Dragon Talisman

Chapter 793: Gather wisdom

Chapter 793 Gathering Wisdom

"I became a saint and gained great results and gained the holy dragon mentality, but this mentality still needs to be perfected and integrated into our human dragon fist. It is just a calculation with Master Wusheng. All of our Jingxian Division The high-level co-creation created a martial arts truth that can be passed down through the ages, and has existed in ancient times. E 』┡Fiction WWW』 W1XIAOSHUO.COM ”

Gu Chen said: "This matter must be quick. Once this martial arts has been realized, we can first spread inside the Jingxian Division, choose loyal people with lofty ideals to teach, and then our sacrifices and qi will increase greatly, making me have More power to surrender Hongmeng tree again, break the alliance of the three heavenly respects, and save Chang Weiyang. "

Gu Chensha did not forget his original intention. The reason why he went to the Honghuang Dragon Gate was to kill the giant spirit god, and to temper himself with the sinful spirit in the Honghuang Dragon Gate, so that he could become a saint. Chang Weiyang.

Because now the three celestial deities have joined together with Fa Sheng, Heaven and Earth ancestors, Xuanxin, Wudangkong, Xianzhu, and Wanxianshi to form a huge alliance. The alliance is so stable that even the ancient dust now has no victory. Because every old antique has its own heritage.

Of course, Gu Chensha passed down the holy dragon heart method he obtained, everyone is holy, upgrade his qualifications, and sacrifices such as the tide of the universe swept through, then his strength increases far beyond this alliance.

Operation is fundamental.

Under the greetings of ancient dust and sand, Lou worship, Zhuge Ya, the Lord of the Seven Stars, the God of Fortune, and even the God of Cangsheng, King of Cangsheng, Liu Yu, the five-season god, five people, Jin Suibo, the dragon is flying, the four elephants Beasts, the fourth child, Yuhuanlu, Yuhanlu, Long Yuyun, Ling Shaofei, Chang Universe, Xiaoyizi, Yiming, Yizheng, etc. The older generation's team also gathered here.

Some of them have followed Gu Gusha from the very beginning of his debut. For example, **** Xiaoyizi, who is now a Wizard of the World, has already made up for his physical defects, and he has established a twenty-variant state of affairs. Realm of mana.

But because of the lack of sacred dragon spirit, Xiaoyizi did not become a natural saint.

Now, when the time comes, Guchensha is ready to create this.

He who has been with him for so long must become a natural saint and later become a god.

Looking at the talents in front of me, Gu Chensha is somewhat impressed. I remembered that I was single-handed, came out of the old capital, came to Xianzhou, gradually gathered his hands, and established the foundation industry. At that time, it was difficult. Who ever thought that now can actually be true Dominate Shenzhou, and even play against heaven, even the Honghuang Dragon Gate, one of the three major artifacts, must avoid himself when he sees himself.

"I have already figured out the secrets of Honghuang Longmen, but it is not urgent. I can surrender to the sacrifice of heavenly festivities. Even if it is now, the half of the control of the sacrifice of heavens fate still has my control. I wrote the four characters of human victory, and suppressed the controlling power of heaven. Now I have come to understand the true meaning of human victory, which is to gather people's hearts, and in the human heart, we can refine the material of the heavenly ways. This is the victory of human victory. Where the basic theory is, otherwise, man ’s victory is nothing but empty words. ”Gu Chensha suddenly came up with an idea in his heart:“ With my current strength, it is possible to extract the heavenly substance from the human heart. This substance If you break into the sacrificial amulet, you can completely expel Wu Dangkong's will and the arrangement of heaven. Then you can master this amulet and refine it into the gourd of Divine Land, and you will be able to complete it immediately. In addition, there are many in this amulet The fundamental secret lies in some subtle mysteries of the throne of the emperor. "

In this world, the strongest magic weapon is "the emperor of heaven", but this one has never been seen by anyone, and no one has sat on it.

From the perspective of heaven, no one has taken the virtue and strength to sit on the throne of emperor since the chaos of the earth and the big bang.

Moreover, the relationship between Emperor Tiandi and Tiandao is not subordinate, but equal. It can be said that Tiandi is anthropomorphic and concrete side of Tiandao.

The emperor is the subordinate of heaven.

Gu Chensha participated in the enlightenment of Heavenly God, combined with the true meaning of the endless treasure, devoured the endless umbrella, and obtained many deepest secrets, and finally knew the secret of the Emperor Tiandi.

Therefore, he must obtain the throne of Heaven, and then he will have the opportunity to defeat Heaven and build his new ideal world.

If you want to change the destiny, you must also refine and master the emperor of the emperor to be the ultimate success. Just like the world, you must become the emperor.

At this time, the senior officials of Jingxian Division were all gathered, even including Taixuandu and Ji Qingwu.

After these people gathered, Gu Chensha waved and sacrificed the secret of the holy dragon's heart, and turned it into an article, a figure, and a mysterious idea, and kept spinning to form a sphere, giving many People watching.

"All of you, this is the method of holy dragon heart that I have obtained from the flood gate. According to the truth, as long as ordinary people follow the steps, first learn the method of raising the dragon heart, then practice the method of making the dragon heart, and finally learn the method of the heart of the dragon. After a great success, you can be transformed from a fool into a natural saint, but the theory is different from the actual operation. If you spread the three major minds all over the world, it is estimated that one in one hundred million people will become a natural saint. And now all of them will be published, and it will cause huge riots, so we must re-understand this method, create it again, and turn it into our way of human and dragon. You all pass wisdom into this ball of light. Let's start the calculation. "

Gu Chensha first input his wisdom into it.

"The Holy Dragon's mentality is indeed the way to go against the heavens, to seize the good fortune. Although it can make a fool achieve a natural saint, but because of the reversal of the days and destiny, it is destined to be entangled with sin, and the karma is not shallow. Perhaps a Jindan monk can He lived for thousands of years, but he practiced raising dragons, making dragons, and sacred dragons. After that, he would immediately encounter death and death. It is not necessarily. Sometimes, it is very dangerous to change lives against the sky. "Chang Yushu said:" This The Word must be taught carefully. "

"Indeed, you are a stupid husband. If you want to be a genius forcibly, you have to take great risks. There can be no smooth sailing. If you want to change your destiny, you have to be brave, Challenging fate. "Wu Shengdao:" This is unquestionable. In fact, it is not a good choice to announce the holy dragon heart method now. Instead, it is a bad step. Regardless of the disturbance caused by this method falling into the hands of the ambitionist, let's say. After a large number of people get it, forcible cultivation will inevitably lead to numerous deaths and injuries. So we have to improve it. That is kingship. "

"Dust, you should realize the supreme change of turning sin into merit, isn't it? So you have the confidence to improve this path and spread it." Lou Baiyue stared at the ancient dust sand.

"Yes, his enemies, my hero. The sin of the sky, my merits. I preach this way, and let everyone in the world and everyone be sanctified, then that person will also have sin. First, sin is greater than the practitioner. Now all I have to do is to bless the sin of those who practice it. The sins of the world are all attributed to me. The greater this sin, the greater my merit. , The greater the power. "Gu Chen said," This is what I want. "

"But I think your sins are transformed into merit and vigor. I'm afraid there is a limit. In case of too much conversion, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating." Wu Shengtianzun asked.

"It is true that there will be such troubles." Gu Chensha nodded: "But it also hone my chance. Without any pressure, I am afraid I cannot achieve the highest state."

"This also makes sense, no matter what, let's start with the calculation." Chang universe moved his mind and poured his own wisdom into it.

"The giants of the ancient Buddhism, your wisdom is also injected into it, let's enlighten us together." At this time, Gu Chensha waved again, and suddenly a force opened up the layers of time and space, and saw the huge Jinshan on the other side .

This is a blissful pure land created by Zhongqian World and countless giants of ancient Buddhism.

When I looked at the Jinshan on the other side, I saw flowers in the fog, which is not true. Now everyone in the ancient dust and even the Jingxian Division can clearly see that in this Jinshan on the other side, there are Lingshan holy places everywhere, many Huge Buddha's shadows are looming. Those Buddhas are not alive, but have fallen. But because the ancient Buddhism flourished, they spread the teachings to countless worlds, so the accumulated faith is extremely powerful. Those dead Buddhas To be able to manifest.

Later, the sacrificial power of the Jinshan on the other side was almost exhausted. Finally, they were persuaded by Gu Chensha and formed an alliance with Gu Chensha to spread the religion of Buddhism in the kingdom of the world, so that many beliefs were gathered.

The power of such belief has allowed the operation of Jinshan on the other side to be sustained.

Now between the fingers of the ancient dust, suddenly a lot of faith power is injected into the Jinshan on the other side. The power of these sacrifice is injected into the Jinshan on the other side. Suddenly, those Buddhas are alive.

They converged in front of the ancient dust and sand, and then injected their wisdom into the ball of light ~ www.readwn.com ~ Instantly, the light ball seemed to crack, and the light of wisdom was radiated from it. Imagine The power of these rays can penetrate the countless universes.

Between the calculations, the whole body of ancient dust and sand also bloomed out. Where this light shines, it is all thorough and there is no trace of doubt.

This is the light of omniscience.

Almighty light.

Under his wisdom and leading calculations, the light of this light ball finally began to settle down, turning into articles and graphics, which is the perfect way of recalculation.

"Renlongquan finally merged the holy dragon heart into it." Gu Chensha put these articles and graphics into Shenzhou Gourd, and stood up: "Renlongquan can now be gradually spread out."


{Today there is still only 8 o'clock. }

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