Dragon Talisman

Chapter 768: Abacus

Chapter 678 has its own abacus

Immortal master just distracted Xiao Hongmeng's power. E "Xiao Yan" said Ww% W. Ω1XIAOSHUO. Com

The Xiaohong Mengshu itself is transformed by the world tree, of which it is the power of gathering the blue dragon and white tiger Suzaku basalt to go together, plus many small thousand worlds, one medium thousand worlds, together. The lethality is of course huge, even if the immortal master himself is subjected to this brush, he can't bear it.

On that day, Gu Chensha was even affected by the will of the heavens and heavens by the master of the sun and the moon, Gu Tiansha. However, he could not return to God and brushed off one tenth of his origin with Xiaohongmeng Tree.

But now the fairy master is different. She uses some kind of mysterious system. Under the concentration of this system's power, she is not afraid of the erosion of "Little Hongmeng Tree".

Gu Chensha knew that he could fight against the Immortal Lord only by urging Shenzhou.

He was also not afraid.

Suddenly punched out.

With this punch, one hundred heavy divine figures appeared on the fist, ninety-nine clear divine, and one half divine divine.

This is the power of Divine Land. A mighty Divine Power comes out of the air and gathers on the fist of ancient dust. Middle-earth China is more powerful than Sun and Moon.


The two forces collided again, and Xianzhu stepped back three steps in a row, while Guchen Sand kept flashing, which resolved his attack on himself.

The two were evenly divided.

However, Guchensha has already seen it. Xianzhu still has a real big killer trick, but he does n’t dare to release it. Of course, Guchensha also has a trick that breaks the boat, that is, true divine unity, abandoning itself and integrating Shenzhou, in the end, wielded the strongest power, and the immortal master was also very afraid.

"Gu Chensha, you can't help me." Xianzhu said: "Your current strength is not as good as me. You should be able to suppress Tianzun, but you still lack some heat to deal with me, unless you are a saint and perfect again. Strength, like Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, can run wild. "

"So, is it futile to want to reform the Tiangong Academy today?" Gu Chensha smiled. "But Xianzhu, my promotion to the saint is very fast. If you cooperate with me now, everyone will compromise and return If you can be a friend, if you are obsessed with it, I am afraid that after I become a saint, you will be the first to suppress it. "

The ancient dust sand is now the thirty-two transformation of the state.

Only one step can be done to change the "Three Sacred Hearts of Truth". Once it is completed, the combat effectiveness, cultivation and production capacity will have a huge change.

As far as Gu Tiansha, the original Lord of the Sun and the Moon, as soon as he was promoted to be a saint, he was arrogant and arrogant. He was alone to destroy Jing Xiansi, and even blocked the sphere of the wish of Jing Xiansi. No other antiques are allowed. Ran fingered, eating alone, if the ancient dust sand has become a god, and appeared in time, I am afraid he has really achieved the feat of killing the Jingxian Division.

And if Guchensha is a saint, he will be more powerful than him, because Guchensha is more powerful and powerful.

In addition, Guchensha has devoured one-tenth of his origin and refined it with his own heavenly method. In this way, Guchensha has become a kind of past and present. It has never appeared and no one can understand it. , Close to immortality, immortal, immortal, not bad, not broken .........

This realm can no longer be understood by the world.

Even Gu Gusha himself can't guess what kind of changes will occur after he has consumed the source of Gu Tian Sha.

All he knew was that he had become stronger.

Originally, the ancient dust sand became a god, so it could only contend with Tianzun, and could go hand in hand with Wusheng Tianzun. Rao is so terrible. God-level and heaven-level are different by many realms, which means that the difference between those who haven't practiced congenital temperament and those of god-level is much greater.

However, after becoming a god, he devoured the origin of Gu Tiansha, the one-tenth Sun and Moon Lord, and caused himself a fundamental change. Now the state of thirty-two changes can even compete with Tianshou.

What's more important is that the mysterious master is mysterious and unpredictable, which is the horrible existence brewed from chaotic creatures in the ancient times.

"Gu Chensha, your current strength, it is basically impossible to be promoted to be a saint. Others can't see it, but I can see clearly, unless you swallow the origin of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon again, otherwise May be a saint. "Xianzhu eyes sharp:" If you want to deal with Gu Tiansha, then you should cooperate with me, not against me, we can join forces to capture Gu Tiansha, with your Divine Land, I The highest God system of prehistoric civilization, riding the ancient Tiansha before it was recovered, then capture it directly, and then half of it? This is the maximization of our interests. Our God system has obtained half of the ancient Tiansha origin, then You can gradually restore the power, and you can even become a state of heaven. If we fight for each other, we will lose both, and Gu Tiansha is cheap. I am afraid it is not a good thing. "

"What you said makes sense." Gu Chensha moved: "Now I just can't find where this person is, could you find this one?"

Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, can quickly improve his cultivation. If he can seize the traces of this son and seize a part of the origin, Gu Chensha also feels that he can temporarily pass the Immortal Lord.

The celestial master brought this out to be a temptation, but it was attractive enough.

"If you can find this, I can join forces with you for the time being." Gu Chensha paused: "You talk about the regulations, can I see if we can reconcile?"

"Of course I know the whereabouts of this child, he and I have to cooperate as early as the cooperation I have been secretly layout, know everything.." Sin Lord said:. "Now we can talk about cooperation it."

"? How cooperation" ancient dust of the road: "My advice is that we do together, overcome the ancient days of sand, half points to his origin, say, you have no way to put God System Repair and fired to power, only my Heaven law, to repair damage left by the injury of which, even the things left in the will of Heaven which absorbed so that the system to hit the maximum power of all of this, you have to depend on me. you and Sun Moon Lord of the ancient days of sand cooperation, in fact, unrealistic, you want to attempt him, and he wanted to plot you, I can say with certainty that immortal Lord, he must plot your prehistoric civilization that instead of Heaven God system, because this world except me ultraviolet, only this freak him to be able to play the power system, and repair the entire system. if he is to win your God system, I'm afraid it may be true that no one can restrict this point you have to be careful , another thing, you cooperate with me now deal with him, but I doubt that you are in contact with him, in turn deal with me, and I introduced the Jedi, which I also had to Consider, immortal Lord, I understand you too. I do not know about you understand your reach a certain degree? All your experience, plot calculations, I know. "

Ancient fairy dust certainly do not believe the Lord.

In heaven will pull him into the world of dreams, fairy main character's own scheming, gloomy Henla bit peerless dignity in the immortal Lord put forward and he collaborated with the ancient days of sand, there are definitely enough in his introduction the trick in it.

How he would believe in fairy master.

"Ancient fairy riding son really not a good class, I doubt that you actually." Sen main eyebrows wrinkle up: "Right now is the best time to deal with the main ancient days of sun and moon sand, and he also in your fight among not recovered, if further delay a moment, I am afraid it will miss the opportunity. "

"You say let Happening, nor useful." Ancient dust waved his hand: "So, you hit first, to find where the ancient days of sand, and then he war, I will naturally and you together, to seal his defeat, How? In addition, there is another point that I must see the God system in order to help you get rid of some of the disadvantages of this system. "

"Gu Chensha, you think carefully, and do not forget to take advantage of it all the time. The prehistoric civilization that I have obtained is the most powerful and mysterious existence. If you let the heavenly law be input into it, you can understand it immediately by virtue of your ability. The secret of that, my Tiangong Institute is also meaningless, you can fully gain the knowledge to build a brand new Tiangong Institute again ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xianzhu sneer.

"Really?" Gu Chen said: "It's not that simple, Xianzhu, you've made a mistake. The meaning of Tiangongyuan and Jingxianji is definitely not treasures and machinery, nor is it the practice method, or even All kinds of elixir, but people, I have mastered the fragments of the disc of the epoch, and can also calculate the secrets of prehistoric civilization, so as to establish a new heavenly institute, when you do n’t know anything about the machinery of prehistoric civilization? The body of my God of Life is itself a fragment of the disc of that era, which is of great help to your God system. It is a pity that you refused me. "

"The shards of the epoch have really helped me a lot, and you are also worried about it now." Xianzhu glanced at the King of Cang Sand around Gu Chen and nodded, seeing that she was also the King of Cang Sheng I really hope to get: "You are just afraid that I will join forces with Gu Tiansha, and then contact Wanxian Shi and other old antiques to siege you, but you must know that you are so aggressive now, and we can also contact you to deal with you. .Think about it, that Wanxian Shi was ashamed by you, and you have long hated Jingsi, and Gu Tiansha has been anxious to eat your meat and drink your blood. As for the giant spirit god, Jingxian is being counted all the time. Needless to say, the three heavenly deities also regard you as your greatest enemy. We are united. I think that even if Jingxian is even more powerful, it is absolutely unstoppable. Now you are so persecuted. The Tiangong Institute is to drive the Tiangong Institute to an absolute end. This is definitely not the blessing of the court, nor is it the blessing of the people in the world. "

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