Dragon Talisman

Chapter 789: Big 0 explosion

Chapter 789 The Big Thousand Explosion

Honghuang Dragon Gate is stubborn. E novel WwhanW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

At the last juncture, she actually sheltered the giant spirit god, which made Guchen Sand extremely disappointed. Of course, it is impossible for Guchensha to let go of the giant spirit **** for this reason. Through this practice for several months, he has already had absolute confidence. Even inside the flood gate, he can capture and kill the giant spirit god.

Therefore, in the face of the flood gate's final statement, the ancient dust and sand just ignored it.

"Honghuanglongmen." Gu Chensha sighed: "My determination cannot be shaken, if you stop me, then from now on, we are the enemy, you know, I can eliminate your sins and increase your sins, more Can capture your origin. "

"Come on, then." The dragon head that Honghuang Longmen will transform into is not afraid. The great existence of Honghuang Longmen has never been afraid of anyone since ancient times. He said these four words and then disappeared.

"The giant spirit **** really has some anger. By this time, the will of Honghuang Longmen still protects him. From this we can see that he should not die now, but he should not die. I can cut it off directly. Fate It should n’t be me. He ’s the one who has the qi. I say that there is no qi, even if there is one. I say that there is qi, even if there is none. ”

The sound of ancient dust and sand grew again.

His voice, this time with the force of destruction and devour, penetrated into all corners of the Honghuang Dragon Gate.

Ohh Ohh ohh.......

In the depths of this flood-stricken dragon gate, all the dragon spirits caused collapse in an instant, madly rushing towards the ancient dust and sand and the holy gourd. Now all the people who fill the sky no longer sacrifice and instead It is a curse, a curse of the flood-dead dragon gate, a curse of the giant spirit god, a curse of the flood-dead old man.

Originally, the ancient dust and sand set up a huge area, and created the people to fill the sky with dragon gas, in order to save the flood-dead dragon gate, but now, the flood-dead dragon gate actually shelters the giant spirit god, that is, the enemy, the position change, the ancient dust sand is not Keep it back.

Immediately, I don't know how much dragon gas has entered the ancient dust and sand. The dragon gas absorbed by the Divine Gourd is dozens of times just now.

At this moment, the Divine Gourd reduced again. It was only the size of a soybean, and its power was surging, and then more Divine Power was sprayed out, spreading outward, and even more people who filled the sky came out.

Ancient dust and sand have opened up a land full of four deserts and Shenzhou, although not as large as in the real world, but one thousandth of the area is still there, and people living in trillions of days are more than enough. Now after such a violent expansion of ancient dust and sand, the people who make up the sky have increased by hundreds of billions.

You know, the number of the entire Dayong court is only 30 billion.

However, the people who make up the sky are not real human beings. They are essentially half-human and half-wary things created by ancient dust and sand using dragon air.

If it can create a truly perfect human being, I'm afraid it needs to be cultivated to reach the level of heaven.

Of course, the sacrificial power produced by the people who make up the sky is also extremely huge. It is easy to gather together and refine various things.

"Birth from sacrifice, endless 36 treasures, the gate of heaven, the emperor of heaven, come out!" Gu Chen sand pointed again. This time he was real.

All the people who make up the heavens are constantly born and join the industry of sacrifice. During the sacrifice, huge sacrifice forces gathered together, refined by ancient dust and turned into endless thirty-six treasures, and then these thirty-six treasures Gathered together, opened the gate of heaven, and the emperor of heaven appeared in the gate of heaven.

Gu Chensha sat up again.

Emperor Tiandi is much stronger than Honghuang Longmen, offering sacrifices to the heavens, and Hongmeng Tree is much stronger. It is among the heavens. The true first is supreme. Nothing can be compared. As long as you sit up, you can enjoy the infinite.

Although Gu Chensha didn't get this throne, he used his rich knowledge to figure out some secrets of the throne of the emperor, and then he sat up to simulate the emperor's aura, 99 Supreme.

This emperor's throne was simulated by ancient dust and sand, and approached again and again, which made real preparations for gathering the thirty-six treasures in the future to obtain the emperor's throne.

At this time, Guchensha was condensing a supreme treasure.

The Emperor Tiandi is the highest treasure that can be refined.

The ancient dust and sand are in the depths of the Honghuang Longmen, and these things come to light, which is the Emperor of Heaven. Even if you create a virtual throne, the power will increase greatly, so it is with this ability that the giant spirit **** is killed and fled.


Ancient dust sand hands together.

Once again, more people who made up the sky were born.

He now uses this place as the foundation, and then expands and uses it as a sweep to refine the Honghuang Dragon Gate. If Honghuang Longmen was in its heyday, he would probably struggle, but now it is much easier.

Countless dragon spirits were absorbed by him as food.

With the increasing number of people who make up the sky, his power is getting bigger and bigger, and he is upsetting and upright to disrupt everything in the depths of Honghuang Longmen.

"Too presumptuous."

The will in the depths of Honghuang Longmen was finally angered by the ancient dust.

Suddenly, the entire space was moved, and all dragon air began to shrink, so that ancient dust and sand could not absorb any dragon air.

Now the time and space in which Gu Chensha lives is suddenly withered, dead, and no energy can be absorbed anymore. This is the trapping tactics of the flood gate.

"Honghuang Longmen, you think that this method can lock me up. It is really wrong and very wrong. Chaos is coming!"

Gu Chen is still sitting on the throne of Tiandi, reaching out his hand, and violently pulling! Suddenly, a large area of ​​time and space was instantly torn, and a large area of ​​chaos flowed down from it.

Originally, monks who had reached the realm of chaos could practice the chaos and absorb the air of chaos anytime, anywhere, and refine what they needed.

However, if you are trapped in some Jedi, you will not be able to feel the chaos, and you will only be trapped alive.

It can be repaired to reach the realm of ancient dust and sand, at least the flood gate cannot prevent his induction of chaos. Not to mention the current Honghuang Longmen, he can come and go freely even during the heyday of the Honghuang Longmen.

Because he now begins to enlighten the Heavenly Emperor.

Moreover, he already knew the flood gate.

Chaos came, and then under his mind, it broke down, settled, clear air rose, and turbid gas sank. Makes the Big 6 he created even more ambitious. Among them, all kinds of babies were born, and the materials are rich, and the trillions of people who can supplement the sky can live a beautiful life.

This has the ability to continue to expand.

This is the case of Gu Chensha. Regardless of the expansion, he did not take the initiative to attack. He just expanded in the flood gate and finally occupied all the areas and devoured all vitality.

"Thunder comes!"

The will of the Honghuang Dragon Gate finally couldn't sit still, urging a certain secret method. Suddenly hundreds of millions of dragons chanted, gathered in the air, and condensed into a huge thunder ball. To the point of the world.

A huge thunder ball, like a world of thousands, condenses formed bodies over the ancient dust.

Guchensha's face changed.

He looked at a thunder ball as large as the world, and knew that this kill was no small feat.

Because this is equivalent to a world of thousands detonating, or even stronger. Even if the world of Qianqian is destroyed and exploded, the ancient dust and sand will not be afraid now, and there will be no damage, but it is equivalent to the world of world He can't bear it.

This is likely to be the strongest blow from Honghuang Longmen.

Although the Honghuang Dragon Gate is the pinnacle of the Daqian world, it is far from comparable to the Daqian world. But the blow of the explosion of thousands of worlds may come out only once.

The destructive force of the thousands of worlds has condensed into thunder, and it is unstoppable. Even the ancient dust and sand now have no power to stop it, but can only resist it.

"Ancient dust and sand, enjoy the great thousands of flood-dead dragon thunders. This is a blow from the flood-dead dragon gates that consumes its origin. Even the flood-dead dragon gates at its heyday can only come out three such mines. Now, the flood-dead dragon gates can only come out once."

At this time, the giant **** came out.

Gu Chensha did not bother with the giant spirit god, but looked at the large Qianhonghuanglonglei.

In the deepest corner of the Honghuang Dragon Gate, Honghuang Dragon Gate and the Giant Spirit God stood face to face.

"Between the flood and the Dragon Gate this time, I don't know if it will kill the ancient dust and sand?" The giant spirit **** asked the elderly Hong Huang.

"I'm afraid I can't. This son is seriously injured and can't be killed." Elderly Hong Huang looked at the giant spirit god: "It is definitely not that simple to kill this son. You must know this giant spirit god, why ask me knowingly, I now What we have to do is to take his serious injury and seize his source, even if we get one tenth, it is also our chance to break through, and we will definitely be able to break through the realm of Tianyuan. "

"It's not difficult to capture his origins. This time our plan was successful. Using him to wake up the origins of Honghuang Longmen, and then letting them to suppress him, we can get what we want." With ancient dust and sand.

At this time, the floods of wild dragons and thunders have already landed towards the ancient dust and sand ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is unstoppable.

Ancient dust and sand have established Shenzhou and the Four Desolates in the depths of Honghuang Longmen. Now Honghuang Longmen will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

It's like a comet hitting Big 6.


The four wastelands were broken first, and then the state was broken. All the people who filled the sky had completely disappeared when the thunder fell. The power of the explosion of the world of thousands is in the center, and the attack is locked. In front of them are ants.

In the end, all of the ancient dust and sand created it all under one thunder and no longer exists.

Only himself was left.

However, even if he himself could not withstand it for a long time, the endless thirty-six treasures were destroyed, the gate of heaven was gone, and finally the Emperor of Heaven began to melt.

Finally, the thunder completely fell, and the ancient dust and sand also disappeared under the giant thunder.

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