Dragon Talisman

Chapter 803: Fierce means

Chapter 803 Spicy Means

"Oh? I actually hit your scheme. What did you do?" Gu Chensha faced the "chaotic emperor" burning Wanjie's words, but he was very easy, because Xiuwei reached his To the extent that any conspiracy and scheming are ridiculous, since he defeated the will of heaven and achieved the **** level, he has basically opened the way to sweep the world. ┡ 』E┡" "Ω novel WwΔW. 1XIAOSHUO. Com

Besides, he is not a **** now, but a higher-level saint.

His Sacred Heart of Truth is the most powerful Sacred Heart ever.

"Today you are trying to escape, I have calculated well, and you will come to me." Burning Man Jie Duan sat on the throne, leaving seven endless treasures to condense and change. His eyes looked at the ancient dust, as if Looking at a table of food, "As long as I catch you and refine it, you can completely occupy Middle-earth China. People say that the son of thousands of gold can't sit in the hall. As the master of China, it's really stupid to go to a dangerous place in person. "

"This place is dangerous? Why didn't I feel it?" Gu Chensha smiled: "At best, this is just a place for leisure and entertainment. As for you, Xiao Yan. The current strength is only the realm of Tianshou. It is extremely close to chaos and can Creations in chaos do not need to waste power. This method is used to operate, not to fight. I want to capture you, almost instantly. "

"You ..." Suddenly, Burning Manjie was surprised: "How do you know ..."

"Is it strange that I can know your name in the future? Burning Manjie is just the name you reincarnate here, and your real name in the future is called Xiao Yan." Gu Chensha is all in his grasp: "You I also underestimated me too much, I have all your past and future in my heart, so I set out to find you, but I am curious, what means do you have. Actually say that you must die? You should know my strength . "

"Ignorance." A clear sneer appeared on the face of burning Manjie. His eyes were like eagles, high above him. Looking at Guchensha was like a fat rabbit and a mouse: "This burned down big 6, the entire empire, hundreds of billions. People ’s people are a trap. You have fallen into it now, you know? Do you say that if I take the sacrifice of all the people in the entire empire, the power under one blow, will you die? Burning out Big 6 has completely become a huge trap and killing battle. "


Gu Chensha looked around. The sky suddenly darkened, and the sun and the moon were dark. It seemed that a huge pot lid was covering it.

"Emperor, you ..."

At this time, several cabinet ministers were shocked when they saw all this. Even if they were all god-level masters, they didn't even lack saints, they were surprised by the crazy thoughts of burning all realms.

Burning the Manchuria actually meant to burn all the 600 billion people and the entire Big 6 to sacrifice. With the power of sacrifice, the ancient dust and sand were killed in one fell swoop.

"Stop!" Burning Manjie sneered again and again, at this time, his face appeared embarrassed: "This seat is the emperor, the world is all this seat, the king wants to die, the minister has to die, this seat has been set up long ago Well, the large array, which has been running for decades, is one day to play a key role. Now this block has started the large array. This burned out Big 6 is about to be broken into chaos and sacrificed to chaos. Originally, this burning The Big 6 is part of the Endless Big 6. I use this Big 6 and even all the creatures on the Big 6 to sacrifice to Chaos, and I will definitely be backstabbed by the Endless Big 6. Maybe I have been sacrificed before the sacrifice is successful. Endless Big 6's back bite was killed, but now that I have a few endless treasures, I can perfectly eliminate this back bite. "

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the endless chaos of air came down.

The earth seemed to be collapsing, the people were wailing, burning down the depths of Da 6 and encountering an unprecedented disaster, which was an extinction.

The burning of Man Wan Jie was laid out on the burning of Da 6 decades ago. The entire Da 6 and the entire empire have been laid out in secret, just like the heavens and gods in the layout of Emperor Tianfu.

However, Emperor Tianfu was to protect the Middle-earth Divine Land, while the Burning World was to directly sacrifice and burn up the Big Six, and to deal with the enemy in the strongest blow.

The viciousness of burning all realms can be seen. In order to destroy the ancient dust and sand, he disregarded everything, abandoned his empire, abandoned his subjects, sacrificed everyone, and even sacrificed the Big 6. It can be said that this burning Wanjie is more cruel than the most ferocious demon in the world.

For example, the leader of the gnome demons, the dead gnome emperor, he cannot sacrifice all the gnome demons to complete himself, even if they can do it.

"Burning all realms, you are simply heartbroken. I have never seen a demon like you." Gu Chensha looked angry. "The people who burned the Big 6 and burned the empire are your people. They Respect you, love you, worship you, and you take them as a sacrifice. "

"Hahahahaha ..." At this time, the formation method of burning Wanjie was completely moving: "Heaven and earth are benevolent dogs, and dogs are sacrifices. I am the person closest to heaven. I am chaos. Chaos is me, and the foundation of heaven is chaos. If heaven is a big tree, then chaos is the foundation of a big tree, and I am the root of heaven. "

"Hey ... even if you abandon these people, I can't bear the audience's extinction." Gu Chensha sighed a long time, and the breath of breath spread out. The forces of power were derived and the suppression was in all directions. All the chaos was settled down. The ancient dust and sand must use their own power to suppress the burning of the big 6 and prevent the sacrifice of burning the world.

The situation has been completely reversed. As the emperor of the Great Burning Dynasty, the thing that Burning World should do is to protect its country by death, but now Gu Chen is desperately protecting all the land and the people, and Burning World is about to be destroyed. Own people.

At this time, all cabinet ministers couldn't believe that their emperors were actually such people, so they were stagnant. Of course, at this level of engagement, they could not plug in at all, and were completely frozen by power.

The power of burning the world is to sacrifice and destroy them, and the power of the ancient dust is to save them. They are trapped in the two forces and can no longer move. They can only wait for the ancient dust and the burning of the world to separate. Negative, this can be released.

"Destroy the world and destroy the earth." At this time, the burning world again roared again. "The ancient dust and sand, useless. I have been running the Great Burning Dynasty for decades. The people are united. Only I have exclusive respect. I want to destroy them. They are all dedicated to me. Although you prevent me from destroying them, they will not be grateful to you, but they will hate you. You are fighting against hundreds of billions of people. "


The will of burning Wanjie was dispersed, and I did not know what kind of magical power was being carried out.

Suddenly, the entire Big 6 was burned, and countless people's hatred appeared. The object of these people's hatred was not to destroy their burning world, but to save them from the ancient dust.

The so-called "Qianfu refers to endless illness." It means that if a person is pointed by Qianfu, he will die even if there is no disease. The sentiments of all sentient beings are very deep and can reach the point of killing.

Now that the Big Six has been burned, hundreds of billions of people have been burned by Wanjie to urge some secret method, and they hate ancient dust and sand.

Suddenly, the grievances of hundreds of billions of people gathered and turned into an extremely angry grievance, all of which slammed into the ancient dust and sand, like a shadow following the bones.

"Hey, the world is foolish and deceived by the devil, but it doesn't matter. I have tolerance and tolerance is great. The sins of the world, the sins of the heavens, the sins of beings, and the grievances of the people belong to me."

Gu Chen sighed.

He didn't care about these grievances at all, and the color of compassion appeared on his face, which was a kind of compassion for all living beings. All living beings were responsible for their mistakes.

All sentient beings have karma, and they all bear it by themselves.

All beings are guilty of sin, and they fight against themselves.

All beings have iniquity.

All to themselves.

This is the realm of ancient dust.

Sure enough, after all sentient resentment was attributed to him, not only did he not cause any harm, but he transformed into his power.

He released these forces, which in turn suppressed the world, making it difficult to burn the formation of the Big Six, and it was difficult to burn the people.

"Burning all realms, it is impossible for you to sacrifice these people with me here. Although I saved them, they may not be grateful to me, but it doesn't matter." The white Changhong, traversing the void, permeated the entire burned-out Big 6.

The area where Da 6 was burned out has gone through the wild, even Tianzun can't cover it with his own power, but the ancient dust can do it.

Gu Chen's strength is far above Tianshou realm.


These white Changhongs completely covered the sky above the burned Da-6, and then turned into a white heavy rain that fell down and penetrated into the ground.

Suddenly, the sacrifice formations that have been laid for more than 30 years have been cracked.


Hidden in the chaotic elemental force, a blood spurted out of www.readwn.com ~, feeling seriously injured by the Qi machine.

"Gu Chensha, you actually broke my thirty years of painstaking business, you **** it!" One finger of burning Wanjie, suddenly the seven endless treasures came to kill Gu Gusha.

"Endless treasure? I have fourteen. You only have seven. How can you fight me?" When the gourd gourd over Gu Chen's head turned, a huge power of Divine was sprayed out, and seven Attacks made by endless treasures are blocked, then slowly eaten away, wrapped, and collected.

"Gu Chensha, you wait, I will not destroy your country, I will never give up!" It is to seize this opportunity, and burned the body of Wanjie, and already ran away.

At this time, Gu Chensha was already powerless to pursue, and he had to surrender these seven endless treasures.

After abandoning seven endless treasures to get out, in fact, the heart of burning Wanjie is bleeding, but there is no way. If he does not leave, I am afraid that he will fall into it and die.


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