Dragon Talisman

Chapter 773: All traps

Chapter 777 is a trap

"This son is really terrifying. E Xiao" said www.1xiaoshou.com. Not to mention the three old antiques, even if Xingqiang's heart is deep, he has a deep fear of ancient dust.

Now Xing Qiongshi knows that if he is alone, he will be against Gu Chen, I'm afraid he can't resist the opponent's refining, killing and suppression.

"The cooperation between this son and me is nothing more than a divorce. He will plan for me sooner or later, but I can't help it now. I can only cooperate with him. Otherwise, the three celestial beings will also refine me. No matter what, temporarily this son also I can only use my strength to resist the immortal master, Wanxian Shi. "Xing Qiong's mind flowed, and his Divine State was once again improved.

In the ashes, the light is violent, and the environment is dangerous. Even Tianzun will fall here, but now these old antiques standing at the peak of the world can resist the environment here, and even use the environment to kill the enemy. .

"I can't let him go on like this. He changed himself into the Divine Gourd, used the power of Divine, evolved the Tao of Hongmeng and combined it with the Tao of Shenzhou, perfecting his cultivation, winning the Supreme Master, your Hongmeng tree. For him, strength is a kind of nourishment. When we introduce him to this ashes, it is also a mistake. For him, the dust and fog here is the best material for the refiner. It can make him quickly turn his The world of dust has changed into a small thousand world, and even a medium thousand world. Even the Tianshou realm refining the medium thousand world, it must take a long time and time to accumulate slowly before it can be achieved. But he is different. His In the thought of the heavenly law, everything can be created, everything can be created, and it is especially terrible after becoming a god. "The will of the immortal master communicated with Wanxian Master and Dou Shengtian.

"It can only urge the strongest blow." Wanxian suddenly held up his hands, and on top of his head, there appeared a purple giant thunder. The depth of this thunder contained countless deep and deep things. The origin, the root of the immortal path: "Junior, I want to see if you can resist the wrath of the immortal world!"

This move of Wanxian Master is called "Wrath of the Immortal Realm". The real anger of the Immortal Realm was mobilized by the Wanxian Master. At this time, there are many resentments gathered by the fallen immortals. This resentment gathered and turned into a huge God Thunder and Anger, directly locked the ancient dust and sand.

Ancient dust and sand shook all over.

He seemed to see a huge world dimension, and he was extremely hostile to himself. That's fairyland.

He could not escape, because he knew that this was Wanxian's killing move, and he had been locked. Even if he escaped to the ends of the earth, he could not stop the wrath of this fairyland from killing.

Simply, he would not resist.

"Divine Gourd, Absorb!"

He retracted all the power into the Divine Gourd, and then slowly unfolded, pointing the Gourd mouth to the "wrath of the immortal world", even to swallow it.


When Wan Xianshi saw this scene, a sneer appeared on his face. As soon as he pushed with both hands, the huge "wrath of fairyland" had been pushed out.


The wrath of the fairyland was absorbed by the ancient dusty gourd.

Immediately, there seemed to be some kind of explosion in the Divine Gourd, and there was something in the Divine Gourd disintegrating.

Click! Click!

A purple crack appeared on the ancient dusty gourd.

"Even if you are strong, you will not be able to fight against the will of the whole fairyland. The anger of the fairyland can hurt you! This is the time!"

"It's a good time, kill!"

Dou Sheng Tian Zun was also surprised by the immortal wrath of Wanxian Shi's powerful killing moves, but at this time, he did not have extra time to analyze, but he wanted to strike the ancient dust sand.

"Three yuan return to one, brother Yuangu, brother Bo Tuo, come out, Hongmeng hit! Tianyuan secret kill!"

Under the call of Dou Sheng Tian Zun, immediately a branch broke open endlessly, and the huge layers of time and space arrived here.

Two bodies appeared, one was a middle-aged person, wearing the clothes of a scholar, holding a volume of articles, with a noble spirit of arrogance.

The other person, who looks like a man and a woman, has a beautiful face. The light behind him makes him have a compassionate mood in it than the Supreme Buddha. This is the Bodhisattva.

The three celestial beings finally appeared, just to kill Guchen Sand.

As soon as the Emperor Tianzun and Bodhidharma appeared, they didn't say anything, they just decided to fight.

Hum ...

All three celestial deities suddenly turned into one vitality, and then gathered together, and Sanqing became one.

This energy condenses, Tianyuan secretly kills.

At all degrees, it also bombarded the ancient dusty gourd.


Eventually, the ancient dusty gourd in China could no longer resist, and it exploded.

However, at this time, the three Great Celestial Masters and Wanxian Shi were all repelled by the explosion of the Divine Gourd. The master wanted to take the opportunity to shoot, but at this moment, the punishment of Xingqiangshi was faster than them.

"Shenzhou is invincible, three thousand changes!"


The Xingqiang turned into a Changhong, and actually swept all the blasting ancient dust and sand into it, turning it into a Divine Gourd again, and then a Zhongqian world sprayed out and exploded.

Xingqiang Clan just made Zhongqian World, but after sweeping the ancient dust and sand, he immediately exploded the Zhongqian World without hesitation.

How long does it take for a Zhong Qian world to refine? How many opportunities do you need? How much savings? How much material? But Xingqiang said that he abandoned it.

Because he got the ancient dust.

The explosive power of the Thousands of Worlds made all the attacks of the Immortal Lord vanish, and Wanxian Shi and the three heavenly princes also retreated.

Seizing this opportunity, Xingqiang laughed and disappeared without a trace: "Dear everyone, thank you, I finally succeeded. After seizing this boy and refining this boy, I am the strongest in the world Existence. When I am born in the sky, it will become a realm of heaven and earth, that is, when you surrender, if you do not surrender, there will be only a dead end. "


Fighting victory over Tianzun.

"No need." Yuangu Tianzun prevented Dou Shengzun's behavior: "We do not know the means of Xingqiangshi. His cultivation is more advanced than before and he can use the power of Divine Land. The world is so big. If he wants to hide, we can do nothing. "

"Also!" Dou Shengtian Zun nodded, no longer chasing: "But he actually seized the boy from Guchensha. If he really refines this boy, I am afraid that no one in the sky can get him. "

"Where is that simple?" Xianzhu said: "Even the heavenly will will not be able to get that kid. Compared to heavenly will, Xingqiang is just a firefly. He is indeed the first fierce **** in China, but After all, they are creatures, and this time we miscalculated. "

"Yes, this boy is in the layout. He knows that Xing Qiongshi will count him, and deliberately withstood our killing, and let Xing Qiongshi take him away. Xing Qiongshi can't help refining him, and he will be hit. His trap. "Wanxian said:" In this case, I am afraid that Xing Qiongshi was refined by him. At that time, what should we do? "

"Unfortunately, Xingqiang is also fierce. He managed to recover his Zhongqian world, but he did not hesitate to explode. If he did not explode this Zhongqian world, he would never escape our encirclement." : "Zhongqian World, just give up."

"The Zhong Qian World we refined is interconnected with our own destiny. Once abandoned, tens of thousands of years of hard work will be brought to naught, and more importantly, the root of management and the source of sacrifice will be lost." : "Re-refining, I do n’t know how many years it will take. This Xing Qiong said to abandon and abandon it. This is also the kid's strategy. Only by using himself as a bait, can Xing Qiong Shi abandon the Zhong Qian World , Stop us. This boy's scheme is horrible, but unfortunately we have nothing to do now, can we wait for that boy to completely refining Xingqiangshi? "

"It is not easy to refining Xingqiangshi." Yuangu Tianzun squinted his eyes: "I have to admit that this boy has become our biggest enemy."

"What about Gu Tiansha, the Lord of Sun and Moon?" Dou Tiantian asked.

"This son is also an extremely horrible existence, but has been concealed under repeated attacks, and seems to be engaged in some sort of conspiracy. In short, this man is also our greatest enemy, and his ambition is rare in the world. "Elderly Tianzun said:" But now, we must seize the opportunity to fight against the Jingxian Division. Riding between the boy and Xingqiang's battle with each other, Jingxian Division Qunlong ~ www.readwn.com ~ is us Subvert the world and follow our thinking. "

"Really?" Xianzhu sneered suddenly. "Follow your thoughts? What about the Tiangong Academy I set up?"

"The tenet of Tiangongyuan is to defeat the Jingxian Division, gain control of the entire Middle-earth China, and build the ideal country you want to build. This ultimate will is in conflict with our ideas, but we can join forces temporarily. We are Yes, we can share the Jingxian Division. We all benefit. "Yuangu Tianzun said:" Did you show up now? The ancient Dust was hit by robbers. The ancient gold medal did not play any role. This means that the beginning of Tiandao Suppressing ancient step immortals, or both are exhausted. This level of battle, we really seem to be out of reach, but observing the fallen leaves can tell that autumn, heaven and ancient step immortals collapse at the same time, which is our most Good opportunity, we can break the original shackles and march to a higher level. "

"Yes, then we will form an alliance for the time being." Wanxian said: "Dou Sheng, Proterozoic, Bo Tuo, the three of you are a junior to me, but the current strength is indeed qualified to sit on an equal footing with me, We all speak by strength. "

"Predecessor Wanxian, you should have broken through some realms recently because of the weakening of the power of heaven, and you have been recognized by the origin of the immortal world. Your strength is about to break through."

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