Dragon Talisman

Chapter 769: 3 old dogs

Chapter 679 Three Old Dogs

"You guys can't join forces at all. YE" novel WWWW. "1XIAOSHUO.COM" Gu Chensha laughed when he heard the threat of Immortal Lord: "I dare say that if you alliance, within three days You must kill each other. I'm afraid that you are not in alliance. If you are in alliance, I can immediately urge the plan to fall apart. If you think about it, is Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, a man under the Gansu people, You must be the leader of your alliance, and then take the lead. I think on the first day of the alliance, the **** system left by your prehistoric civilization will fall into his hands. Only with this treasure can he be more powerful. , Completely have the confidence to contend with me, even to kill me. Do you say he will let you go? "

"Gu Chensha, what do you really want?" Xianzhu simply said, "Today you really want to be so aggressive and desperate, then we will simply fight. I am not afraid of both defeats. The world is turbulent, I The Tiangong Institute ambushed a lot of chess pieces between the world. You must also know that if I do everything indifferently, the world under your care will be in turmoil, and I don't know how many people bleed. "

"Immortal Lord, are you threatening me?" Gu Chen's eyes flashed coldly.

"It's not a threat. I'm just telling a fact. If we fight, if we really tear our face, we will just lose both. In the final analysis, you are just a junior." The celestial master also seemed really angry: "I have been ruined for so many years I have n’t seen it. It has destroyed countless kingdoms and worlds, and witnessed the rise and fall of many times. Of course, this eternal dynasty flourishes for me, but it is very important to you. But if you are desperate, The world is turbulent, depending on how you clean it up. Thirty-six years of Tianfu, the calamity will come, and you will not have much time for Jingxian Division. If I were you, you would not be so stupid. Start with me. The reason why the thousand worlds are running so fast is that the little Hongmeng tree has derived all kinds of mysteries. In the final analysis, it is the imperial fortune and belief in the people. Now the 30 billion people in the world of the imperial court produce a huge force of human desire every day. If there is turbulence, I am afraid that the hearts of the people will be dissipated, and your Jingxian Division will soon be unable to make ends meet, and you must consider this clearly. , I can out of hand, you can not fool around. The so-called legislator, it is the case. "

"Immortal Master, you set up the Tiangong Academy, and you have also collected many beliefs secretly in the folks. Do you really think I don't know?" Gu Chensha waved his hand: "You must also unite the hearts of the people of Shenzhou and infiltrate them. The God system that can activate you, in fact, the beliefs of all realms are not as important as the beliefs and hearts of the people of Divine Land. Anyone who has mastered the Taoist community of Divine Land can be called the Son of Heaven. This is how it was. In a good situation, I dare not mess up. As for me, as long as you mess up, I will have absolute confidence to suppress it. I am not afraid of the turmoil in the world. The more turbulent the world is, the more talents emerge, the hero of our Jingxian Division was originally in the blood. And fire. "

"So much, you still don't want to stop?" Xianzhu seemed to have lost patience: "Since this is the case, let's break the net. Let's do it."

"well said."

At this time, a voice came over, and beside the immortal, a man wearing a robe and a mask appeared.

Who is not Wanxian Shi?

"Wanxian Master, you have also come out? Go forward and retreat with the Master of the Immortals? You two old antiques, the ancient existence in the chaos, look beautiful and divorced, only the black and white people, the same day you arrested my subordinate Yuhuanlu and organized the Wanxian Alliance, then Should know this end. "Gu Chensha had long guessed that Wanxian Shi would appear.

"Junior, you can only be arrogant for a while." Wan Xianshi didn't know what kind of face was behind the mask, but he could hear the murderousness from the words: "But I and the master of the Xian team, your present I'm afraid Yasushi will do nothing. "

"What other masters, come out together." Gu Chensha ignored the words of Wan Xianshi.

Suddenly, an aperture appeared in the air.

In the aperture, an old man appeared. This old man was nine feet tall, extremely slender, with a beard over his chest, and his eyebrows were all white, but his head was fiery red. He flew like flames. At first glance, he had the will to fight. Xiu Wei is actually not under Wanxianshi and Xianzhu.

You must know that Wanxianshi and Xianzhu are the realm of Tianshou. This realm stands at the pinnacle of almost all the worlds. Up to now, it does n’t seem to be the characters of the realm of Tianyuan. .

Of course, in the future, the ancient sun sand and the ancient dust sand, the masters of the sun and the moon, are likely to practice to reach the realm of the heavenly yuan.

Because they are different in nature.

It is an old antique in the realm of life.

The existence of this weight can suppress the ten-square world.

An immortal master is not afraid of ancient dust and sand, but the addition of Wanxianshi and an old antique in the same realm are very scary. If these three old antiques join forces, he will also suffer. After all, even if he is even more powerful, it is only a state where the thirty-two states become "one thought through the sky".

The difference between this realm and Tianshou's realm is really impossible to calculate.

However, Gu Chensha saw the old man with white eyebrows and red heads, and was not surprised. It seemed that he had expected this already. His eyes were as sharp as a sky knife: "Unexpectedly, the battle of the three celestial deities finally came out. ? Must have learned some secret of Hongmengshu? "

That's right, this is one of the three celestial beings in the legend.

The father of Doujiu and Douyiyu.

Aspects of the ancient times, never defeated Dou Tianzun.

The Three Great Celestial Masters have not been the most powerful since ancient times, but they are the most adept at strategy. I do n’t know how many calamities they have experienced are still high. The countless wars of immortals and demon gods, they all passed through peacefully, and each time they got enough benefits. .

Especially in the days of the ancient emperors, they were the masters of each generation of the ancient emperors. They sought the sons of the destiny and taught them, thus gaining great merit and hearts.

The emperor is united in the state, and the world is overwhelming. Everyone in the world knows that the master of the emperor is the three celestial deities. As people like this, we can see to what extent the prestige of the three celestial deities has reached.

In the Immortal Path, the will of the three heavenly deities is also presented as truth.

Among the immortals, the ancestors of the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen, the Heaven and Earth ancestors, and the Taiyi Xuanmen of the Taiyi Xuanmen, actually all died by the conspiracy of the three heavenly gods.

For tens of thousands of years, anyone who obeys the three heavenly deities can be safe, and anyone who violates the three heavenly deities must die.

This is the power of the three heavenly deities.

Although Gu Chensha saw Dou Sheng Tian Zun for the first time, he already knew his name. Even, he knew from the memory of Douban 19 what exactly the body of Dou Shengzun looks like.

"It's a world of talented people, and you were born with such talents. Even I had to come out and work with Wan Xianshi and Xianzhu seniors to see how powerful the people who really control the Jiangshan community are." Dousheng Tianzun began. Already.

Dou Sheng Tian Zun is indeed the junior of Wanxianshi and Xianzhu, but now he seems not to be inferior to these two old antiques.

Moreover, in the body of Dou Sheng Tian Zun, there seems to be a vast mystery, which is much more pure, more magnificent, and more ancient than the Xiaohongmeng tree.

This is the true spirit of Hongmeng.

This qi comes from Hongmengshu.

The three celestial deities have not been born for a long time. In fact, they are trying to conceive the Hongmeng tree and want to obtain this magical existence, because this tree seems to be transformed by some kind of secret outside the heaven. The princes, although nominally following the rule of heaven, still have their own systems inside.

Three treasures, Honghuang Dragon Gate, sacrificial celestial charm, Hongmeng tree. Among them, Hongmeng Tree is the strongest. I don't know how many innate spiritual treasures were born. Even the Supreme Buddha is a creature born from Hongmeng Tree.

"Dousheng Tianzun is gratifying and congratulating. Finally, your three great deities finally obtained some of the power of the Hongmeng tree by means of the change of the heavenly path. You can use some of the power of this tree. It is by these means that you will finally come out of the mountain. In addition, the Proterozoic and Bodhisattva ca n’t help it. ”Guchen Sand Road.

"I'm here this time to resolve the battle and come for the people of the world." The righteousness of Dou Sheng Tian Zun said: "You fight with Tian Gong Yuan, the world bleeds, this must not be the case, and the fight between the little girl and Chang Weiyang The victory has been divided, don't you want to know this ancient dust? "

"Oh?" When Gu Chensha looked, he did hang on to this matter, but because this matter relates to the success or failure of Chang Weiyang, he will not interfere. If he passes this level, Chang Weiyang can break through to Tianzun realm, the same is true for that bucket. He squinted his eyes and hurriedly calculated. Suddenly, there was a murder: "Good guy ~ www.readwn.com ~ Chang Weiyang fell into your hands?"

"No." Dousheng Tianzun smiled, everything seemed to be in control: "The little girl and Chang Weiyang are fighting each other, and finally admire each other, turn the enemy into friends, become friends relying on life and death, and then both break through the realm of Tianzun Now, the two have entered the Hongmeng tree to practice, and Chang Weiyang has also become our disciple. This is a good thing, what do you think? "

"Joke!" Gu Chensha's intention to kill is even stronger: "Chang Weiyang's own understanding of different numbers is the real way of going against the sky. Tiandao dares to resist. What are your three heavenly deities? It ’s just a dog, worthy of being a master of Chang Weiyang? Really when I ca n’t figure it out? Is my realm comparable to the three old dogs? ”

"You!" Dousheng Tianzun never expected that Gu Chensha was so rude, and directly scolded his three old dogs. His head seemed to turn into a flame **** in an instant, and the terrifying atmosphere enveloped the vast space and time.


{Today I still have to go out and talk about things, I'm afraid it's only eight o'clock in the morning. Everyone really forgive me, I'm really too busy. If you pay attention to my Weibo and WeChat public account, you should know my recent trends. }

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