Dragon Talisman

Chapter 765: Fiancé

Chapter 665 Chop the Fiance


Above this meeting, the first person who noticed something wrong was an old man. ┡E 』Ω Novel Ww * W. Ω1XIAOSHUO. Com

This old man has a high status, his eyes are green, and the layers of flames above his head are flashing, and the intangible qi number is transformed into a tangible existence. In addition, there seemed to be many light spots flickering around him, like fireflies, and these light spots were actually a world.

This is the great ability that can be possessed by the realm of dust and famine.

And, among these fireflies, many creatures come to life and evolve into a variety of freedom.

There is no doubt that this old man is the pinnacle of the thirty-sixth change of the state, and he is transformed into the supreme state of freedom.

"The current family leader of the Capricorn family, the first master, Capricorn?" After the appearance of Gu Chensha, he looked at the old man: "It is not bad, the ancestor of the Capricorn family is the Capricorn God. After the seal, the Capricorn family lost the repression of the Celestial Power, and gradually could not fight against the Demon Clan, only to rely on the Immortal Lord. However, the Capricorn family is extremely rich, although there is no Celestial in the family, but the **** level and the saint are very As much as united, relying on the Zhongqian world left by the Capricorn God, it is able to play a piece of the world. All the masters of your Capricorn family have come together? Good guy, the thirty-sixth state of affairs has become the pinnacle of freedom. There are only three of them, and there are five of the thirty-five that change the Tao realm. There are actually ten other saints and more than fifty gods! "

Gu Chensha glanced at the people present, and was somewhat surprised by the heritage of the Capricorn family.

Although there is no Celestial Master, there are so many masters who are so powerful that they are far beyond any other family.

And all those present are not necessarily all of the Capricorn family.

It is certain that the Capricorn family has masters to suppress their own Zhongqian world, and it is impossible to leave the base to leave.

This shows that Xianzhu is also training masters in the Capricorn family.

The chair of the meeting was Gu Huansha, who had already become a god. She is now in the same realm as Guchen Sand. It is a realm of thirty-two changes in the state, and she is promoted to be a saint.

She practiced so fast that it was unimaginable in the past.

But now the general trend is rolling, strange encounters, even a little common people can pick up Kuang Shizhen casually on the road, and become a master, let alone a person like Gu Huansha?

She itself contains an incredible number of qi, but is the daughter of Emperor Tianfu, and contains the blood of Emperor Tianfu. As long as she can make good use of this blood, she can have supreme power.

Ancient dust and sand completely activated this bloodline, and finally cultivated into the Tao of Heaven.

Of course, he is now fully able to control the heavenly law and turn the heavenly law into his own. This is the ability to acquire the origin of the ancient ancient sands of the sun and the moon, so even the ancient voile yarn has completely activated the Emperor of Heaven. His blood is not his opponent.

Unless the ancient bloodworm yarn activates the blood, cultivate the heavenly law, and then devour the origin of ancient sky sand. Only hope can compete with ancient dust and sand, of course, there is only hope. It is still impossible to overcome ancient dust and sand.

You must know that the great power of ancient dust is not heavenly law, but his own will. In the past few decades, I do n’t know how much knowledge I have acquired. I have merged this knowledge and experience along the way and created my own appalling life. Techniques, his way to make up the sky, is the right way, magnificent, sweeping invincible.

Therefore, even if Gu Huansha had his power, without his will, it was a solitude.

At this moment, the ancient dust and sand, experienced some things in the world of dreams, defeated the will of heaven, the soul is completely different, he has the heart to overcome everything.

Between his glances, in the core of the Tiangong Institute, countless masters had developed a kind of coolness, and they were actually deterred and afraid to do anything.

Even the strongest of the three realms, who have turned into other peaks, feel a great threat. It seems that they are not facing one person, but the invincible cosmic tide in the void, the king of the universe.

Based on the momentum alone, Guchensha completely deterred all masters of the Capricorn family in Tiangongyuan.

"Gu Chensha, what are you doing here? Is it Yaowu Yangwei?" Gu Huansha paled: "You've spent a lot of time and became a god. I know your cultivation has been extremely rude, but you really want to Immediately, regardless of the rules left by the father, clean the heavenly institute? "

Guwansha naturally knew what Guchensha wanted to do.

Tiangongyuan is a thorn in the true unification of the world ’s hearts. As long as the heavenly home is there, it is basically difficult for Jingxiansi to truly gather the hearts of the world and achieve concentricity among all beings.

Similarly, if the Lord wants to collect people's hearts, he must remove Jingxian Division.

But now, the forces are obviously out of balance. The ancient dust sand has been converted into a god-level. The world tree of refining is a small Hongmeng tree. Even the master of the fairy retreats and takes such a rolling trend.

Her only reliance was that she was appointed by the ancient **** of heaven, the ancient **** of heaven, and even ancient dust could not be abolished.

"Sister Huang said and laughed." Gu Chensha smiled suddenly: "Why would I start working at Tiangong Institute? Tiangong Institute manufactures machinery, builds cities, and studies the prehistoric mechanical civilization. If it is not Tiangong Institute, Only by virtue of our Jingxian Division, it is impossible for the people of the world to live so well, and the mechanical civilization of the Tiangong Academy must be used as a buffer, so that the people of the world can be divided into classes, in order to alleviate various contradictions. I see this very much clear."

The role of mechanical civilization is to classify the world.

If everyone in the world cultivates Xiandao, it is too monotonous, and it can easily lead to a huge differentiation. Some people who perceive the tyrannical people are high above, others who are not cultivators are ants and horses. Even if the ancient dust and sand spread people's dragon fist, it is impossible to make everyone equal, and someone will definitely be pulled down.

With the polishing of mechanical civilization, it is different. Some people who are not good at cultivation can use machinery to enhance their strength.

This creates a balance.

Another thing is that all kinds of things produced by mechanical civilization are very cheap and easier to spread among thousands of households, and the magic weapon, aura, and formation method of immortal civilization are difficult for ordinary people to master.

At that time, Guchensha entered the realm, and I do n’t know how much he has saved, how much he has learned, and even practiced worldly martial arts and Heavenly God.

Even if ordinary people practice Renlongquan, it is not smooth sailing into the realm.

Gu Chensha knew the general situation in his heart, and had a completely new understanding of the way of governing the country.

"Then you broke in suddenly, what is your intention?" Gu Huansha did not believe Gu Gusha at all, because he knew that Gu Chensha was not a good stubble. If Gu Chensha was so good at talking, Jingxian Division would not have been of such a scale now, and it would have been destroyed thousands of times by others.

"Reform the Tiangong Institute." Gu Chen said: "The Tiangong Institute is bound to carry out reforms to better cooperate with Jingxian Division and prepare for the enhancement of national strength."

"How are you going to reform? Abolish me and replace you with the one from Jingxian Division?" Gu Wansha sneered again and again.

"Sister Huang said and laughed." Gu Chensha ignored the cynicism of Gu Huansha: "Tiangongyuan used prehistoric mechanical civilization, but I think it can be combined with Xiandao civilization to create a new model. So, My reform is to send people in and install them in various key departments of the Tiangong Institute, so that the court's decree can be avoided, and the people of the world will no longer think that the court is divided into two forces. As for the emperor or the master, how about it? One more thing is that I also know a lot about mechanical civilization. Because my king of life is formed from the fragments of the highest crystalline era of prehistoric civilization. Now I brought the king of life and assisted the emperor to manage the heavenly work. The hospital, how? In addition, I will create a large number of mortal commanders to help the emperor to solve the problems. As for these people of the Capricorn family, they will enter our Jingxian Division in exchange. What will I do for them? This is the exchange of positions, and no one suffers. "

Between the words, Gu Chensha's sleeve robes were unfolded. The King of Cangsheng had appeared in front of everyone, and the powerful breath of Tianzun suppressed the spot again.

At this moment, the will of the King of Cang Chen has completely disappeared.

After Guchensha became a god, she devoured the origin of the Sun and Moon Lord Gutiansha, and she could freely manipulate the will of the King of Cangsheng.

In the course of condensing, he directly dismissed Gou Chen's will, so that the ancestor of the Wan Yao can no longer make trouble.

In this way, the puppet of the King of Cangsheng was completely fulfilled, and the true heavenly respect.

What is the concept of Tianzun? The Capricorn family knows that there is no such strong person in the family. If there is a Tianzun sitting in the family, the Capricorn family does not have to rely on the Immortal Lord, but sits on an equal footing with the Immortal Lord.

"You! How ruthless." Gu Wansha heard pale Gusha, and her face became paler. Guchensha let a King of Cangsheng at the level of Heaven to "assist" her in managing Tiangongyuan. What else could she do? She became a puppet. Than hesitant. This is not to mention, Gu Chensha is also preparing to create a large number of Cangsheng Masters to enter the Tiangong Academy. In this way, the Tiangong Academy has become the site of the Jingxian Division.

In addition, Gu Chensha said more fiercely about the exchange of positions, allowing the people of the Capricorn family to enter the Jingxian Division to hold important positions.

To put it nicely, in fact, to put these masters of the Capricorn family under house arrest ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then use all the power to make them the source of the sacrificial offering of the Jingxian Division.

This is extremely dangerous.

But it's not so ancient.

"How? Sister Huang, you don't even agree to such a good thing? If you agree, you will immediately have a master of the highest level." Gu Chen continued to persecute.

"Gu Chensha, you don't want our Capricorn family to be your slaves." At this time, Capricorn Lin roared.


As soon as his words fell, Gu Chensha flicked his fingers, and a strong wind penetrated the body of Capricorn Linfeng. Then Capricorn Lin Feng screamed as his body surrounded by flames.

what! what! what!

Capricorn Lin Feng, like the devil in fire, has been burned into a degenerate form.

Gu Chensha said faintly: "Sister Huang, this Capricorn Lin Feng doesn't deserve you at all, and what fiance is yours, I'll take care of it for you."

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