Dragon Talisman

Chapter 790: Sacred Heart Cohesion

Chapter 790 Sacred Heart Cohesion

"The opportunity has come. EQ novel WWWW1XIAOSHUO.COM"

The giant spirit god's eyes were like a torch, and he saw that Gu Chen was defeated in front of the "Da Qian Hong Hong Long Lei", and he knew that his plan was successful this time.

"Rao is this ever-changing, almost immortal, immortal soul, but still vulnerable in the face of this level of attack. This is where the forces of the destruction of the thousands of worlds gather at one point, you and me in this process In front of the attack, there is only a dead end. Even the remnants cannot escape. This son will definitely not die, but it will definitely be seriously injured. It is a good opportunity for us to seize the source. "The elderly Hong Huang touched his beard and smiled. .

"If you do n’t get rid of this, you and I will never have peace." The giant spirit **** has set aside: "You are right, we must die when we encounter such a thunder, even if the thunder is in the heyday of the flood gate, it can only explode. Come out three times, and now can only explode at most once. This son is not dead under this thunder, the essence of terror is far above us, you also see that this son is about to be promoted to saint. If he is to be promoted, we It is not an opponent at all, even if I blend the devouring Yuanshi Xinmo and Wuzu side by side, resulting in the unity of the Witch and the Demon, it will not be of any use. After he has become a saint's strength, we will only be trained to reach the realm of Tianyuan. He can escape from his life and trying to defeat him is still delusional. "

"This son is a freak, and the Sun and Moon Lord Gu Tiansha is also a freak." Elderly Honghuang said: "The two of us have plundered the origin to him this time, and we will join forces to surrender the Wanxian Master, the heaven and earth ancestor, and the immortal master. , What is the alliance of these three heavenly gods? "

"This alliance is not trivial. Even if both of us are promoted to the realm of Heaven and Earth, we may not be able to surrender. The ancestors of heaven and earth grasp the heart of desertion, and the master of the prehistoric civilization owns the God system of prehistoric civilization. When this God system is in its heyday, it can challenge the emperor The throne, then replaced it, and further mastered the heaven, instead of the heaven, even if it is now severely damaged, not even one tenth of the strength, but it is difficult to counteract. In addition, Wanxian Shi actually secretly communicated to the immortal world , And cooperate with the origin of the fairy realm. When it is urged, there are also huge killers. Not to mention, the three celestial deities have signed an agreement with Hongmengshu, so that they are not under you or me. If they urge all the means, it is extremely scary, just because The heavens are about to collapse, and the future situation is extremely complicated. Therefore, they are unwilling to use the true background and retain the changes. Do not look at them and the ancient dust and sand are hot. In fact, these old antiques have not been forced to the point where the mountains and rivers are exhausted. Understand that these old antiques are not excessively persecuted, they just cause shackles and slowly erode. The giant spirit **** waved his hand: "I am good at calculating, but now I have to get into this old antique alliance. It is also impossible to catch up. It is better to cooperate with Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon. If we can devour this, we will come again It is not too late to sweep these old antiques. "

"It can only be this way." The old man in the wild wasteland was able to master the world without leaving the house. Connect with the Quartet, master the masters of all the worlds, put in His Majesty, and also build power and gather faith. "

"The origin of Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, has been swallowed up, and it is impossible to restore it." Giant Spirit Shinto: "His origin is the existence of the entanglement between the ancient step immortal and the heaven, and it is impossible to be born again. What came out was that other people lost their origins and could slowly refine and recover from the chaos, but his origins and chaos do not contain such things. So the missing part is forever less. The fierce power has been reduced forever. "

The giant spirit **** and the old man in the wild wasteland exchanged ideas with each other, that is, in an instant, the "Daqian Honghuanglonglei" has landed and buried ancient dust and sand in it.

Between the raids, everything becomes nothingness.

Ancient dust and sand also completely disappeared in it, it seems to be extinct.

In the depths of the Honghuang Dragon Gate, the storm scattered and kept spreading outward. Finally, a huge shock broke out and disaster struck. The interior of the Honghuang Dragon Gate between this thunder seemed to have a fundamental structure. The change, the sin and dragon spirit originally contained together, became a paste, and returned to the era before the chaos has not yet opened, before the Big Bang.

There was a big shuffle in the depths of Honghuang Longmen.

"It's this time, get out!" The giant spirit **** shouted in the face of the storm after the explosion of the Daqianhonghuanglong dragon and thunder: "That central position, where the son disappeared. He will definitely gather and be born again, and we will gather by him At the moment of rebirth, he took his origins and divided him up. "

The old Honghuang rushed over.

The two have reached the place where the ancient dust and sand just disappeared.

Sure enough, suddenly a breath came out of this place, and it was necessary to condense the formed body. It is the smell of ancient dust.

"Good boy." The giant spirit **** saw the situation of Gu Chensha, the more intense the expression of fear on his face, but his followers showed no mercy, and suddenly he used fierce means.

A rune appeared in front of him.

Above Fu Yan, there is a small sword and a small knife.

This sword and knife crossed each other, forming a lore of lore.

"Endless sword, endless sword." At this time, the old man in the wild waste suddenly thought: "This is the two most powerful of the endless thirty-six treasures, dedicated to presiding over combat and logging. This rune is the essence of the sword. It ’s made, and the rune offering is equal to the endless sword and the endless sword. Although this sword is not in the hands of the giant god, he seems to know the whereabouts, and can still be connected. With the power of the sword? Then, it seems that the reincarnation of the Endless Sword and the Endless Sword have already appeared? Who is it? I may be able to look for it, and then seize it, seize his energy and treasure, and break through the realm is in an instant. "

Fu Yi came out.

Sword beheaded.

Stranded towards the ancient dust that has just formed!

Gu Chen's body collapsed immediately and could no longer condense, but turned into a lot of vitality and fled around.

"Hahahaha ..." The giant **** saw this scene and laughed for a long time: "Even if your kid is treacherous and sly, he will be chopped by the Endless Sword and the Endless Sword today. He will have to be severely damaged again, these The source is for my use! Absorb! "

Oh oh ...

Suddenly, the body of the giant spirit **** turned into a huge vortex. This vortex changed violently, and it was necessary to absorb the origin of ancient dust and sand.

At this time, the old people in the famine waste are also doing the same absorption, and the two will have to divide the origin of ancient dust and sand.

That is, between several breaths, the origin of the ancient dust and sand scattered and escaped was completely divided up by the giant spirit **** and the old man in the desert.

The two gathered these origins in their bodies and were preparing to refine it, but suddenly it appeared that they were not absorbed as the origin, but a sin!


The old Honghuang came out screaming first, his body was filled with dark air, his face was miserable, as if he had gone into a devil, hysterical. He opened his teeth and danced close to madness, and a stream of air burst out in his body, as if his origins were also passing away.

"Abandon myself!"

At the most critical moment, when the old man in the wasteland moved, many spirits in his body burned automatically. His original body turned into ashes, and a cloud of green smoke emerged from the ashes. The green smoke condensed into a shape and moved deep Run away.

The ashes squirmed and turned into ancient dust.

Gu Chensha's face was as usual: "I can turn sin into merit, and at the same time I can also turn merit into sin. You actually swallowed my origin. Isn't this your own death? Giant spirit god, you swallowed my origin into it, but now It's good to give your origins! "


A giant explosion also appeared on the body of the giant spirit god.

"Boy, you're ruthless!" The body of the giant spirit **** also burned like the old man in the wild wasteland, turned to ashes, got acquainted with it, released the original source of the ancient dust and sand, and escaped by himself.

This is an extremely powerful secret method, called the "Honghuang Freedom Path", which is the strongest method of avoiding evil and evil that the old people of Honghuang and giant spirit gods have learned from the flood gates.

"Giant spirit god, do you want to go?" The origins of Guchensha once again condensed into one body, and the essence seems to have undergone some kind of reincarnation: "The old man in Honghuang can go, you can't go, if not today, with the help of this great Qianhonghuanglong I can't fully train my Sacred Heart of Truth to kill Thunder, nor can I raise the Divine Gourd to another level. At this moment, the Divine Gourd is no longer lost to any of the endless treasures. Daqianhonghuanglong Thunder, good thing, this thunder tempers my body and baby, that is the best. I thank you for your layout, of course, these layouts are also my expectations, now I have become a saint, The Sacred Heart of Truth is unprecedentedly powerful, even endless in nature. These are your credit, and I have to refine you into the Divine Gourd. You will eventually repent and reward you. "

Between words, Gu Chen's body moved slightly, and the Divine Gourd appeared again on his head.

At this moment, the Divine Gourd is invisible at all, between the existence and non-existence.

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As soon as it swells, it becomes a person to rise. The color is the color of chaos. It seems that a perfect Shenzhou is condensed into the depths of the gourd.

In the middle of the perfect Divine State, there is Yinzhou, but the Yinzhou in the Perfect Divine City is no longer a demon domain, but a capital city, the center of the entire Divine State.

The center of Yinzhou is a palace. Deep in the palace, there is a throne, which is the Emperor of Heaven.

This is the perfect state in Gu Chen's heart.

Divine Land needs evolution. The principal of Divine Land was originally the Son of Heaven. After evolution, it became the Emperor of Heaven.


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