Dragon Talisman

Chapter 802: 2 design

Chapter 802 Secondary Design

The self-proclaimed Chaos Emperor's Burning Realm is always hidden inside the endless armor. He wears a wide robe and a bronze mask like Wanxian Shi, which makes people unclear about the true face. Ω ”ΔE novel Ww * W. 』1XIAOSHUO. Com

"Emperor, we are too far away from Middle-earth Divine Land. Even gods ca n’t reach it. Unless we are cultivating Heavenly God, we can pass through layers of barriers and reach Middle-earth Divine Land. But we can only cross it alone. It is impossible to bring all the huge empires past. "Another Cabinet Minister came up and started to sing:" Of course, the emperor is invincible, and it is possible to bring all the people of the empire into their own world, and then bring Go to Middle-earth China to find a place to settle, but this will cause chaos in the operation of the empire, let alone the landing of luck. There is no place near Middle-earth China to settle so many huge people. Do you allow others to sleep? The Yong Dynasty in Middle-earth China will certainly not let us go. "

This cabinet minister is actually a saint.

The saints all condescended under the burning world.

"Now the world is peaceful. In fact, there are many people who are unwilling to leave home. Naturally, I cannot forcibly relocate them, otherwise they will have resentments deep in their hearts. In this way, the power of sacrifice and the national movement will be against me. "Everything is worth more than anything." Burning Manjie is well-versed in governing the country: "This seat has long been arranged. Collecting seven endless treasures, and uniting, we can motivate part of the power of heaven. In this way, we can open the teleportation array. Go directly from here to somewhere outside the Middle-earth Divine Land, and then you will inspire the people, saying that the Middle-earth Divine Land has endless wealth, and everyone looted in the past. As a result, the people ’s hearts are rising and the atmosphere is warm. It will rise. Now our court is too comfortable, no threat. Over time, the people ’s hearts are eroded, the power of sacrifice is scattered and unsteady, the popularity is weak, the national movement is easy, and the crisis will occur. And the Middle-earth China now has barbaric aggression outside and inside. There are demons exploding, and the fairy and demon are always embarrassing. In this way, everyone is energized, and luck is naturally a hundred times stronger than us. So-called Suffering for the worst. "

"Born in sorrow, died in peace. The emperor's sentence is really deafening." Another Cabinet Minister said: "If we fight against the Yong Dynasty in Middle-earth China, we will definitely stimulate the practice among the people, strengthen the country, and make the world renewed. Revitalize and revitalize. "

"However, the people of Middle-earth China are brave. We are not adversaries at all. If large-scale combat incurs, our country's overall luck is far worse than that of the Yong Dynasty." At this time, the icy woman of the endless needle quickly came forward: "Master, I traveled all over the world. The current people in Middle-earth China are arrogant and thousands of times our country."

"I also know this." Burning Manjie said: "So we must invade, but also start training from the elite, first gather the masters to carry out destructive plunder, and this seat will start to create a lot of treasures, the advantages of this seat Countless treasures are extracted from chaos. These days, I have studied endless treasures, and countless experiences, and finally created a set of battle armor. "

Between the words, a wave of chaos fell down, and it wriggled slightly, about tens of breaths, from which a chaotic-colored armor was extracted. This armor was ancient and vicissitudes, with many runes on it. Flowing, powerful defensive and attacking forces were born from it.

"This is ..." a Cabinet Minister shocked: "Emperor, the power of this Warframe is almost equivalent to the arrogance of the Twenty-seventh Change of the Doctrine."

"Yes, this armor is created by me and named Chaos Warframe." Burning Manjie said: "This armor has the ability to tear the void, and the most important thing is that ordinary people can also wield powerful after wearing it. In addition to its combat effectiveness, this armor can also help people practice. The Jingxian Division has some dragon armor, but it is not comparable to my chaotic armor. "

"Emperor, can this warframe be mass-produced?" Said the saint-level cabinet minister: "The minister just observed it. The emperor needs dozens of breaths to make such a warframe, even if it is counted, even It is made by the emperor day and night. In fact, it is also a waste of money for our entire country. It is said that the man-made dragon armor of Middle-earth China was created by a small Hongmeng tree. The manufacturing ability of this tree is very powerful and can be used in an instant. In time, millions of armors were condensed in batches. In addition, a country's national strength is dominated not by the emperor's refining magic weapon to supplement the national treasury, but by the capacity of the private self, otherwise it is not governing the country, but raising pigs. In the Middle-earth China, the Yong Chaochen also had some research and heard about them. They are divided into heavenly engineering institutes, manufacturing various machinery of prehistoric civilization, and Jingxian Division is spreading the immortal civilization. Then they will drive the folks and demons and barbarians to fight and evolve themselves. As a result, the atmosphere and strength of the people are very different. "

"This is indeed a good thing." Burning Manjie said: "I am also going to make something similar to Xiaohongmeng tree, absorb the atmosphere of chaos, and make various treasures such as elixir. My Majesty has an endless tree. The reincarnated people, based on this tree, can also pass through the small Hongmeng tree. In this way, all of you will contribute your endless treasure, and I will use the endless treasure to make a magic weapon that is ancient and modern. "


These six people did not hesitate to fly the endless treasures on their bodies.

Endless needle, Dan, tree, book, pen, palace.

Six endless treasures burst into the air with great strength. At this time, the endless armors of Burning Man Realm also flew up, gathered in the air, and gathered together with six endless treasures. The power of heaven is boiling.

Seven treasures in one.

The endless treasure is that each piece can be combined. The larger the number, the greater the power, and the greater the power of the heavens that can be urged. Now that the seven endless treasures are gathered together, the power is almost shocking, and they can travel to and from every place in the endless world.

After burning the endless armor, burning Wanjie still did not show his true colors, but he was enveloped in a chaotic atmosphere, and he still couldn't see his true colors.

He kept urging his strength, trying to unite the seven treasures.

At this time, in this palace palace, all cabinet ministers and eunuchs retreated.

"Condensing these seven endless treasures, you can open the teleportation array and strengthen the National Games. Unfortunately, this time the endless sword and the endless sword have not been captured, otherwise. Now it is nine treasures in one, absolutely It's not like this. "Burning Man World was very dissatisfied.

"It's all a subordinate's mistake." The six of them immediately knelt down.

"According to the truth, these six people were deprived of the endless treasure. It should be angry, but now they are still dead. What is the charm of burning the world? The people who reincarnated the endless treasure are all in existence. Slavery is my reincarnation. The endless treasure of Jingxian Division is reincarnated. Three men and eight men, Fang Lin, are all Warriors, let alone Wen Hong. "Gu Chensha has long locked the breath of the" chaos emperor " , Lurking into this palace, watching the emperor and his ministers hold a meeting.

Burning Wanjie actually led his people, opened the portal, and then attacked the Yong Dynasty.

Gu Chensha just sneered.

The comprehensive strength of the Great Burning Dynasty is too weak in ancient dust and sand, and it is not enough to pose a threat. It can be said that as long as the seal of the Wan Realm is sealed, repressed, and refined, basically the entire court will fall apart and cannot be controlled. A large country with a population of hundreds of billions.

He has just observed the overall situation of the country.

The entire Great Burning Dynasty is indeed very strict. There are no opposition forces, but it can also be a master in the private sector. There are not a few people with the spirit of dragons. As long as there is no repression by the overlords, these people will rise up and disrupt the situation in the world. I do not know how many people are called emperors, and several people are called kings.

However, Gu Chensha has no interest in manipulating the situation of the Great Burning Dynasty. Even if there are 200 billion people here, if it works well, after decades of time, Gu Chensha can once again gather into a huge faith and sacrifice. Here Country and population are a great wealth for any master, but Guchensha has no time now.

What he has to do is to make good use of the people ’s popularity in the Middle-earth China and the tens of billions of people in the Yong Dynasty, so that everyone is a sage and everyone is an odd number.

It takes a lot of power.

Besides, in the endless world, there are not a few countries like the Da-Fei Dynasty. There are as many ox hair as the ancient dust and sand open the door of the heavens and obtain the throne of the emperor. Naturally, you can master every corner of the heavens and then countless courts Gathered together, as a true supreme existence ~ www.readwn.com ~ The hearts of the people are gathered, and all sentient beings are united, and it is far from being able to do this.

"This burning mansion is refining a magic weapon. I could have taken it directly and swept away, but this is not necessary. Besides, the real secret of this person has not been forced out." At this time, Gu Chensha suddenly showed his own. Shape.

Just in front of the eyes, he appeared like a ghost and demon king.

"Burning all realms, you, a small country, are still plotting my Middle-earth Divine Land. Is your ambition too great, and you also designed to capture the ancient bullet sword and ancient constant sword, these two are the royal relatives, You have violated the law. Do you know? "Gu Chensha looked at the seven heavenly treasures, and a smile appeared on his face. He did not immediately collect it.

"The ancient dust and sand!" At this time, the burning of the Manchuria hidden in the air of chaos continued to condense, and did not stop: "I know that you will come, and your means of Jingxian are really extraordinary and can lock my position Neither my cultivation nor mystery can escape your calculations, but this is also my plan. You were seduced by me, do you know? "


{Today there is only one more. }

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