Dragon Talisman

Chapter 774: Giant union

Chapter 774 Giant Union

"I think things in the Middle Kingdom in the world can be slowed down. It is not easy to destroy Jingxian Division. It is better to unify the 72 mysterious gates of Xiandao first. ΩEΩΩ novel Ww% W.1XIAOSHUO.COM" Wan Xianshi said: "Since the three celestial deities are interested, we can start planning immediately. Many other families can also contact one or two to integrate the great forces. Finally, they will reform the Middle-earth Divine Land and make Jingxianji completely condemned. It ’s good to finally start, things must be fast, starting with the heaven and earth Xuanmen. "

"The heaven and earth mysterious gate must deal with." Xianzhu also thought deeply.

"Then start with Heaven and Earth Xuanmen." Dousheng Tianzun also agreed to this matter: "Otherwise, let Jingxian Si's family deal with those Xuandao Xuanmen, all of which are included in the small Hongmeng trees, strengthen their strength, and down It's hard to do. "

"There is still a secret in Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth. This portal communicates the origin of Donghuang. The heart of Xingmen of Heaven and Earth has a delicate connection with Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth. This is where the true foundation of Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth lies. We occupy the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth. , You can have the opportunity to get the heart of the Eastern Wilderness. "Yuanzun Tianzun said.

"Then let's get started." The light of the Bodhisattva radiated from the whole body, and a split was made, and a channel appeared in front of him. In this channel, you can see the entire situation of Donghuang.

Throughout the vast mountains of the East, there are immortals and huge veins everywhere. I don't know how many schools and masters and ancient ruins are hidden.

Donghuang belongs to Xiandao.

The vitality of the Eastern Desert is far beyond the wild desert, desert desert, and sea desert.

Donghuang and the fairyland are also inextricably linked. In the eyes of the three antiques such as the three heavenly deities, the masters of the fairy, and the master of the fairy, you can see that there are many immortals in the fairyland that penetrate through the hidden space-time channels. Into the depths of the Eastern Wasteland, at the same time countless auras have also been incorporated into it.

The immortal spirits nurtured each other and possessed extremely powerful vitality, making Donghuang the best at cultivation, so those who practice immortality are willing to build a dojo in Donghuang.

At the very center of Donghuang, the Zhongqian World of Tiandi Xuanmen is standing in the center, constantly infiltrating, and has inextricable links with Donghuang. Of course, the heaven and earth ancestors established Tiandi Xuanmen in order to truly obtain the entire East. shortage.

Opposing Donghuang is to oppose Heaven and Earth and Xuanmen.

At present, the three ancient masters of heaven and god, Wanxian Shi, are aiming at the heaven and earth Xuanmen. If you can really get the relationship between Heaven and Earth Xuanmen and Donghuang, you can get the heart of Donghuang in one fell swoop. The monks of Xiandao do not know how many, those Xiandao schools still support their empire in the desert.

For example, Taiyi Xuanmen has opened up a vast plain between the Donghuang Mountains, and the country above the plain has a population of billions.

If the entire Donghuang is completely occupied, the population will definitely exceed 100 billion, or even more.

At this time, the five old antiques were ready to devour this piece of fat in one go.

Because they have this strength.

"Immortal Lord, the management of things depends on your prehistoric civilization." Bo Tuo Tianzun said: "Jingxian Division can create a great commander of the world, your prehistoric civilization is best suited to create a ruling officer without any feelings. Donghuang Qian With a population of 100 million and various complex forces, we must be thunderous if we are to integrate them quickly. "

"This is trivial." Xianzhu didn't care.

All five looked at the heaven and earth mysterious gate, and they were about to start.

At this time, there seemed to be a certain change in the interior of the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth. Inside the entire Zhongqian World, deep inside the huge portal, there was a mysterious and unmeasureable breath that was creeping, and it seemed to be coming to the world.

"What?" Tianzun's face changed for the first time: "This is the ancestor of the heaven and earth ancestors, are they still alive?"

"If the ancestors of heaven and earth are still alive, then things will not be easy to handle." Wan Xianshi's face also changed a bit: "This old antique was born before the chaos before me, and he has extremely many means, Even if it is dead, the heaven and earth created by Xuanmen can rank first among the immortals, talented people, if not for the ancient martial arts recruited into the martial arts, causing a calamity, I am afraid that the comprehensive strength of the martial arts Ten times more powerful. "

"That mysterious heart is the reincarnation of the endless heart. Among the endless 36 treasures, the 36th treasure is the most mysterious. Although the power is not the greatest, it is the most manageable and most inspiring one. If you get it, you can quickly collect people ’s hearts, so that people in the entire sect will convince him orally, and even affect other sects. They can soon unify everything in the world, and even endless other thirty-five treasures will rotate around the endless heart. .Even if it is the first endless sword and the second endless sword, it is also served for the endless heart. That mysterious heart has been resurrected by Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. That mysterious heart got rid of control ... "

"So this time, we can not master the heaven and earth Xuanmen?" Dou Sheng Tianzun frowned.

"No! Even if the ancestors of heaven and earth are resurrected, we can completely suppress them! When we join forces, the world can hardly find our alliance." Wanxian said: "Go to the heavens and earth first and then say."

"It can only be so." Xianzhu nodded.

The five old antiques flickered a little in this ashes, and people have disappeared completely. In the next moment, across countless time and space and countless kingdoms, they came to the center of the eastern wasteland and saw the heaven and earth mysterious gate.

They didn't look at it, ignored the various prohibitions of the Heaven and Earth Xuanmen, entered the core depths, and came to the deepest part of the Zhongqian world, in front of the ancient stone gate.

"The arrival of the five distinguished guests and their distant welcome is indeed atonement."

At this time, a young man appeared in front of the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth, which is Xuanxin.

Xuanxin bowed to the five old antiques to the end. It seemed that he had expected five old antiques to come. He was slender, romantic, his face was like jade, and he was very handsome. He was not afraid even in the face of old antiques. He knew These five old antiques came to destroy the door, but there is no fear or fear.

"Nice, endless heart." Wan Xianshi looked at Xuan Xin: "The endless thirty-six treasures have never been born, and now when they come out, they really show their power and mystery, but now the reincarnation of the endless umbrella Fa Wuxian has been completely deprived. I think you have to be careful. Since you know that we are coming, it means that the heaven and earth ancestors have been resurrected. "

"Our ancestor is indeed resurrected." Xuanxin's body became straight from bowing, with a slight smile, indescribable merry: "Elder ancestor saw the layout and besieged the ancient dust and sand, and was finally escaped by ancient dust and sand. Knowing that this is the general trend of the heavens, the change is unexpected. The ancient dust is now full of vigor and vitality and cannot be dealt with at all, so we have to wait. You do n’t have to come to surrender my heaven and earth gate. My heaven and earth gate are willing to join the five veterans. My ancestral alliance, I am also willing to do things for the five adults to saddle up. "

"Oh? Know the current affairs so well." Yuangu Tianzun looked deep into the heaven and earth Xuanmen, and Changxiao said, "Heaven and Earth ancestor, now that you have been resurrected, come out."

Between the speeches of the Celestial Emperor, the light in the depths of the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth was slightly condensed, and then a lot of vitality circulated with each other, and a lot of chaos air kept writhing. Finally, a human figure was brewed in it, and this human form was born from chaos. Come out and turn into a boy.

This boy seems to be only three years old, chubby and swollen, but his eyes are vicissitudes, and he seems to see through the changes of the world and the birth and death of all things.

This boy is the ancestor of heaven and earth.

"You guys, I just resurrected and realized the way of chaos birth and death. Because the Dharma body has not yet been completed, it looks like a boy. Don't blame you." At this time, the boy opened his mouth, old and far away, it seems to be from the ancient times. The voice is now playing, faintly, this boy and everyone belong to a different space-time dimension.

"It really is the ancestors of heaven and earth, you can be resurrected." Wan Xianshi's eyes appeared surprised: "I really can not expect this. It seems that your resurrection also relied on the changes of heaven and earth the power of?"

"The heavens have changed, and the shackles have come off. I can also resurrect all of this, of course, with mysterious credit. He gained an endless heart, and then sacrificed to me, so that the will of the heavens was blessed on me, That made my will and chaos combined, and then the mystery of creation was reborn. "The ancestors of heaven and earth arched their hands at five old antiques:" Three deities, we had many conclusions in the past, but now they have disappeared, and we can finally join forces and grow stronger I do n’t want to be destroyed by the ancient sky sand and ancient dust sand one by one. At present, it is easy to fall apart. Www.readwn.com ~ It is easy to fall down. Together, we can fight with these freaks. "

"Since the ancestors of heaven and earth said so, we can indeed unite together and do something big." Xianzhu said: "The ancestors of heaven and earth can actually be resurrected. Your resurrection is far more difficult than the saint. Right. "

"This is just a change of heaven and earth, and it is impermanent." The ancestors of heaven and earth did not change their expressions. "Of course, my resurrection is still helped by Fa Sheng and Wudang Kong. I would not have been so easy to resurrect if it was not for the sacrificial amulet. Fa Sheng, come out. "

Hum ...

Bursts of mysterious notes appeared.

Fa Sheng and Wu Dangkong came out of the heaven and earth mysterious gate.

Fa Sheng first arched five old antiques: "Five adults, we don't have to fight each other ourselves. Our enemies are Jingxianji, Guchensha, and Gutiansha."

"It seems that you are taking this opportunity to join together, and surely you will seize the opportunity." Xianzhu nodded: "Only the strength of the sacrifice of the heavenly sacrifice can you get rid of the shackles of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of that Sun and Moon.

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