Dragon Talisman

Chapter 791: Secret of the Giant Spirit

Gu Chensha did not die among the robbers. Of course, under the Daqianhonghuanglong Thunder, this kind of power equivalent to the Daqian world's self-detonation, he was seriously injured. If it is not damaged, it is too exaggerated. After all, He is in a low level now. E novel Ww "W. Y1XIAOSHUO. Com

You know, the world of Daqian is no better than the world of Daqian. The real power of Daqian is vast and vast.

Why can Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and the Moon, be able to dominate the world? In fact, a large part of the reason is that he can use the power of the sun and the moon.

The sun and the moon are also worlds in their own right, even more domineering than the Three Supreme Artifacts.

The world of thousands is also divided into levels.

The low-level Daqian world is the Xuanhuang Daqian world, the central Daqian world, the grandmother's Daqian world, and so on. These are derived from the chaos of time and space. Among them, the world of all things is also brewing. Although these worlds are strong in nature, they have not yet fully awakened. Nature.

And the world with a higher rank is the sacrifice to heaven, the flood gate, the Hongmeng tree.

The higher level is almost the spirit world, the fairy world, the sun and the moon.

Higher than these is Middle-earth China.

Then there is only the endless world, which is the heaven.

The celestial realm does not belong to the Daqian world.

The main hub of heaven is the Emperor of Heaven.

Only by gaining this position can you truly grasp the power of the heavenly realm, further integrate with the heavenly heaven, and use the strongest force in the heavenly heaven.

This is the strongest means.

Gu Chensha has now achieved the sage, and has become the "Three Sacred Hearts of Truth" in the 33 changes in the state of affairs. This was achieved by the destruction of the dragons and thunders of the Qianqian flood. But his vitality was so badly damaged, otherwise, in a short time, he could besiege the giant spirit **** and the old man in the wilderness.

The two masters did not have the ability to escape in the face of Gu Chen, who became a sage, but the ancient dust and sand were so badly damaged that they were the first to escape.

Gu Chensha did not go after him. He had to stare at the giant spirit **** and kill this **** before he could relieve his hatred.

A burst of vitality spurted out.

Ancient Dust God Divine Gourd locked the giant spirit god, making the giant spirit **** unable to escape and change.


Gu Chen's palms were sculpted into runes, and great power was brewing and rotating in the palms, and then the landslide and tsunami seemed to be released from the palms.

"Giant spirit god, I'm letting you escape today, I can make up for the day, I can make it up. Eat me a note, just came out, Tiandiquan!" Gu Chensha fluttered, the man has passed, use the Divine gourd Absorb the giant spirit god, and the fist has reached his side.

Gu Chen's boxing skills are always changing, and his martial arts are always improving.

In one punch.

The world is discolored, the world is transposed, the world is swollen, and chaos is scattered.

The giant spirit **** saw the fist coming from Guchensha, it was with the confidence of killing. The reckless emperor's true meaning contained in the fist let him know that he could not resist the fist at all, even if he was from ancient times. The practice of the times has reached the present, and the business plan is developed step by step. First, it becomes a true god, and then escapes the seal of the ancient step immortal. It also pretends to cooperate with the witch ancestors, and then devours the witch ancestors. There are great hopes to achieve Tianyuan Realm, but in the face of Gu Chensha, he still cannot help.

"No! I am the strongest, good at calculations. You are a little humble existence, how can you compete with me and kill me. Guchensha, I let you know that even the ancient stepper can't kill me , Let alone you. "At this moment, the giant spirit **** once again showed unexpected means.

Under Gu Chen's fist attack, he disappeared.

This body is completely gone, Nirvana has disappeared, or it is integrated with the Heavenly Way. After the death of the saint, he has become the nourishment of Heavenly Way.

After the death of ordinary people, the body becomes the nourishment of the earth, and after the death of the saint, it becomes the nourishment of heaven.

At this time, the body of the giant spirit **** died, disappeared, and disappeared.

For a dead person, there is nothing wrong with ancient dust.

"Gu Chensha, you can't kill me. My real means is to reverse my life and death. Other masters, even the ancestors of heaven and earth, ca n’t be resurrected after death, but I can At will, I am dead, and I can live again. "Giant Spirit Shinto:" The ancient dust and sand, now I am dead here, but I will be resurrected in another place, this is the authority that I have thoroughly comprehended the heavens, boy For some studies of Heaven, you are still far behind. "

Gu Chensha's fist was lost. Watching the giant spirit **** die like this and merge into the heaven, I don't know where it will be resurrected.

"This is the means of the real giant spirit god." Gu Chensha saw this scene, but did not continue to pursue, because he knew that he could not pursue, and he could not attack a dead person.

"Even if the heavens are weakened now, the saints will need a great sacrificial power if they want to be resurrected, and the sacrificial power must also be of a high quality. If there are even more ordinary people, the sacrificial power is not advanced, pure, and impossible. Resurrect the saint. "Gu Chensha thought silently in his heart." But all in all, the more he is a domineering person, the higher the demand for the power of sacrifice. But it is obvious that the giant spirit **** can be resurrected without the sacrifice power. This is his greatest peculiarity. It is no wonder that he will be the most cunning and scary one. It seems that I still did not expect him to be so capable. "

The ancient dust and sand quieted down, and absorbed the power to recover the vitality secretly.

At this moment, a huge force suddenly collapsed in the depths of Honghuang Longmen, swallowing him, and actually ejected him out of Honghuang Longmen.

Then, the huge flood-dead dragon gate and the surrounding world of five elements and thousands of things completely disappeared, but actually moved to another time and space.

"Honghuang Longmen ........" Gu Chensha looked at the left Honghuang Longmen and did not go after him. In fact, this time his purpose has been achieved. With the help of the "Daqian Honghuang Longlei" that burst from the Honghuang Dragon Gate, he finally completed the last pass. He became a saint, his strength increased, and the Chinese gourd became more and more powerful. He was determined to suppress it. Honghuang Longmen, but now is not the time, because after all, Honghuang Longmen is a baby who can be equated with the sacrifice of heaven, even if it is very weak now, he wants to suppress it, and it will not be done in a short while.

And as a flood gate, if it explodes, it is still unknown whether the ancient dust can suppress it.

Because of the ancient dust and sand, the vitality damage is also extremely severe.

Even if he used all means to suppress the flood-dead dragon gate, he could not refine it. The flood-dead dragon gate's fight for trapped beasts would greatly restrain him. At this time, if other enemies came to attack, he would be dead without burial. Ground.

Moreover, he calculated that even if all the forces were restored, it would be necessary to use the power of Divine Land to suppress the flood gates. In addition, it would take decades of water-milling efforts.

Now that the world is in full swing, where does the time allow him to have decades?

What's more, he has many enemies. In order to deal with Honghuang Longmen and divide the spirit of 99%, other things can't be done.

"Unfortunately, if Honghuang Longmen volunteered to surrender to me, it would be a beautiful thing. Now that he has his own idea, I can only give up. Fortunately, I became a saint, and even learned the way of the heavenly emperor, The dragon mind method and raising the dragon mind method are all made up. Under normal circumstances, I can create more born saints. "Gu Chensha took a long breath and said," I have control over the people of Shenzhou. This is my greatest advantage. After I went back, I merged the holy dragon heart into my dragon fist, and spread it all over the world. Although not to say that everyone can be sanctified, the top of my Jingxian Division can at least have thousands more born. Saints, in this way, the quality and quantity of our sacrifices will be increased by hundreds of times. This is not to mention that the people in the world can eliminate the stupid husband by practicing Renlongquan. Now if everyone in the world is of the highest qualification , The power of sacrifice that I have gained can turn the world upside down and crush any being. "

After Gu Chensha gained the Holy Dragon's Heart Method, he knew what treasures and three artifacts are actually not as hard to manage the world as himself, to master the luck and sacrifice of the world.

If he can turn everyone in the world into first-rate qualifications, suppressing Gu Tiansha, the Lord of the Sun and Moon, will not be a problem.

If he can turn all of the world into a genius qualification, he is truly invincible, and even forcibly opens the door of the heavens, and it is not impossible to obtain the throne of the emperor.

If all are Wizards and born saints, then everyone is sanctified. In this realm, the fulfillment of heaven is not a lie.

You should know that in the big family, a genius who does not know how many blessings are cultivated from generation to generation can build a golden dan of the Eighteenth Transformation Avenue and live a thousand years.

The genius in the world is one in a billion.

Gu Chensha knows that operating the world is the general trend. The real conspiracy, and collecting magic weapons everywhere is actually a trail.

Therefore, he was very satisfied this time, and obtained the Holy Dragon mentality. He went back to calculate a little, realized it, merged into the human dragon fist, and first improved the internal combat power of the Jingxian Division.


His body has left here ~ www.readwn.com ~ Then the next moment, he reached the inside of Jingxian Division, among the thousands of worlds in the sphere of the wish of life in the small Hongmeng tree, silent.

It is now the end of the thirty-fourth day of Futian, nearly thirty-five years. He practiced for many years in the flood gate.

The world is very calm, and it is still magnificent.

Because many old antiques are forming alliances and waiting for opportunities, many old antiques know that there will be huge movements in Tianfu 36 years, and the calamity will begin in that year, and the world will change completely.

So now everyone does n’t do anything, and they are still waiting. Whoever shoots first will reveal the flaws and be counted by the enemy.

"Dust, you are back?" Wu Sheng Tianzun is practicing, seeing Gu Chen returning silently, he could not help asking.


{My Sina Weibo is also drawing a lottery, and the girl from the Shenjiying dances hot, everyone goes immediately. There is a chance to get a cash red envelope. }

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