Dragon Talisman

Chapter 776: Surrender

Chapter 776 Surrender to the Sect of Imprisonment


A lot of thunder and thunder sounds were transmitted from the Shenzhou gourd itself transformed by Xingqiangshi. This sound changed each other, and it seemed that the world was destroyed in the world. ΩEΩΩ novel Ww% W. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

"Boy, I know you still have a backhand, but can you make a comeback?" Xingqiang saw Gu Chen started to fight back in his suppression of the law, and he couldn't help sneering in his tone: "You are born Wonderful, this most important figure in the robbery, I did not expect to urgently refine you, but you just want to calculate me because of this, that is still too naive, fairy master, Wanxian teacher they all have Did n’t I have the means to press the bottom of the box? Yeah, let me show you what is the true fierce **** in China! "


In the call of Xingqiangshi, more than ten figures appeared behind him, all of them carried extremely precious breath.

That's the breath of the ancient emperor.

Xingqiangshi made waves in the Middle-earth Divine Land that year. Even the ancient emperor could not suppress it. Instead, he tore many ancient emperors. In the end, it was really noisy, and finally caused anger, the demon demon god. The three heavenly deities, as well as many old antiques, were united, and finally, with the help of the number of heavens, this cracked down the Xingqiang Family.

However, those ancient emperors who were torn by Xingqiang's clan were refined by him and became some kind of wonderful existence.

"Gu Chensha, junior, I will tell you that China is always created by me. Even if you introduce new things, the core thing is mine. That is the ancient emperor, why did I risk the world and kill the ancients? The emperor is to truly practice Divine Land. Since ancient times, only the emperor who has mastered the Middle-earth Divine Land and obtained the existence of the sacrifice of the heavenly sacrifice is the emperor. It can be seen that Tian-zi and the Middle-earth Divine Land are inseparably linked. It was born from the brewing of the most central qi in Middle-earth China. Killing the emperor and gaining the qi and the origin of the emperor, I will be able to better grasp the state of China. If you want to thoroughly obtain the secret of the state, it is too early, I'll let you know now, what is a true Divine Land! "

Xingqiangshi urged the appearance of more than ten killed ancient emperors, and all these ancient emperors suddenly urged some secret method.


The Chinese gourd transformed by Xingqiangshi seems to have expanded tenfold.

Strength has also increased tenfold.

Gu Tianzi itself is inseparable from Middle-earth Divine Land. After being refined by Xingqiang, it is injected into Divine Land. This Divine Land can explode its real power in an instant.

Divine, appear!

The huge Shenzhou came out of the air, and when the air gathered, all of it was poured into the Shenzhou gourd, so that the entire Shenzhou gourd instantly became a kind of crushing existence.

"Gu Tianzi!" Gu Chensha's voice came out, and he had a bit of coldness: "Sure enough, this is the means of pressing the bottom of your torture chamber, it is really powerful, but you go further and further on the wrong path, I It has been said long ago that Divine Land is a dedication, a sacrifice, not a plunder and kill. You originally beheaded and killed the ancient emperors, and you want to devour these ancient emperors and motivate the power of Divine Land. This is an extreme idea, but it can also get good. Effect, but the road is completely reversed, it is to the opposite side of Divine Land, Divine Land will certainly come back to bite you. If you do not urge these ancient emperors, I am afraid I can do nothing for you, but also waste a lot of effort, you now These ancient emperors have been motivated, and that is to find their own way. "

Later, Hao Ran's voice was transmitted from the vitality transformed by ancient dust.

"The soul rests, you ancient gods, you have mastered Divine Land, raised Li Min, you have great merits, you can be killed by the murderer, and your resentment cannot be stretched out. I will now relieve you of your sufferings and let you return to Divine Land, return to dust, return to earth, You are a part of Middle-earth China, and you cannot be held hostage by the murderer. "


A sacrifice power was passed from the ancient dust.

Ancient dust and sand are sacrificed to these dead ancient emperors.

His current sacrifice can completely revive the saint, because he devoured the origin of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. Such a sacrifice, all the ancient emperors who were urged by Xingqiang immediately seemed to have some kind of relief.

More than a dozen ancient emperors, salute the ancient dust.

Then, they disappeared, they directly broke through the infinite dimension, invested in Middle-earth China, and completely integrated with Middle-earth China.

At this time, many people on Middle China Shenzhou saw that more than ten Changhong-like bright lights flew from the sky and fell into the old Beijing Imperial Palace in Shenzhou, and then disappeared.

Suddenly, countless masters and old antiques immediately calculated, but they couldn't calculate one.

However, these Changhongs are auspicious, not evil, as long as they can be seen by those who are a little bit good.

"What? My ancient emperors!" Xing Qiongshi was startled: "You! Ancient dust, what have you done!"

"I did n’t do anything. I said that this is a collision of ideas between our divine states. My divine states are risks and sacrifices. Your divine states are plunder and fierce. In short, I serve people with virtue. You are It is understandable to kill people by killing them, but Middle China is not a human, but the earth, the topography, and the virtues. Therefore, you and my ideas collide, and you lose, your Divine Land is wrong. After taking a detour, in the end you came to the opposite side of Divine Land, causing resentment in the sky, and I and Divine Land helped each other, supported each other, shared honor and disgrace, and looked at each other. This is in line with the principle of concentric beings. Divine Land is also a living being. The existence of thinking, although his feelings and thinking methods are different from ours, but he is indeed one of the beings, which is beyond doubt. "

The sudden movement of ancient dust sand summoned more powerful Divine Power.


He has been anti-visiting.

This power of Shenzhou completely suppressed the Shenzhou of Shenqiongshi.

Suddenly, Xing Qiongshi suddenly appeared, and he couldn't actually spur the power of Divine Land. It seemed that Middle-earth Divine Land had some kind of hatred and hatred against him, and even wanted to kill him quickly.

This is the injustice of Xingqiang's.

As the first murderer of Divine Land, he has done a lot of things to disturb Divine Land, and tried to use his own power to suppress the refining of Divine Land. His fierce might have been so powerful that he could ignore this injustice, but now the appearance of ancient dust and mobilization With the will of Shenzhou itself, Xingqiang couldn't suppress this injustice.

The ancient China of the Dust and Sand completely restrained the Shenzhou of the Xingqiang Family.

The ancient dust and sand are supported by the Middle-earth Divine Land, and the liver and the gallbladder are reflected.

Xingqiongshi was hated by the Middle-earth Divine Kingdom, and his injustice was horrible.

In this way, who loses and who wins can be seen at a glance.

"Xing Qiongshi, this is your fault, not that I imprisoned you, but your own sin, your own karma, you ca n’t take it away, only karma is with you. The karma between you and Middle-earth China is in Today, make a break. "Gu Chensha suddenly emerged from the Chinese gourd transformed by Xingqiangshi.

Then, he grabbed the Gourd Gourd transformed by Xingqiangshi, and the power of Dizhou on his palm was almost unprecedented.

Click! Click!

Countless seals, countless runes, countless forbidden laws, just like this emerged from the palms of ancient dust and sand, endlessly, all put into the gourd transformed by Xingqiangshi.

Later, Xing Qiong came out roaring, but could not escape, he was hated by Divine Land, injustice occurred, Divine Land's power had stared at him, how could he not get rid of it.

"Gu Chensha, what do you mean! Even if you make me into a Divine gourd, you can't kill me, just treat me as a baby, even if you want to use this baby that I turned into in the future Doing a lot of things in this way will add strength to me. One day, I will get out and reach that time, it will be your death. "Xing Qiongshi calmed down suddenly, it seemed to find some kind of escape Method.

"I will not kill you, but I will help you." Gu Chensha grabbed the Divine Calabash and kept pouring into the power of Divine Land to imprison Xingqiang, completely refining, making him unable to do anything, at the same time, He sighed: "Your Divine Land has gone astray and continues forever ~ www.readwn.com ~ The end result is that Middle-earth Divine Land is intolerable to you, and then causes backlash, letting you die completely. But now, I saved you , Pulled you back from the edge of the fire into the magic, although you can not accept it for a while, but it does not matter, I will use this Divine gourd you have saved, save the state, build civilization, and make great contributions to the Middle-earth Divine State , And gradually gain the recognition of Middle-earth China, and then resolve the injustice of your body. In this way, your karma will be washed away, and eventually you will become enlightened. You can step into a deeper realm and wait for your injustice The moment you wash and change your mind, is when you are born again and get out of trouble. Xing Qiong, why should I kill you? Even if it is my enemy, I will let him repent and not kill him. ,right now He is still alive? "

"Junior, your idea is wrong, I am right, I am in accordance with the rules of heaven, weak meat and strong food, survival of the fittest, so my Divine State is immortal and immortal. You are only gaining power temporarily. "Xing Qiong's buzzing sound was absolutely uncompromising.

"Is it correct to be in conformity with heaven?" Gu Chensha said slowly again: "There is a deficiency in heaven, all beings make up for it, heaven is morally wrong, and all beings have revolution. Since ancient times, all living beings have believed that heaven is high, and everything that conforms to heaven Are correct, but the times are different now, the Tao of Heaven is not necessarily correct, and the minds of our beings are correct. Such a concept will gradually spread, and eventually the Tao of Heaven will fall, and the shackles that oppress the beings will be completely released The new era, an era you can't imagine, will really come. "

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