Dragon Talisman

Chapter 772: Strength

Chapter 772 Strength

At this time, Doosan Tianzun must take action, otherwise this time the plan will fail.

In addition, Guchensha and Xingqiang's relied on the power of the Ashland to actually train the Divine Gourd. Obviously, the Taoism has made great progress again. If they are left, I am afraid that they will be more uncontrollable in the future. With Guchen When Sha grows up, the three celestial deities are about to catastrophic.

Since ancient times, the three great gods have seen a lot of wonderful and powerful men, and they have threatened them, but they are all profoundly calculated, and they have counted all the powerful men to death. But times have changed, and they feel that ancient dust and sand, and even a group of people from Jingxian Division, were born out of nowhere.

In fact, since ancient Ta Xianxian was born, they shrank.

Because they know that they can no longer control the situation in the world.

The world has entered a new era, which belongs to them.

They must kill ancient dust and seize the air, and then they can stand on the top of the world again, manipulate everything, do whatever they want, and do whatever they want.

If Guchensha has not been promoted to **** level, they can also make various layouts and take it slowly. Even if they were promoted to the **** level, they still felt that they could control it, and the situation was still under control. However, as soon as Guchensha was promoted to the **** level, they swallowed the origin of the sun and the moon's master, Gu Tiansha, so that the situation would be with them. The vision is quite different.


It has been a long time since Dousheng Tianzun has really shot.

This world is worthy of his own shot.

But now he has to go all out.

By virtue of his own strength in the realm of life, he could not suppress the ancient dust sand Divine Gourd and Xingqiong's Divine Gourd, only the power to spur Hongmengshu.

However, how powerful Hongmenshu ’s power is, even if the three celestial masters have been in business for a long time, it is still impossible to fully understand all of them. The power they can use now is only less than one ten thousandth. If they can fully use Hongmeng The power of the tree can sweep the world, it is the pinnacle of the world.

There is also a difference in power between the thousands of worlds.

Among the thousands of worlds, the sacrifice to heaven, the flood gate, and the Hongmeng tree are the peaks. The other central worlds, the yellow worlds, the grandmothers worlds, etc. are far worse than these three treasures. It is the world of Sun and Moon, but it is also the same as Sambo. As for Middle-earth China, it is even more mysterious than these three treasures.

Reaching the realm of heaven and earth in the realm of the Daqian world, the strength is different, and it is not something that a soul can touch.

The true Hongmeng tree spirit eroded the Divine Gourd and kept washing away, and the Divine Land that spewed out of the ancient dust sand and Xingqiang's Divine Gourd was suppressed, and at this time, the Immortal Lord urged his own The system, coupled with the strength of Dou Sheng Tian Zun, added a double seal again.

And Wan Xianshi urged his own "Liaoxiao Fairyland" to actually trigger the origin of the fairyland, violently descended, and saw countless purple Changhongs running through the east, west, north and west, in the purple Changhong, appeared The dense immortals seem to have entered the immortal world since the death of immortals who existed in the world since ancient times.

Anyone who has become a realm of mana, the state of the twentieth state can be called a fairy.

These immortals are not immortal, but have a life limit. Once they die, they will completely dissipate, but there will be a will to ask the immortal to merge into the immortal world.

And Wan Xianshi borrowed these wills, which inspired the true immortal power, and it was also a kind of world. Even the power of the immortal world passed those ordinary worlds.


Wan Xianshi's unreserved urging, imposing momentum, and Dusheng Tianzun was secretly surprised deep in his heart: "If we had not worked hard over the years and finally obtained the shelter of the Hongmeng Tree, I am afraid that this is not an old-fashioned opponent at all. Whether they are immortal masters or wanxian masters, if they really start to work, they will be terrible. "

The Three Great Heavenly Masters never underestimated the meaning of these old antiques, but when they were in trouble, all these old antiques had been retired, and they did not know what they were planning.

Now the three heavenly masters know that the reason why these old antiques did not come out was to gain greater cultivation and authority. The master of Wanxian communicated with the immortal world wholeheartedly, while the master of the immortal studied the prehistoric civilization and studied with them Hongmeng Like a tree, where else is there to come out?

The pressure of the three old antiques was on Gu Chen's body, and Gu Chen felt the danger immediately.

But he was not afraid.

In this sense, for him, it was just a pressure. After he swallowed the origin of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, the temperament in his body had begun an incredible change, almost Immortal.

"Hongmengqi, swallow the world again." Ancient dust and sand suddenly turned around, absorbing the dust here, and in the depth of the gourd, a small Hongmengqi was born again, and then condensed, evolved, and became a strain. Xiao Hongmeng tree.

This small Hongmeng tree is not the original version, but the ancient dust sand was temporarily refined, but even if it is temporarily refined, it is very mysterious.

At the same time, he is enlightening the Tao of Hongmeng.

Tracing back to the source, why the Hongmeng tree was born. The strange existence of the Hongmeng tree can actually produce innate spiritual treasures, and it is scattered in the weak space-time dimension of Tiandao jurisdiction. These are very deep knowledge, even old antiques in the realm of life. May not understand.

But the knowledge of ancient dust and sand far exceeds these old antiques. Although he has not seen the real Hongmeng tree, he has obtained all the memories of the Buddha.

Supreme Buddha itself is a person condensed on the tree of Hongmeng.

Today, the victory over Tianzun urged Hongmengqi to suppress him. For him, it was a temper and a wonderful adventure.

Because, he has obtained the true humorous spirit and can conduct research.

"Absorption, transformation, heaven."

In the Chinese gourd transformed by ancient dust and sand, several voices appeared.

Suddenly, the Hongmeng Qi suppressed by Dousheng Tianzun was torn off by him. This big Hongmeng Qi burst into the gourd of Divine Land and was urged by the power of Divine Land. Various changes.

"The law of heaven, in charge of everything, the way of Shenzhou, is in the center, the way of Hongmeng, and is isolated. Three points are returned, and at this time, it is complete, ha ha ha ha ha ..." There is a long howl in the gourd, like billions of worlds are born and destroyed at the same time.

He himself has cultivated the heavenly law and has begun to understand what the true heavenly law is.

At the same time, he has mastered Shenzhou 100, and has truly understood what Shenzhou is.

At the same time, he is now enlightening the Tao of Hongmeng.

The essence of Hongmeng Way is Hongmeng Tree.

Heavenly Way, Shenzhou Way, Hongmeng Way.

The combination of the three ways constitutes Gu Chen's own way of replenishing the sky and the way of reforming the sky.

An atmosphere similar to the true source of Hongmeng was scattered from his Divine gourd, which greatly changed Dousheng Tianzun's face: "You ... you can actually absorb my Hongmeng gas, see Come out of the Hongmeng Way, you have already prepared. Your Hongmeng Way is actually deeper than me. How is it possible? I have learned the Hongmeng Way for tens of thousands of years, and then I came to understand some subtle truths. . "

"How impossible." Suddenly, Guchen Sand suddenly appeared in the center of the Divine Land in the Divine Gourd, and in the land of Yinzhou, a Hongmeng tree appeared. This Hongmeng tree spreads out of countless magic domains as nourishment. In the past, countless treasures, elixir, were supplied to the people and people of Midland China. Since then, Midland China has truly become the center of all kingdoms, with the weather in the center of heaven.

Since ancient times, the people of China and China have suffered a lot. They don't seem to live in heaven, but in the world.

This is not normal at all and is not reasonable.

As the endless big 6, the center of heaven, the center of Manjie, and Middle-earth China should be able to move mountains and reclaim the sea. Xiandao is prosperous, where everyone ca n’t eat enough food like before. They are regarded as food by monsters and monsters. As slaves.

Ancient dust and sand will change all this.

He created his dream state.

The combination of the Tao of Divine Land and the Tao of Hongmeng, plus all kinds of Heavenly Tao, everything in the heavens, finally turned into a perfect Divine Land.

This is the real state.

Hum ...

The ancient Divine Gourd keeps expanding, and it seems to have the ability to absorb everything. The middle land Divine Land that evolved and spouted is the Hongmeng Tree, covering Divine Land, resisting everything and raising everything. The Hongmeng Tree is in the center of Divine Land. It can also be truly connected with Wanjie.

Gu Chensha has mastered the combination of the true Divine Way and the Hongmeng Way.

Today's Guchensha has been figuring out what the perfect state of China is.

But let him find out some truth.

There is a deficiency in heaven, and all sentient beings make up for it.

There is a shortage of Shenzhou ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hong Meng comes to make up.

Under the oppression of Wanxian Shi, the Lord of the Immortals, and Dou Shengtian Zun, the ancient dust and sand were cultivated to be promoted again, absorb the dust here, and merge into their own dusty world, and then absorb the Hongmeng gas from Dou Shengtian Zun, and evolved again. A Hongmeng tree.

The combination of Divine Land and Hongmengshu made his way complete.


His own dusty family turned into a small world, and suddenly absorbed more power, and began to tear other dust in the ashes, in addition to even the power of the Master of the Immortals, and the God of God's system The force is also passing by, all being dragged by Gu Chensha alone.

But at this time, Xingqiang's was under the protection of ancient dust and sand, looking for an opportunity, and launched an attack on Dousheng Tianzun.

"Can you still practice the Zhongqian World?" Dou Shengtian Zun spit out a stream of air to withstand the attack of Xing Qiongshi. At the same time, his ninety-nineth spirit was placed on the ancient dust and reached So far, the Proterozoic and Bodhisattva have not yet shot. Only by waiting for the best opportunity can they give Guchen Sand the perfect blow.

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