Dragon Talisman

Chapter 775: Who is refined?

Chapter 775 Who is Refined?

"The Lord of the Sun and the Moon, Gu Tiansha, almost controlled the entire heaven and earth mysterious gate, and my Taoism will fall into his hands. Fortunately, he went to fight with Jingxian Si himself, lost the source, and was seriously injured. Escape the robbery, otherwise, he will be manipulated forever and perpetuated. ΩE 』『 Fiction Ww ㄟ W. 』1XIAOSHUO.COM“ Xuanxindao.

"Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, is indeed horrible. In the face of this son's obscene power, all of our old antiques must be united, otherwise they are not their opponents. We can also exchange Taoism with each other and even create a door. The elder ancestors of ancient times have made one's self-cultivation promoted again. "The ancestors of the heavens and the earth were very sincere." All of you, our past grievances, will all fade away before the new era comes. Let's join hands and wait for a new future. The advent, the future, is not what we can imagine or what we can estimate. In this case, if we don't hold the group, we will encounter the disaster of extinction. Our forces are united to work together to make any baby , Sacrificing any being, that being will evolve to a terrible realm. "

"That is, if we people sacrificed together, we would be able to resurrect the dead saint." Wan Xianshi nodded.

The people here all exist in the realm of Tianshou, and they are old antiques standing at the apex of countless universes with great luck. What gods and saints are in front of them are like ants.

Any one of them can kill a large group of god-level powerhouses between their fingers.

These people come together, and if an object is sacrificed together, no one knows what the change will be.

"A little bit more." The ancestor of Heaven and Earth said: "The mysterious heart is the reincarnation of the endless heart, and the endless heart is the most critical existence of the endless thirty-six treasures. We are now trying to cultivate him so that he exerts his greatest strength. Can attract many endless treasures to come, even the reincarnation of many endless treasures obtained by Jingxianji, you can restrain them one by one. Endless heart, the biggest power is to make the core of the endless treasure is affected, at the same time If the endless heart can fully exert its strength, it can restrain the sun and moon power of the master of the sun and the moon, Gu Tiansha. This is the first time that Gu Tiansha resurrected the mysterious heart and reached his own hands. "

"After all, you still want us to cultivate your people?" Xianzhu laughed: "This wishful thinking abacus played too well, heaven and earth ancestors, our alliance is an alliance, but if you want to take advantage, you still have to avoid it. "

"It's definitely not the case." The ancestors of heaven and earth waved their hands: "Xuanxin can worship you directly as a teacher, swore and never betray. In short, Xuanxin is not only our heaven and earth Xuanmen, but also belongs to our alliance In fact, everyone knows that Jingxian Division now has three endless umbrellas, Fang Lin, Wen Hong, and the endless umbrellas seized by ancient dust. In other words, Jingxian Division received 14 endless treasures. With the passage of time, the power of the endless treasure will really come out. At that time, we will be even more unable to restrain, so our alliance must obtain other endless treasures. Now between heaven and earth, there is still Twenty-two endless treasures, we have to get all of them. Mysterious heart can even give up our endless heart. It is divided into nine points. All the masters in our hallmark have their own thoughts imprinted on them and get nine points. Control of one, so that means we are refining a magic weapon together, how? "

"This matter is feasible." The three celestial princes looked at each other with a recognized look on their faces: "So many of us have created an alliance, and indeed we need to make a treasure together, and the best material for babies, Mo The most mysterious endless heart among the endless thirty-six treasures, this endless heart is far from even heaven and earth. "

As for the secret of the endless heart, the three heavenly gods naturally want to know, and now it is equal to giving them a third of control for free, and they naturally agree to this matter.

Each of the three celestial deities gets one-ninth control, which adds up to one-third. Naturally, they can have a huge advantage, but they all know that the heaven and earth ancestors also used control as a bait, allowing them to help Xuanxin cultivation. .

However, the three celestial deities believe that they can grasp the situation and then get the endless heart into their hands.

With an endless heart, they can use the power of this heart to finally obtain more power and authority of Hongmengshu. Their control of Hongmengshu is actually very weak, and it is still far from truly obtaining the entire Hongmengshu. far.

They are at most a few parasites on towering trees. Even now, compared with Hongmeng trees, they are still the same, but they have at least successfully parasitized, so they have an old antique like Wanxianshi and Xianzhu. Opportunity has also brought his cultivation to the level of Tianshou.

"I also agree that it is not too late, we will now form an oath and refine the endless heart together." Wu Dangkong is the weakest among so many old antiques, but she has a sacrifice to heaven. She also despised her.

After all, the sacrifice to heaven is a treasure equal to Hongmengshu.

Moreover, Wudang Kong was carried with him, and the power that he could use was much greater than the use of Hongmengshu by the three celestial monks.

The three great celestial deities are small parasites to the Hongmeng tree. They do not have the ability to carry the Hongmeng tree with them.

Therefore, Wudang Kong is eligible for a piece of cake here.

Now there are a total of nine people here, the immortal master, the million immortal master, and the three heavenly deities add up to five. Fa Sheng, Wudang Kong, there are seven here. Coupled with the heaven and earth ancestors and mysterious hearts, there are nine in total.

So the heaven and earth ancestors divided the endless heart into nine parts, and each old antique can get a control.

This is tantamount to putting out an endless heart. Everyone works together to make a magic weapon. This magic weapon is based on the endless heart, and then it is mixed with various old antiques to calculate the method. It must be earthshaking and suppress everything.

"I will contribute my endless heart and share it with you."

Xuan Xin was very bachelor, opened his mouth, and suddenly spit out a burst of red light from his mouth, it seemed to be his own heart.

A flaming heart appeared, jumping with flames, and as soon as it appeared, it deterred the audience.

Countless flames kept flying, and then turned into the strongest true meaning of the heavens, giving everyone great oppression, even if everyone saw the master of the fairy Wanxian, they felt that this heart was far beyond their own essence.

"Miaoyu, it is indeed the most mysterious and endless heart of the thirty-six treasures of endlessness. This kind of treasure, even the strongest cut fairy gourd condensed on the tree of Hongmeng, is better than it." The three heavenly secrets secretly said.

"All of you, we are here to learn from each other, communicate with each other, study Taoism with each other, and be open and honest, and our cultivation will be greatly improved." The door shook the earth's magic, making a magic weapon to suppress eternity. "

"That being the case, let's start." Xianzhu is very interested, she wants to study this endless heart.


Nine air streams were injected into the depths of the endless heart, and began to change.

One of the largest alliances ever was born.

At the same time, in the depths of endless time and space, Xing Qiongshi has entered a secret space-time dimension, no one can find him, and no one can infer his traces. This is the aggregation of all his spirit and cultivation. A hidden spell.

He transformed into a Divine Gourd, enveloping all the vitality of the ancient dust and sand.

In the end, he stayed in this hidden space-time dimension, surrounded by twisted turbulence, and any mistake will be lost in any space-time depth.

"Hahahaha ..." Xingqiong laughed: "Gu Chensha, you have been hit by the three heavenly deities, the Lord of the Celestial Master, and the Master of Wanxian. The vitality is greatly injured, and I have saved you. You should repay me this time. I think we should refine your origins, and say, I won't kill you, you can rest assured. "

Among the Chinese gourds he changed, the vitality of ancient dust and sand seemed to have settled down, without any sound.

"You should be able to hear and resist." Xing Qiong's will was doubtful: "You shouldn't think I can't refine you."

"Xingqiangshi, I teach you the state of God, the highest mystery, we form an alliance, all against the three heavenly deities, you are actually fighting against the water, but now you want to refine me? This does not seem to be the way of justice." Gu Chensha finally came out Out of sound.

"The way of benevolence ~ www.readwn.com ~ I am the first murderer of Divine Land, and I abandoned the Zhong Qian World, which was hard to make successfully, and blew up before I rescued you. If you make up for me , Am I not too big? Help me, don't you repay? "Between the words of the Xingqiang, the Divine gourd that was transformed by itself began to condense, and a magma-like sound was transmitted, which was encouraging great power. To refine ancient dust.

Xing Qiongshi knew that as long as he refined the ancient dust, he would have the absolute certainty to be promoted to Tianyuan Wonderland.

"Really?" Gu Chensha suddenly made a joke in the gourd: "Xing Qiong, do you really think that the old masters of Wanxianshi and the three celestial masters of Xianzhu can hurt me? I am early I know that cooperating with you is tantamount to making skins with tigers. You will seize the opportunity to refine me. I can only do the opposite and introduce you to the trance. I will make your entire body into a Chinese gourd. Once I can, I can accomplish the great feats that I did n’t accomplish in the dream world. In the dream world, I just made your skull into a divine gourd, and now I finally seized your true body and made divine divine Gourds can definitely become the first treasure! The first fierce **** in China, the founder of Shenzhou, has made Shenzhou gourd. There is no better material than this. "

A huge amount of attraction, instead, was born from the inside of Xingqiang ’s Divine Gourd: “Divine Gourd, I told you, do you think that this is not my means?”

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