that the situation would change so quickly. At the moment when Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, started to transfer the ancient dust sand, the ancient dust sand passed on to the robbers, then awakened, and became a god. The strength, under a brush, broke the sun and the moon, and then brushed again, and obtained the origin of the ancient sun sand Lord Gu Tiansha.

Although this series of changes is dazzling, it takes only a few breaths to complete.

At first, almost all the giants thought that this time they would fight for a long time. Think about it, Chang Weiyang and Douyiyu have been fighting for several years, and they have not yet separated. Now the master of the sun and the moon, Gu Tiansha and Jingxian Division The battle is much bigger. Isn't it decades to win?

But in fact a few breaths, the fierce battle is over.

This is simply contrary to common sense.

Even if many old antiques intervene, it is too late.

So now these old antiques can watch the ancient dust sand eaten up one tenth of the origin of the ancient sun sand Lord Gu Tiansha, there is no way at all.

Faced with such a situation, even old antiques like Wanxianshi and Xianzhu also felt a sense of weakness.

They are also powerless to Gutiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, and even weaker to the ancient dust and sand.

"It seems that a new era has come." Wanxian said: "Are we, the world overlords, trying to win over the freaks created by these catastrophes? I am not reconciled."

"We will always have a chance." Xianzhu said: "Every change, no one can control the destiny, even if it is the ancient step immortal, in fact, in the entanglement with the heaven, they did not say that they can win with 100% confidence. Therefore, whether it is ancient dust sand or ancient sky sand, if one is not good, they will fall. Don't worry about this. "

"Three Great Celestial Masters have been plotting Hongmengshu. I thought they could not succeed, but if the heavens change and there are large-scale variables, maybe they will really have some opportunities. We must also plan for something big, otherwise In the future, I am afraid that they will be killed by repression and become food. "Wanxian Shi feels urgency.

"Originally you set up a new state, arrested the jade ring dew, established prestige, and spread the doomsday salvation, making your ideas blossom and bear fruit in the hearts of sentient beings, so that you will truly obtain the supreme merit of salvation. Can promote your cultivation In order to break through the bottleneck again, this was originally an excellent idea, but unfortunately, Jingxian Division made a huge obstacle. "Xianzhu said.

"You are the same. You have acquired prehistoric civilization, and your ambition is greater than mine. Actually, prehistoric civilization wants to use some kind of system created by itself to replace heaven. Although prehistoric civilization failed, you still want to try again. And you see the hope of success, because ancient tassian is entangled with the heavenly path, the heavenly path is weakening, and your cultivation will also progress very quickly. Not to mention, your plan is actually carried out in secret, you have the bottom of the box. Means, some of the most important magic weapons of prehistoric civilization are in your hands. I know more or less. "Wanxian Shidao.

"In fact, you have a lot of means to show each other. In short, we must now really start to join forces, hold together, and draw in some powerful beings. Otherwise, we can't fight against a bunch of young juniors who get adventures." Fairy Road.

"If we really work together and eliminate the conclusion, we can really do a lot of things. One thing is that the two of us alone are useless, we must be sincere and win over the giants, such as the giant spirit **** , The three celestial deities, the saints, and the old monsters in the flood and dragon gates. As for some other overlords that exist in the depths of time and space, we must also contact them one by one, make a powerful statement, and form an alliance. The camp is solid. Of course, all the old antiques must be devastated, but it doesn't matter. We can even devour these old antiques one by one in the future.

"It's the best." Xianzhu nodded. "Then we'll go to the Quartet now."

Between the words, the two giants also dispersed, disappearing into the depths of time and space.

At the same time, in another time and space turbulence, "Little Hongmeng Tree" was suspended above the head of ancient dust and sand. This tree kept exuding a large amount of Hongmengqi, covering his whole body.

Then, the ancient dust sand has all refined the origin obtained from Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon.

One tenth of the origin of Sun Tianru's ancient Tiansha is obtained by ancient dust. After the ancient dust is completely refined, the most important thing is not the ascension in the realm, but the essence of transformation.

The essence of ancient dust and sand is originally the Taoist method, but because of the game between Tianfu Emperor and Tiandao, his will cannot control the Taoist method. If Tianfu the Great Emperor Ancient Tasian is in a disadvantage, he is likely to use the Taoist method. It will fall apart, even if he defeats the will of heaven, he can thoroughly integrate the endless umbrella into his body, and he cannot completely control the heavenly law. There are still some defects in it.

However, he devoured one tenth of the origin of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon, and then he could control the Heavenly Method completely, because Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon, was a freak.

This person is the result of the entanglement between ancient step gods and heaven.

His origin is very weird and unique, it can be described as unique. Even if the ancient dust and sand has obtained the Hongmeng tree, the flood gate, and the sacrifice of the heavens, it is better to grasp the sun and the moon's ancient ancient sand.

"Think of it all!"

Gu Chensha stood up, and in an instant, his idea seemed to penetrate the heavens and the earth, and he could thoroughly understand the many changes of heaven and earth, and obtained the deepest blessings in the future.

This is the thirty-two changes in the state of mind.

After Gu Chensha defeated the will of heaven, he devoured the endless umbrella, and he has cultivated to the **** level. But in the future, one is more difficult than the other.

In other words, it becomes almost impossible for him to advance each level.

But now, it has devoured one tenth of the origin of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, and actually caused his realm to rise directly from the 30th change to the peak of the thirty-two change "one thought through the sky." It is to save hundreds of years, even thousands of years of hard accumulation, and even more.

"If I devour the origins of this freak thoroughly, I am afraid that I will become the Celestial Master immediately ..." Gu Chensha felt that the master of the sun and the moon, Gu Tiansha, was uniquely delicious and attractive to him. You know, he has experienced so many sufferings and setbacks since he achieved God level, not to mention the cultivation of saints and deities.

His combat effectiveness, once promoted to the level of God, is almost shocking, and he can even suppress Tianzun. If he has become Tianzun, I am afraid that the world is invincible. Whatever Wanxian Master, Immortal Master, Law Saint, Giant Spirit God, flick Fly ash annihilation between.

Think about the difference between **** level and deity, it's just elephants and ants.

The difference between the ancient dust sand becoming a **** and a celestial deity is even greater. Of course, it is a thousand times more difficult for him to practice the heavenly law than it is for a peerless sage such as Wu Shengfasheng to practice it.

According to normal principles, he cannot become a Celestial Venerable, but only devouring Gu Tiansha is his best way.

Of course, Gu Tiansha also wanted to devour him.

Regardless of who they are, if they swallow each other, there will be a qualitative change. Now the ancient dust and sand have a tendency to change. After the one-tenth source of the ancient sun and sand has lost its origin, it will disappear. Below, the battle with Jingxianji has fallen into a disadvantage.

However, if Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, continues to promote cultivation, the threat to Jingxian Division is also very great, because after all, Gu Chensha only plundered one tenth of his origin, and there are still nine tenths of his origin. Thoroughly reconcile and wield out strength, otherwise, Jingxianji would have been ashes long ago.

"It was only a step to become a saint." Lou Baiyue flew from the "small Hongmeng tree" of that little sapling. This "Little Hongmeng Tree" seems to be only three feet in size, but the space and world inside it are more abundant than before, it can be described as small in size, which is close to the mysterious realm that contains countless worlds in the dust.

"Yeah, after I become a saint ~ www.readwn.com ~ the ability will be improved a lot again. The saint is a big mark. Unfortunately, if I can devour some more sources, it will not be difficult to achieve the saint. Gu Chensha nodded, "But now I have become a god, and I am still in a state of thirty-two change and one mind. If you exert your power thoroughly, you will have no problem defeating Fasheng."

"Yes, in my own strength, without using any magic weapon, I am no longer your opponent." At this time, Wu Sheng Tianzun also emerged from the small Hongmeng tree, standing in the chaos of time and space, watching the ancient dust and sand. , Very pleased: "How on earth did you get rid of the pull of the will of heaven? What kind of world did you enter?"

"I was pulled into a world without an emperor, and I do n’t even know if it is true or false." Gu Chensha pondered carefully. He broke away at the most critical moment, and still felt a bit pity, Because he felt that in the dream world, there are still many things worth experimenting and exploring on his own: "I don't know when I can enter this dream world again?"

"We passed the robbery in Jingxian Division, and things will be much easier in the future. We can start to completely transform the world, ban the bad families, devour the demons, destroy the barbarians, and even make the seventy-two mysterious gates of Taikoo really The suppression of Jingxian Division, our original role is to suppress the Xiandao, so it is called Jingxian Division, then from now on, the heaven and earth Xuanmen will be surrendered. "Lou Baiyue aimed at the Eastern wasteland.

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