Dragon Talisman

Chapter 764: Solving Tiangong Institute

Jingxian Division has survived this calamity and its strength has skyrocketed. It is indeed possible to start a series of preparations to transform the world and accumulate more powerful forces. ┡Ω 『E┡ 小 Δ』 said Ww┡W. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Not to mention anything else, promoted to the level of God, and even practiced the ancient dust that reached the level of the thirty-two changes in the state of Tao. First, you can directly defeat Tianzun and collect Jinshan on the other side of the Buddhism. In addition, After being collected by Jinshan on the other side, it can also be included in the "Little Hongmeng Tree", so that the Xiaohongmeng Tree has two Zhongqian Worlds hanging directly above it. In that way, the power is immeasurable.

In addition, Guchensha is able to suppress all the immortals, overseas, demons, and demons together. Except for some old antiques, he doesn't care.

Even the Master of the Immortals and Master Wanxian could not constitute a fundamental threat to him.

It's a pity that now the Marshal Cangsheng is independent and can't be promoted with him. At that time, he was stuck in the realm of the twenty-ninth change in the state of "sense of chaos", unable to be promoted to the level of God, leading to the death of the Marshal, and later he and Wu Sheng experienced the change of the realm of heaven and cut off the lines of destiny This made the Marshal Cangsheng become a real creature. The Marshal Cangsheng was promoted to be a god-level master, which made the world stable, and many forces did not dare to act lightly. Now, his own realm must be higher than that of Cangsheng.

It can be seen that things are changing and it is difficult to figure out.

Fortunately, Marshal Cangsheng is now an independent creature, and he has an adventure. It is very difficult to be promoted. Another thing is that Guchen Shachen thoroughly understood the secret of "Da Cang Cang Sheng Pu Tu Hua Ren Jing". This was learned in the dream world. In the dream world, he refined and surrendered. He got the mixed world demon god, and got the secret that the mixed world demon **** transformed the demon into humanity.

In this way, his power will be more complete.

This is not to say, in the world of his dreams, he made the skull of Xingqiangshi into a Divine Gourd, so he thoroughly glimpsed the most fundamental secret of Xingqiang's Divine Land, making his own state far beyond Xingqiang's. Not only that, in the world of dreams, he even used Divine Land in China to conduct experiments, which was able to stimulate Divine Power.

In the real world, he can do the same, and in the real world, the Middle-earth Divine Land was transformed by Emperor Tianfu, and the power of Divine Land is more convenient to use.

"My current strength is not enough to kill the real Xingqiangshi. He is now consummated and has a deeper understanding. Naturally, he is no longer than when he was sealed." Gu Chensha was thinking in his heart, in fact, he I really want to suppress the real Xingqiangshi, and then refining the whole Xingqiangshi into Shenzhou gourd. In this way, in the future, there will be a weapon to deal with the giants, but I am afraid that it is still difficult.

Of course, if you use all the power of Jingxianji, this is also very likely to be achieved. However, the counter-strike before the death of Xingqiang may also cause some damage to Jingxianji. In this way, you will be the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. Gu Tiansha rushed in and turned the situation back.

Without Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon, Gu Chensha could learn in the world of dreams, completely unbridled, and now he still has to maintain some balance.

Fortunately, Jingxianji is now in full swing, and no giant can pose a huge threat to Jingxiansi. It can be calmly displayed. In addition, Guchensha can also cultivate the Sangongbahou and Fanglin of the court, so that these people thoroughly grasp the endless treasure, which is also a huge potential stock.

"For the time being, it is not appropriate for us to do destructive things that cause uncontrollable situations. We now have the advantage and do not take risks." Zhuge Ya said: "Everything can be done calmly, after all, what we have now mastered It is the safety of the 30 billion people who live in Limin. A little carelessness will cause a disaster. We must do things slowly.

"What about Mr. Zhuge?" Lou Baiyue nodded.

"The Demons can now be suppressed, completely destroyed, and the demonic disaster is scattered. With our current strength of Jingxian Division, the Demons can no longer turn up the waves. To be honest, even the deities in the Demons can suppress and kill. "Zhu Geya thought about it, and then slowly said:" As for Xiandao, you can slowly surrender and collect all the other mystic gates. In the end, only Tiandi Xuanmen is an lonely widow. After all, Tiandi Xuanmen is heaven and earth. Created by the ancestor, the horror of this ancestor is still above the three heavenly deities, giant spirit gods, and even Xingqiang, immortal master, and Wanxianshi. Although it is rumored that he has fallen, in the past tens of thousands of years, Tiandi Xuanmen He has always been the overlord of immortality. I do n’t know how much sacrifice power has been saved. Among the vaguely, the heaven and earth ancestors must have their own layout. We want to swallow the heaven and earth mysterious gate. It is not easy, but it will cause the world. The turmoil is not worth the damage. It is better that we now run the world, surrender the Dawei dynasty, and collect the people of the world. There are hundreds of billions. Gathering sacrifice, that is, a few years. At that time, the real sweep was invincible. Invincible. "

"However, for 36 years of Tianfu, the heavens have changed drastically, fearing the strongest robbery." Jin Suibo asked.

"It's not that simple." Zhuge Ya said: "Tiandao has now collapsed and it is difficult to guess. Of course, our main energy is to manage the country. Other matters are still handled by Wangye. I think Wangye must deal with it first. It is the Tiangong Academy, which is not in our hands and has endless troubles. After all, they have also started a large wave of popularity and reputation in the folk. And they secretly colluded with the giant spirit **** and other giants, as long as we are a little bit If we are not careful, it will cause huge fluctuations among the people and make us work hard and ruin it. "

"What this says is that the interior is unclear and difficult to external. The skyrocketing expansion of the heavens in recent years should not neglect the influence of the world. In addition, Xianzhu has mastered the secrets of many prehistoric civilizations, and I even suspect prehistoric Some of the strongest civilizations used to fight against the heavens are in the hands of Xianzhu, but Xianzhu hasn't completely mastered it, otherwise, the emperor will not arrange her. "Gu Chensha is also thinking, "Now that Jingxian has an advantage, we must expand our advantage and keep **** like this. The next plan is indeed to consider carefully. The finer the details, the more advantages we have, the more we must be cautious and not be able to handle The advantage is sent out. "

"To improve cultivation and achieve breakthroughs, the biggest thing is to gather the power of sentient beings. At the peak, people's hearts can even deal with heaven." Lou Baiyue said: "To the world, the court has split into two forces. One is us. Jingxian Division, there is another point is Tiangongyuan, but after all, Tiangongyuan was set by the emperor. Even if we can destroy it, we can't burn it. What on earth? "

"The Jingxian Division we represent is the Immortal Way, the practice path, and the Tiangong Academy represents the mechanical way, the way outside, and the way of prehistoric civilization." Gu Chensha sighed: "The two civilizations represent their respective If the exhibition reaches the extreme, it will be comparable. The father ’s meaning is to let our court country, two civilizations merge together, exhibit together, and try to cultivate a new thing together. Both civilizations have their strengths. It ca n’t be ignored, but the Tiangong Institute is now in the hands of uncontrollable people. The immortal master, the ancient raccoon, and the Capricorn family are not good things. They are a scourge to the world, so we will not destroy the Tiangong Institute. Helping people must be completely removed, otherwise it will indeed be a huge scourge in the future. I will go to Tiangongyuan now to eliminate this scourge. I already know a lot of the secrets of the immortal master, which is in the dream world Peeping, the biggest number of robberies in the world in my dream is that the master of the fairy shot me all out. But at this moment, I know the master of the fairy very deeply. "

"Okay, this thing must be done first." Lou Baiyue made a slight calculation, and made his future plans clear and easy, all in his heart.


After Gu Chensha said that, with a slight movement of his body, he left time and space and went straight to the customs. The headquarters of Tiangong Institute came.

When he was still in turbulent time and space, the huge divine thought had completely locked the city built by Tiangongyuan on the barren land. Tiangongyuan is now expanding extremely. On the barren land, hundreds of cities have been built. As factories, it has recruited many unknown experts. This is beyond the control of Jingxian Division.

Because according to the laws and regulations formulated by Emperor Tianfu, Tiangongyuan is an institution independent of the judiciary, finances, and even the court. It only orders to the emperor, so Jingxian Division cannot manage it.

Since Gu Huansha, the daughter of Xianzhu, entered Tiangong Academy and became the master, with the support of Xianzhu and Capricorn family, Tiangong Academy has become more stable. It actually sprang up under the eyes of Jingxian Division.

This matter must be handled properly.

Gu Chensha came to Tiangongyuan for the first time.

His strength and divine thoughts at this moment are invisible ~ www.readwn.com ~ Permeable, no one can detect that even if the immortal is in person, he cannot find any flaws in him to show his God wants to peep and trace.

This is the benefit of becoming a god.

Ancient dust and sand transform the heavenly law into the power of the world. The dust world in his body can be called Xiaotianjie.

"Gu Huansha is still sitting in the headquarters, but she can talk about it one or two." Gu Chensha's divine thoughts swept a little, and she has locked the real person in charge of Tiangong Academy, Gu Huansha.

He couldn't see, as soon as he moved, he had reached the core of the headquarters.

The headquarters of the Tiangong Institute is banned everywhere, and some bans have even been laid down by the Lord of the Immortals. Even if Tianzun lurks, there are some problems.

But Guchensha ignored these prohibitions.

In the core of the headquarters, Gu Huansha and Capricorn Lin Feng were talking, and a large group of Capricorn family members, such as experts, held a meeting.

Gu Chensha appeared so blatantly in the center of the conference hall.

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