Dragon Talisman

Chapter 781: Acquitted

The means of the giant spirit god, now the ancient dust and sand has become more and more profound. This curse can be described as a flaw in the giant spirit god. E novel WWWZW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

This curse of the giant spirit **** is not fierce. If it succeeds, it can indeed defeat Jingxian in one fell swoop. At least, except for the ancient dust and sand, no one can resist this curse, even the ancient dust and sand. From the perspective of other old antiques, If you want to resist this curse, you may have great strength.

But who knows, the cultivation of Guchensha actually reached the heavenly sin, not sin, and turned sin into merit.

It can be said that the curse that the giant spirit **** extracted from the flood gate is not a powerful curse for ancient dust, but a huge nourishment and merit, that is, these sins are blessed in The body of ancient dust sand can make ancient dust sand better understand the way of replenishing the sky and the way of resurrecting the sky.

Gu Chensha now stores this curse and sin in his body, slowly transforming, and training. He just feels that his mana is much purer. This curse will not cause any harm to his cultivation, but will increase his Lethality and realm can be repaired.

This is tantamount to giving him a tonic.

My sins, my merits.

So he tasted the benefits and decided to go immediately to find the giant spirit **** and Honghuang Dragon Gate, and devour all the sins in it, so that all the sins of Honghuang Dragon Gate would be attributed to him, which would make him hopeless to use the Sun and Moon Lord ancient The origin of Tiansha can break through the realm of saints.

Not only that, it can completely help Honghuang Longmen to eliminate sin, and it can also establish a good relationship with Honghuang Longmen, so that Honghuang Longmen can abandon the giant spirit **** and deprive the giant spirit **** of all dependence.

The giant spirit **** must have some close connection with Honghuang Longmen to be so arrogant.

However, no matter where the Honghuang Dragon Gate is, no one can find it.

In fact, the three treasures, the offering of the Heavenly Sacrifice, the Honghuang Dragon Gate, and the Hongmeng Tree are very difficult to find. The offering of the Heavenly Sacrifice Dragon is their own choice of master, and the Honghuang Dragon Gate has been completely hidden in another dimension of time and space since the ancient times. Anyone can do it.

The Hongmeng tree is even more magical, and basically does not let any existence approach. Many saints in ancient times approached and picked up a fruit, all of which were seriously injured and almost fell.

Even if Guchensha is in the current state, it is difficult to find the existence of the flood gate, because this gate has spirituality, and if it reaches this level, it is very easy to hide.

I don't know how the three celestial deities settled into the Hongmeng tree.

However, after devouring the sin of Honghuang Longmen, he has already passed this fate and directly grasped the clue of Honghuang Longmen, and can find the existence of this artifact.

However, this trip is a bit dangerous, there are many secrets in the Honghuang Dragon Gate, among which there are even old antiques stronger than Xianzhu and Wanxianshi, that is the master of Gouchen.

The ancient dust sand has refined Gou Chen. It is already known that behind Go Gou Chen, there is an extremely horrible master. It is a great existence born in the depths of Honghuang Longmen. This existence once surrendered Go Gou Chen. .

Old antiques of this level have not been born, and once they are born, they will be truly shocking.

In the past, it was impossible to cultivate any old antiques to reach the realm of Tianyuan. The highest realm was Tianshou. But now it is different, and the restriction of the heavens disappears, so that the old antiques in the realm of Tianshou have the hope of promoting the realm of Tianyuan.

Such as Wanxianshi, Xianzhu and others are working **** research and exploration, hoping to make some breakthrough, and eventually promote to reach the realm of Tianyuan.

Maybe, there are really antiques in this world that are promoted to the realm of heaven.

Gu Chen will never be taken lightly.

He also needs to promote himself as soon as possible. He is first promoted to saint, and then to heaven.

If he can surrender to Honghuang Longmen, he feels that he has no problem in reaching Tianzun, and his research on Honghuang Longmen is very deep. In the beginning, he relied on the destiny of the world to get the "Mixed Demon Temple" Hualong Tower.

Then, he used his cultivation practice many times to train the Nahua Dragon Tower into a dragon gate. During the operation of the dragon gate, he could absorb all the innate radon that attacked him, and then converted it into his own radon and stored it. When the enemy rises, there is never the possibility of congenital exhaustion.

It was with this hand that year that he played the Dragon Gate he created.

Moreover, he calculated that the method of the Holy Dragon's heart is already one of the highest secrets in the depths of the Honghuang Longmen. In addition, he deprived the Emperor Wu of all his memory and cultivation, among which he also had a deep understanding of the Honghuang Longmen.

Emperor Wudi had entered the Honghuang Dragon Gate that year, otherwise he would not have gained the mind of raising dragons and created the Hualong Pagoda.

Gu Chensha has never stopped his research on Honghuang Longmen. In his opinion, among the three treasures, only Honghuang Longmen is in line with his philosophy.


He emerged from the mid-thousand world of Xiaohongmengshu and entered the depths of time and space. This time, his body flickered and he flew extremely fast, but in a split second, he tore the multidimensional barrier, and then moved slightly. , Across many parallel universes.

He repeatedly flashed like this, relying on his heavenly law, he seized a certain kind of time node.

This is no longer a change in space, but a change in time.

Because the flood gate and the existence of the real world are not the same time dimension.

When it comes to space faults, you can shuttle freely, but it involves time faults. This is not something that ordinary strong people can grasp, especially space and time faults intersect with each other and are intricate. In this way, the ability to change the universe is unpredictable , Tianzun, and even Tianshou realm, it is difficult to find something specific in the vast space and time.

The size of the universe, even if it is an old antique in the realm of Tianshou, in front of it, it is just a drop in the ocean, and it can not lift any waves.

However, the ancient dust sand urges heavenly law, and is familiar with this point.

After three full days, he kept urging his power, shifting time and space, changing the trajectory, locking a certain constantly changing position, and at the end, he exhausted his whole body's strength and suddenly shocked! It seemed to break something, and suddenly he was open.

Five huge worlds are present.

These five huge worlds are presented in five colors, green, red, white, black, and yellow.

There are actually five five-element worlds, and the five five-element worlds are actually thousands of worlds.

"It's a miracle." Gu Chensha saw the world of the five elements of Gou Chen. The most powerful method of Gou Chen that day was the five small worlds, all of which exploded in an attempt to get rid of the calculation of the saint. The essence of the five elements of Xiaoqian World was finally absorbed by the ancient dust.

But now the five are not the small thousand worlds, but the large thousand worlds.

In the middle of these five thousands of worlds, a more miraculous scene appeared, towering an ancient and huge portal. This portal does not know how many time and space spanned. Countless dragons seem to travel through the portal, and those five Of all the thousands of worlds, all are dragons.

Among the wooden worlds are wooden dragons, fire worlds are fire dragons, and golden dragons, water dragons, and earth dragons.

This is where Honghuang Longmen is located.

The time and space of this piece is not fixed, but it is constantly transferred. Each moment it will be transferred eighteen thousand times, so no old antique can lock its position, even if it is locked, it will be fleeting.

Only the ancient dust sand itself possesses the heavenly law, plus the god-level cultivation, the source of the ancient Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, and the sins of the flood gate, can it arrive here in one fell swoop and see the real flood gate appearance .

The real shape of the Honghuang Dragon Gate was displayed in front of the ancient dust and sand, and the ancient dust and sand felt that the vastness of this dragon gate was vast and beyond description. I don't know what Hongmengshu looks like.

He has seen the sacrifice to heaven, and he also owns it, and it looks simple and simple, which is very different from the flood gate in front of him. Of course, both are going to extremes.

Another point is that the sacrifice to heaven has not yet exerted its real power. Once it is used, it is to kill for the sky. The power is immeasurable.

From the fourteenth year of Tianfu, the sacrifice to the heavenly sacrifice was born, and first fell into the hands of ancient dust sand. Ancient dust sand is not a heavenly son and cannot gather the power of sacrifice for large-scale sacrifice to heaven. Later, the ancient dust and sand became a climatic climate, and the sacrifice of heavenly celestial flying flew away and fell into the hands of Wudang Kong. However, the struggle between Wudangkong and ancient dust and sand failed again and again, and Yuqi could not gather together. However, the sacrificial celestial falcons did not exert any real power.

The flood gate is blocked by the world of the Five Elements, and if you want to shuttle into it, you must cross this barrier.

But Guchensha looked at it, and didn't care, the body changed again. In a moment, he disappeared. When the next flash, he stood in front of Honghuang Longmen.

Compared with Honghuang Longmen, he is the difference between ants and the sea, but his temperament, in essence, has passed through Honghuang Longmen.

Honghuang Longmen is certainly one of the three supreme treasures in ancient legends ~ www.readwn.com ~ It can be compared with Shenzhou, heaven, and heaven, it is still a lot worse than heaven.

Gu Chensha can skillfully use the power of Divine Land, be able to defeat the will of the heavens, be able to cultivate the law of heaven, and transform his dust world into a small heaven, essentially standing on a higher commanding point than the Honghuang Dragon Gate.

However, he did not go directly into the deep gate of the dragon gate, but observed it carefully at the door, because he knew that once he entered the gate, he would likely be ambushed. With his current strength, he hurriedly entered the Honghuang Dragon Gate. Dangerous.

This is not outside. Others use the power of Honghuang Dragon Gate to crush him, then he can easily break.

Entering the flood-dead dragon gate, this power will increase thousands of times.

He sat down with his knees crossed at the front of the Honghuang Dragon Gate, turned his will, breathed, and then came out with his own thoughts.

"Honghuang Longmen, in front of Tiandao, you are guilty, but in front of me, you are not guilty. I declare you guilty ..." This huge thought shocked In the flood gate.

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