Dragon Talisman

Chapter 767: Mysterious system

"The immortal master is really a quick man, I can take the lead in this matter. EΩ novel WWW.Z1XIAOSHUO.COM" Gu Chen said: "As the emperor, the combination with the Lord of the Seven Stars really complements each other. At the same time, it gives a signal to the people There is no opposition between Jingxianji and Tiangongyuan, but I still want to continue the reform of Tiangongyuan. No one can stop this. What is the idea of ​​Xianxian? "

"Tiangong Institute follows your reform. That is absolutely impossible." Xianzhu waved his hand. "You just took away Tiangong Institute. I have worked hard for many years and will be completely dismissed. Do you think I will Are you allowed to do this? "

Today's Tiangong Institute operates very well in the wild, opening up hundreds of cities, and cities are connected by rails. Every day huge railway cars roar past, and the airships and airships in the sky rise and fall every day. Numerous humans have come from all directions to buy goods produced by Tiangongyuan, even genetic evolution potions, and accept the idea of ​​Jingxian Division.

Inside the Jingxian Division, you can get great luck and sacrifice.

In the private sector, Tiangong Institute has a lot of word of mouth. Although it is not as good as Jingxianji, with the increase of the population, it will really be evenly divided with Jingxiansi in a few decades.

It is a pity that Jingxian Division now has 360 god-level heads of Cangsheng who manages the world and the people are united. There is also a big bottleneck for Tiangong Institute to continue the exhibition. In addition, Jingxian Division has the King of Cangsheng In the town, Cang Shenghou handles all kinds of things, runs the courts of the world, and Tiangongyuan has no upper hand.

So this time, the Lord of the Immortals let the masters of the Capricorn family come out of the house, all joined the Tiangong Academy, and then began operations, and also became officials, and Cangsheng Commander, Cangsheng King, and Cang Shenghou fighting for the power of belief.

Fighting for hearts is the main point.

Gu Chensha also expected this, and immediately killed the group of Capricorn family in the bud. Otherwise, the masters of Capricorn family changed their face and became officials. After the private management, one after another with great reputation However, it is not easy to deal with it blatantly.

It is best to deal with these masters when they have no prestige and do not gather people's hearts.

The immortal master can't let the people of the Capricorn family be brought into the Jingxian Division by ancient dust, and then brainwashed and become their own person. If it was before, the master of the fairy doesn't have to worry about it, because Guchensha doesn't have this ability, but now Guchensha is really bad.

In the past, with real cultivation, the immortal master could almost pinch her fingers to suppress the ancient dust and sand, but now she may not be able to defeat the opponent so easily.

In particular, if Gu Chensha urges Shenzhou to be one hundred heavy, it can cause great harm to her.

For the ancient dust and sand, both the Master of Immortals and Master Wanxian were deeply apprehensive.

"Xianzhu really has the details." Gu Chensha knew that Xianzhu would not agree to reform Jingxianji, but he was in the middle of his mind: "Don't you be afraid of me Jingxianji? Want to know your current strength, I'm afraid you can't resist it Our Jingxian attack, we have the King of the Living God, and the Emperor Wusheng, the two heavenly gods are added together, and my heavenly law practice, the Middle Thousand Worlds, many details, in addition to this There are also thirteen endless treasures who are reincarnated, and each endless treasure is equal to the power of cutting the fairy gourd. "

"It is true that the Jingxian Division is now in full swing. It is very difficult for the forces in the world to have the Jingxian Division. If all the 13 incarnations of the reincarnation have become Tianzun, they will be able to completely wield the endless treasure. The power can be comparable to cutting the fairy gourd, but this is impossible. Also, do you really think I have no other killer? "The fairy master laughed:" I'm negotiating with you now, I don't want to be alone There are injuries, after all, it ’s not just the two forces in our world, Tiangongyuan and your Jingxian Division. We are fighting against each other. The cheaper is someone else. Besides, if you are aggressive, I have the absolute certainty to kill you! "

"Really?" Gu Chensha waved his hand: "You rely on the so-called prehistoric civilization left over from the system. This system was created by the prehistoric civilization of that year and is intended to replace the operation of the heavens and the growth of all things. Unfortunately, This system has been broken, hurt by the ravages of heaven, and it will not be a climate. After you get it, you will try to repair it. It is still useless, because with your realm of life, you ca n’t repair this system at all. Of course, you can use this now System, wielding the power of the heavenly realm, but that's nothing more than me. "

"How do you know so clearly!" The expression of surprise appeared on the master's face.

"You can never guess this." Gu Chensha smiled very brightly. In the dream world, he met Xianzhu, who gave him the strongest blow. At the moment of killing, all the information of Xianzhu , Almost circulating in his will, so he knows any killer of the immortal master.

"In this way, my evaluation of you has improved again." Xianzhu calmed down: "Tiangongyuan was handed over to me by your father, Gu Taxian, and your attempt to seize it is against your father's will And one more thing, your father now confronts Heaven, and the task given to me is to unify the world, gather all beings, and restore the legacy system that all the essence of this prehistoric civilization has gathered, so that this system can wield its power, disturb the heaven, and bless him In this way, he can defeat Heaven and Earth completely. I am now completing this matter. Your reform is to destroy this plan. Not only did it not help your father, but it was against him. Do you understand? "

"This matter?" Gu Chensha's eyes narrowed: "What you said has some truth, but you have to remember that the game between Father Emperor and Heaven is actually a practice. To reach this level, he doesn't need Any help, if this kind of realm still needs help, then he can't reach this realm. Therefore, the reform of Tiangong Institute is imperative for me, even if the two tigers are in conflict, and they are taken advantage of by others, I must also Do it, because if you are going to do something big, you will destroy the foundation of our Jingxian Division. The world cannot have two conflicting ideas. All sentient beings must be united. "

Gu Chensha is even more determined to reform the Tiangong Institute.

"So, are you Wang Ba eating the scales? Are you ironed?" Gu Wansha said, "For your own power, you don't even care about the safety of your father and the emperor."

"Wrong, this is the danger you are destroying the father's emperor." Gu Chen said: "You are actually planning for yourself. I know your thoughts very well, so don't be righteous here. You say yes I want to restore the system power left by the prehistoric civilization, but you must know that with your power, there is no way to recover. Only I can do this, because I have cultivated the heavenly law and stabilized the heavenly law. Even the world ’s will in the endless umbrella can defeat the devour. I think the best way now is to give me that system, and according to my method, cultivate this system, and then together, you can give Tiandao a hard blow If you do n’t, then you have another selfishness? How? ”

"Your appetite is getting bigger and bigger, since that's the case, there's nothing to say. I'll take a look, what's so great about you." Immortal Master grabbed his hand suddenly, and suddenly a ball appeared in front of him. Storms, in this storm, you can vaguely see a vast civilization, among countless stars, battleships, mechanical forces, tearing the void, creating gods, and even creating heaven-level puppets. This is the most A strong prehistoric civilization, which once threatened heaven, wanted to create a system to replace heaven. Such a mighty civilization fell into the river of time, but in order to destroy this prehistoric civilization, He also suffered some trauma, but he has not recovered yet, and was suppressed by the ancient stepper.

"Okay, you finally started to use the power of this system." Gu Chensha moved completely and disappeared completely. When he appeared next to the Immortal Master the next moment, there was already a three-foot plant growing in his hand. "Little Hongmeng Tree".

As soon as the "Little Hongmeng Tree" was brushed down, the world and the earth immediately collapsed, and the dense space-time twisting protection method on the top of the Immortal Lord's head had no effect at all.

Originally, the chaotic ancient creatures at the level of Xianzhu were basically impossible to defeat, and they could not even get close. They were clearly in front of her, but in reality, they did n’t know how many space-time dimensions, even billions of dimensions. This kind of realm, compared with the flood and moor dust of the thirty-fifth change of the state and the alternation of the thirty-six change, is not sure how many times it is overbearing.

In other words, ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if it is the attack of Celestial Master, the immortal master can ignore it. Only the power of Zhongqian World can pose a threat to the immortal master.

However, Xianzhu now masters the mysterious system left by the prehistoric civilization. This system had to replace the heavenly path, but it was unsuccessful and was broken. Now this system has no power of the year, and it is also a broken thing. Bigger than the horse, even if this system is in the hands of the immortal master, it can still wield the power no less than the sacrifice of the heavenly sacrifice, but it is difficult for the immortal master to urge.

Immortal Lord must pay a huge price every time he urges. This is no doubt. So she was very cautious as a means of pressing the bottom of the box.

This time, if the ancient dust and sand were forced too much, and she would destroy her foundation, she would not come out, and it cost a price to urge the power of this system to resist the ancient dust and sand.

"Gu Chensha, your little Hongmeng tree, in front of me, is a child's stuff, so don't show it up." The lord of the fairy turned around and flicked slightly. Collapsed immediately, turned into a small Hongmengqi, and escaped into the air.

What he urged was not the little Hongmeng tree body, but the ghost image formed by the little Hongmeng gas extracted from it.

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