Dragon Talisman

Chapter 780: Sin to me

Chapter 780 Sin Belongs To Me

"The state of China changes, everyone is united, humanity gathers spirit, and heaven crosses the road!" The palms of Guchensha shook their palms repeatedly, forming seals one after another, all of which are supernatural and rational, and the people of China have been imprinted on it Wisdom and ideals, as well as the will to make things up. "EΩ┡ 小" said WwhanW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Now Gu Chensha has merged his life with the sky, and then passed it to the people. Many people with lofty ideals in the folk have begun to understand these two ideas, and those with lofty ideals have cultivated the same. spirit.

God, in the eyes of people with lofty ideals, is not high. As long as there are ideals and convictions, you can revive your destiny or repair God.

The way of man is more expensive than heaven.

The value of character is everything.

This is the ultimate truth.

Ancient dust sand spreads this idea, there is a large number of like-minded people, the conviction of these people gathered, played the most crucial role for the ancient dust sand's power addition.

Now, Guchensha urges them to see all, even if the giant spirit **** is precious in heaven, it is hard to escape his inquiry.

Sure enough, in a moment, Lou Baiyue's body appeared clues, a faint shadow flashed across suddenly, like Bai Ku over the gap, it is difficult to capture, but this moment, has been caught by the ancient dust and sand.

"come out!"

Gu Chensha beckoned, this shadow was struggling and squirming, but it was eventually locked, could it be grasped, caught directly, and fell into the palm of Gu Chensha.

"Unexpectedly, Guchensha, you have actually reached such a state of cultivation, and you are aware of my forbidden laws. Why? Do you really want to find out where I am based on this clue? That is a dream." This shadow came out of teasing sound, it seems to be laughing at Gu Chensha's uncontrollable power.

"The giant spirit god, countless old antiques say that you are deceitful and difficult to defeat. You are not the strongest god, but you are the most good at avoiding evil and the best at calculating and planning. It is said that you have never been to birth until now. I have suffered a lot, but I have some disbelief. You and I have the vengeance of killing my mother. Do you really think you can escape to the sky and not be killed by me? Now Xingqiang is refined by me, Wanxian Shi, Immortals, the three heavenly ancestors, and the ancestors of heaven and earth have all formed an alliance in order to avoid me. What do you think? Obediently wait for death, but I can keep you alive and turn you into an ordinary person. "Gu Chen Speaking, while calculating, he said that so much was also to deliberately anger the giant spirit god, which caused him to make a flaw, and then sought for opportunities, locked his position in one fell swoop, and immediately descended on the strongest bombardment with the potential of thunder.

His current strength can already kill any master in an instant, across an extremely distant country, or even in different time and space dimensions.

Even the Xingqiang was refined by him, and indeed there were very few that could resist him in this world.

"Xing Qiong's? That's just the brainless generation, and then you will be in your plan." This shadow of the giant spirit **** seems to be delaying, I don't know what plot he wants to do, and his shadow squirms, and it's scattered. The stench seemed to be releasing some kind of vicious curse: "Why do n’t you even have that old daddy Gutaxian, what do you think? But if you want to come to me for revenge, that is very welcome, I want to see Your means and reliance, now ancient step immortals can't help you anymore. You should know some key points about this. Your Jingxian Qi has reached its peak since you became a god, and the prosperity will decline. Now it has begun. Go downhill. If you look for my thoughts together, this is the beginning of the death of your Jingxian Division. About you still do n’t know what level of existence I am. Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, is in my eyes. What I hold is not only you, even Gu Taxian, you do n’t understand. You are not as good as him, dare to come to me? ”

"I have never seen anyone who blows such a big cowhide." Gu Chensha smiled. "Giant spirit god, I don't think you are the most cunning, but the best at cowhide."

"Xia Chong An Ke Yu Bing?" The shadow of the giant spirit **** suddenly disappeared, replaced by a curse.

This cursed explosion exploded outward, covering the entire body of ancient dust and sand, but also polluting the entire world sphere, even Xiaohongmeng tree.

"Enjoy this curse well." The voice of the giant spirit **** vanished, and finally disappeared: "This curse is a curse born from the flood gate, which can make the world alive and everyone can achieve the greatness of the saint. Artifact, but the material must be reversed. He can also brew it out, so that all the creatures in the world become the curse of stupidity and idiot. You teach people the dragon fist, it seems that if you want to change everyone in your Jingxian division into a saint, then you violate With the authority of the Honghuang Dragon Gate, it must be subject to the strongest curse since ancient times. "

"not good!"

Wu Shengtianzun was taken aback, he already saw the power of this curse.

This curse was indeed born in the flood gate.

Honghuang Longmen itself is a kind of existence against the sky. If you think about it, the qualifications of the living beings in the world are destined. If you can make people's qualifications saints, is it necessary to endure strong karma and curses.

This curse has been accumulated in the flood gate for a long time, and can even pollute this artifact, and finally make this artifact fall.

But now I don't know how it was actually obtained by the giant spirit **** to attack Jingxian Division and Guchen Sand.

Wu Shengtian Zun's vision is bright, and he can naturally see the power of this curse. If this curse contaminates his body, he will immediately deprive him and become an ordinary person.

Tianzun cannot resist, because this is a curse that has accumulated in the flood gate for a long time.

Not to mention Tianzun, even Tianshou Realm cannot resist.

This curse began to spread. If it really spreads, I am afraid that all things in the mid-1000 world of the sphere of life will fall, and the small Hongmeng tree will wither and dissipate immediately.

The great Jingxian Division, at this moment, fell apart and no longer exists.

No one had expected that the giant spirit **** buried this kind of thing in Lou Baiyue's body, and the tumors and curses bred from the flood gates were more terrifying than the Wanxian Master ’s attacks. many.

Because of this malignant tumor and curse, even the Honghuang Dragon Gate itself could not bear it anymore, and it had to be released. Unfortunately, the Honghuang Dragon Gate itself is powerless, but now, the giant spirit **** does not know what means to motivate, and can actually guide this curse, which means that the giant spirit **** began to heal the Honghuang dragon gate, save this artifact, this artifact Will naturally give him great authority and power.

Gu Chensha suspected from the beginning that the ancient bullet sword was relying on the giant spirit god, and it actually got a lot of holy dragon spirit. You must know that the spirit of the Holy Dragon can turn all the fools into natural saints. It is not so easy to obtain. If it is really easy, Wanxianshi, Xianzhu, and the three heavenly respects, these people have already obtained a lot of them. To cultivate all the subordinates to be born saints, let alone others, the power of sacrifice can be increased thousands of times.

You must know that the sacrificial power of a born saint is not so pure as even hundreds of millions of people. Hundreds of millions of people may have greater sacrifice power than natural saints, but they are as pure as rubble and gold.

Ten thousand pounds of rubble is not as good as one pound of gold.

"Wu Sheng Tian Zun need not panic." Gu Chensha looked at the curse of the explosion, his face did not change his face: "I did not think that the giant spirit **** actually has this method, but it is still under my control. I am sure that this group Even if the curse can't bear the immortal master and the master of the immortals, I'm different. The thing that Honghuang Longmen wants to do is what I want to do, and his curse, I'm willing to bear it. All have achieved the true dragon, and everyone has become the true sage. Only in this way can we eliminate all barriers and achieve the foundation of the concentric beings of all beings. Therefore, let me all belong to this sin. I am willing to bear such karma and sin. "

Between the words, Gu Chen's voice became louder and louder, and it seemed that in the midst of it, some power was drawn.

He made a big wish.

Let all these sins belong to you, and let all your karma bless you.

His great wish motivated an indestructible, magnificent belief and great feelings. For the sake of all beings in the world, everyone is holy, and he is willing to bear all the causes and consequences of sin.

This great wish has already shaken the earth, transcended time and space, transcended fate, resonated with heaven and earth, and the universe was sad.

Hum ...

All curses began to gather towards him, and finally condensed into a rune seed, submerged into his body, combined with his body, and ultimately did not distinguish each other.

"Dust, you!" Lou Baiyue leaped fiercely: "This curse can hurt the existence of Honghuang Dragon Gate, do you actually absorb it all?"

"It's okay. This is the sin of Tiandao to Honghuang Longmen. The existence of Honghuang Longmen is guilty to Tiandao. Tiandao pronounces him guilty, but I pronounce him innocent. The sin of Tiandao is not sin in my opinion. It's merit, so I absorb this curse to practice merit and turn the sin of heaven into my own merit. This is my ability to overcome the heavenly heart by myself. I have overcome the will of heaven, and now I want to overcome it. " The dust waved his hand: "My heart is better than heaven, and human heart is better than Taoism. Heaven cannot convict me of sin, I can condemn heavenly virtue. This is the essence of my exercises and the essence of our Jingxian Division. We will spread it later. That's the idea. "

"Too powerful." Wu Shengtianzun sighed again and again: "It seems that I have read the right person, you are indeed someone who can take us into a new era."

"The giant spirit **** is indeed not as simple as it seems. He has something deeper hidden. I know why Wu Zu was undermined by him because of this. However, I look forward to confronting him. If he was suppressed, rescued Weiyang, and killed the three celestial lords, it would be as easy as going to the door ~ www.readwn.com ~ Guchensha shakes his body and tracks the giant spirit god.


{It's 8 o'clock in the morning today, not in the afternoon. Everyone who has followed my WeChat public account and Weibo knows that I am really busy lately. The company has opened a lot of things. The second is that I am resuming martial arts and practicing qigong to recharge myself. Look at my book. From the beginning, the Buddha This is the beginning of the Tao. To the Dragon and Serpent Romance, everything cultivated is compared, more real, and more realistic. It gives people a real feeling, but I think it ’s not enough. I ’ve been writing recently, but I ’m exhausted. I have to pick up these things again and do research on my own. From the Romance, although it is a little more powerful, it is a little less real. I have been thinking about this aspect, that is, how to create a perfect practice system, martial arts in the world, and even certain things about practicing qigong. In the future, the company will invite the masters of martial arts in reality, and even two masters of Buddhism and Taoism, which is my ideal. And I am still working on some of our traditional things. I still have ambitions. I want to summarize them in a real way. I think that fantasy novels, fairy tales, and online novels are best to be connotative and truly contain some traditional ones. Something in it. I hope that what will be written in future books will have its own context. For example, the tricks I practiced in Weibo and WeChat public accounts, the tiger climbed the mountain hard. I can type it out myself, so what I write is true. No matter how book friends see me, this is my determination. }

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