Dragon Talisman

Chapter 801: Ancient tomb

Chapter 801: Ancient Dome

"Xingqiangshi, this is a brand-new body that I have shaped for you. It is an innate spirit body that has been refined from chaos by using my means and wisdom. This is equal to the era of the ancient Chaos Big Bang, directly from the chaos. The creatures born out of it, although I took all of your original body and all your cultivation and magical powers, but this is also to get you out of the original trance and let you be born again. Now, I have merged my blood into Among them, you after the rebirth are called the ancient tomb. E novel Ww "W.Z1XIAOSHUO.COM"

Gu Chensha watched Xing Qiong's will enter the new body, and came out with a voice.

The newly-born Xingqiongshi opened his eyes, "Gu Chensha, you have deprived me of all my cultivation behaviors. I was originally the Tianshou Realm and my body is the first in the world. Now all my cultivations are lost to the magical realm. Now, my realm is just an ordinary person, not even Taoism. You are knocking me down to earth. Do you still want me to work for you? "

"Whether you want to work for me." Gu Chensha also equated all the practices of Xing Qiongshi, making Xing Qiongshi an ordinary person, but his qualifications are better, and he has innate qualities Spirituality, coupled with the memory of Xing Qiong's own, is very fast to cultivate: "All the practices in your body actually carry evil and a kind of sin. I can only change these sins now if you eliminate them all Become a real vicissitudes of life, reach the existence of tianyuan, do you know? "

"Gu Chensha, are you afraid that my will living in the Divine Gourd will pose a threat to your refining magic, isn't it?" Xing Qiongshi sneered again and again: "Now you drive my will out, and you really control it With the Divine Gourd, there is no more threat. This Divine Gourd is based on my original body and absorbs the endless tripod and the endless umbrella. In the future, I can definitely achieve supreme feats. I have seen that you will continue Absorb other endless treasures. "

"Good." Gu Chensha nodded: "Xing Qiongshi, if you are willing to be among our Jingxian Division, I will not drive you away, you will practice quietly here. We provide you with all resources With your memory, you can quickly cultivate to a very high level. Of course, you have n’t really been weak since you were born, and I want you to re-cultivate from a weak age. That is to make you truly consolidate. The foundation is good for your cultivation. "

"In short, even if you say so much, I will revenge." Xing Qiong's Road.

"Take it." Gu Chensha waved his hand and said to Wu Shengtian: "Mr. Wu Sheng, leave this ancient torture dome to you and let him practice from the beginning with Wu Emperor."

"I will pay attention to this matter. The Xingqiang itself is the existence of the hegemony heaven and earth. Even if it is the reincarnation of the mind, the practice is far beyond countless old antique reincarnation." Wu Sheng Tianzun nodded: "I know the meaning of the master I will teach these two people well. Even if there is no immortality, I always pay attention. Although these people have lost their treasures, their energy is still there. Maybe when the world changes, they There will be incredible changes and not necessarily. "

"It's the best." Gu Chensha rose from the ground. "I'm going to talk to the Chaos Emperor now. The little emperor of this foreign country, He De He Neng, dare to call himself Chaos Emperor. This The name must have enough energy to support it. If not, there is only a dead end. "

"The Chaos Emperor is not the master's opponent at all." Wu Sheng smiled: "That guy's tone is bigger than the sky, in fact, it is only the Tianshou realm, plus the luck of the Great Burning Empire, so he can call himself the Chaos Emperor, but He is not in control of Middle-earth China, so he is just a king of grass. There is nothing great about it. "

"This man's days are running, coming from the future, reincarnation to the present, can't be underestimated." Gu Chen said: "But I can completely surrender his endless Qibao, all refined into the gourds of China. In this way, China The power of the gourd will chase the flood gate and sacrifice the heavenly charm. Hongmeng tree. "

Between words, Gu Chen's body has disappeared.

He had completely locked the position of the Chaos Emperor.

In fact, the real name of Chaos Emperor is called Burning Man World.

When he came to the world, he had the power to burn all realms.

The speed of the ancient dust and sand is very fast. In a blink of an eye, it has left Middle-earth Shenzhou, and it is even wild.

That "Breaked Big 6" is in the past of the Wilderness Big 6, there is a mountain of flames, and there are lava everywhere. After this mountain of flames and sea of ​​lava, it is the field of mist. Fangyuan does n’t know how many billions of miles, all are shrouded in mist and the magnetic poles are chaotic. It was upside down, I don't know how many masters were trapped in it, and finally died.

After passing through this misty field, it is a continuous high mountain, a barrier of hundreds of billions of miles, and then over countless mountains, and then to the hurricane field. Numerous hurricanes roll around, accompanied by space cracks, shrouding the unknown space.

Then proceeded again, and then passed through the huge ocean, thunder field, poisonous marshes, and so on dozens of big six, this can reach the "burned big 6", basically, from Middle-earth China to burned big 6, even if it is God, it is impossible to fly without hundreds of years, because there is a lot of space barriers involved in the middle, and the fog of time and space.

But Guchensha didn't care about that.

His own cultivation and fighting has actually been above Tianshou. If one-on-one is required, the giant spirit **** has devoured Wuzu and Yuanshi Demon. The combat effectiveness is already the first in Tianshou. Ancient dust is still not an opponent.

The actual battle of Gu Chensha has already realized the way of the Heavenly Emperor. He has taken the Heavenly God to further the magic, combined the boxing method with the way of supplementing the heaven, and reformed the way of the heaven. He has integrated the two ways into the way of the Heavenly Emperor. Unpredictable changes, killing Saints and beheading God is almost a thought.

His degree has reached the point of ignoring any distance in time and space.

Only a few hours later, his people had reached the Burned Out Big 6.

Burned out Big 6 is extremely vast, with magnificent mountains and rivers, pleasant weather, and fertile land. It is rumored that in ancient times, a huge chaotic mountain fell from the sky, burned up, turned into dust, shrouded the earth, and finally settled down, forming a thick Thick crust, this became the burned-out Big 6.

The ancient dust and sand directly landed in the big 6 capitals. The capitals were all built with huge stones, flat and smooth. Although they can not be compared with the old capital city of Zhongzhou, China, they are still very prosperous, but they are still very prosperous. In comparison, it is still in the taste of an ancient dynasty.

Now in Middle-earth China, there are many high-rise buildings, flying boats flying around in the sky, many trains on the ground rushing and roaring, and the teleportation array is coming and going. It is a scene of the heyday of mechanical civilization.

So now the entire Big 6 is burned, the population of the Great Burned Empire is hundreds of billions, but the gas transportation has not yet been one tenth of the Middle Kingdom Divine Yong Dynasty.

In addition, the masters of the entire court nation are far worse than the state of Yong Dynasty.

If the two countries are at war, the Yong Dynasty can destroy the Great Burning Court hundreds of times without blinking.

You should know that for more than ten years, a blowout in Qiyu, Zhongtu Shenzhou, countless people have received the ancient baby elixir, etc. Even the farmers who farm in the field can get the fairy family baby, not to mention, the ancient dust and sand support The dragon-made dragon heart method merges into a human dragon fist, which is unpredictable and enhances qualifications. The Great Burning Dynasty did not have this advantage.

Walking on the street, I saw a variety of rangers galloping wildly, the wine house and the blue building were very lively, and the fans of silk, bamboo, and dance were confusing, and it was a prosperous world.

In contrast, the speed of Middle-earth China is too fast. Everyone is practicing hard and fighting against the demons. Life here is slow and comfortable. It is the ideal ancient dynasty.

Ancient dust has a different style.

Middle-earth China is actually out of the civilization model of the ancient dynasty. Instead, it is a combination of Xiandao civilization and prehistoric mechanical science and technology civilization, which is also needed by Tianfu.

"Thirty-six years of Tianfu, the calamity is approaching. I think that whatever burning the world will also find ways to improve the national strength. He can extract magic botanical medicine from the chaos endlessly, so that the people can improve their quality and strength, and sacrifice it. The power will also increase greatly. I think he also collects endless treasures. The endless treasures can urge the power of heaven and accelerate the extraction of matter from the chaos. "The ancient thought of ancient dust and sand paved slightly and has seized The smell of the burning world of the self-proclaimed Chaos Emperor.

At this moment, Burning World was already in the palace of the capital.

He was still shrouded in endless armor, making it impossible to see any true face at all.

His six subordinates, three men and three women, endless needle, Dan, pen, palace, tree, book. They all stand under the throne of the emperor. In addition, there are several eunuchs and cabinet ministers.

"His Majesty the Great ~ www.readwn.com ~ You are here this time to strengthen the National Games." A Cabinet Minister stepped forward and started to play: "My minister has written a discount here and put forward some poor advice."

This cabinet minister is a middle-aged man, elegant and elegant, but he is actually a god!

God-level master.

And it is the state of the thirty-two changes in the state of "one thought through the sky", which can be transformed into a saint in just one step, but the qualification cannot be broken.

"This time I went to the Middle-earth Divine Land, the center of Wanjie, and saw the Dayong court that now occupies the Middle-earth Divine Land. It was really shocking. Although the population of this Yong Dynasty was less than one tenth of ours, their luck It is dozens of times more than ours, and their overall qualifications far exceed our number. "Burning Wanjie made a sharp voice:" The Middle-earth Divine Land is indeed the center of Wanjie, even if it is our burning down 6 Fertile, it is impossible to compare with Middle-earth China, so we must occupy Middle-earth China. The calamity is imminent. Whoever can occupy Middle-earth China can take the lead. "


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