Dragon Talisman

Chapter 777: 5 season return

Chapter 777 Return in Five Seasons

Heaven is not the highest. "E" novel WwwW. "1XIAOSHUO. Com

The era of breaking the **** of heaven is coming.

At that time, all laws will change and all truths will be subverted. The conventions we all know will be completely broken. In the days when the heavens are absent, what will it be? Gu Chen is also looking forward to it.

However, he also has to deal with the number of calamities caused by the collapse of Heaven.

Just like the secular world, the collapse of a court brought about the huge chaos caused by the complete loss of order. The people did not talk about life, only war broke out. At this time, a world hero should set aside any order and re-establish order.

The collapse of a dynasty has been so horrible, not to mention that since ancient times, it has ruled all realms and broken the heavens and heavens that ruled countless time and space.

The chain reaction brought about by this collapse is not beyond the control of Gu Chensha, but he is now prepared to prevent this situation.

Therefore, he did everything possible to improve his own strength. Xing Qiongshi was completely refined into Shenzhou gourd by him, and his strength increased again.

Gradually, with the influx of his Divine Power into it, Xingqiang couldn't blame him at all, and he could only dormant deeply, but now Guchensha can't kill Xingqiang's will.

Xingqiang is not Gou Chen.

The realm of Gouchen is only the level of heaven, and Xingqiang is the pinnacle of the realm of longevity. If you do n’t use any magic weapon and means and rely on your own strength, even the immortal master and Wanxian master will be the fiercest in this state. Before, fall into the wind.

Therefore, Guchensha cannot obliterate the will of Xingqiongshi, and he does not want to obliterate, because after being obliterated, the Divine Gourd will lose its spirituality, so that it will not increase the power to the highest peak.

Xingqiang himself was the founder of Divine Land, but he had a wrong idea and made a lot of evils. Instead of being recognized by Divine Land, he was hated by Divine Land. Guchensha now wants to dissolve this thing. You cannot kill Xing Qiongshi, but instead want him to make up for it. In this way, not only can we make up for the shortcomings of the Divine Land, but we can also reduce the punishment and add a lot of faith to ourselves.

There are not so many benefits in killing Xingqiangshi.

If the thoughts and thoughts of Xingqiangshi can be reversed, the cultivation of ancient dust will be greatly improved, and the consciousness of Xingqiongshi ’s sacrifice to the sphere of life and the sacrifice of the small Hongmeng tree will produce much benefit?

The Xingqiang itself is the supreme old antique, and its Qi is unique.

He is a hen who lays golden eggs.

After killing him, he can eat a good chicken at most, but he can lay golden eggs every day.

Which is cost-effective, even if the ancient dust has no brain, it can be distinguished.

After a while, Shenzhou gourd was completely condensed into a body, which was transformed into the whole body of Xingqiong's. Today's Xingqiang is much stronger than the Xingqiang in the dream world, so the Divine Gourd made from ancient dust and sand is ten times more powerful than the Divine Gourd made from the dream that day.

What's more, the ancient dust of the world in the dream has not been upgraded to **** level, but now the cultivation of ancient dust is the state of thirty-two changes in the state of "one thought through the sky", close to the saint. It also devoured the origin of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon.

The ancient dust and sand stood in the depths of this turbulent space-time. Any space-time storm and cosmic tide could not help him.

He held the Divine Gourd in his hand and threw it suddenly, and a ray of light spewed out from the Divine Gourd, so that time and space disappeared, and finally he ingested many things from a hidden space-time node.

A dark sphere was ingested into the gourd.

The ancient dust and sand saw many dark treasures in this dark sphere, including the treasures left by the ancient emperor, and the true god.

This is the treasure of Xingqiang's.

In that year, Xing Qiong's slayed many ancient emperors, and naturally obtained the treasures of those ancient emperors. In addition, Xing Qiong's slayed many true gods and obtained their treasures and true gods.

Gu Chensha wanted to obtain the true **** of the five seasons of the gods, gathered together, and gave it to Liu Yu five people. Now these five people have been established as gods. Unfortunately, they have never been able to obtain the true god. What he lacked, he made transactions with Xingqiangshi three times and five times, but Xingqiongshi never gave him the true **** of these five seasons.

This time, he completely refined the imprisonment of Xingqiangshi, and naturally owned the treasures of Xingqiongshi. The five gods of the true God and many treasures belonged to him.


After obtaining these treasures, he directly crossed many space-time barriers, and in the next moment he reached the sphere of life's wish.

The current wishfulness sphere, to outsiders, is only the size of a fist, like an apple, hanging from a small Hongmeng tree that is only three feet tall. But inside the sphere of the wish of life, this sphere has more space, richer products, and even has the atmosphere of a thousand worlds.

This should not be anything else, but there are already 14 of the endless 36 treasures that belong to the Jingxian Division, urging the operation of these treasures, the Jingxian Division absorbs the power of the heavens, makes up for the defects of the sphere, and makes the sphere's defense And attack power are greatly improved.

Moreover, as the world shrinks and the huge world becomes a small Hongmeng tree, the target becomes smaller, and it is easier to hide and hide.

The current small Hongmeng tree is only three feet long, and is slightly hidden into the space and time, and no old antiques can be found.

This is no better than the world of the Thousand Thousands of All Saints. All the realms of law are extremely huge. As long as they are god-level masters, they can see the huge world of the Thousand Thousands that rise and rise in space and time.

When the elephant is the size of an ant, but it has the original power, it is too scary.

This is the current Jingxian Division.

Many old antiques are nervous after seeing the world tree change into a small Hongmeng tree and then disappear, because they can't see the existence of Jingxianji, and they don't know what Jingxianji is doing, so they are always worried about Jingxianji playing Come to the door, the more afraid to act lightly.

"Congratulations to Wang for successfully surrendering the torture sky."

Fushou God first came up and saw the ancient dust and sand coming down, holding the Divine Gourd, and suddenly overjoyed: "This time, our Jingxian Division really soared into the sky, and since then, there has been no obstacle."

"Not so optimistic." Gu Chensha waved: "Liu Yu, Qian Zhen, Zhou Bu, Jia Liang, Mo. Five of you come out."

"Yes! Lord!" All five flew over, kneeling on one knee.

They have all become god-level masters, and the whole body is turbulent. There is no obstacle in the future to become a saint, because Guchensha gained the Holy Dragon's breath many years ago, and then used this Holy Dragon's breath to calculate Part of the holy dragon mentality, and then turned the holy dragon mentality into a natural saint.

Now if the ancient dust sand has the spirit of the holy dragon, he can calculate more holy dragon hearts, and even now he can directly find the location of the Honghuang Dragon Gate and go directly into the Honghuang Dragon Gate to get the full version. Holy Dragon Heart.

This matter is almost on the process, he will soon do it.


Five true gods appeared.

This position fell into the body of five people at once, and the five people seemed to be born and reborn, ascending and descending, breath, life, and even the nature of life, and even the Qi and Qi are completely different, because they become Real God, not a simple god-level master.

At present, Jingxian has six true gods. The strongest is of course Fushou. He possesses the true gods of the three gods of Fulu Shou in one body. He has reached the peak of the thirty-sixth transformation, and he is at ease. realm.

Moreover, his combat effectiveness is far from being comparable to other old antiques in the same realm. For example, Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth, Xuan Qiu, is the master of the thirty-sixth transformation. He has countless secret methods, countless means, but If you fight against the current **** of fortune, it is simply a shame.

The combination of the powers of Fulu Shousanquan has passed the average true god.

In addition, the power held by the three gods of Fulu Shou has extremely seductive power for any living beings, even if it is spread and traded in the folk, whether it is the **** of blessing, the **** of Lu, or the **** of life, it is a large number of believers. Of course, the current God of Blessing does not spread the teachings, but everyone who sacrifices to the Jingxian priests wants the Three Luquan of Fulu Shou in his heart. In this way, the thought will also increase his energy.

In the years that followed, he was even the most likely to understand the different ways ~ www.readwn.com ~ and even promoted to the realm of heaven.

"Five seasons replacement!" Fushou Shen watched Liu Yu's five people gain the true **** position, then leaped and changed, reaching the sky, and then in the mid-1000 world of the sphere of life's wish, the change of seasons was more complete. Suddenly nodded: "The repression and operation of the God of the Five Seasons in the Zhongqian World, the world is the real world. Since then, our Zhongqian World is even stronger and richer than some old antiques."

"This is inevitable." Lou Baiyue looked at Shenzhou Hulu: "I didn't think that although the dust and sand did not surrender to Tiangong Institute this time, they also gained Xingqiangshi, but we are facing new problems, and I have explored some Things, that is, the Lord of Immortals, Master Wanxian, Fasheng, Wudangkong, Heaven and Earth Xuanmen, the three heavenly deities, all united together. Forming an alliance, refining an amazing magic weapon, this magic weapon is endless. The heart is the foundation. "

"I had anticipated this for a long time. Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, wanted to master the Xuanmen of Heaven and Earth, and even resurrected the mysterious heart that was killed by his father, in order to obtain an endless heart. Unfortunately, Gu Tiansha I was injured, and now I hid and recovered my injury. In this way, Tiandi Xuanmen was able to get a respite. On that day, the ancestors of the earth also took the opportunity to resurrect, helping Xuanxin get rid of control, and he was afraid that Gu Tiansha would come to revenge Then, he gave up the control of the endless heart to contact the giants. The ancestors of the heavens and the earth really have some powerful means. "Gu Chensha seems to be seeing with his own eyes.

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